i-m-b-a-s-i-c · 3 years
exes confront each other | ricky bowen
pairing: ricky bowen x reader
credits: this is inspired by/based off of @by-moonflower ‘s series. even if you’re not into seventeen, her characterization and banter is so well-written that it feels like you know these characters personally, so i encourage you to check it out
warnings: questionable writing and characterization, author has not watched season 2, semi-proofread
a/n: after almost a year of not posting, i sat down and wrote this in one night, so this may not be the best. please don’t kill me if anything here contradicts season 2, i haven’t watched it yet and may edit this after i do
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the camera man sends you a sympathetic smile as you sit alone in a stool. the room feels desolate although a small crew frantically scurries along the edges of the room, ensuring nothing is out of place.
the commotion comes to a halt as the door opens and your ex slides into the stool across from you. 3, 2, 1, action.
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[how did you meet?]
you: he was dating my best friend
ricky: well it sounds bad when you say it like that
ricky: what the- why are you laughing
you: well it was bad, wasn’t it?
ricky: is she still mad
you: not at me
ricky: so i had been dating Gi-
ricky: are we allowed to say names
you: we probably shouldn’t
ricky: right. anyway, so i had been dating her best friend for 2 weeks and she brought me back to her apartment-
you: our apartment
ricky: their apartment. i didn’t know she had a roommate at the time
you: you figured it out pretty quickly though
ricky: i made the mistake of walking into what i thought was the bathroom without knocking
you: it was my room
ricky: it wasn’t like you were changing or anything
you: yeah just dancing around my room
you: of course that was the one day i forgot to lock my door
ricky: i’m glad you did
ricky: we didn’t start dating until months later
you: way after they broke up
you: she never told me why you broke up in the first place
ricky: it was mutual
ricky: the initial attraction was gone
ricky: and i had feelings for someone else
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[why did you break up?]
you: we were going different places
ricky: quite literally
you: i was moving across the world
ricky: and i stayed here
ricky: i would’ve gone with you, you know?
you: i couldn’t do that to you
you: you had all your friends and family here
you: you were following your dreams
ricky: i could’ve done that with you wherever you went
you: it wouldn’t have been the same
ricky: it wasn’t the same without you here either
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[what did you love most about each other?]
you: oh gosh
ricky: is it really that hard to think of something
you: no that’s not it
you: i just love you so much, it’s hard to pick just one thing
ricky: love?
you: what
ricky: you said love, not loved
you: you know what i mean
you: i loved how you talked
ricky: i have no idea what that means
you: like when you were excited about something that happened that day and your whole face would light up
you: your eyes would shine and your smile was so big
you: and you’d ramble on and on about the most trivial things
you: but they were important to you and that made them important to me
you: it felt nice to know that you wanted to tell me everything. it was easy to love you
you: are you okay
ricky: i was always worried i was being annoying
you: you never annoyed me
ricky: i loved your duality
you: i didn’t think you knew what that word meant
ricky: oh shut up
you: also, huh
ricky: well, if you’d let me explain
ricky: you made me want to talk to you, but i also wanted to listen and know everything about you
ricky: you could match my energy and calm me down too
ricky: and you were funny
ricky: we would stay up laughing for hours and we’d always have to cover each other’s mouths to not wake up the neighbors
you: i should’ve mentioned that i loved how you made me laugh
ricky: i am pretty funny
you: and so humble too
you: why are you looking at me like that
ricky: i love your laugh
you: you said love, not loved
ricky: i know
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[what did you hate most about each other?]
you: it’s ok, ricky
ricky: almost everything about you was perfect to me
you: emphasis on almost. go ahead
ricky: i hated how you left
ricky: not even that you left but you didn’t let me go with you
you: ricky-
ricky: you made that decision for me without even asking how i felt. you just decided for both of us and left without looking back
ricky: you did that a lot actually but i never thought it would end with you leaving
you: i’m sorry, i just wanted the best for you
ricky: i know, it’s ok
ricky: your turn
you: i don’t know what to say
ricky: oh come on, there had to be something
you: i was so in love with you, all of you
ricky: there had to be at least one major flaw to make you leave
you: i didn’t want to leave you, ricky
ricky: then why did you?
you: i hated how indecisive you used to be
ricky: i can’t decide how i feel about that
you: i’m so done with you
ricky: don’t act like i can’t see that smile
you: anyway, as i was saying
you: you could never make a choice from what you wanted for dinner to even whether or not we should actually date. it felt like i was responsible for maintaining this relationship, i guess that’s why i always needed to make the decisions
ricky: i never thought about that, i’m sorry
you: i know, it’s ok
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[do you think you could try again?]
you: yes
ricky: yes
you: jinx, you owe me a coke
ricky: would you want to get lunch after this? just so i can buy you that coke, of course
you: that sounds nice
you: but only for the coke
ricky: only for the coke
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p.s. it wasn’t only for the coke
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i-m-b-a-s-i-c · 4 years
late night part 2 ★ ricky bowen
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summary: you and ricky are in class and you’re pretty cute together
warnings: very bad writing, super short, fluff? idk
a/n: i’m sorry this is so short. i just couldn’t get motivated and this is what i came up with. i promise future writing will be much better. hopefully.
