ibmai · 4 days
TINKERBELL VILLAIN SONG - Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall | Song by Lydia th...
It’s a great pitch for a nice DnD fantasy story pitch : The pixies  won’t allow the child to leave, as it would means stop believing in them, and  if they  stopped believing it would also mean their whole race would die.
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ibmai · 9 days
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This is eddie the stabber, watch I like eyes he's got, I'm putting myself the challenge to m a ke him as famous as Amicus Lmao
(the fan will know)
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ibmai · 2 months
Hazbin hotel you didn’t know but in French
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ibmai · 3 months
Hell is forever but heaven is a lie [VF]
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ibmai · 9 months
Bonjour les artistes !
J'ai hâte de vous montrer des concepts arts à partir des univers suivant : (Fnaf, Miraculous ladybug, Kaeloo) et plus encore hé hé ! Restez connectés pour plus de mises à jour et de surprises excitantes! vous pouvez me soutenir dans cette aventure artistique. Vos commentaires et votre enthousiasme signifient beaucoup pour moi. 🙌
À bientôt avec plus d'art et de créativité! 🎨✨
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ibmai · 9 months
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Salut les artistes ! Prêts pour une dose d'art fraîche ? 🖌️ Je vais vous présenter mes tout nouveaux "Doodles Faits en Papier" ! 📝✨ Art traditionnel à fond !Mais ça ne s'arrête pas là. Attendez-vous à des versions en numériques reptiliens 🐍💚 qui débarquent bientôt !
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ibmai · 9 months
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🦎🌌 Aventure épique avec Domicius, l'homme lézard explorateur! 🌌🦎 Suivez le périple de Domicius et son groupe alors qu'ils cherche l'anciens artefacts légendaires cachés au cœur du labyrinthe. Quels mystères découvriront-t-ils ? Quels défis les attendent à chaque tournant ?
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ibmai · 9 months
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🦎🌟 Découvrez "Domicius , le Lancier Lézard" 🌟🦎
🔸 Description du personnage 🔸
Plongez dans un monde fantastique où la magie et l'aventure règnent en maîtres. Faites la connaissance de Domicius, un homme-lézard au courage légendaire et à la loyauté sans faille. Il incarne l'équilibre parfait entre la grâce et la force brute. et la fatigue se lit sur sont visage.
Avec ses écailles d'un vert émeraude étincelant au soleil, il se déplace silencieusement tel un pr��dateur redoutable. Ses yeux perçants semblent révéler une sagesse ancestrale, et son sourire invisible vous indique qu'il est soulé de ce qu'on lui jette à la gueule sur son chemin.
Armé de sa lance légendaire taillée dans un cristal mystique, Domicius est un maître dans l'art du combat à distance comme en mêlée. Sa précision mortelle et sa rapidité sont le fruit d'un entraînement intensif auprès des plus grands guerriers lézards.
🔸🔸 Appel à l'aventure 🔸🔸
Êtes-vous prêt(e) à plonger dans une épopée captivante ? Rejoignez nous dans cette quête palpitante où les forces du bien devront unir leurs pouvoirs pour vaincre les ennemies de la résistances qui menacent notre monde.
🔹 Partagez cette image et invitez vos amis à rejoindre l'aventure ! 🔹Nous somme sur Discord, là ou se passe la campagne ! 🔹Animatic, Web Comic, vous n'avez pas finis d'entendre parler le perso et son univers !
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ibmai · 10 months
Kaeloo The Pretty Show (animation) The Ghost and molly Mc Gee
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ibmai · 10 months
Kaeloo Gets Fired From Walmart
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ibmai · 11 months
Parlons de Kaeloo...
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ibmai · 11 months
Just need for ref
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Since there is a lot of discourse among IDW Sonic fans over Dr. Starline, expecially now that the 'Imposters' saga has been announced, I thought I'd share this consideration.
Despite what might seem at first glance two completely different characters, Amy and Starline actually have more in common than one might think, to the point that I would define them as specular characters.
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Sonic and Shadow have their speed; Knuckles and Zavok have brawn; Tangle and Tails can do stuff with their tails; Mimic can shapeshift; Blaze has fire powers and Eggman has his 300 IQ. In the group of main heroes/villains Amy and Starline manage to keep up only thanks to their continued practice, perseverance and the mastery of what they have (Amy's strength is heighted by her Piko-piko hammer - Starline's brains and study allowed him to build several gadgets, most notably the medallions on his glove). This makes them some of the most self-conscious characters of the saga and even the most malleable. In several instances they measure their levels of resistance and how far they can push themselves, while others tend to take their abilities and capacities for granted.
