hxrbingxr · 10 days
She was going to consider that half smile a win- he was feeling better, it seemed. Having a plan always helped, even if the plan was full of half-measures and was probably a really, really bad idea to begin with. "He might be willing to trade," she suggested. "I know a few secrets about why the Accords were ever drafted that he might want to know." She finished off her beer, and put the empty bottle with the collection they already had going on the counter. "I'll tell you on our way; anything I would tell Zemo, you should know, too..." She pulled her wallet from her pocket, and got up to pay their check. "After all," she said, lowering her voice so only he could hear her, "The Accords were written by a HYDRA Head. Zemo might find that interesting, too. Let's go."
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"I could beat him up for you," she offered. She was only half serious- Walker could probably toss her half way across a room at this point. She hadn't kept up with her training, and the more Bucky talked about his concerns, the more she was regretting that choice. "Any hands with the serum is the wrong hands- we may have had Steve, and we have you... but it feels like everyone forgets who really started the serum, and who was really the first super soldier. The last thing the world needs right now is another one of him." The idea of another Red Skull crawling their way up to power sent an actual shiver up her spine, but it only made her determination to help Bucky that much stronger. "I can start going over my HYDRA intel, see if any names blip up in recent happenings. It's gonna be hard- they've had five years without me hunting their schemes down. But aside from asking Zemo, I dunno where else to begin. As far as I know, he wasn't Blipped- and a man that smart and that full of fury, will absolutely have found a way to at least keep up with whispers of their doings."
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hxrbingxr · 13 days
"Nothin' wrong with them! Just that I can still hear after this one," she explained. "Last one I went to was for a metal band and the ringing in my ears didn't stop for like two days. Much different level of musical emersion." She was pretty sure she suffered permanent hearing loss to some degree from that one. "Good, you looked like you were. Even when that one girl screamed 'Dusty, sign my boobs!' That's Aerosmith level of fan," she laughed.
She opened the door and hopped inside, kicking the door shut again with her foot. "Not gonna lie, that was probably one of the better small venue concerts I've ever been to," she said with a bright smile. He looked happy, but absolutely worn out. "I was next to this sweet lady who insisted on trying to teach me that step dance the crowd was doing. Never gonna remember it, but it was real fun trying not to fall." She walked over to him and stood on her toes to give him a kiss. "Did you have fun?"
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hxrbingxr · 13 days
"I could beat him up for you," she offered. She was only half serious- Walker could probably toss her half way across a room at this point. She hadn't kept up with her training, and the more Bucky talked about his concerns, the more she was regretting that choice. "Any hands with the serum is the wrong hands- we may have had Steve, and we have you... but it feels like everyone forgets who really started the serum, and who was really the first super soldier. The last thing the world needs right now is another one of him." The idea of another Red Skull crawling their way up to power sent an actual shiver up her spine, but it only made her determination to help Bucky that much stronger. "I can start going over my HYDRA intel, see if any names blip up in recent happenings. It's gonna be hard- they've had five years without me hunting their schemes down. But aside from asking Zemo, I dunno where else to begin. As far as I know, he wasn't Blipped- and a man that smart and that full of fury, will absolutely have found a way to at least keep up with whispers of their doings."
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"Yeah... thing about the government? They fucking suck at hiding the real dirt. Practically all my time with the Avengers was spent finding intel to keep really bad things from happening. Bad things the general public had no clue about, and everyone agreed that was for the best. I'm sure there's a highlight reel at one of those memorials suddenly popping up... Love seeing people giving a shit about everything we've done after we lost half the damn family..." She'd spent an hour at one of those memorials just the other day, trying to make her own peace with losing not only five years, but losing all hope of reconciling with Stark. It still felt like a painful punch to her heart if she let herself think about it for too long. "I'm not supervising you Bucky, please don't think of me as a hoop you have to jump through to prove something. I just don't want them to turn this against you. That shield was Steve's, and seeing someone unworthy of it, having it... If I'm furious, I can only imagine how you feel. The people behind whatever is coming might be banking on that anger, and I don't want to watch whatever plan they might have, end up with you in prison or worse... Prison I can break you out of, but raising the dead? Not really in my engineer's wheelhouse. It's kind of frowned upon, actually."
