iamlookingforalice · 11 years
Where is my Muse? Hiatus warning
I haven't been able to get Jervis!muse to cooperate with me. I'm taking more credits this semester than I usually do, so that might be part of it, but also I picked up another character after my dog died whom I thought would cheer me up and that muse has been very busy.
Jervis is going to be on Hiatus again, maybe just until the end of the semester, maybe longer. I'll try to get him back!
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
Jervis practically skipped out of the elevator and waited for Aspen to do exactly that. What joy! Finally he had someone to show his Wonderland to! The Hatter was so excited he could hardly stand it, "What's he say?" He asked.
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat…:...
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
He offered his arm to her, "I am here alone, but I came alone. I would be honored to escort you this evening." He said with a genuine smile. What luck that Henry had decided not to show, now Jervis had a chance to make a new friend.
Gotham Funfare
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
"Oh?" Jervis said, disappointment clear in his voice. Up until the conversation had become about multiple universes he had been quite enjoying it, and he didn't usually enjoy conversations with others.
"Do you mean, 'get out and never come back', or 'I don't want to talk about it and now can't look at you, but you can come by some other time'?" he asked, "Because if at all possible I would still like to talk about your theories on fear. Maybe get to know you a bit...I'm sorry, I don't talk to people often..." he added awkwardly.
Have I Gone Mad|| Clinicalphobia + Where-is-my-Alice
Something about that answer disappointed Jervis. The whole thing sounded completely absurd, and the doctor was telling him that yes these other universes actually did exist, yet they weren’t mad…? Perhaps Dr. Crane was simply wrong, he was after all, admittedly not the Dr. Crane from this universe. Perhaps he was mad.
Perhaps they were all mad.
Still Jervis caught something in Dr. Crane’s words that was a little disconcerning, “You ‘knew’ another Jervis? Did something happen to him?” It was probably none of his business, but the words had already slipped out of his mouth.
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
I'm back, (kinda)
I've recently been pretty busy with another RP blog, but I'm back here! I'll start most replies, but my dash is a little busy so I might not get to everyone so I miss you, you can always send me a private message or fan mail or whatever with a link back to our RP.
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
My dog just died
I really don't need to be telling you this I guess since I'm on hiatus anyway but...I don't know I just feel like I should let everyone know because she was a good dog and I miss her
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
Hiatus lasting longer
My computer needs to be repaired, I already sent it in (I'm borrowing a friend's) Could be another week before I'm back.
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
OOC: New URL and hiatus warning
Yup, got me that new url I was asking for, thanks to everyone that suggested names.
Now I have some bad news, I may not be on for at least another week. My grandfather passed away a few years ago and left us his rental house in his will, the woman who was renting the house was recently evicted because she wasn't paying rent. We have decided we don't want to deal with another tenant so we're working on fixing up the place to make it sell-able. 
I have spent the last two days pulling up carpet and removing nails, I am so sore right now it actually hurts to type...and we're still not done, I'm starting school again after a sort of long Spring Break and so this week promises to be stressful, painful and tiring and as a precaution I don't want any of my RPs to suck because I'm so worn down.
I'm saying a week, but I really don't know how long this is going to last so... See you when I see you.
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
I need a new URL
Apparently there's an older Jervis RP blog that has a URL very similar to mine, so any ideas?
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
are u aware that u have the exact same url as some other jervis rp blog on tumblr? don't you think it's a bit rude to steal her/his url?
Actually I didn't know, I just made a url and it told me no one had it. I sincerely apologize to the other Jervis RP blog, I didn't know, I'll change it when I can come up with a new one.
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
Writer's sorry
Muse just isn't cooperating, I got I think three replies done and can't write any others, Like this post if I owe you or send me some kind of message.
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
He smiled at her, "Pleasure to meet you miss Quinzel. And as a matter of fact I'm quiet enjoying it." He paused a moment, "But I see that you perhaps are not? How long have you been waiting for this Henry?"
Gotham Funfare
Jervis jumped a bit when someone touched his elbow, “Henry? No I’m sorry you’re mistaken, my name is Jervis Tetch.” The woman looked like she had been waiting for this ‘Henry’ for a long time, he felt a pang of pity for her. He offered her a smile and his hand, “And what name may I call you?”
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
Something about that answer disappointed Jervis. The whole thing sounded completely absurd, and the doctor was telling him that yes these other universes actually did exist, yet they weren't mad...? Perhaps Dr. Crane was simply wrong, he was after all, admittedly not the Dr. Crane from this universe. Perhaps he was mad.
Perhaps they were all mad.
Still Jervis caught something in Dr. Crane's words that was a little disconcerning, "You 'knew' another Jervis? Did something happen to him?" It was probably none of his business, but the words had already slipped out of his mouth.
Have I Gone Mad|| Clinicalphobia + Where-is-my-Alice
Jervis nodded in understanding, but perhaps because he was so distant from others he picked up on fact that Dr. Crane was leaving something unsaid. One did not become a neuroscientist without being incredibly smart so Jervis knew better than to just flat out ask. If it was important Dr. Crane would say it eventually, he just needed to keep the conversation going.
“I understand, I know there are plenty of other people with this fear, but I sort of feel… completely isolated. I never had any friends growing up, and I was always too busy with my schooling to make friends during my adolescence and now I’m too busy working to make decent connections with people. And this is going to sound mad but…”
“We’re all mad here…”
“I think…I mean, I met another me once. His name was Jervis Tetch, he didn’t look like me or anything, but he was me. And he was alone too.” Jervis pretended to brush a hair out of his face, “Oh I know, I probably do sound mad, but I swear it’s the truth.”
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
"If I knew where she was I wouldn't be looking for her." Jervis put his hands in his pockets, looking very much like a child having a tantrum, 
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat…:...
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
Sorry if my replies suck today
I have multiple role play accounts., and you know how few days ago my Jervis muse got depressed? He's still depressed and this normally wouldn't be a problem because one character's feelings normally wouldn't bother my other muses too much, except that one of them is emphatic, he picked up on Jervis's depression and now all of my muses are bummed out. I'm going to try to keep up with my RPs to see if that cheers them up.
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
And those were seriously the only pictures of Fem!Jervis I could find in the time allowed for me. I need to to some other things for a while, but message me if you would like to do a short RP with fem!Jervis
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iamlookingforalice · 11 years
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