Part 1
You were sitting in your physics class, waiting for class to start. Even after the long night you had, you felt more awake than ever, as if you had taken a power nap and were ready to continue the rest of your day.
The bell rang, signaling the beginning of class. The teacher had left for something, so a few kids came in late without notice. You had been subconsciously watching the door, waiting for something, but you couldn’t put your finger on what. That is, until you saw a head of curls behind a random classmate. Ricky noticed you immediately and his mouth grew into a wide grin as he waved at you. You grinned back and he walked over to your desk.
He stood near you out of the way of other students, “How are you?”
“I’m pretty good. I actually met this guy last night, so...”
He smiled, “Oh, how is he?”
“He’s great. Super cute, funny, kind of has an issue with showing up to class on time though.”
“Well, maybe he accidentally slept in because he was with this amazing girl last night.”
Both of you were smiling like dorks at each other, “Maybe you're right.”
The teacher walked in and Ricky leaned over to you, “Talk to you later?”
”Of course.”
He winked at you as he walked towards his desk in the back of the classroom, bumping into another desk. You held in a laugh as he turned red and apologized to the girl sitting in it. He sunk into his seat and gave you a look when you smiled at him. The rest of the class was boring as you waited for it to end.
You walked out of class, waiting in the hall for Ricky. When he saw you, his face lit up, but it was obvious he was stewing on something. His eyebrows were slightly scrunched and his eyes were concentrated downwards. You tapped his shoulder, “What are you thinking about?”
He looked up at you, ”Just your late comment.”
“Really? What about it?”
“If I remember correctly, you're the one who was late to class the first day.”
”Woah, woah, woah. That was one time. You, on the other hand, are late on a consistent basis.”
”That is not true! I'll have you know I’m only late every once in a while, ” he defended.
”That’s still consistent!”
Suddenly, his lips curved into a smirk and he looked at you, ”How do you know how late I am anyway? Have you been watching me, Y/N?”
A slight blush spread across your cheeks, “That is not it, I just-”
He leaned in closer, “Just what?”
”I’m just a very observant person,” you answered firmly. “Usually to people I find hot.”
It was his turn to be red. You looked at him, “What class do you have next period anyway?”
”Study hall.”
“Really? Me too.”
“I know.”
“How? I haven’t seen you around.”
“I’m just a very observant person,” he paused, mimicking you, “usually to people I find hot.”
You both laughed and you gave his shoulder a light push and he pushed you back, “I think we’re going to be late.”
“Oh whatever, when have you ever cared about being late?”
You began walking slower and Ricky turned to you exasperated, grabbing your hand, “You’re going too slow.”
As he pulled you along, laughing and running, you couldn’t help but feel deja vu.
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i-m-b-a-s-i-c · 4 years
I love your writing so much!!! Are you making a part two for late night?
Thank you!!! I’m not sure about a part 2 for that specific story, but if it’s highly requested, than I’ll definitely post one!!
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i-m-b-a-s-i-c · 4 years
Love love love love love love love love LOVE YOUR WRITING! I want moreeeee
Thank you!!! 🥰 I was so worried that no one would like my writing so this is super encouraging. I will definitely be writing more. Feel free to send requests!!!
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i-m-b-a-s-i-c · 4 years
late night ★ ricky bowen
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summary: you can’t sleep, so you decide to go on a walk and meet a cute stranger.
warnings: bad writing, fluff?? Idk
a/n: this is my first time writing anything like this, so feedback is much appreciated. (and sorry if this is bad) thanks!!!
Part 2
You stared up at your blank white ceiling, before turning onto your side and watching the seconds tick by on your gray wall clock. Just another sleepless night. You were feeling extra restless tonight. Maybe if you just did something you’d get tired. Well, it was worth a try.
Standing up, you faced a wall and started pacing back and forth, speeding up to a jog. Eventually you felt yourself starting to feel tired and fell back onto the bed. Your eyes fluttered closed and you felt your heartbeat slowing. Just as you began falling asleep, your eyes opened again. Nope, it was even worse now. You laid there for several minutes, staring at the door before finally sitting up in bed. You had to do something, anything.
Your eyes flickered across the room until they landed on the tree beside your window. Perfect. You looked down at your polka dot pajama pants and stain-covered t-shirt. First, you needed to change.
Minutes later, you were standing on your roof in a giant hoodie, jeans, and battered sneakers, examining the tree. Finally, you grabbed a branch and swung yourself towards the trunk. You sighed with relief when your legs wrapped around it and shuffled your way down the tree. As soon as your feet hit the ground, you pulled up your hood and started running down the sidewalk.
When you reached the local mall, you collapsed on a bench. You held your head in your hands as you breathed in the fresh air. You heard a voice from beside you, “You seem tired.”
