hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
Hello! Is it okay to speak to the mods on here regarding my own ship week? I need advice 🥹
Sure, just send me a DM.
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
Oh, oh! Idea number 1 for the 'first kiss prompts': EngBel + ''i've been wanting to kiss you for a while."
Ooooh, hard choice on which one of the two will be saying that !
Prompt list can be found here X
SHIP: EngBel (England X Belgium)
Summary: Captain Kirkland keeps meeting a beautiful brunette in various situations. Somehow people keep telling him to watch out… Yet, how could such a pretty lady be anything but pure and good?
Just FWI, there’s not really any historical accuracy. If you get me some shit like “But Imagi!!! Women weren’t allowed on Privateering ships!!!” I’m going to have to ask you to kindly just stop reading and write your own historically accurate version!
ANYWAY in combination with the last day, I’m grateful to the organiser of Rarepair week for having allowed me a little extension due to my thesis defence!!! I passed! Thank you so much!
Day 6: Pirates
Rating: Teen
Wordcount : 4280
TITLE: You have no idea what you’re dealing with! 
Arthur Kirkland, Privateer under British crown had just finished ransacking the deck of a French ship, defeating their captain and tying him to his desk, when he heard it.
“Bonjour, mister, you wouldn’t be willing to untie me?” He turned and was met with some of the most beautiful emerald eyes he had ever witnessed. It was a lady, brunette, the clothes she was wearing must have at some point been the height of fashion, now they just looked like rags.
“I’d ask why you are tied, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” He smiled at her, already knowing he was unable to deny this beautiful woman anything.
“Thank you, mon cher!” She smiled, and his heart sped up. He took out his knife and made sure to show off as he untied her in one move.
“Do you want me to give you a lift to the nearest port?” He asked, lowering his hat and offering his hand in greeting.
She smiled and his heart sped up, “Oh that would be lovely!”
As he opened the door of the cabin to lead her to her ship, a voice stopped him, “Tu n’as aucune idée à qui t’as affaire” the French captain, Bonnefoy, managed, voice still hoarse from exhaustion. You have no idea who you are dealing with.
“Shut up.” Arthur just said, further ignoring the man as he followed the beautiful lady outside.
They dropped her off at the nearest port and when she gave him a kiss on the cheek, he swore he melted.
That his emerald ring disappeared about the same time must have been merely a coincidence.
The next time he saw her he didn’t have a chance to actually talk to her.
She was drinking beer with some German men, and laughing at their jokes.
Arthur felt a weird feeling in his chest but decided not to intrude and instead ordering another drink at the bar.
“They have no idea who they’re dealing with,” the barman said to him as he rolled his eyes.
Arthur laughed but it didn’t meet his eyes. He proceeded to down his drink in one go.
“Tell me about it,” he just said, before paying and making his way outside.
He did briefly make eye contact with her and saw her eyes widen, but as she turned back to her German men and made them laugh by saying something he just shook his head and stepped outside.
He swore he heard her shout his name as he left the bar, but he ignored it in favour of going to his ship to sleep out the alcohol.
In the morning one of the men from the port informed them one of the German’s ships had been stolen, the one which stored all their treasure and they had not a single clue of who could have been behind it.
Arthur was not one to enjoy someone else’s misery but hoped it had been the ship of the white-haired German that had been sitting a bit too close to Emma yesterday.
The British captain felt himself smile and whistled all day.
A few weeks later he saw her again, miles away from where he had last seen her and walking away from a ship he recognised but couldn’t really place.
“Emma?!” he called after her and she tensed before smiling as she recognised him, “Aaaah Capitaine! How are you doing?” she said, as she took his arm and pulled him into the direction she was walking.
“Oh I’m doing, just fine, say do you know that ship?”
“What ship?” she asked, frowning a little.
“Ah, nevermind,” he smiled, “so what brings you here?” he asked, curious as he did not expect to ever meet her again.
“Oh, you know, business.” She answered, waving her hand.
“Business? Of what kind if I may ask?”
Emma, frowned as there was a sudden ruckus behind them.
“Merde,” she muttered, ignoring the man’s question, and pulling him into an alley.
Spanish curses and swearwords shouted in the street and the Englishman wanted to step out and look if he didn’t recognise that voice as belonging to Spanish captain Fernández Carriedo.
“You know hi-hmpff” he was cut off by Emma slapping a hand over his mouth, pressing him into the wall.
“shhh” she whispered into his ear, and he just nodded, dumbly.
