i-am-delaney · 2 years
So, something I see (and say) a lot is that fat/plus size folks should be able to go to the doctor to get medical treatment and not have everything be made about their weight. And I hear a lot of pushback to that- “Shouldn’t doctors bring that up? A doctor is SUPPOSED to care about your health!”
So I figured I would give y’all an example of what I mean when I say “I want to be able to get medical treatment and have it not be made about my weight.”
I’ve been to the doctor for breast pain twice in my life. Once when I was in my first year of college, and once during my last year of grad school. The two experiences were vastly different.
First time around, I go in because I’m having pain in my left breast. I don’t feel anything, but something hurts. I sit down in the doctor’s office, in she comes. I tell her what’s going on. And right away she hits me with “Well, maybe losing some weight would help.” Didn’t examine my breast. Didn’t ask me much else. Just spent the next ten minutes telling me that it probably had something to do with me being fat and then sent me on my way. I learned basically nothing, just that I “probably” didn’t have fucking breast cancer.
Second time. I’m in grad school, and this time I actually feel a lump, so of course I panic. I go to the doctor. She has me take off my shirt and all that, and then asks me some questions. When did it start? Is the pain worse or better than when I called about it? Can I still feel the lump? Has this happened before? I answer, she gives my boob a few good pokes and all that. Checks the other for good measure. And then gives me answers.
She tells me I have fiberous breasts, which is normal. Tells me it was probably a cyst, since that happens sometimes and, given my symptoms and the exam, it seems to be gone now. I tell her I get those in other places a lot and she nods and says “Yeah, probably a cyst.” She tells me to keep an eye out and call her if I feel any more lumps- even if it is just another cyst, she wants to make sure. She says I could go for a mammogram but because I’m only 24 and the symptoms are subsiding it isn’t needed, in her opinion, but she would be happy to set one up for me to put my mind at ease. Then she shakes my hand and leaves. We spent about 30 minutes together.
This is what I mean when I say “I want medical treatment without it being made about my weight.” The first doctor assumed, right away, that the problem was because I am fat. And because she assumed that, she didn’t check me, didn’t ask me questions she should have. There are horror stories out there about people who had treatable illnesses that later killed them because they weren’t caught in time.
“Shouldn’t doctors care about your health?” well, only one of these doctors actually seemed to. The one who did her job, who checked me out, who gave me answers and not only made sure I didn’t have something serious going on, but who put my mind at ease about my health. Who gave me signs to look out for and things to DO if this ever happens again. The other... The other lectured me about my body size and then shooed me out of her office without saying the words “lump” or “exam”. That, to me at least, doesn’t sound like caring about my health. The words “health” and “body size” are not synonomous and, in this case, my size didn’t have anything to do with it. There was no reason to bring it up because it wasn’t part of my medical concern.
I want to be able to walk into a doctor’s office and say “I have a problem” and have the doctor go “Okay, let me take a look at your problem”. I’m lucky and privileged that I have managed to find doctors who do that- who address my issues and history and ME as a whole person. But I’ve also had a lot of experiences with doctors who respond to “I have a problem” with “Well try losing weight”, no matter what the problem is. And that’s not okay. That KILLS people. And that’s why quality medical care for fat/plus size people is such an issue.
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
fatphobia is so deeply embedded in peoples psyche that they live in perpetual fear of being/becoming fat. people shape their whole lives around their fatphobia b/c they’d rather be dead than fat. our entire culture and institutions, yes even the medical field work to propagate that fear, branding fatness as a death sentence.‬
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
I love seeing people get salty at the idea that people with a “high” BMI get to be vaccinated before thin people. Y’all spent decades shaming fat people and telling them how horrible and unhealthy they are and how they’re going to die and now y’all want to be like “oh no the BMI should only be used to harm fat people! They aren’t ‘chronically ill’ enough for the vaccine!” Nah. You reap what you sow. Eat shit, fatphobes.
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
skinny people will look you in the eye and claim their life is harder because people want them to eat
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
wish we could spend less time telling fat people that they're ~still sexy and fuckable~ and more time telling thin people that their bodies aren't a sign of superiority
sexualising fat bodies doesn't fix the problem
how is that gonna help fat children being bullied. how is that gonna help people being treated like shit at work. how does that help people who's medical needs aren't being met because their doctors can't see past their weight.
it's not just about feeling desirable it's about being respected and valued as people
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
Fatness: *literally connected to poverty to the point that so many poor and working class people are fat, and on top of that fat people even experience a wage gap and are not paid as much for the same work as their thin peers*
Society: Let's portray greed, capitalism, corporations, CEOs, and anyone with an ounce of power (especially power over the working class) as fat! :)
"Progressive" people: Fucking brilliant
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
include fat people in your activism
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
Companies are no longer grounded in reality.
My roommate recently came home pale-faced, like he’d seen a ghost. More like witnessed a massacre. Mass-firings were just done at his company. His job, he’d been assured, was safe. All of his coworkers weren’t so safe, and he had to get texts and phone calls from his work-friends, people he’d worked alongside for years, people he‘d gone out to have drinks with, learn they were no longer employed. To say he had survivor’s guilt would not be hyperbole.
