icaruko · 3 years
Gonkillu Week Day One: Rain/Sunshine
Killua looks down at the little pond. His reflection. Oh god how he hates that reflection. He can't stand it. His dirty face. Messy hair. Torn and baggy clothes. His dull eyes, void of any sign of life. Picking up a pebble, he throws it at his reflection. Causing a ripple, distorting the image. And then more ripples. Smaller ones. Sporadic. Killua looks up to the clouds, noticing the dark gray covering where the bright sun was just moments ago.
Rain. Killua likes the rain. It smells nice.
But unfortunately he can't stay there, getting soaked. So he lifts himself off of the little wooden bridge and goes over to the undisturbed gazebo in the park.
No one really comes here that often. Killua would think it's a shame, considering how beautiful it is. But he's glad that there isn't anyone here. He doesn't want to be seen. The last time he met a person didn't go so well. Killua's stomach grumbles for the umpteenth time that day, and he angrily tells it to shut the f up. He doesn't have any food to give it. He sighs, sitting on a bench. He pulls his knees up to rest his face on them, wrapping his arms around his shins.
Killua takes a deep breath. Tomorrow he should really look for some food. He may have to resort to scouring trash cans outside restaurants. But he's got to do what he's got to do. If he wants to survive.
Does he want to survive? That's a question Killua doesn't know the answer to. He doesn't necessarily want to die, at least. But he wouldn't mind it, either.
At least here in the gazebo, alone, he's at peace. The smell of rain, the sound. It's tranquility for him. Just Killua and the rain.
"Waaaah!" Killua flinches, hearing the voice of a boy. "Awe, it's really pouring out here!"
Killua gets up, and quickly hides underneath the bench. He shrinks up, fitting into such a small space thanks to his malnutrition and small form.
"Ah!" The boy comes running into the gazebo. "Thank god! I'll just stay here until it stops raining, heh."
Killua silently grumbles. He'll have to stay here underneath the bench for that long?
"Hm?" The boy tilts his head. "What are you doing down there?" Killua's eyes widen. He can see him? A scarlet blush covers Killua's face. Oh that's so embarrassing. "Are you okay?" The boy asks, kneeling next to Killua. "Oooooiiiiii!"
Killua frowns. Damnit. He pushes himself out of his safe little hiding spot to meet the boy eye to eye. And the blush darkens. In front of him is a beautiful boy with big sparkling eyes. A warm smile. White t-shirt, khakis, and a black zipper hoodie. It's those eyes that catch Killua off guard. How can someone have such beautiful golden honey eyes?
The boy cups Killua's face. "You're all dirty... do you wanna walk home together? Where do you live?"
Killua looks away. "I-I live h-here..."
"What?! Really?!" The boy gasps. "You don't have a home? W- then come home with me!"
The boy grins. "My name is Gon! You can come home with me! I'm sure my aunt wouldn't mind... she's always telling me I should bring more friends over or something..."
Should Killua even trust him? Though... what harm could he do? Would Killua even care if this boy ends up to be a serial killer? Nah.. he might just thank Gon for ending his miserable life.
"Alright..." Killua tightens his lips into a thin line.
Gon's eyes sparkle. "Really?! Yay! Let's just wait until this rain passes over..." Killua nods. "What's your name?" Gon asks.
"Killua..." Killua answers. "I-I don't know my last name..."
"Then you'll be Killua Freecss!" Gon grins. "That's my last name, haha..."
Killua's complexion just gets even redder. But he nods. "Okay."
Gon looks outside the gazebo. "It's stopped raining." He turns to Killua outstretching his hand. "Let's go?"
"Mhm." Killua takes his hand, being led outside. His eyes narrow as the bright sun hits his face. The rain was fleeting. But the pleasant scent remains. Killua takes a deep breath. Something about the sun on his skin and the scent of vacant rain just... hits different.
Killua stares at the boy leading him. Gon Freecss, was it? Yeah. He's weird. Who would meet a stranger and invite them into your home just like that? And- giving Killua his last name? Geezus Killua thought he might faint. But why did it make his heart flutter like that? Surely Killua doesn't...
"Here we are." Gon gets keys out of his pocket, unlocking the front door to his family's home. "Aunt Mitooooooo!"
A young woman peeks her head around a corner and she gasps when she sees Killua. "Gon who is this?!" She asks, running to him. She quickly starts examining Killua, causing Killua to cautiously tense up. "What happened, dear? Why are you so filthy?"
"I met him at the park!" Gon informs his aunt. "He doesn't have a home- he doesn't even know his last name so I gave him ours!"
Mito's mouth drops at the innocent confidence her nephews has. "Ah... so are you marrying him, then?" She asks with a smug smile, brushing something out of Killua's hair.
Gon turns red. "W- THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!"
Mito chuckles. "Go find some clothes for your future husband, dear. I'll draw a bath."
"Mito!!!" Gon puffs his cheeks out, totally embarrassed. She flicks her wrist, ignoring his whining as she goes upstairs. Gon turns back to Killua, who's equally red. "S-sorry about her."
"I-It's fine..." Killua holds his arm, looking down at his feet.
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