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hxrbingxr · 13 days
She laughed softly, feeling like Jenna was taking this about as excitedly as predicted. "You don't need to show some massive baby shower, Jenna," she insisted. "Just something with our families, something- honestly, private. As happy as we are about this, it's... making Jase and I both a little nervous."
She sipped on her coffee again, giving a little nod. "Yeah, pretty consistent. Thought I had the stomach flu at first, like it completely took me out for the first few days. Jase has been wonderful, though, he's already on 'get wifey whatever she can eat' mode... Which honestly I think he's happy about, it's been a lot of pho. I should learn how to make it..."
She pulled her phone from her bag, and scooted her chair a little closer to Jenna. "I have ideas..."
[text: Auntie Jenna] Hey Jenna, can we meet up for a coffee? I got something I wanna talk to you about.
[Text: Smartest Sister Girl] Hi! Sure can, I think Bucky wants me out of the house right now anyway. Where we meeting?
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hxrbingxr · 14 days
She expected the hiss- after all, she was much bigger- but the way the cat seemed to instantly change its mind about her when it got wet again made her laugh. "Ohh poor thing, it's okay."
She carefully balanced her umbrella on her shoulders, and unzipped her raincoat a little. She was willing to risk a few scratches just to get this little creature out of the rain, and at least somewhere warm and dry. Gently, she scooped it up, grimacing from how light and thin it felt, and tried to tuck it into her coat.
She'd done this maneuver before with kittens she'd rescued, and predictably it was a bit harder to secure her coat around the fussy cat. She spoke to it softly to reassure it, and stood up, her arm under its body, her umbrella back in hand.
"You're coming home with me," she cooed at the cat, just as the cab driver laid into their car horn. She flinched from the sudden noise, turning a glare onto the driver that would have set the seats on fire. She never took her eyes off the driver as she walked further across the street to the other side.
"AIDEN, tear down his cab's internal computers," she said. An earring on her left ear glowed faintly as it received the command. Under the pretense of readjusting the cat, she paused, and smiled as the cab's engine completely died half way through the intersection.
"I love ruining assholes' days," she sighed as she continued to walk. "You need to get somewhere dry and get a hot dinner in your tummy, you're thinner than my patience for humanity today."
A black cat with emerald eyes walked across the busy street. He didn't look like a particular breed but somewhere between the elegance of a Bengal and the fluffyness of a Main Coon this specimen found it's home.
Today however, it looked a little pitiful. Rain and mud matted his coat and there were scratched in his leg that caused him to hobble. Most of his energy was gone, used to create a rainbow bridge somewhere and it was all he could do to change his shape and stay hidden.
It was unseasonably cold and rainy, but Eira really felt like she needed to get out of her apartment for a while. Bundled up with a thick raincoat and an umbrella covered with skulls, she was starting to regret her choice for a walk. She normally loved walking in the rain, finding it peaceful and mind-clearing, especially with her super reinforced umbrella. It would take a hurricane to make this one bend like the few she was spotting, abandoned into trach cans along the sidewalks.
She spent an hour at her favorite cafe, before deciding to just head home. The storm wasn't the comforting kind, and her head was starting to hurt again. The winds died down as she walked back, but less and less people were already on the street. As she waited for an opening to dash across the road, however, she spotted the limping cat in the road.
"Aww poor thing," she whispered to herself. She glanced side to side, trying to spot traffic- and then dashed into the road, aiming her umbrella at an oncoming cab. Not that an umbrella would stop the cab, but it was enough to get its attention so it slowed down and stopped before running the poor kitty over.
"What are you doing out here," she cooed down at the cat. She knelt down, using her umbrella to shield it from the rain. "C'mere, little one... I'm not gonna hurt you."
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hxrbingxr · 14 days
She opened the door and hopped inside, kicking the door shut again with her foot. "Not gonna lie, that was probably one of the better small venue concerts I've ever been to," she said with a bright smile. He looked happy, but absolutely worn out. "I was next to this sweet lady who insisted on trying to teach me that step dance the crowd was doing. Never gonna remember it, but it was real fun trying not to fall." She walked over to him and stood on her toes to give him a kiss. "Did you have fun?"
