idvlovblog · 3 years
Hey ! Can I get headcanons for Andrew with a female reader who calls him her hero when he saves her ^^ super fluff !
aww that's so cute!
Andrew with a female reader who calls him her hero:
doesn't believe you at first. like, at all
he's absolutely certain you're just making fun of him, or being sarcastic. his previous experiences with other people weren't the nicest to say the least
it'll take some time for him to start believing you
but once he realizes you're genuine? oh boy
flushes red everytime
gets super embarrassed and attempts to hide his blush in his hands
tries to reply somehow, but he just keeps stammering
overall: super cute.
he might try to act annoyed, but secretly loves when you say those things to him
it makes him feel appreciated. ♡
he'll save you everytime, even if he's injured, or the hunter has detention, or he's out of both tide and shovels
he might seem rude or cold at times, but he'd risk everything for you and your sweet words
be careful, though. he might get too distracted if you tell him those things in the middle of a match
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idvlovblog · 3 years
reminder that my inbox is empty and my requests are open. ♡
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idvlovblog · 3 years
my inbox is completely empty right now, so please feel free to send requests! ♡
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idvlovblog · 3 years
Hey!! I was wondering if I could get some platonic Bonbon headcannons with a non-binary reader? Thank you and have a nice day ^^ ❤️
!! i didn't expect to ever get a bonbon request, much less so soon! thank you so much for this! i hope you like it. ♡
Bonbon With a Nonbinary Reader:
honestly, bonbon would make a great friend!
he doesn't use big words, but still manages to get his point across
very enthusiastic and cute!
gets really happy when you call him nicknames instead of guard 26.
likes conversing with you and hearing your voice! he's a good listener
does that little flappy thing with his arms when he sees you! (something similar to his hit recovery attack)
bonbon is genderless himself (though the devs usually use masculine pronouns for him), so you being nonbinary wouldn't make any difference to him, though he might not know what that means
would listen if you wanted to explained the concept of gender to him, though
his mind is nearly completely human, and he doesn't like being treated like a simple machine or robot. please keep that in mind.
gets worried for you constantly
also, if you're sad, he automatically becomes sad too :(
has a complicated relationship with morality, especially when it comes to people he cares about
in his own words, he'd be willing to blow up anything or anyone that bothers you. but not without you directly asking him to.
he has really good memory! you could tell him you like a certain food once, and he'd still keep that in mind years later.
over all, best boy. i love him.
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idvlovblog · 3 years
Hello ! Can I request protective headcanons for Andrew and Luca with a female SO ?
i'm not at all proud of this one, to be honest, but i hope you like it!
he's so sweet and polite, of course he'd be protective of you!
his idea of love is showing concern and care
patches you up immediately when he finds you injured during matches
and always gives you a short kiss afterwards!
likes to hold you in his arms so he knows you're safe and comfortable
doesn't think you're incapable of protecting yourself, he just cares about you a lot.
will try to distract the hunter if you're kiting at half health
generally does way better in matches if you're there with him
he's scared to let you near any of his inventions in fear of them hurting you
also scared of accidentally zapping you
please try to meet him with the same care he gives you! it'll mean a lot to him.
shows you affection through hand kisses, like the polite aristocrat he is
won't leave through the exit gate until you're by his side
though he usually won't personally rescue you, unless it's necessary (he knows what his role is and commits to it fully, letting others do their jobs), he still refuses to leave without knowing you're safe
andrew my beloved. andrew the light of my life.
you're one of the only people in his life who have ever shown him kindness. of course the thought of losing you is unbearable to him
unless you two know each other for a long time and he fully trusts you, he'll probably still be cold and doubtful about everything you do
takes nearly everything you say to him the wrong way. he's constantly looking for any signs of you despising him.
but that doesn't stop him from caring. and boy oh boy does he care a lot
body blocks for you all the time
even if he's out of shovels, he'll just take the hit for you
he doesn't seem like the most selfless person in the world, but he truly would go to any length for anyone he loves
will get incredibly defensive if you point out how much he does for you
his need to protect you is probably partially caused by being raised in christianity. he feels as if it's his responsibility, as a man, to protect you - a woman he loves
of course andrew consciously knows you're not weak or anything, but that's just how he was raised
would secretly love it if you ever held his hand, just to reassure him that you're still here and that you still care about him
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idvlovblog · 3 years
could u do relationship hcs with Demi, Emily, Michiko, and Tracy (separate) preferably with a fem s/o ^_^ but g/n is good too
of course! sorry for the wait (i'm sick right now, so i couldn't really complete the request as fast as i wanted to) and i hope you like it!
ahh, i love her so much!
a relationship with her would definitely be exciting and fun
flirts constantly but in a really playful way and it may be hard to tell if she's actually interested in you romantically or just joking around
plus, she flirts with almost any nice, approachable person she meets
(though she definitely starts doing that a lot less once she realizes she's in love with you)
protects you with her life
whether it's in the manor or in a normal setting, she wouldn't let anything bad happen to you
gives you so many compliments!
