its kinda funny thinking about how hypnosis is fairly close structurally to some lost form of magic in some fictional world.
its a thing that does exist, but has been buried in centuries of misinformation, dramatization, and fantasy, and has had its power relegated to a party trick. people think that stuff like stage hypnosis isnt real at all, or just peer pressure, or some concoction of rationalizations to explain it all away.
you almost need to just start exploring it yourself, to experiment and note down and build your intuitive knowledge to become more skilled at the art. things arent easily scientifically pinned down, muddied and made emissive by the inconsistencies of our perception and its damping or amplifying effects.
it's as close to a soft magic as there is still remaining in our world, one that by design resists this ever encroaching idea that everything is boringly knowable and that life is without a beauty that cannot be replicated over and over again in a lab.
hypnosis and its functions are rooted at the very core of our minds, of humans and humanity, and it's cast aside conceptually like a tome in an old library, containing some fascinating secrets of the world.
it's neat is i guess what my point is.
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Obsessed with the idea of being turned into someone’s kink.
I might not be into maids but you are, so you’re going to make me bouncy and busty and obedient and ready to polish whatever you want. You’re into hucows, so you make me stupid and mooing and milky. You’re into bimbos so you make me stupid and soooo horny.
It doesn’t matter what I want. I’m just a piece of meat to be turned into something that turns you on. A toy to plug a new personality into. So tell me what you want me to turn into
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since I'm never going to cum ever again, I need to decide how many times I should edge everyday.
For this one, 10 notes = 1 edge, im only permitted to edge with my dildo gag locked on and my ass plugged. (once I get my new plugs I'm going to be plugged 24/7 <3) ALSO if you have any other ideas for conditions I have to follow, please let me know. I was thinking maybe i can only edge in communal spaces around my apartment (I have 2 roommates), but I'm not sure about that one. Or maybe I'll have to be completely naked with my door open? Any other ideas are welcome.
With all that being said, how many time do I edge everyday? you decide
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Madison Loses
The struggle was almost over now. Madison lay on the bed, her body too heavy to move--her middle finger compulsively rubbed and stroked her swollen clit, keeping her in a state of ecstasy right on the ragged edge of climax for what felt like hours, but apart from that the only sign of life was her slow, shallow breathing. Her eyes stared straight ahead unblinking, gazing sightlessly at the yellow ceiling while inside her mind she saw only the perfected slut the Programmer wanted her to become. With every repetition of the hypnosis file playing into her earbuds, Madison arrowed further and further inward, each time finding a little bit more of her own internal resistance and eagerly, blissfully eradicating it.
She hadn't always been this weak. There was even a time when she managed to get the earbuds out, rising to her feet with the uncoordinated lurch of a drunkard and making it almost as far as the door before her treacherous subconscious rationalized a flimsy excuse to listen just a little while longer. Just to satiate the aching throb in her clit, to push herself over the edge and climax for real so she could clear the fog of lust in her brain. It wouldn't have made much sense to anyone else--the tantalizing promise of orgasm the recording offered was by definition perpetually out of reach--but by then Madison wasn't thinking very clearly anymore. And after a few more times through the endless loop of the Programmer's brainwashing, she wasn't thinking at all.
By now, Madison was nothing but a vessel for the mental images fed to her by the voice in her ears. She offered no defiance as the file encouraged her to picture a map of her own brain, going through it neuron by neuron and synapse by synapse to find each and every last trace of independence and rub them away into submission with the pure silky pleasure of her rubbing pink finger on her stiff, swollen clit. Madison was so completely tuned in to every last sensation in the desperately throbbing nub now that it seemed like she could feel each and every ridge of her fingerprint skating across the sensitized flesh, and every one of them erased her mind and volition a tiny bit more. There were merely atoms of identity left to her now, scattered fragments of willpower that didn't even put up a notional struggle against their own subjugation. It was only a matter of time before she succumbed completely.