Was this because the company had fallen on hard times? The pandemic has been rough for a lot of industries. No, actually, the company had turned a very nice profit both last year and previous, even in such a troublesome market.
The problem was, you see, the company’s stock price hadn’t risen quite as high as had been projected. They’d made money, sure. Quite a lot of money, in fact. But too many people had projected, i.e., bet the company would do better.
How did the company offset this “loss”? Easy: fire people. Quickest and easiest way to pad the numbers.
No but you don’t understand stock had fallen a percentage point! There was no other way!
We see it all the time. Hugely successful companies reporting ‘record-breaking’ profits then fire huge segments of their workforce - the very people responsible for those record-breaking profits. Why? The money “saved” on personnel costs can boost the stocks even higher!
If your company is struggling, not turning a profit, losing money, people expect layoffs. But to work hard, be successful, your company churning along strong and healthy, and you still lose your job? For what? Because half a percentage point that was dictated by speculation, guessing, by gambling that things would go up or down a certain amount on a graph of rich-people feelings?
I wonder how next year’s speculations will be affected with the information that the company laid off a lot of the people responsible for last year’s profits? Probably not much because the workers are just the components at the company; it’s the leadership that drives the ship, that makes the successes. Those leaders whose bonuses are coincidentally decided by, among other things, the stock price.
Companies are no longer grounded in reality.
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
Imho the idea of ‘cruelty free’ products or food shouldn’t mean that nothing died to create it, but rather that anything and anyone involved in the creation process hasn’t been exploited or harmed.
Leather is good actually. Veganism isn’t the end all be all to morality and consumption. The issue isn’t that a chicken died for those nuggets, but that while the chicken was alive, it’s life fucking sucked. Vegan chocolate means little if the cocoa that made it was gathered by child slave labor.
Factory farms, abuses of the people who pick the fruit and vegetables we eat, the focus profit and productivity over all else - that’s the fucking issue here. It’s capitalism folks.
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
so i'm seeing this post go around quite a bit uncritically with links to straight up donate to ukrainian neo-nazi groups so i'll break it down, here's the post you'll probably see:
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here's the contents of one link, calling themselves "freikorps" and using what looks to be an azov battalion insignia as an avatar:
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and here's what the azov battalion is if you don't know:
now here's another link this time with with a pic of ppl flying a right sector flag:
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if you dont know what right sector is:
so please don't donate to this shit, the situation isn't just some simple little good guy vs big bad guy thing, if you see someone sharing that post, try sharing this with them bcus they probably don't know
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
If you are looking for an emergency exit from Ukraine, Poland will open EIGHT safety points on the border with Ukraine (you will get warm food, medical help and from there you will be guided to safety) in two of our voivodeships: lubelskie and podkarpackie. It is confirmed by the Polish Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Paweł Szefernaker.
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I've marked those voivodeships on the map!
Please share because it can save lives!!!!!!
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
Big Bad Wolf | KNJ (M)
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🔴 Summary: Your mom has always warned you not to venture too deep into the forest, for legend has it, in it lives vicious, man eating wolves. You’ve always listened to her words until one day when your love of animals gets the better of you and you end up in the woods, chasing after a wounded cat. When you stumble across a secluded cottage in the middle of the forest and meet one of these “Big Bad Wolves,” you learn that maybe not everything is as it seems.
🔴 Pairing: Wolf Shapeshifter!Namjoon x Human Female!Reader
🔴 Genre/AU: Angst, fluff, smut, fantasy, strangers to lovers
🔴 Rating: 18+ | R
🔴 Warnings: profanity, non-descriptive talk of murder, mention of guns/a gunshot wound, unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, knotting, marking
🔴 Words: 19.7k 🥴
🔴 Note: It’s finally here - my fic for @hobeemin​’s Bangtan Grimm Event!! The fairytale my fic is inspired by is Little Red Riding Hood. Full disclosure here, this is my first half human/half animal fic so to anyone that reads this that is much more seasoned with hybrid-esque fics, it’s not the same as others you probably have read lol. 
Thank you soooo much to @lavienjin​ for this amazing banner!! ❤️❤️ ENORMOUS thank you to @playmetheclassics​ for literally being my hero and beta reading this chonker of a fic in a few hours after I finished it 🥰🥰
This fic has been a journey to say the least. Writer’s block has had me in an absolute chokehold these past few months, but I’m so glad I was able to finally finish this! Please enjoy my longest fic to date 😂💖
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Keep reading
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
Oh to be young, effortlessly beautiful and live in a body that society deems admirable. I’d never fuss about my struggles again if I could be pretty for a day. To have people like me, desire me, and want to know me. Not to be repulsed by my outwardly appearance and find me some monster that is unapproachable and unlovable. What it would be like to have genuine friends and a significant other who cherishes me dearly.
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i-am-delaney · 2 years
An idea:
We let fat people exist and stop punishing them for their existence.
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