and she means every single one of them
calls you "lady" a lot at first
probably starts distancing herself for a bit once you two get together
she never saw herself as someone who has anything to offer in a relationship, and she's scared of being bad influence on you
she thinks she might "ruin" you. which is obviously untrue!
with time, she'll begin to slowly realize that she's not someone hopeless or undeserving of your love
please support her then
whenever you two plan dates, she makes special drinks to fit the occasion. they're somehow even better than her usual work! the special ingredient is love. ♡
but she always keeps an eye on you when you're drinking. she's seen alcohol addiction before and doesn't want you to meet that fate.
loves giving you hugs! and squeezing your organs out in the process. seriously, her hugs are way too tight.
show your affection with beautiful flowers and thought-out compliments! she responds really well to that
loves being treated like a lady. opening the door for her, noticing her beauty, speaking to her somewhat formally, it makes her really happy
would be willing to teach you how to dance, if you wanted to!
i feel like she'd take you to classical concerts on your dates
or maybe to opera? either way, she loves fine art and would be happy to share said love with you
not really into pda
but likes hand-holding and giving you short, sweet kisses occasionally
you guys would have matching necklaces! she'd treasure hers and would rarely ever go out without it
she's usually melancholic and distant but she acts more comfortable and positive around you. you make her happy. ♡
she often feels like she's "not enough" or like you're wasting your time on her. please help her realize she's wrong.
she really likes japanese poetry (me too) and i'm certain she'd be over the moon if you ever tried writing something for her in that style
has a really cute laugh! please try to make her laugh often
definitely protective of you! she's a doctor, after all
she doesn't fret over you though, at least not excessively. she'll always make sure you're not putting yourself in potential danger and that you have healthy food and sleep routines, but outside of that she just lets you do what you think is best
she's always longed for peace, and she hopes she can find it with you by her side
her dream is to be able to provide a comfortable, safe future for the both of you
though she's usually composed, sweet words make her easily flustered
likes cooking with you! always gives nutrition advice when you two are preparing a meal
if you're injured, she'll always treat the wound gently and carefully, no matter how small it is. gives you forehead kisses afterwards. ♡
loves calm dates, like reading books together or making a semi-fancy dinner and setting a few candles on the table. things that are romantic and sweet, but don't require leaving the house or making big plans.
although she has lots of personal issues, they don't change your relationship or the way she treats you too much. sometimes she wonders if she deserves your love after everything she's done, but those thoughts go away eventually
she really likes tea! maybe you could take her tea-tasting sometime
tracy's literally so funny, i love her (go read her twitter replies, they're top tier)
calls you "dude" or "man" (but in a non-gendered way. you know what i mean) so often, you could consider it her pet name for you
takes you on the most interesting, fun dates you could imagine! you literally can't be bored with her by your side
she has those days where she works for hours without a break and doesn't leave her room until the project she's working on is finished. you're probably the only person who can tear her from work in those situations
loves you a lot, but she's not really big on heartfelt speeches and stuff like that
plus, she sometimes gets embarrassed even when trying to say a simple "i love you"
shows her affections mostly with actions, like making things for you, listening when you talk (even if it's not about something she's usually interested in) and hugging you all the time
doesn't even get mad even when you interrupt her work
quite the opposite actually! she gets more energetic after seeing your face
you're her biggest motivator. ♡
builds you miscellaneous trinkets and sometimes even robots! loves seeing your reactions to them and will get super happy if you say you like them.
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idvlovblog · 3 years
requests: closed
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please don't request more than 5 characters in one ask
tell me if you want the reader to be of a specific gender. if non-specified, i'll be writing them as gender neutral
for now, i won't be writing character x character, though this might change in the future!
i have the right to decline any request i don't feel comfortable with
i accept romantic, platonic, familial and general headcanons.
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topics i won't write about: incest, pedophilia, nsfw, hunter x survivor, pregnancy, abuse, yandere
characters i won't write for: jack, kreacher, servais, hastur, luchino
characters i will write for non-romantically: robbie, yima, joker, leo, bonbon, burke, freddy, percy
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about me:
my name is nikolai!
i'm a minor
my idv id is 7366523 and my user is hyacinthuss
my prefered pronouns on here are they/them
my favorite characters are andrew, ann, demi, vera and violetta but i love most of the cast!
the personalities i give the characters are based on their deductions, introduction videos, twitter replies and honestly any piece of canon information i can find. i'm an idv lore hunter, i suppose!
adding to the previous point, i analyze the characters a lot, even down to their speech patterns, and i'll strive to portray them as close to canon as possible
i love interacting with people and i love feedback, so feel free to message me for any reason!
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idvlovblog · 3 years
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hello! i'm nikolai and this is my idv headcanon blog (i might also do match-ups and love letters in the future).
i'm quite excited to write on here! personally i find x readers to be really fun and although there are already many blogs with the same concept, i thought that starting one myself might be a pleasant experience.
the only mod here is a minor, so please don't send any explicit asks.
rules will be in the pinned post! ♡
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