ifonlytokka · 9 years
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
If any of your followers want to know anything about Tokka Week, hit me up. The TFU on dA isn't as active as it once was, but as the admin over there, I can assure you we will still be having a Tokka Week this year, August 1 - 7.
Wonderful~ you heard them guys since I’m still at bit of a crazy portion of my life and haven’t been as dedicated to this blog as I once was -- which I do apologize for -- so those of you that have stuck around should definitely continue with Tokka Week this year and enjoy it too the fullest!
Ship on~
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
Hey there, do you probably know anything about Tokka Week this year?
Unfortunately I’m not sure about anything from this year’s Tokka week I’m afraid that since my life got a little chaotic last year I haven’t been able to keep up with the Tokka side of the fandom as much as I used to. This year I’m afraid that I can’t be very helpful on that front, but I’m hoping that I’ll be able to return eventually.
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
676. Sokka suffers from PTSD and has frequent nightmares from it that can often lead to sleepless night for him. When this happens Toph will usually wake up and stay up with him. Most of the time they say nothing, Toph just wraps her arms around his shoulders and he listens to her heartbeat, it makes him feel like everything will be okay again.
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
Korrasami Korra is a high school football star Asami is a cheeleader
1) Give me a pairing.
2) Give me an AU setting.
3) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
She knew that she should've been focusing on the practice, the play off were coming up on them and she had to be ready for anything -- after all she was the star player.
However her eyes kept wandering over to the cheer practice on the side of the field, or more specifically a certain cheer captain that made quite the habit of teasing her.
Maybe getting to stare at her girlfriend during practice wasn't the best way to prepare for a season, but Korra really wasn't complaining about it and she doubted Asami was either.
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
Tokka, Sokka saying I love your the first time and toph finding a weird of saying it back without saying it.
1) Give me a pairing.
2) Give me an AU setting.
3) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
At first she didn't know what to do, she'd never heard someone say I love you to her like that before, in truth it almost a little frightening -- but for her emotions generally were.
Actions were always more her style (and of course this was no different), and maybe that's why she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down for a kiss.
"Heh, maybe you can handle the Blind Bandit Snoozles."
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
Borra. They're both opposing government spies defecting.
1) Give me a pairing.
2) Give me an AU setting.
3) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
She's always elusive, but so is he -- and now they play this constant game of cat and mouse, each waiting for the moment where the other will make that first misstep. 
In truth he's grown rather fond of this game, of learning about her in a way that no one else does, he thinks perhaps he knows her better than anyone else. 
In a situation like this though, growing fond of an enemy will only lead to destruction.
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
Tokka. Sokka is a goofy ghost living in Toph's apartment
1) Give me a pairing.
2) Give me an AU setting.
3) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
He really did like her, she was so much better than the previous tenant -- so full of life and passion.
He thought that perhaps she knew he was there, at least the way she seemed to speak into nothingness suggested that she at least suspected someone else was there moving things around or making odd sounds.
She was such an enigma to him in many ways and it made his usually boring after-life so much better than it had ever been before.
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
Bosami. Bolin is the tester/lab rat for Asami's inventions
1) Give me a pairing.
2) Give me an AU setting.
3) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
The things he did for love, sometimes he even amazed himself -- but at the moment even he was having some doubts.
"Uhhh Asami are you sure that this is safe? It seems a little well~ like it might explode."
"Don't worry so much, it'll be fine besides that we have other tests runs before I put you into them, I can't go blowing up my favorite~ test subject now can I?"
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
Borra. Korra is an adventurous archaeologist barging in Bolin's studies
1) Give me a pairing.
2) Give me an AU setting.
3) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
He was trying to be as careful as possible, wanting to be certain that he didn’t brush away any of the details on the ancient tablet he’d found embedded in the dirt.
“Is that a hieroglyphic tablet!?” Came a familiar cry, but he soldiered on trying to keep his concentration – but Korra always made that difficult in one way or another.
“Yes it is, but you have to wait your turn, I found it first.”
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
Tokka. Sokka exchanged one of his eyes for one of Toph's so she could see.
1) Give me a pairing.
2) Give me an AU setting.
3) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
It was still dark when she awoke, but this time it was because there were still bandages over her eyes -- once they were off she would find out if everything was going to change.
Everything was so overwhelming at first, so bright and so much going on -- she'd never know colors and yet they were everywhere (she thought she might've even been able to see them in her tears of joy), but Sokka was made of the most beautiful colors.
Even with his own bandage wrapped over one of his eyes Toph decided that she'd never seen a sight more beautiful or glorious than him.
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
Masami. Mako is an awkward and clutsy waiter
1) Give me a pairing.
2) Give me an AU setting.
3) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
He had to keep calm, had to keep his head cool, embarrassing himself in front of beautiful girl was not something he needed to do.
Unfortunately he hadn't seen the wrinkle in the rug and had stumbled, only to land at her table desperately clutching to the edge.
Somehow that stifled giggle made it all worth it.
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
Zuko/Toph Fairy tale/magical creatures
1) Give me a pairing.
2) Give me an AU setting.
3) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
The little sprite lifted a hand to stifle a giggle from her lips, she could still hear the poor pixie trying to get his way out of the cobweb he'd flown into.
"You know if you keep struggling like that you're just gonna get more tangled right? Just stop and I'll help you down." She chimed before swiftly swiping at the most weighted point in the web, letting the other the ground with a soft thud.
Zuko rubbed at his head where he'd fallen on it, looking up to see a blind little sprite with a smug looking grin -- sprites were always trouble.
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
Borra. Bolin is a genius (think Dr Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds)
1) Give me a pairing.
2) Give me an AU setting.
3) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
He was doing it again, speaking too much about something that only he cared about -- it always happened but he just couldn't help it.
Yet still, Korra listened to him and let him prattle on until he could finish a cohesive thought, but then again she always did and she looked at him like he was more than an IQ number -- like he had value.
That's what he liked about her, even though she didn't always understand him she still listened, and she still stayed.
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
Borra. Soldiers of fortune
1) Give me a pairing.
2) Give me an AU setting.
3) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
There was no place for hearts in their line of work, they did what they were paid to do and kept everything strictly business -- at least that was the plan.
Korra growled and slammed her fist against the wall, trying to work through the frustrations that were plaguing her. 
If she could develop feelings for Bolin, then everything could be ruined, she could go soft -- and she could lose him.
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
Tokka Dancing student and teacher
1) Give me a pairing.
2) Give me an AU setting.
3) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
"Stop stop, Toph you're trying too hard to be precise; you have great talent but you have to stop trying to be someone besides yourself -- now we're gonna try again and this time I want you to feel the music and use it for your movements."
She took a deep breath, trying to get her head back where it needed to be -- in the music instead of her flutter heart that skipped a little every time they touched.
He moved with her, letting her lead with her fluid movements and the while trying to not fall anymore in love with her than he already was -- after all he really shouldn't be.
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ifonlytokka · 9 years
Borra. They're part of the Jack Ass group
1) Give me a pairing.
2) Give me an AU setting.
3) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
"Okay! So Waking up the platypus-bear isn't working out like we thought! As y-you can see behind us it is much faster than anticipated!"
"If we don't get mauled remember that platypus-bears are more dangerous when angered!"
They didn't get mauled, but being stuck up a tree wasn't much better either.
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