She was excited for the show to end, if only to get to go backstage and find Dusty. She stayed as long as the encore went, and then made her way toward the back. Security was strict, but after a quick check with the stage manager, she was let backstage. She took off toward the dressing room, and gave a bunch of rapid knocks. "Cowboy, you in there?" she called.
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hxrbingxr · 14 days
She jumped back as his body seemed to split, losing her own balance and topping back onto her bottom. She stared at the spot where he... was. Wasn't? Watching his form untwist like a sweater being pulled apart was unnerving.
For a moment, she was concerned that she was having a hallucination. Some kind of a stroke that was giving her visual hallucinations; the brain bleed was back, she was going to die while envisioning the only God she'd ever believed in, spiraling out into nothingness. Hell of a way to go...
The crashing of a the vase startled her, drew her attention, just long enough to break the horrified stare she'd been holding. As the pieces scattered over the tiled floor, whatever was happening- stopped. He was on his knee, panting in... pain? Fear? Probably both.
She sniffed the air- nothing smelled like burning toast. She lifted both hands to her face- good, both moved- and made an awkward, wide smile to ensure she could move her face completely. A sigh of relief, but it only calmed her fears about a stroke.
"... So you aren't... a hallucination... and you aren't an imposter..." she said in a low voice. She was about to speak again when her own AI, AIDEN, patched through a message from Stark. He was almost at the Tower, flying in fast as was safe through the maze of high rise buildings.
"No- no, I'm okay!" she said hurriedly. "False alarm, I just fell asleep in the scanner... Had one of those walking nightmares again. I promise I'm fine."
"... Are you sure?" Stark's voice answered.
"Yeah, yeah I'm sure. Sorry..."
"I'll swing by anyway- you gotta take it easy, that was the deal with you coming back to the Tower, remember?"
"I know, I know-" she waved her hands at Loki, and pointed to a stairway that led up from the Party Deck to the living quarters. "Find the door with the black handle on it, go hide," she whispered hurriedly to Loki. She gazed at him earnestly, urging him to heed her warning and get out of sight before Stark returned.
"Well, this was certainly not a time I wanted to relive again." There was a crackling like electronics faltering as Loki punched the tempad, wanting to open another portal to at least get back to the TVA. The sight of the Tower made him uneasy, standing back where not so long ago a green giant had left an indent of his body in the floor. It seemed like the damage had been repaired by now.
He held his chest as pain shot through it, an after glow of his presumed time glitching. This really started to annoy him and now, appearently, the glitching had messed with his only means to get back... he was stuck... at Avengers tower. It felt like a horrible joke.
She had been in the med-bay, being subjected to yet another fun hour of scans. It was all part of tracking her recovery, all part of making sure the brain bleed was fully healed. Her prognosis was excellent. She was hitting all the recovery marks on time and as expected-
And yet, she was stuck in the Tower. It was either the Tower or the Compound, grounded and barred from field missions and training. The Compound had gotten depressing as hell, especially with the new team members she had suddenly woken up to.
The Tower, at least, was familiar. She knew her way around this building with her eyes shut. The Tower was more her home than her own apartment had been.
So when she was walking to the Party Deck to shake off the eerie chills the MRI scans had given her (she'd never done well in closed spaces), the sudden security alert on that level stopped her in her tracks. She almost-almost- asked JARVIS to check who it was... before remembering, JARVIS wasn't in the Tower anymore.
"... Fucking shit," she sighed. No guns, she wasn't allowed them. All she had was a knife given to her by Barton, but fuck it. If someone wanted to play in the Tower, she'd made them regret breaking in.
"AIDEN, alert Stark," she whispered as she passed a lock-comm on the wall. She crept down the hallway, and peeked around the corner. An anger unlike any other flooded through her; she felt her right eye twitch. How... dare... someone waltz into this building, pretending to be him of all people.
"You've got about five minutes before there's a party in here that you're not gonna enjoy," she warned, standing her ground, knife in hand. "Still long enough for me to carve that mask off your face. Bit blasphemous to imitate even the God of Lies."
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hxrbingxr · 20 days
"More excited now than I was a first," she said honestly. It was a big, big change to the plans she'd had in her mind for herself and her husband. The new house had land, and she'd planned on getting Jase a few rescue dogs to start up his dream life with a pack of pups. "I feel more excited when I don't wake up feeling sick, let's put it that way."
