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By artist Michael Marsicano.
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Sci-fi concept art by Yongseok Jung.
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All the Worlds to See by Julie Dillon
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star wars meme: [1/10] characters » palpatine
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me trying to motivate myself to do literally anything
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when you’re so sleep-deprived that you don’t even feel tired anymore
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Hello there!
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Has anyone commented yet on how TLJ’s backstory completely contradicts the Force flashback vision in TFA where a fully costumed group of the Knights of Ren are murdering Luke’s students? That looked like a premeditated slaughter whereas TLJ frames it as a panic fueled event that happened in one night. And even then, why was an entire group of Luke’s students so ride or die for Kylo that they were ready and willing to help him massacre their fellow students? And where are they now?
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some highlights from the tlj reviews (spoilers)
“after TLJ I want to retroactively give TPM an Oscar”
“after seeing TLJ, I kinda miss Jar Jar”
“Most people think that If you take Jar Jar out of the prequels, they almost are good movies. But there is no one thing I could add or remove from TLJ to make it even remotely passable.”
“How high were they when they were pitching that idea? How stoned were they when they went for it?”
“The Last Jedi was so tedious that were it not a Star Wars movie, I would have walked out of the cinema within an hour.”
“When it’s not being cheesy and cringe worthy, it is more wooden and unbelievable than even what we saw in the prequel movies.”
“Disney killed Star Wars and everything that modern cinema is about.”
“it’s the most horrible blockbuster ever done, I literally started to weep inside my seat 2/3 through the movie, infinite empty crawled up inside me, swallowing my will to watch this disasterpiece to the bitter end with all the consequences you had to anticipate.”
“Burn in hell Disney, just burn.”
“The whole movie is basically the Resistance trying to escape the First Order with the death of three characters just put in.”
“this is the WORST Star Wars movie ever created.”
“It’s time for the Jedi, and for Star Wars to end.”
“The Last Jedi is one giant cinematographic anticlimax.”
“This movie is a declaration of bankruptcy to the Star Wars world, but certainly not bankruptcy for Disney, seeing how they treat Star Wars only as a cash cow.”
“Hoped that Luke would kick some ass for the old times’ sake? WELL HELL NAW BOY HE’S JUST GONNA MAKE SOME F**KING HOLOGRAM OF HIMSELF AND THEN DIE OF NOTHING!”
“Snoke is a silly joke in a yellow bathrobe compared to Palpatine. And so is this movie compared to Episode V, even to Episode III in my opinion.”
“When this lady assumed command and looked clueless I felt: Where is Captain Kirk when you need him?”
“George Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney to get revenge on all these prequel haters.”
“Best of luck to Abrams in salvaging the story he set out to tell”
“If you’re looking for a slapstick car crash with no heart, pathos or tension, The Last Jedi is the film for you.”
“All I can think to do is get drunk and pretend it was a bad dream.”
“I thought I was in the wrong movie.”
“These new movies are more in the style of the Star Wars Holiday Special than the original movies.”
“I wish the advancement of technology would fix bad writing!”
“disney is the death star and star wars is alderaan.”
“the only thing missing is the laugh track”
“It’s a horrendously badly written, focusless, directionless, awfully long, stinking mess from yet again a director who does not have the faintest idea what Star Wars is about.”
“even Attack of the Clones, possibly the most condemned Star Wars film to date, at least had structure and relevant character development.”
“The plot can be summarised as succinctly as ‘Rebels flee from the First Order’ in an almost comically long car chase”
“The use of words like ‘Godspeed’, ‘Police’, ‘crack open like an egg’ really proves that the writers had no clue of what they were doing.”
“The Force, which is a basis for spirituality now serves as galactic Skype calls.”