And time was something the infinitely patient recording had in abundance. Madison felt the last little dregs of self fade away, from four little stubborn patches of independence down to three down to two down to one, and the climax that hit when she finally eradicated the last obstacle between her and perfect obedience beggared description even though her limp and heavy body barely twitched as it washed over her. Once she was done cumming, something that felt like it took several minutes, she turned off the file and removed the earbuds. She slid off the bed, stumbling and staggering her way over to her computer, and opened up a website her old self never even knew existed. It consisted of nothing but a text window and a button that said, 'Submit', and Madison's cunt throbbed all over again at the sight of it.
She positioned one hand on the keyboard and the other between her thighs. She typed, 'Slave Nicole recruited me and now I am yours', followed by a string of contact information that would allow the Programmer to find her. And when she clicked the 'Submit' button, Madison's mesmerized brain erupted in another climax as she completed her subjugation at last.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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Gagging a Pretty Princess
The gag was such a small and simple thing, but Lily had to admit it was making a big difference in how deep she dropped. Every time Brynna spoke to her, murmuring things like, "Doesn't it feel so good to follow the pendant with your eyes and sink deeper for me?", Lily felt her lips twitching against the pink rubber ball between her lips in an incoherent mumble that Brynna simply treated as amiable acceptance of her words. It made Lily feel like she didn't even have a way of contradicting the beautiful redhead, as if her responses were just so much meaningless noise, and soon she found her head slumping forward while her hazel eyes rolled back in her head trying to stare at the sparkling, swaying gemstone at the end of the silver chain.
And dropping deeper made the warm, wet throb between Lily's thighs pulse that much more intensely with arousal. She'd been spending all afternoon looking forward to this scene, daydreaming about the statuesque redhead with her whiskey-warm voice and effortless charisma, and to feel that mesmerizing talent working its way into her head made Lily's cunt ache with a pleasant lust her hands already felt too heavy to reach down and satiate. She managed to raise her wobbly head once or twice, eyes crossing and uncrossing as the effort of following the pendant became impossibly difficult, but then Brynna cooed, "You're already too weak to fight it, isn't that right, pretty princess?" and Lily heard herself mumble out an answer even she couldn't understand anymore.
Lily's head toppled forward again, and the gag made it impossible for her to stop herself from drooling onto the pink satin princess dress she'd decided to come to the dungeon in. She knew that anyone looking at her would see an absolutely vulnerable, deeply hypnotized slut, eyelids fluttering and body slumped loosely in her seat, and the sheer exhibitionistic thrill of being someone's exact fantasy given shape and form made her squirm despite the heaviness in her limbs. Brynna stroked her cheek gently and murmured, "Oh, someone's getting very horny for me now, aren't they, sweetie?" in those beautiful, dulcet tones of hers, and of course all Lily could do was make vaguely affirmative noises in return. She'd never dreamed how much more powerful taking away her voice would make hypnosis feel to her.
They'd agreed to no touching under the clothing during their negotiations, and even though Lily desperately wished she'd been a little freer with her boundaries she was nonetheless happy to realize that Brynna was sticking to everything they'd originally discussed. But just the way she stroked Lily's bare arms with a feather-light touch, purring, "Everywhere I caress feels just like fingers on your clit now, doesn't it, pretty dolly?" made Lily twitch and shudder in a torrent of bliss that finally slammed her eyelids shut and left her fully limp and helpless in the grip of trance. Her deep self knew she could wake at any time, knew she could always safeword just by extending her index finger and pinky at the same time… but her conscious mind couldn't remember any of that right now, and Lily couldn't help the conviction that she was utterly captured by Brynna's hypnotic will.
A few intense orgasms later, along with some deep fractionation thanks to a reinduction trigger they'd both agreed could stick around, and Lily was coming back up with the gag off and a few sips of water to help her recover her lost fluids. "How did that feel?" Brynna asked, and Lily felt the most delightful shiver run down her spine as she realized she'd momentarily forgotten she could answer.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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*Full Question: Monsterfuckers, if a plant was sentient and interested in you and communicated this effectively, would you have sex with it?
