iam0sabrina · 4 months
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As Sabrina Spellman steps into the unknown, accepting the enigmatic invitation, the very fabric of reality seems to warp around her.
The cosmic panorama unfolds as IAM Force reveals its purpose — to mend the frayed threads of cosmic equilibrium, disrupted by forces as ancient as the cosmos itself.
The recruits, drawn from different corners of existence, greet Sabrina with a mixture of curiosity and acknowledgment. A conversation ensues, a symphony of voices echoing with the resonance of magical potential.
Someone with Pyro Luminary spoke to her, silently, yet firmly, "Welcome, Sabrina Spellman. The Grand Entrance has summoned you, a beacon of duality. Your mortal essence intertwined with potent witchcraft is the key IAM Force seeks."
"But why me?” She said, with pure confusion. “What makes my blend of mortal and witch so crucial?"
"IAM Force is drawn to the harmonious convergence of opposites. Your existence as both mortal and witch holds the promise of restoring balance to the cosmic symphony." A Chrono Seer replied, from somewhere that both Pyro Luminary and I can’t figure out.
One of the Aero Seraph chimed in, "In this celestial sanctuary, your abilities will be honed. IAM Force sees beyond the veil, recognizing the potential within each of us to mend the fabric of existence."
As Sabrina absorbs the weight of her cosmic destiny, conversations weave through the ethereal space, unveiling glimpses of IAM Force's cosmic lore and the pivotal roles each recruit plays in the grand tapestry of restoration. The dialogue becomes a fusion of knowledge, each recruit contributing a verse to the celestial chorus.
"What is our mission? How do we restore this cosmic balance?" Sabrina wonder to herself.
"Our mission transcends the tangible. We're tasked with mending the celestial rifts that resonate across dimensions…” the Lunar Empath joined the group, walked softly then sits between the Seer and Luminary. “healing the cosmic wounds inflicted by ancient malevolence.” She sighs softly as her butt lands to the concrete.
The dialogue continues, a celestial symposium where IAM Force Recruits share their insights, forging a collective understanding of their cosmic calling. As Sabrina navigates this dialogue, her acceptance deepens, and the unity of IAM Force Recruits becomes a harmonious resonance, a convergence of destinies interwoven in the cosmic ballet.
Through the Grand Entrance, IAM Force channels the essence of cosmic forces. We are the conduits, the guardians, entrusted with the delicate task of restoring equilibrium in realms unseen.
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iam0sabrina · 4 months
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“I have learned how to live, how to be IN the world and OF the world, and not just to stand aside and watch. And I will never, never again run away from life”
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iam0sabrina · 4 months
Sabrina’s life
She was initially believed to be the daughter of Edward and Diana Spellman, making her half half-mortal and half-witch. However, it was later revealed that her actual father is the Dark Lord.
Despite not being a full witch, Lilith notes that Sabrina has the potential to become the most powerful witch of her generation. After completing her Dark Baptism, Sabrina's powers were magnified to far greater levels than ever before. Most notably, she summoned hellfire to burn the Greendale Thirteen, a feat only three other witches have ever been able to do.
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iam0sabrina · 4 months
I'm a Spellman and I will always be a Spellman. And I'll fight him until my last dying breath.
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