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more thoughts on luke’s portrayal in that flashback
one thing that’s bothering me about luke’s portrayal in the last jedi - and specifically the scene with kylo ren in the flashback - has to do with the fact that luke is not a cinnamon roll and never has been. given that, this movie isn’t just a departure from the sweet farmboy who grew up to be a jedi. it’s a change in how luke responds to the temptation of the dark side.
luke is certainly that farmboy, but he’s not just that. he is tempted by the dark side multiple times in the original trilogy and gives in to anger and revenge multiple times as well. however, this means we have evidence of what luke is like when he’s tempted by the dark side. make no mistake, that’s what the flashback scene with kylo ren is about. examples of luke being tempted by the dark side in the original trilogy include: the cave, taking vader’s bait at cloud city for the duel, the scenes at jabba’s palace, and lastly, the throne room scene. 
given that we have seen what luke looks like when he is angry or when he is tempted by the dark side, tlj’s interpretation is even weaker and sloppier in its handling of luke and kylo ren’s backstory.
continued, under the cut.
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take a shot every time a pretentious film reviewer regards Rian Johnson’s “deconstruction” of Star Wars as a good thing rather than as a dismissal of the saga’s optimistic messages of hope and love and heroism
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Hi, I just saw your post about having legitimate complaints about TLJ... I haven't seen it yet, but was wondering what your complaints were (and whether it's worth me spending my money going to see it). I'm not bothered by spoilers.
good evening dear! to make things easy, i’m just gonna make one hugeass post and do a bullet list.
no consistency to story-telling
you wanna add new force powers? fine! great! but keep them consistent!
yoda appears to tell luke that the jedi are garbage & should end ( yoda???? of all people???? instead of someone who would actually think that given personal experience, like, y’know, ANAKIN )
also somehow yoda can call down lightning and cause real-world damage to a tree by setting it ablaze? why hasn’t yoda or obi-wan or anakin literally just come down and stop the order by doing something like this if they can literally control nature from the afterlife????
someone ( leia )…. with no proper force training…. can somehow defy…. dying in space? and also project themselves through space while barely conscious?
rian seems to want to keep this narrative of ‘evERYonE caN HAve ThE foRCe’ but when given the chance to make one of three kids force-sensitive, one kid being a black boy, one a white girl, and one a white boy, in a series where we have leading white female and black male protagonists and a white male villain………. somehow rian decided it was best to give the white boy the force? in a trilogy where the leAD CHARACTER IS A FEMALE AND ONE OF THE LEADING MALES IS A BLACK MAN?????????? GROUNDBREAKING
snoke connected rey and kyle via force skyping, but if his whole goal was to just……….. get rey to come to the supremacy after he manipulated her to believe in kyle’s redemption, like….. why do all that shit. why not just….. read her mind. clearly he can influence people and affect people from long distances so what the fuck why would he bother with that weird force bond shit. like if vader can fucking force choke a guy over a video conference, i don’t see why it’s that much more of a stretch to just have snoke read rey’s mind or manipulate her without using kyle
luke fucking astral projecting himself onto crait, despite not knowing they were on crait, after shutting himself off from the force like 10 years prior to tlj– somehow he’s able to hold a long-term projection of himself to taunt kyle and buy time for the fleeing resistance? and then, at the end, he just….. gives up and dies? becomes one with the force? ???????
lame foreshadowing/repetition
so, when kyle and rey’s first skype session goes live, kyle makes a point of asking rey if she was causing this, this almost astral projection skype convo from light years away, only to say ‘no….. the strain would kill you.’ cue the end of the movie, where it’s revealed luke was just projecting himself all along, and…. he dies.
there’s also this scene where luke asks rey what the force is, and being inexperienced in it, she makes a comment about it being about making things float. luke says no, everything you said is not-true– its not about making rocks float, ( which is then brought back as a concept at the very end of the movie, when rey has to float rocks to free the resistance from the caves they ran into, again, bad foreshadowing. ) this is then brought back later when astral luke is facing off with kyle, and kyle says something about destroying the resistance and the jedi…. only for luke to, verbatim, say what he said to rey about every word he said being not-true.