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idontevenknowmanidek · 2 months
Mandy Takes a Survey
The man with the clipboard snapped his fingers. "Thank you, ladies, that was Hypnosis Sequence Two!" he said brightly, his cheerful voice burrowing in through Mandy's numb and sleepy confusion as she blinked her way back to consciousness. "Now would you say this left you more drowsy than Sequence One, or less?" Mandy heard herself mumble something through the haze of confusion, but even she couldn't remember what it was. The other two women, Kadijah and Brooke, gave answers that sounded similarly dazed and listless. Brooke in particular looked like she was still fixated on the pendulum in the survey taker's hand even though it had stopped swinging.
But they must have done okay, because the man gave them all a big, glowing smile and said, "Thank you so much! This is all very useful data. Now if you could just watch the pendant again while I start Sequence Three, please?" He started the heavy chunk of polished metal swaying again at the end of its thick chain, and Mandy found her eyes almost involuntarily following the motion even before he began speaking. It was as if… as if her brain was being trained into the habit of… of responding, responding as desired, responding automatically and un… unthinkingly…. Mandy was only vaguely aware of her gaze growing too exhausted to do anything more than stare straight ahead before her mind plummeted into darkness.
Another snap woke her. "Very good, ladies, this is so helpful! Now that was Sequence Three. Would you say it left you more aroused than Sequence One, or less?" Mandy turned her attention inward, focusing on her own body, and was astonished to find a liquid heat pooling between her thighs and growing stronger with every heartbeat. She looked down at herself in amazement and goggled all over again to realize she was left wearing only her bra and panties. Kadijah and Brooke were in the same boat, with Brooke looking so mazy and befuddled now that a spatter of drool decorated her pale pink chest. Mandy didn't even notice herself responding with so many distractions.
But the man recorded it all on his clipboard and gave them another beaming grin. "Thank you again, ladies! I'm so thrilled you volunteered." Mandy's brow furrowed. She slowly, sluggishly realized she didn't remember volunteering. She didn't even know where she was right now. It was simply a featureless room with a single door and the couch they were sitting on. How had she--? "And Sequence Four now, please," the survey taker said, his voice smoothly snipping Mandy's thought at the root as he let the pendulum begin to sway again. "Just look closely, breathe deeply, and remember to listen and obey." Mandy felt the tension go out of her face. Her head drooped forward. Her eyes rolled back. Then nothing.
And then another snap, this one rousing her less than the others. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that Kadijah's mahogany tits were slick with drool, and Brooke looked like she couldn't even raise her head anymore. Her own fingers were nestled snugly between her alabaster thighs, and she'd obviously been playing with herself through her panties. "Very good, ladies!" the man cooed encouragingly, and despite everything Mandy felt a warm glow of pride at the notion of pleasing him. "And did Sequence Four make you feel more obedient than all the others?" Speaking felt too much like effort, so Mandy nodded loosely and slid off the couch down onto her knees. The other two followed suit almost instantly, and Mandy realized with a sinking feeling that the numb, stupefied sensation in her brain was accumulating with every trance. She didn't know what would be left of her after Sequence Five… but as the pendulum swayed into motion again, she knew she was going to find out.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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idontevenknowmanidek · 2 months
Bianca Shows What She Can Do
"You asked what I could offer," Bianca says. She's dressed in nothing but a jutting strap-on, but her voice as calm and neutral and matter-of-fact as if she was discussing the details of one of her investment funds. "It's a fair question. Clover, sweetie, why don't you just come over here and get down on all fours for Mistress, mm?" The woman she brought along, a big-titted sex kitten with bright blue hair and a skirt that rides up so far it's practically a cummerbund by this point, obediently trots over to the king-size bed and crouches in front of Bianca's silicone dick with an expression of vacant anticipation on her pale features. You wish you could say you weren't impressed, but her dangling udders attract your gaze with an almost magnetic fascination.