She sipped on her coffee. "Today's a good day, though. I only felt sick for about an hour and then I got my appetite back... But yep, gotta plan a nursery. It's real important to us that Zan still has his own room near the master bedroom though, so I think the only room we can convert is the one across the hallway?"
[text: Auntie Jenna] Hey Jenna, can we meet up for a coffee? I got something I wanna talk to you about.
[Text: Smartest Sister Girl] Hi! Sure can, I think Bucky wants me out of the house right now anyway. Where we meeting?
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hxrbingxr · 20 days
Whatever reaction she had been expecting, Eira wasn't sure it was this. She sat with her lips pressed together, trying not to laugh, as Jenna put the pieces together and starting to shout. She could see a few other patrons looking over at them in confusion as well, but this was clearly a happy event.
"I'm sorry, you're gonna have to speak up, I think that last shriek broke my ear drums," she teased, smiling widely. "We just found out a few days ago."
[text: Auntie Jenna] Hey Jenna, can we meet up for a coffee? I got something I wanna talk to you about.
[Text: Smartest Sister Girl] Hi! Sure can, I think Bucky wants me out of the house right now anyway. Where we meeting?
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hxrbingxr · 20 days
"Oh, just... a new member of the family..." Eira said, picking up her fork to take a bite of the cinnamon roll. "They'll be moving in, in about seven months..."
She'd been mulling over how to tell Jenna the news all morning. She'd even sat on the bathroom counter and talked to Jase about it in the middle of his morning shower. Something casual, something nonchalant, seemed right up their ally. After all, they'd not made a big fuss about getting drunk-married.
[text: Auntie Jenna] Hey Jenna, can we meet up for a coffee? I got something I wanna talk to you about.
[Text: Smartest Sister Girl] Hi! Sure can, I think Bucky wants me out of the house right now anyway. Where we meeting?
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hxrbingxr · 20 days
"It's still nuts to me that you guys got a castle in upstate. Like I knew they existed, but I thought there'd be at least two years on a waiting list."
She smiled as the coffee and treats arrived. "Thanks, and thank you for already ordering. I didn't eat much this morning and I'm starving." She set her bag onto one of the free chairs, and sipped on her coffee. "We just had to figure out which one of the guest rooms to turn into a permanent room."
[text: Auntie Jenna] Hey Jenna, can we meet up for a coffee? I got something I wanna talk to you about.
[Text: Smartest Sister Girl] Hi! Sure can, I think Bucky wants me out of the house right now anyway. Where we meeting?
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hxrbingxr · 20 days
"You're still not finished planning?" Eira asked, a surprised look on her face. "I would have thought between the two of you, it'd have been done in like a weekend."
She smiled at Jenna's comment, and was almost tempted to make a quip about it being morning sickness- but that wasn't how she wanted to share the news. "I'm... doing good. We're just about done figuring out house plans," she said with a sigh as she sat down with her. "Had to figure out a slightly new arrangement for the bedrooms."
[text: Auntie Jenna] Hey Jenna, can we meet up for a coffee? I got something I wanna talk to you about.
[Text: Smartest Sister Girl] Hi! Sure can, I think Bucky wants me out of the house right now anyway. Where we meeting?
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hxrbingxr · 20 days
"Yeah... thing about the government? They fucking suck at hiding the real dirt. Practically all my time with the Avengers was spent finding intel to keep really bad things from happening. Bad things the general public had no clue about, and everyone agreed that was for the best. I'm sure there's a highlight reel at one of those memorials suddenly popping up... Love seeing people giving a shit about everything we've done after we lost half the damn family..." She'd spent an hour at one of those memorials just the other day, trying to make her own peace with losing not only five years, but losing all hope of reconciling with Stark. It still felt like a painful punch to her heart if she let herself think about it for too long. "I'm not supervising you Bucky, please don't think of me as a hoop you have to jump through to prove something. I just don't want them to turn this against you. That shield was Steve's, and seeing someone unworthy of it, having it... If I'm furious, I can only imagine how you feel. The people behind whatever is coming might be banking on that anger, and I don't want to watch whatever plan they might have, end up with you in prison or worse... Prison I can break you out of, but raising the dead? Not really in my engineer's wheelhouse. It's kind of frowned upon, actually."