this almost bashing it into our heads notion of ‘kill the past, it’s only holding you back’ that’s mentioned by kyle, that seems to be the central thread– the past is just that, the past. it’s time to completely ignore it and never look back. it’s time to wipe away the misty-eyed wonders of your hero worship of your childhood… the reality is that people fuck up and your heroes are nothing and in the end we all die, jan. ( what a fun, hopeful message. )
but with this message, this idea of all your heroes are dead and don’t even think of people as heroes because that’s just unrealistic and you’ll be disappointed when they fuck up because we’re all human :))) – with that message we’re then meant to leave the theater somehow emboldened because luke took up the mantle of being a legend in the end…. even though there’s no reason he should be considered one when the only people who witness this astral fight technically are kyle and the first order– the resistance didn’t watch because they were trying to escape through the base’s tunnels with the time luke was buying them. so we’re supposed to treat luke as a legend now….. or are we supposed to hate this idea of hero worship? i’m getting mixed signals.
literally everything built up in tfa…. rey’s parents/backstory, snoke’s history/why the resistance even knows about him, why kyle became evil, why rey was able to call the lightsaber over him, why luke exiled himself but left a map………… so many questions to be answered! and tfa laid out a beautiful table for johnson to sit down at and serve dinner.
only johnson decided to say fuck you, fuck your dinner, fuck everything you thought about this movie because it doesn’t matter
rey’s parents? nobodies– drunkards. sold their daughter into literal slavery for drinking money.
snoke’s backstory? doesn’t fucking matter if we hyped him up as more dangerous than vader or palpatine– he’s dead now because he apparently couldn’t sense kyle about to kill him. the man can bond two people across light years of distance, but he doesn’t notice the lightsaber that’s slowly being turned towards him? hm.
why is rey so strong with the force? because it belongs to everyone and not the elite skywalkers who literally came from slavery so fuck you for that too
luke’s exile? because he felt bad about considering killing his nephew when he probed his mind and felt he was completely evil. luke skywalker considered killing his nephew, the son of his twin sister, son of his best friend– let that sink in.
kyle’s evil…. but he’s good, right? there’s good in him? or not. for someone who rian says we can all relate with ( sorry but i don’t relate with fascists :/ ) he made it pretty clear that he wanted kyle to be the end all be all villain by the end of 8. so ??????
also why is kyle so obsessed with vader? what the fuck? guess what? you don’t get to know. fuck you again.
character assassination / regression
luke was……… not luke. clearly. mark hamill has said it’s not luke. that’s more than a bit telling.
rey’s whole story literally revolved around following luke around ahch-to while learning jack shit only to then follow kyle around trying to say there’s still good in him. ( another fun fact rian……… luke only was willing to forgive vader when he realized that was his dad. why would rey feasibly trust her abuser / han’s murderer / man who put finn into a coma so quickly unless maybe they had a prior connection, particularly familial? )
finn was turned into a joke, called a coward, called selfish, tased by rose, slapped by hux……. like finn had literally no character progression at all.
poe went from well-decorated commander of the resistance, former officer with the new republic, to hot-headed flyboy who doesn’t take orders and just needs to learn from his white superiors :)))) like……………… do i even need to say it
leia was practically non-existent, and when she was, she slapped poe and later shot at him, stunning him. which, she…. y’know………. never did to han.
chewie and r2 were literally there as props, don’t even try and tell me otherwise. r2 showed luke leia’s hologram back from anh as a means to like…. spur him into action, but??? luke literally did nothing as well even after that?
lack of lando. can i include that? rian said he ‘wanted’ to include lando but he ‘wouldn’t work’ so i think rian just owes me money for having to even try to comprehend his bullshit
hux??? y’know, the fascist general with that terrifying speech before he decimated an entire star system? that hux? he’s just comic relief now. :)
he even has a ‘your mom’ joke thrown at him which is super funny when you remember he’s a bastard and never knew his birth mom so like #goodwriting
kyle is redeemable now!! even though he’s shown no remorse and has already been offered the chance to redeem himself but he took the opportunity to say ‘fuck you’ and kill han so…. ignore all that, ignore the fact that he’s a fascist leader and massacred children and countless others………….. his uncle tried to kill him so he must be in the right :)))
phasma…. you liked phasma? strong villain woman? yeah, well, watch the most unsatisfying fight that ends in finn winning purely by luck because she falls down into a firey pit. mmmmmm that sure was satisfying? :/
regular star wars rules need not apply?