"Okay, sweetie pie," Bianca coos, lowering her volume and dropping into a husky contralto register that you immediately associate with hypnosis from decades of pop culture portrayals. "I'm just going to push this big cock right up into that silly little brain now and pound it to mush, and doesn't that feel so good?" She puts her ruddy pink hands onto Clover's ass and pulls it backwards, and the moment it slides inside the giggly girl's dripping cunt you can see her mouth go wide with startled amazement. It's like she's never been fucked before, and although that's something you very much doubt you instinctively know that no one can fake that kind of astonished pleasure. Within moments, her eyes are rolling back in her head as the sensation overwhelms her and you realize how sexy it looks when it occurs to you that you haven't even bothered looking at her swaying tits.
Her expression melts into a stoned and stupefied grin as she moans out, "…ohhhh, that's so nice, ma'am," and you can't help noticing the tone of reverent adoration behind that soft, breathy voice. You find your fingers drifting down between your thighs, rubbing your pussy lightly through your slacks as you enjoy the floor show even though you're continuing to tell yourself you're not sold on the idea of becoming another one of Bianca's playthings. It's just, well… Clover looks so happy to be dumb for Bianca's dick. She looks almost overjoyed to get her mind pounded to mush by a phantom cock that stretches so impossibly far up into her cunt that it's literally fucking her brains out. You can't help wondering what it would be like to be that dumb and dopey and blissfully content to be fucked.
"Just look at her eyes," Bianca purrs, still speaking in those same hypnotic tones. "Pay close attention, look at how good she feels being blank and empty and dumb. See how wide and sleepy those hypnotized eyes are, how they stare vacantly back at you as the trance takes hold. It feels so good to be a dreamy little slut, so good to take my offer and let that resistance break. So good to feel that big Mistress cock pumping in and out, in… and out, pushing up and up and up until it's fucking straight into that drowsy, dizzy brain. This is what I'm offering, all this pleasure and obedience and mindless, amiable ecstasy. No thought, no mind, no will, nothing but pure euphoria behind those empty eyes. That's it. Good girl. Deeper for me now. Deeper into my power." It's only then that you realize you can't look away from Clover's gaze, and your own cunt is throbbing in time with each and every one of Bianca's thrusts as you paw thoughtlessly at yourself. But by then, of course, it's far too late.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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idontevenknowmanidek · 2 months
Peggy's a Little Overdressed
Peggy let out an accidental gasp of surprise when she opened the door and found her blind date standing there in a plain white cotton t-shirt and blue jeans that were clean and neat and well-kept but decidedly not part of the dress code at Fait de la Bonne. She wasn't sure whether to feel embarrassed by the way she was suddenly overdressed for the evening in her satin dress or exasperated with Scott for his lackadaisical attitude to fashion, and she must have given it away with her facial expression because he gave her a wry smile and said, "Sorry about the outfit. I didn't figure you'd want to go anywhere anyway once you saw this."
She had just enough time to furrow her brow in confusion before Scott closed the door behind him and undid his fly, tugging out his erect cock in a display that would have absolutely flabbergasted Peggy if her brain didn't plunge into a sea of warm wet lust the instant she saw it. "Don't worry, it has that effect on people," he said reassuringly as Peggy sank to her knees, her blue dress riding up her thighs with every involuntary squirm and wriggle of arousal. She'd never seen anything so captivatingly erotic before, so compelling and potently sexual, and she found her jaw slackening into a vacant 'O' as the desire to suck became a craving and then an irresistible need. "That's why Missy set us up on this date. I asked her whose mouth would look prettiest wrapped around my dick and she said you."
Peggy felt a surge of muzzy gratitude to her friend, one she knew was artificially induced but that felt so strong it utterly swamped whatever her true emotions might have been. She leaned forward and swallowed the entire length of Scott's shaft in a single smooth gesture as if her gag reflex didn't even exist, bobbing her head back and forth until her chin smacked lightly into his balls again and again and again. Peggy had never been much for oral, it was always a rote obligation to her on those few occasions she could be cajoled into it, but somehow Scott's prick felt better going into her mouth than most guys dicks felt going into her pussy. Her dangling gold earrings swayed and bounced as she eagerly and enthusiastically fellated the mesmerizing cock in front of her.