Your head swiveled to your left and there sat a boy you hadn't noticed. He sat two feet away with his hands in his hoodie pockets. His brown curls were ruffled like he’d just gotten out of bed and his brown eyes twinkled with amusement. His mouth was relaxed in a playful smirk, “So what brings you to the mall at 1 am on a school night?”
“I could ask you the same question,”you murmured, keeping your hood on.
“Touché, well, can I have the honor of knowing your name?” he asked, his puppy brown eyes gleaming.
“Y/N, what’s yours?”
“Ricky. Now that we know each other’s names, can I ask why you’re here?”
“I couldn't sleep, what about you?”
“Just had to get my mind off a few things.”
You both sat in silence. It made you uncomfortable, but you tried to ignore it by fiddling with your hoodie strings. You could feel Ricky’s eyes on you, so you were glad your hoodie was still obstructing your face.
He coughed, startling you, “The city looks really nice at night, feels quieter.”
You looked up and nodded slowly. After a moment, he shifted his gaze to the sky and you took the opportunity to observe him.
His pretty brown eyes were framed with long, thick lashes. His skin wasn’t quite pale, with a pinkish hue. His pink lips were slightly chapped, but wet with his incessant licking. He was cute. And... familiar.
“Are you in my physics class?”
He turned back to you, surprised, and his eyes studied your face. “That’s where I know you from! I didn’t recognize you with the hood. Second row, third seat to the left.”
Your eyes widened and his face turned bright red, “Not that I watch you or anything because I definitely don’t. I just like observing people in my classes, so you’re not special.”
You watched him as he continued to ramble, “Not that you’re not special because you are! I just mean-”
You giggled, and he stopped talking, watching you laugh. “It’s okay, I get what you mean.”
He sighed in relief, “Great.”
You both looked away from the other, and you decided to focus on the stars. You never really noticed them, but tonight they seemed different, brighter somehow. You felt a cool breeze and took off your hood. It felt nice on your skin. You felt someone watching you and turned to Ricky. He was staring at you and turned bright red when you caught him. He turned away quickly. Suddenly, he blurted out, “Wanna do something fun?”
In hindsight, you probably should’ve said no. Going to a location you’d never been to with a guy you barely knew? Not the smartest idea. Despite this, you found yourself saying yes.
You walked along the sidewalk, side by side, retaining a comfortable distance. That is, until he announced you were going too slow and took your hand. He pulled you along underneath lampposts that made his eyes shine. Eventually, he stopped in front of an old apartment building, squeezing your hand before letting go. He lead you to the back of it, pulling down a fire-escape ladder. You stared at the ladder and asked, “Is this legal?”
“If you don’t get caught.”
“That’s not a good answer”
“What answer would make you feel better about doing it?”
You furrowed your brows, “Never mind. The less I know, the better.”
He checked the ladder to make sure it wouldn’t fall and stepped aside, “Ladies first.”
You rolled your eyes, “Thank you kind gentleman.”
He chuckled and you began your climb. Halfway up, you looked down to see him staring up at you. Well, a part of you. His cheeks reddened when you caught him and he looked down immediately. You laughed and continued your ascent.
When you came up, you saw a blanket spread out on the roof and looked behind you to Ricky clambering over the ledge. He stood up and chuckled, “I may come here sometimes.”
You looked at him weirdly, “What if it rains? Doesn’t your blanket get wet?”
“I haven’t thought that far ahead.”
You continued to look at him, thinking of many more questions when he said, “Whatever, just come on.”
You followed him to the blanket and he sat down, patting the spot next to him. Both of you laid down, side by side, and you stared up at the sky full of stars.
You both talked about everything and nothing. It felt nice talking to someone that didn’t really know you. Or, at least, that you didn’t really know. He propped himself up on his elbow, “I don’t know if this is weird or anything, but I thought you were cute when you walked into physics on the first day.”
You deadpanned, “I was late and tripped on my way to a desk.”
He laughed, “I know... it was cute.”
You felt your face heat up, “And now?”
“Ehhhh, you’ve downgraded.”
You smacked him in the arm and he held up his hands in surrender, “I’m just kidding, you’re still cute.”
You couldn’t stop grinning, “You’re cute too.”
He blushed, looking away and you found his hand, interlacing your fingers.
You both laid like that for a while, holding hands and smiling. That is, until you checked your phone. It was 3 am. “Ricky, I would love to stay here with you, but I’ve got to get home.”
“Shoot, you’re right. Can I walk you home?”
Before you realized, you were approaching your house with Ricky’s fingers loosely intertwined with yours. “This is me.”
He looked slightly disappointed, “So this is goodbye.”
You leaned over and gave his cheek a peck, his face burning as you pulled away, “I’ll see you tomorrow at Physic’s, you dork.”
You then turned around and ran to the tall tree near your window, trying to climb it without embarrassing yourself. Luckily, you made it to the window with relative ease and clambered inside. When you looked back out, Ricky was still standing there with his hand on his cheek, looking up at you. You gave him a small wave and he waved back excitedly. You watched him through the window as he walked away with a little skip.
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