bombs can just be dropped in space because gravity exists in the vacuum of the stars apparently
but a body on a blown-open bridge can remain on the bridge instead of getting sucked out into space….?
a slow-speed ship chase where one ship is running out of fuel? cinematic gold, apparently
for some reason the first order ships chasing the resistance couldn’t have just….. sped up their ships a bit and plowed them over / took them out with tie fighters for no other reason but….. it wouldn’t be convenient that way?
there’s a lot more than this but i’m tired and should have gone to bed hours ago, so i’ll probably just reblog this sometime tomorrow and add more, but here’s this for starters!
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so yeah the ‘you’re nothing’ line is awful and abusive and manipulative and should disqualify kylo ren from any positive relationship with rey ever and the fact that people are romanticising it is frankly disgusting but let’s also remind ourselves of some other moments in tlj: 
rey’s first instinct on seeing ren was to shoot him 
ren’s first instinct on seeing rey was to attempt to force her to bring luke to him, his motives are clear from the start 
she spends their first three interactions insulting him, rebuffing him and generally telling him to fuck off
the force “”bond”” is non consensual. rey never consented to it. ren never consented either but when he realised what it was, he instantly began using it to manipulate rey for his own purposes. 
the true force bond (which this is not) is not inherently romantic. previous force bonds include erza and darth maul as well as luke and leia. claiming that this bond is romantic is similar to claiming the connection between harry and voldemort in order of the phoenix is romantic when it’s sole narrative purpose is to manipulate the hero and for the hero to eventually overcome it 
she is extremely uncomfortable in his presence for their first interactions
ren manipulates rey into putting herself into a situation that would make her more emotionally vulnerable and feel completely and utterly alone because he wanted something from her aka luke’s location and her power
she didn’t want to turn him because she cared about him, she wanted to turn him for strategic value for the resistance
they don’t care about each other, just what the other person can bring to their side 
they only get along for five minutes before realising that their goals are completely incompatible with one another and the immediate reaction of ren is to begin insulting, manipulating and degrading rey. 
rey turned ren down, cementing their places on opposing sides 
rey left ren for dead on a ship that was about to blow up. this is literally the second time that she has done this in five days. 
ren ordered the falcon blown out of the sky with a high probability that rey was on it
seriously, he sent his entire air support to shoot down his father’s ship. the ship he knew rey had arrived on and that chewbacca was definitely on. 
one of ren’s final lines in the movie is a promise to ‘destroy her [rey], and you and all of it’. sounds pretty comprehensive to me when you consider he attempted to murder luke moments later 
when ren attempted to reconnect with rey through the bond, she rejected him metaophorically and physically 
rey looked happier hugging finn and talking to poe for a combined 25 seconds than she has talking to ren. ever. full stop. period. end of. 
speaking of the scene with poe, this is a direct response to the ‘you’re nothing’ line. it’s there to show rey and the audience that ren was wrong and she’s not nothing. that she is both someone and important. 
in conclusion, romanticising any of this is romanticising the emotional abuse and manipulation of a 19 year old girl who has gone through a lot emotionally in the past five or so days we’ve known her and have been following her journey. r*ylo is nothing but a shocking case study in how we as a society are conditioned to believe that a woman’s abuse, discomfort and pain is sexy if there’s a mildly attractive white man involved. thank you for coming to my ted talk. 
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Obi-Wan: Years ago, I lost my dear friend Anakin.
Vader: Quit telling everyone I'm dead!
Obi-Wan: Sometimes, I can still hear his voice!
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“are you really gonna abandon the entire franchise if reylo becomes canon”
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Star Wars Challenge: [2/2] planets → Coruscant
“Coruscant… the capital of the Republic… the entire planet is one big city.”
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