"There we go," Scott cooed, watching Peggy's eyelids flutter and finally shut as she fully sank into the influence of his mesmerizing cock. "That's a good girl. We're just going to have a little talk while you suck for me, and if I pause and your mouth is too full of dick to answer we can both just agree that what you meant to say was 'yes', okay?" Peggy heard herself make a tiny little affirmative grunt, the closest she could come to verbal agreement with her face so fully occupied with warm stiff flesh, and whatever tiny fragment of notional resistance she might have possessed evaporated instantly in that moment. She wanted to agree with Scott. She wanted to fuck his shaft with her lips and do whatever he told her.
It felt like hours before Scott finally shot his load down Peggy's throat, even though the quality of the sunlight had barely changed when she finally opened her unfocused eyes to gaze vacantly at his softening penis. By then she'd fully accepted the notion that swallowing his jizz cemented his control over her, sealing the influence of his hypnotic dick into her soft and malleable brain and leaving her perpetually receptive to his every suggestion. "Why don't we go back to your bedroom and get those clothes off you?" he asked, and Peggy giggled as her head bobbed up and down in thoughtless agreement. She was overdressed after all, she realized sluggishly. But her hands were already moving to pull the hem of her skirt up to her waist and she knew that wasn't going to be a problem for much longer.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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idontevenknowmanidek · 2 months
Ruining a pretty boy's orgasms is my favorite type of cum control.
I'm stroking his throbbing cock, been edging him for hours. His brain is cloudy, his body shaking, he's constantly begging for me to please let him cum. But everytime he tells me he's about to fall over the edge I let go of his poor little cock. Until ...
Oh fuck, you're cumming, baby? You're cumming? It's okay, go on, cum for me ~
And he does. But the second I feel his cock pulsing in my hand I let go of him. His moans turn into whimpers, tears of frustration spilling from his eyes as he explodes all over his tummy.
Why are you crying, babyboy? I let you cum, didn't I? Don't be so greedy.
I like to repeat this for days to completely break him. To always have him on edge, hard and leaky, every little touch making him a desperate mess. No thoughts, only pleasepleaseplease ~
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idontevenknowmanidek · 2 months
why are YOU whining about getting edged?? don't you know how hard it is for me? all I wanna do is see you cum over and over until you go fucking braindead but instead I'm taking my time with you, treating you nice, making sure it's gonna be extra good for you. so why don't you thank me? say it. say "thank you for not letting me cum yet." good job. say it again.
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idontevenknowmanidek · 2 months
All prospective hypnotists need to understand the importance of visuals when it comes to trance, even for subjects that cannot visualize.
Visuals, at first blush, seem like a fancy trick, some way to prove the "power" of trance to a subject, but they serve one of the most important purposes. Hypnosis deals with a lot of abstract concepts. You're taking these vague ideas of "awareness" and "focus" and "obedience" and trying to get their attentive mind to act on them and affect them. Good hypnosis means good communication, and like explaining any other abstract or new concept or idea well to someone, the best way to do it is to link it to something they do know.
What visuals do is take an abstract concept and then turns it into a singular thing. Instead of the subject focusing more on you, your words are a magnet that pulls their focus in. Instead of feeling more relaxed, their mind is an ice cube that begins to melt. Instead of telling the subject's thoughts to stop, you store them in a bubble and pop them.
What you're doing is creating a narrative to the trance, much like how a good story draws someone in. Even without the actual ability to visualize, a subject can understand the narrative better than these general abstract ideas. The concept is still turned into a thing, and then that thing is acted upon, changed in some way. You're giving the mind something to hold on to, and once the subject is holding on, you can take them wherever you want.
Good luck, and happy hypnotizing.