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Which brings me to point
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It is stated by Neo Metal Sonic in issue n.2 that Eggman's Empire forced Amy to grow considerably to the point that she managed to 'actually' lead the resistance and made her learn to control her infatuation for Sonic.
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Similarly, Starline seems to progress through the story continuously evolving his opinion on the characters and the world that surrounds him, trying to use that knowledge to better himself and prepare for the next encounter.
Aside from Zeena, for which her looks are her main focus, Starline and Amy are the main characters (along with Rouge?) to actually care about their appearance and what they are wearing while not making it the center of their concerns.
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I'll take for granted that everyone reading this is familiar with Amy's backstory. Fangirl becomes a hero in her own right. Even if she looked up to Sonic and drew inspiration from him to shape her own moral/heroic code, her natural sweetness and instinct made her the person she is.
Similarly, Starline starts-off as an Eggman fanboy. Initially it appeared like Starline was interested mainly in being Eggman's right hand man, to be there when Eggman hatched his plans and finished his creations. It was only subsequently, after seeing the flaws in his idol, that the doctor started taking direction of his own 'villainous' career. He wasn't shown as power-hungy; domination wasn't his initial goal, he would have been happy to let Eggman wear the crown. Now, Starline appears to want exactly what Eggman does "defeat Sonic, prove his genius, create an orderly-mechanical Empire", and he wants it for himself on his own terms.
There has never been a replacement for Sonic in Amy's heart. Ever. Not when he turned her affection down, not when she believed him to be gone for good or dead. She never spared any effort when it came to help or comfort him.
When we were first introduced to Starline he made himself sick to find Eggman and restore his personality. When Eggman was loosing control of the metal virus, Starline deployed the deadly six to try and fix it; when he was about to abandon Eggman with the heroes to warp himself away he assured it was only till he found a solution to the pandemic + the Zeti attack. Even after being betrayed by Eggman, Starline still was firmly on his side. Unlike Snively, Decoe and Bocoe and other minor assistants, even after parting ways with Eggman, Starline never shifted his regard and affection onto someone else.
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Which brings me to the point:
It all boils down to their core values and their influences.
Amy loves Sonic because he's caring and heroic and because he is always true to himself. Her love for him is selfless.
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Starline adores Eggman because he's cruel and subdues everyone who opposes him but wants to be the one exception to that behaviour. He expects Eggman to treat him as his equal and to care for him, when that's beyond his nature. Also, he belittles the doc. for his flaws and does everything he can to change him and model him to his pleasing. His love is extremely selfish.
Also, regardless of whether Sonic fancies Amy or not, he doubtlessly cares about her and values her as a person and a friend. Her faith in him is constantly renewed and invigorated because he is, simply put, worth it. On the other hand, as the second Annual issue proved, Eggman always planed on eventually getting rid of Starline. He never cared for him or only did so because Starline was extremely pliant, flattering and a novelty. Starline let go of his instinctual loyalty because Eggman didn't reward his efforts and affection.
That's not the only way Starline was changed for the worst by Eggman: he let his ego and vanity get the best of him; in Bad Guys n4 he shows some remorse in getting rid of his associates (perhaps proving that instinctually, like Amy, he can and will gladly work in team) but tries to do so anyway because that's what Eggman did with him.
That's why Amy flourishes while Starline is set on a path of self-destruction. Regardless, they are both characters easily dismissed and underestimated but end up being resilient and actually dangerous rivals, possibly a lot more than a naturally stronger/gifted character. They are the personification of willpower and how far it can get you.
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ibmai · 1 year
Dead Girl Walking Reprise An Kaeloo Animatic TW Flash colors
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ibmai · 1 year
Kaeloo and Mrs cat being in Love for 5 minute ''straight
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ibmai · 1 year
Mr chat & Kaeloo being flirty with each other for 3 minute ''Straight''
from youtube : 
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ibmai · 1 year
Animatic Peaches Bowser ft Kaelat
Jack black voice as Bowser kinda fit Mrs Cat though
Go support me on youtube If you want more Vid like this one : 
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ibmai · 1 year
espio is kinda fruity tho 🍒
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