hyruleanweeb · 6 months
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hyruleanweeb · 8 months
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reblogs appreciated for sample size!
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hyruleanweeb · 1 year
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hyruleanweeb · 1 year
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Girl boss Marinette ❤️
Gave up working on this last month and decided to finish it today. Wanted to do something fashion-related and OF COURSE I did Marinette. I was gonna do Adrien's version but I honestly got tired 😭 but I might do it someday
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hyruleanweeb · 2 years
Some times people will respond to my posts and say stuff like “Oh, this post was made by fictional characters. Or spirits and devils.” 
No, no… I’m writing all of these on my computer.
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hyruleanweeb · 2 years
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hyruleanweeb · 2 years
Begging everyone on the internet to stop smoothing out their middle aged men and draw wrinkles for the love of god I promise it's so fun you'll love it Come into my wine cellar
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hyruleanweeb · 2 years
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hyruleanweeb · 2 years
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Based on actual events
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hyruleanweeb · 2 years
Consider: crabs.... but with paws
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dont touch
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hyruleanweeb · 3 years
bi women who lean more towards men r literally so strong this isn't even a joke the biphobia they face for literally no reason is fucking crazy
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hyruleanweeb · 3 years
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hyruleanweeb · 3 years
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Can you feel the vibe?
It’s been one month (almost) since Melody of Melody released, so I decided to give all the Destiny kids a set of headphones!
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hyruleanweeb · 3 years
aight its time to clock out for a bit. im tired, this has me tired. im gonna draw some dragons getting their heads stuck in things. someone give me some ideas 
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hyruleanweeb · 3 years
‪How to tell if you’re Bi:‬
‪You have an atomic number of 83‬
‪You’re pentavalent‬
You crystallize into repeating cube shapes‬
When your surface is exposed to oxygen it oxidizes into a rainbow‬
You are mildly radioactive with a half life longer than the age of the universe‬
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hyruleanweeb · 3 years
boys 👏 can 👏 be 👏 asexual👏
rb if you agree
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hyruleanweeb · 3 years
I need to get this out of my chest
I’m incredibly pissed at young justice’s treatment of m’gann’s character, i have always been, but i can’t even stay pissed bc this is the only appearance we have of young naive ‘’sweet’ megan so ugggggggggggh here me out while i try to explain my toxic relationship with yj.
So is 2010, yj comes out, alright everyone liked that, but season 2 comes around and we miss martian’s fans found out that she’s been acting like a fuckin’ psycho frying people’s minds… okay i said back in the day, they are just givin her a little something, a lil drama, action whatever… but nobody liked that. Everyone started hating on her more than they already did (for whatever reason they hated her before. I have many things to say about that but that’s not the point of this rant, i can make another one for that) and started saying how she was awful and how she did not deserve to be forgiven and you know what more, we all know.
Fast forward to some years later, when i was finally old enough to read comics without having to change the screen everytime my mom walked in my room, i started reading teen titans and shit like that bc oui. So, i got to know m’gann better, and this whole ‘miss martian frying brains and trying to erase her beloved’s mind’ did not sit right with me anymore. Wtf was that about? what was that for?????? In teen titans (2003) she has codes and rules that she sticks to when it comes to using her powers on earth. She’s very concious that she’s an alien and only breaks her rules when it’s EXTREMELY necessary (like when they visited her in the australian dessert) soooooooo????? nevermind.
Then we got the amazing news that yj was coming back!!!!! yay i was super excited i thought ‘now is the time for m’gann to be explored and redeemed and understood. Fuck That, they said, because my girl got like 5 sec of screen time and i know she was a leader this season, that’s something, but most of the time i saw her being conner’s fiance than anything else. Not that i complain, and problably it isn’t true but that’s how i percieved it bc i expected more of her on season 3. I wanted her to be a BAMF like she is in the comics, AND THAT’S WHAT PISSES ME OF!
In the comics we have this beautiful sweet, naive alien girl who’s just so delicate and sensitive that even quit the teen titans after a fight! AND WOULD NEVER HURT ANYONE!!! in fact, in one of her first appereances in the teen titans comics she’s fighting against a thief (idk i don’t remember very well it’s been YEARS) and she’s like ‘promise you won’t do it again i don’t want to hurt you’ ‘if you promise you’ll never do it again i won’t hurt you’ and at the end she just gives the guy to the police! we only got to see that in s1 and still she was hated (ugh again, so many thing to say about that too) so it wasn’t really… joyful.
In yj it’s clear that m’gann has great power, that she’s increadibly powerful, even J’onn mentions it and then???? it’s forgotten for the rest of the series????????? noooo, the only time when we see how powerful miss martian is is when… u guessed it… she goes full psycho mod and starts attacking minds for no apparent reason beyond ‘they are the bad guys and we need the info idc’. WHY????? In TITANS (2016) we see how wonderful of a ‘leader’ M’gann can be and it’s AMAZING. Not only that but we see her being true to herself: she still has secrets, but she’s her sweet self and not some mind-intruder monster, plus she’s a lot more mature. 
In both Teen Titans (2003) and Titans (2016) we see her as we know her: kind, loving, caring, fun but serious when needed. It’s shown that she can cope with great responsabilities and we can see also how willing she is to sacrifice herself for others (i mean she doesn’t even think twice before projecting her astral self to save the rest of the titans even though it leaves her in a coma, a BAMF) and this is precisely why she’s my fav<3 why can’t a sweet girly girl also be a leader and one of the most powerful heroes of the world??
I see what yj tried to do: they wanted to give her sometnig more i guess… like what happened when she killed the Manhunter in teen titans and was kind of evil but fighting against it…but it ended up going in all the wrong directions. I feel like what happened with her in s2 was made just for the general plot and not really for her character development. People already didn’t like here as much as the rest of the characters in s1, so for the second they were like ‘ah whatever they dislike her already, what’s a little more going to do’. As each season passes i see her fading more and more to the background and it’s not fair:( bc yj is the most important and big Miss Martian appearence outside the comics, and still in the comics she’s not that studied. So now i fear i’ll never see the Miss Martian at her full potential outside the comics bc yj made everyone dislike her.
THIS is what i mean when i say that Miss Martian deserves better. I want to see her fighting villains with her 8 arms and laser vision, not being a ‘liar’ and fainting everytime there’s fire near or yes GIVE ME SOME FUCKING ANGST! so we can see the team caring for her!!! bc wtf??? you see your friend doing a villain move and you are just ‘oh never mind’ i mean Nightwing hears that M’gann, sweet naive loving im- going- to- bake- you- cookies -bc -i -love- u M’gann, fried Kaldur’s mind and he just goes :o WHAT? or Artemis being like ‘Now fix what u did and hurry up’ when they were in Manta’s ship I MEAN????????? do u really not care??? Ur friend is going through some shit right now, pulling a whole ‘I might turn evil’ stunt and u are like …that’s something. Shouldn’t hey be asking like??? what happened to make her go like that???? they all just let it pass i mean C’MONNNNN
Okay so, what i mean is that i want to see the REAL Miss Martian, The Hello Kitty Martian, who asks what button’s for hugging when playing Playstation, but that can also kick your ass into another psychic world and then ask you if you are okay bc she didn’t mean to hurt you. THAT’S my Miss Martian. I guess I just stick around with yj bc 1. It’s fuckin great can’t lie (plot, animation, the rest of the characters, etc) 2. bc s i said before, it’s the only chance to see m’gann outside the comics.
Give me the M’gann I know and love, and give M’gann the chance to have fans who love her and get to know her.
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