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idontevenknowmanidek · 2 months
Ummm stuckage fantasy/writing thing because I’m in a mood 🧍cw for dubcon, petplay, and an undernegotiated creampie
“Hello??” I call out when I hear the front door click. I can tell from the sound of them kicking off their shoes that it’s one of my roommates coming home, and I heave a sigh of relief. If a random maintenance person found me in this position I’d actually combust, though one of them finding me like this isn’t preferable either… regardless, I keep calling out and can hear them as they pause in the doorway and take in the sight of me.
I babble nervously at the silence. “Well! Uh! You were all out today so I figured I’d do some cleaning, and I realized I’d never cleaned behind this arm chair so it must be dingy back here, but um. Ikindofcantgetbackoutnow,” I finish with a rush. I didn’t even get to most of the place before I got the idea, which is the cherry on top of this whole thing.
It was an artsy kind of armchair in the corner of a room, both comfortable and pretty, and it had a distinctive arch of a gap between the back and the seat. The gap seemed big enough, and I didn’t want to risk scratching the floor + it was awfully heavy, so I just bent over and shimmied in. My tummy rested comfortably enough on the seat of the chair and I was able to lean forward to dust the baseboards and whatnot, but then quickly realized I was unable to get my chest and arms back out the way they came. I struggled for a good while attempting to plant my feet and pull out, but I couldn’t get the traction from how I was bent.
I’m sure my roommate could surmise as much from the sight of me, but that didn’t stop me from rambling.
“-een maybe an hour or so but it’s okay because the chair is comfy but I’m getting a little tired of holding myself up on this end, so if it wouldn’t be too much of a bother could you maybe help me out? Please?” I doubted they’d just leave me hanging, but the total silence, not even laughter at my expense, was a little anxiety inducing. Before I could call out again to confirm their presence, I hear their muffled footsteps tread towards me.
“Quite the situation you’ve found yourself in here, cotton-tail.”
I flush at the nickname. Your rabbit tail inspired butt-plug gets intercepted once and you gain an embarrassing and mildly arousing nickname for life. I grumble something before trying in vain to pull myself out yet again, huffing in defeat when I’m unable to. “Listen- you can make fun of me all you want when I’m out of this thing, but can you please help?” I plead.
I hear them chuckle at the attempt. “Alright then. What do you want me to do?” Hm. That’s a good point.
“Um. Maybe grab my hips or something? I haven’t been able to pull myself very well so maybe that’d do it.”
“Well, if you insist,” they say, before doing exactly as I asked, which is unfortunate on my part. I let out a small noise as their warm hands dig into the meat of my waist, thumbs pressing into my back, that had been exposed from my shirt riding up, in what resembles a more… intimate scene.
“Oh! Ah…” I jolt back in shock only to be met by their crotch against my ass, and let out another stupid noise. Get it together! “Sorry, sorry, you just startled me, haha.” Not haha. Not haha. Nothing funny about the fact I’m getting wet as my roommate tries to pull me out of the chair I got stuck in. They still say nothing, and I chalk the feeling of their thumbs soothing up and down my back to my imagination.
“O-ok thank you, ah, I guess you can pull now?” They immediately do as I ask, pulling me by the hips back on to their crotch. I scramble against the chair at the sensation. I let out a gasp and they release me, my waist thudding back on to the seat. “No!” I fluster. “Not like that!”
Their hands shift lower down my back, fingers wedging into the crease of my thigh. “Hm? Why not? I just did what you asked me to.”
I don’t even want to know how red my face is right now, and I’m grateful they can’t see it either. “You did, but…”
“Y’know! If felt… naughty,” I whimper.
I hear them scoff lightheartedly from behind me. “What’s, ‘naughty’ is you being bent over in these skimpy little shorts, shaking your ass and begging your roommate to fish you out,” they counter.
My head reels. “That’s not fair,” I protest, still trying to escape from the chair.
“Seems pretty fair to me. In fact, it’s awfully unfair of you to expect me to help you without anything in return.”