Look, he was a sea captain, he was definitely strong enough to escape her hold, and yet…
“¡Esa bruja belga robó mi dinero, encuéntrala a toda costa!” could be heard from the main street they just escaped from. That Belgian witch stole my money, find her at all costs!
“Do you know what it means?” He tried; speech muffled against her hand.
“No, do you?” she asked raising an eyebrow.
He shook his head and she smiled, “good.”
Then there was a “¡no la subestimes, todos ustedes no tienen idea de con quién están tratando!” Don’t underestimate her, you have no idea what you’re dealing with!
A couple of minutes of silence when she suddenly relaxed, “Where are you staying?” she asked.
“On my ship.” he answered.
“Could you give me a lift to the next port you are stopping at?” she asked, batting her eyes at him.
“But of course, how could I say no to such a beautiful lady,” he said, taking her hand and giving it a kiss.
“You charmer,” she giggled, satisfied with his answer.
She sailed with them for a week, and the crew absolutely loved her. She sang songs to entertain them and helped where she could. At night she went into the captain’s cabin where she kept trying to assure him that he was allowed to share the bed with her, it didn’t have to be scandalous!
Instead, he insists on sleeping in the hammock he installed, as he said it would be improper of a gentleman like himself to do so with an unmarried young lady.
“You’re clearly not one of those privateers that became as such after having been a pirate.” She mused one night lying in bed while he was laying in his hammock.
“You’re right, I came from a good family, and became a privateer to escape it all.”
“You may not believe it, but I relate,” She whispered.
The last night, as he started falling asleep, he felt her join him in his hammock.
Nothing happened.
He just remembered he felt safe and comfortable.
When that morning the ship arrived into port and one of the crewmembers went to wake him up, he realised she was gone.
He sighed, disappointed she didn’t say goodbye, but not that surprised.
The next time he saw her it was at a ball of a distant cousin of his in Denmark.
He saw her dancing with various noble men, twirling around the room and clearly having the time of her life.
He himself was dressed in formal attire, and while he thought he looked dashing it was nothing compared to how magnificent she looked in her emerald gown.
“Ah it seems you have noticed Charlotte,” a blonde man said next to him with a grin.
“Charlotte?” Arthur repeated, checking if there was another girl as beautiful as Emma that he could have mistaken his interest for. But, no, she really stood out, he must have been referring to her.
“Yes, Charlotte. But don’t be fooled, she plays with the heart of men and even more with their belongings.”
Arthur frowned and scoffed, the other man turned to him and raised an eyebrow.
“I’m sure someone as beautiful as her could commit no evil.” Arthur just said, not sure what to believe now.
“I’m Matthias, of the Danish navy.” the man held out his hand.
“Arthur, Privateer under the British crown.”
“Well, Arthur, I don’t want to break any of your delusions, but I would suggest you avoid her as you have no idea what you’re dealing with.”
Arthur just rolled his eyes, “I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
The other man just laughed, “See the brunette she’s dancing with? He’s a sea captain. Knowing her style by the end of the night she will have stolen his heart, but most importantly his ship.”
And Arthur looked over at the gentleman in what looks to be the Italian uniform. He tried to ignore the jealousy boiling inside of him.
“Really?” he asked, wondering if the man was right and he had been used after all. He shook himself out of it. What they shared all those weeks ago was magical, and he refuses to consider it anything else.
“Yup. I am good friends with her older brother who she keeps running away from.”
“She has an older brother?” She mentioned having family, but never in detail.
“Yeah, one older and one younger, and both are very high standing tradesmen in their respective regions. As a woman, she was not allowed to follow in their footsteps and was instead promised to some nice German man that would tighten the ties between their respective families.”
“Poor girl,” he murmured, understanding now what she had meant that night on his ship.
“Hmm, well I’m not sure if “poor” is accurate, she’s one of the most successful female pirates of the North Sea and the Atlantic.” The Dane mused, taking a sip from his drink.
“She’s a pirate?” Arthur swallowed, realising that if the Dane was saying the truth lot of things about their previous meetings now make sense.
“A deadly one at that.” Matthias glanced over at him and grinned.
“She really doesn’t look like it.” He breathed out, watching as she smiled, being twirled across the dance floor by men in fancy uniforms and suits.
“It is part of her gimmick, anyway I suggest that you go and take her dancing now, because her brother has tasked me to bring her back in exchange for my weight in gold.” The Dane commented suddenly serious.
