i-sea-fiera · 1 month
Rice Krispies smartest decision is by far their Treat. Turning their cereal into a strange brick relies on the natural fact that all children are hopelessly dependent upon the ingot.
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i-sea-fiera · 1 month
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i-sea-fiera · 1 month
Reading a book about slavery in the middle-ages, and as the author sorts through different source materials from different eras, I am starting to understand why so many completely fantastical accounts of "faraway lands" went without as much as a shrug. The world is such a weird place that you can either refuse to believe any of it or just go "yeah that might as well happen" and carry on with your day.
There was this 10th century arab traveller who wrote into an account that the fine trade furs come from a land where the night only lasts one hour in the summer and the sun doesn't rise at all in the winter, people use dogs to travel, and where children have white hair. I don't think I'd believe something like that either if I didn't live here.
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i-sea-fiera · 2 months
Welsh is an official language of Wales. This means, legally, it cannot be treated less favourably than English in any part of daily life. So we have bilingual signs and sometimes the translations are… well just awful.
This is a classic and made the news.
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Welsh reads “I am not in the office at the moment. Send any work to be translated.
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Welsh reads “Wines and ghosts”
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Welsh reads “Warning workers are exploding”
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In English these drinks are alcohol free in Welsh the drinks are free “Alcohol for nothing”.
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Um- Welsh reads “Free erections” yes really!
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This seems a tad harsh “Injure yourself now”
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Wording is fine but the English and the Welsh disagree on right/left
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The sign says “Parcio I Bobi Anabl” which is “Parking to bake the disabled” which I don’t think Tesco were going for.
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i-sea-fiera · 2 months
inspired by boop day, reblog this post if its ok for people to send you random asks and interact on your posts with no judgement. i want to talk to people.
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i-sea-fiera · 2 months
a five year old note among my 1588 saved notes that just reads: four-dimensional salmon
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i-sea-fiera · 2 months
Being a little too cold: brrrr i’m a little too cold !!!
Being a little too warm: i am going to kill the next person who makes eye contact with me.
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i-sea-fiera · 2 months
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i-sea-fiera · 2 months
The only thing crazier than a character clearly intended to be gay but kept in the plausible deniability subtext zone due to censorship issues is a character in a series where only like one of the writers clearly intended them to be gay. So this character is just gay sometimes and nobody acknowledges it
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i-sea-fiera · 2 months
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i-sea-fiera · 3 months
if you've never engaged with a creative art on a regular basis you need to understand that it requires concerted effort to get into "the groove" to make something and every second that it takes to get into that groove causes physical pain, but the only thing worse than doing it is not doing it.
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i-sea-fiera · 3 months
In my defense your honor I had really good music on and it made me want to do something evil
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i-sea-fiera · 3 months
Me: I shouldn't disturb Neil Gaiman. I shouldn't send an ask unless I really have no way of getting the information otherwise. I'll check old interviews and all the articles that vaguely mention the subject. Of course it goes without saying that I'll read though the FAQ in its entirety. Only then, will I send an ask. However, I'd be very polite and praise his work, as anyone would. I'd also keep it short, because I don't want to waste his time. But I'd keep it very very respectful. I'd be sending a message to a very talented, amazing author that deals with god knows how many like me. Or I'd just stay in the dark and not send him an ask. Yeah, I'll do that.
My Dash:
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i-sea-fiera · 3 months
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Bish :3
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i-sea-fiera · 3 months
From the article:
NASA has released a free, original tabletop role-playing game, and it’s one part educational experience and another part sci-fi/fantasy epic with magic and dragons. The crux of The Lost Universe, the organization’s first TTRPG,involves a mystery: What would happen if the Hubble Space Telescope disappeared? It’s a simple premise and one that hides the complex backstory underscoring the events of the role-playing game. Without getting into the weeds, the game takes place on a planet called Exlaris, which was once thrown into chaos when a black hole moved too close and kicked it out of its orbit. The planet has since gone back to some degree of normalcy and is now almost completely dedicated to academia. In one city, a scholar named Eirik Hazn made a spell to connect with Earth to study the Hubble Space Telescope, which has famously collected data on black holes. However, the spell and telescope are stolen by a dragon, and researchers working on the project have been disappearing, so the players — Earthlings who worked on the telescope at NASA who were brought through a portal to Exlaris — have to save the day. The official 44-page gameplay book is available to download for free on NASA’s website. You can play it in a party with 4-7 players, but you may need to fudge a few things to graft this narrative onto your TTRPG system of choice. The book says it’ll take around 3-4 hours to get through the adventure.
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i-sea-fiera · 3 months
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i-sea-fiera · 3 months
having sex with your friends is so very normal please stop poisoning the youths minds with shame surrounding hooking up with your friends. especially if you’re gay
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