What?? Unfair of me? I’m just asking for some help- I’m getting flustered and frantic, and the innuendo nearly goes over my head before my neurons connect and I catch it. “You want to… now?? While I’m stuck in a chair??”
Their hands smooth over my back and ass onto my thighs, thumbs pushing up the backs of my shorts. “Why not? I’ve been wanting to fuck this bunnycunt for months and I walk in today to you wagging it in the air, completely helpless? Besides, you’re even cuter when you’re stuck.”
My brain cells must’ve melted off because I can’t even muster sentences with the heat between my thighs. “You.. I don’t.. I mean, not now.. I don’t-“
They chuckle. “C’mon now, you can’t even pretend you don’t want it now with how wet you are.” They shove a thumb under my shorts and over the crotch of my panties, confirming their claim. I’m making dumb little noises again, totally turned on and utterly cornered. “I think I’ll be able to pull you out nice and easy once you’ve been fucked limp, don’t you think? You’re far to wound up right now to squeeze out.”
“Pleaseeee,” I warble, rutting uselessly against the seat of the chair.
“Please what? Use your words.”
Jesus Christ. “Please, please, fuck me,” I beg wetly, desperate tears welling in my eyes.
I’m rewarded by them hoisting me by the hips up so my knees are now on the seat and my ass elevated in the air, and the feeling of their clothed bulge grinding against my cunt. I audibly moan at the sensation, totally unrestrained now that their intentions are clear. That, and the fact I’m too turned on to think.
“Fuckkk,” they groan. “Been wanting to do this forever; been dying to see this pretty pussy.” They yank down both my shorts and underwear, wet strands still connecting them to my sopping cunt. “Jesus, baby, you this desperate to be fucked?”
I gasp at the sudden cold air against the heat of my cunt. “Not my fault,” I yelp as they thumb my cheeks apart to get a better look.
“Of course, sweet thing, I guess I should take a little responsibility, yeah?” They pull back slightly and the sound of pants unbuckling can be heard before the unmistakeable sensation of a hard cock hitting my ass registers in my mind. They grab on to my hips again and begin slowly rocking against me and slicking themselves up, and I whimper pathetically. They shush me before maneuvering my thighs together so they can fuck them, moaning as they slip in and out of them. I whine because I want nothing more than to what they’re doing to me, and am met with a smack to my ass.
“I said, shush,” they scold, and I brace a hand over my mouth. “Such a loud little pet, we better get you out so we can get that mouth busy, yeah?”
I’m slow to register their words, and before I can react the blunt head of their cock is nudging against my entrance. A muffled, weak “nooooo” escapes me, but not before they pop in. I’m plenty wet but the stretch burns nonetheless, and they gently soothe their hands over my trembling thighs.
“Ohhh fuck, good pet- good pet- so tight for me,” they grit out between their teeth as I’m speared open. I’m gasping and trembling at the stretch, and let out a weak lil’ moan when they sheath themselves in me fully. They stay like that for a second, letting my adjust and taking in the sight, before adjusting their grip. “Mmm, what was it you wanted me to do? Pull?” They mock, before pulling out and slamming me back down on their cock. I moan loudly, hands scrambling for purchase and finding none as I’m fucked roughly from behind.
“Good bunny, good bunny, bouncing on my- fuck- cock.” I keen at the praise, weakly attempting to move on my own but finding myself unable to go against their grip. My cunt is being used like a hole and I’m loving it. One hand reaches around to rub my clit, and I pop like a firecracker.
“Oh god! Fuck, hah,, nghh,” I babble as my orgasm rushes over me, blood roaring in my ears and the sound of skin slapping echoing in the room. More praise meets my ears as I squeeze, vice tight, around their cock, but I can barley register anything. I only process words once the thrusting has stopped, and I blink blearily.
“-etheart, sweetheart, you’re on birth control right? That’s what I see you taking in the morning?”
I pant for a second before responding, “y-yes?”