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"Captain America is propaganda; he's either a dude in tights and booty shorts selling war bonds, a soldier punching out HYDRA tanks, a hero who survived his brave act to save the Eastern Seaboard from total destruction, or a martyr for the 'greater good'. That's the weight of Captain America now- you wear that title, you wear not only the legacy, but all the coming bullshit. I do not envy Walker at all for this 'promotion', but I hope he doesn't sleep well for taking it. He could have refused- now he has not only the legacy of public perception to live up to, but all the people who really knew Steve are gonna be watching him better than Hawkeye." She stole one of his dumplings before the plate was even down in front of him. "However you wanna handle this, Bucky- I'm here. You want dirt on the man, I'll get all the dirt you want. I wanted to give up that part of my life, but... maybe now isn't the time. Maybe we all can't walk away yet. And I promised Steve I'd always have your back, so... whatever you wanna do, I'm there."
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hxrbingxr · 24 days
[text: Auntie Jenna] for being a retired assassin, he's really awful at being sneaky. see you soon!
Eira made sure to load up on what allergy medications she could take, but so far that day, she'd felt just fine. She still brought along a pocket-full of peppermint candies. Just in case she felt queasy.
Soon enough, she was spotting Jenna at the table outside. A deep breath, and she walked outside to join her. "Well you certainly look well rested from your vacation," she said with a grin.
[text: Auntie Jenna] Hey Jenna, can we meet up for a coffee? I got something I wanna talk to you about.
[Text: Smartest Sister Girl] Hi! Sure can, I think Bucky wants me out of the house right now anyway. Where we meeting?
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hxrbingxr · 24 days
i didn't teach him that.
"I wasn't even thinkin' that, but now I am..."
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hxrbingxr · 24 days
you're doing a great job with your blog. you're putting love into it, and the people around you can see that, and they appreciate that. you make this community better with your presence. no matter how many replies you do, no matter how many posts you make, no matter how many followers you have... you add value to this place. you are a positive addition. thanks for being here ♡
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hxrbingxr · 24 days
LILO AND STITCH (2002) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
i prefer to be called "evil genius."
leave me alone to die.
you're built to destroy. you can never belong.
i am the one they call when things go wrong... and things have indeed gone wrong.
this is my family. i found it all on my own. it's little and broken, but it's still good.
this is you. this is your badness level. it's unusually high for someone your size. we have to fix that.
did you catch fire again?
don't worry. she likes your butt and fancy hair. i know. i read her diary.
family means nobody gets left behind.
my experiments are only theoretical, completely within legal boundaries.
what is that monstrosity?
you shouldn't play with guns.
trust me, this is not gonna end well.
you're making this harder than it needs to be.
it is an affront to nature. it must be destroyed.
show us that there is something inside you that is good.
i didn't teach him that.
so relax. enjoy the trip, and don't get any ideas.
they won't shoot anyone but you.
deadly force authorized. fire on sight! i repeat - fire on sight!
am i to assume you are the expert?
landing there would create mass mayhem and planet-wide panic.
i'm sure this comes as no surprise to you.
maybe we should call your sister.
does this look infected to you?
you are so finished when i get in there.
are you going to invite me in?
i thought we could sit out here and talk.
you left the stove on while you were out?
did you ever kill anyone?
i'm adjusted. i eat four food groups and look both ways when crossing the street.
let me illuminate to you the precarious situation in which you have found yourself.
in case you're wondering. this did not go well.
you have three days to change my mind.
at least a rabbit would behave better than you.
hey, i brought you some pizza in case you were hungry.
we're a broken family, aren't we?
i'll tell you what. if you promise not to fight anymore, i promise not to yell at you... except on special occasions.
why do you act so weird?
this is low, even for you!
have you lost your mind?
you can't shoot, and you can't be seen!
you know, you wreck everything you touch. why not try and make something for a change?
no more caffeine for you.
elvis presley was a model citizen.
this is the face of romance.
you have no idea how badly i need this job.
i would have expected you back by now.
i really believed they had a chance. then you came along.
your incompetence is nothing short of unspeakable.
don't run. don't make me shoot you.
nobody gets left behind.
so you're from outer space, huh?
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