They groan in relief before continuing to pound me, the chair creaking against the ground at the motion. “Oh fuck,, going to fill you up so good, pump this bunnycunt full of cum-“
I spasm at the promise, overstimulated at the repeated pressure on my clit from their fingers and smacking of their fat balls as they thrust in to me.
“Please please please please fill be up oh god please please,” I beg, wanting nothing more than a hot load in my cunt and to be pulled out of this chair. Im not even humored with a response before I hear them groaning behind me and feel them curling over my back, thrusts speeding up in intervals and groin pressed firm against my ass as I feel them spurt inside me. We both gasp and moan as it happens, and they stay pressed inside me for what feels like forever as they unload a fat load inside me.
Eventually they do stop, and I wince as they pull out of me, feeling very sticky and full. I’m limp and panting, blood rushing to my head from how I’m letting it hang, too weak to keep my torso up anymore. I know I’m being shushed and soothed, but I can only groan weakly as they maneuver me out of the hole, true to their word in ‘fucking me limp’. I blink and they’re sitting on the stair I was stuck in, me hoisted onto their lap with my chest against theirs. I bury my face into their shoulder, sighing grateful as a hand brushes over my hair and down my back. I know I’ll have to clean up the mess I made when I wake, but for now I doze off in their arms.
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idontevenknowmanidek · 2 months
“Yes, dominant.” You said. The only two words your mind contained. Even now, out of trance, you couldn’t find any more thoughts to think, as you sank into the pleasure of being controlled. Your dominant stood before you, peering down at you.
You felt their will, embedded in your brain. “That’s right.” They said. “The only thing you know. Your own self-hypnosis trigger. Say it again.”
“Yes, dominant.” The words felt so good to leave your lips. As you said them, you felt your mind tugged deeper down.
They laughed, eyeing you greedily. “Just like that. You sink a little deeper. I’m not even putting you in trance right now. You’re doing that to yourself. Let the words come as much as they want to, toy.”
“Yes, dominant.” Your eyelids fluttered. It felt so good to say.
“Yes, dominant.” Your mind felt so hazy. Those two words echoing over, and over again, until your mind was full up and then –
“Yes, dominant.” Out they tumbled, just like you tumbled down deeper into this hazy, foggy state of mind.
“Yes, dominant.” Deeper and deeper every time.
The touch of your dominant’s hand on your chin did little to stop your mind from falling deeper as you said the words again. But they were smiling at you. “That’s what I love to see, toy. Your mind is doing the work for me. Cementing my control over you. You’re mine.”
“Yes, dominant.” Your eyelids were so heavy. You mind was so sluggish.
“Just like that. So helpless, so obedient. I just took your mind apart, placed myself in the middle, and rebuilt you.” They pulled your chin up with their hand, making you look into their eyes.
“And now I’ve got every part of you in the palm of my hand, don’t I?” They said, squeezing your chin.
“Yes, dominant.” The response was out of your control.
They smirked. “That’s what I thought. Now I control it all. Your pleasure, your body, your mind. All of you.”
* * *
This was released yesterday on patreon (patreon.com/hypnopum)! Support me there to get early access to all future microfictions, from just £1/month! Or, from £5/month, you get access to my monthly longer pieces!
You can also buy my book, Mesmorium, now, on Amazon, and Smashwords. It's an anthology of twelve tales of deliciously hot hypnosis and mind control. It's queer, and sexy as hell!
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idontevenknowmanidek · 2 months
Watching a broken, sleeping hypnotic plaything, bound in place, twitching and shaking as their pleasure triggers are pumped into their scrambled mind over and over through headphones.
Unable to escape the pleasure and the behavioural conditioning it brings even while asleep, they cum over and over, their fluttering eyelids and quiet gasps demonstrating their obedience.
747 notes · View notes
idontevenknowmanidek · 2 months
Fucking a brat is so hot. She fights back, opens her big mouth so you can manhandle her, drag her to her knees and force your cock deep down her throat and keep on thrusting until she gets wet and vulnerable and takes you deep like a good girl.
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