Arthur was feeling such a myriad of emotions, on the one hand he felt betrayed by her in the worst of ways, but he also felt scared for her, understanding and relating to what she had to have gone trough and dreading what would happen if she were forced to return to her brother.
She never stole your ship, did she? A thought surfaced to the top of his mind.
No, indeed she didn’t…
She only stole your heart.
As if he was on autopilot Arthur walked to Emma, ignoring everything else around them.
She noticed him just before he reached her, eyes widening and letting go of her current partner.
“Arthur,” she murmured, and for a second, he feared she was going to run away.
He stepped closer to her and bowed, “my lady, could I have this dance?”
The man she had been dancing with glared at being interrupted but she waved him away with a curt hand movement. Fully turning her attention towards the British privateer.
He put his hand out, waiting for her to take it.
She hesitated, eyes so full of emotions, and Arthur realised that, yes, she did steal his heart, and no he didn’t blame her for one second.
She put her hand in his and Arthur’s heart felt so full as he guided her into a gentle dance to the music. He briefly noticed Matthias in the crowd giving him a thumbs up and a nod, and he smiled slightly before turning to her.
“Emma, or… rather, Charlotte,” and as he said that name, he felt her stiffen.
“Arthur,” she started.
“No, let me finish.” He said, not taking no for an answer.
She nodded, feeling like it was in her best interest.
“If you want to get out of this evening as a free woman you’re going to have to do exactly as I say,” he murmured against her ear, before twirling her around.
If Emma was confused by what he said she hid it well.
“There are a number of men here that have been paid by your brother to bring you back, but I should have a plan, just keep dancing with me and I’ll give you a sign.”
She cursed under her breath, and he raised an eyebrow not having expected such language from her. The lady raised an eyebrow, “oh come, Arthur, that’s what’s making you pause?”
“No, no, it’s just, yeah I’m still coming to terms with the fact you are an actual pirate.”
She and Arthur were lost to the crowd around them, just gently swaying to the music.
Emma looked sad before looking away, “if it means anything to you, what we had was real, I know it is hard to trust me after all-“
Arthur shushed her gently, “For me… you’re Emma, a beautiful and lovely lady whom my crew adores, and-“ he paused, unsure if this was really the right time to say this. Something inside him snapped, realising that if things went wrong tonight, she might be married to some German guy in weeks, and it was important for her to know!
“A-and who I’ve fallen just a little bit in love with.” He breathed in, “I just wish I could have told you before you left us all behind without a goodbye.”
Emma was bright red, mouth agape, staring at him as he continued.
“Now if that Emma turns out to be Charlotte, then it will just take me a little bit to adapt.” The Englishman said, smiling despite how nervous he was feeling on the inside.
“Arthur.” She just murmured, “My full name is Charlotte Emma Marie Van Den Velden.”
“Oh,” Arthur said, blinking.
“Yes,” she giggled but then she turned serious, “but what was that about my brother?”
“Ah, yes, I’ll explain, but we really need to get out of here.” He turned to look over to the Dane who seemed to be distracted by the Italian man Emma had been dancing with earlier.
“Now should be our chance,” he blushed, knowing it could come over as a dumb flirting technique but also knowing it to be the most suitable cover.
“My apologies, for what I’ll ask but, I believe this is our best shot... You should pretend to kiss me and then drag me outside, where we shall go to my ship and try and sail away.”
Emma was looking at him with a funny expression, “Alright, if this is what must be done, better make it believable! And to be fair, I’ve been wanting to kiss you for a while."
Arthur’s eyes widened but he had no time to say anything as she licked her lips before pulling him down by the collar to kiss him.
Arthur swore he could fly with how light he felt. Only the idea that if he would actually take off he wouldn’t be able to access those lips anymore, grounding him on earth.
Emma nipped at his lips and whispered into his ear, “Arthur let’s go,”
He nodded dumbly as she dragged him outside.
The Danish man was still occupied and didn’t notice, however the Italian did and looked sad and defeated.
Arthur grinned victoriously at him.
“Behave,” Emma muttered to him not having missed the interaction,
“Like you didn’t just want him for his ship,” Arthur snorted, unable to grin and smile like the happiest man on earth. Completely forgetting they were trying to escape.
“I was first going to have an enjoyable time with him before I did so,” she raised her eyebrow at him.
Arthur’s eyebrow twitched and she laughed at him.
“No, no, no worries.”
They got to the ship safely and without any trouble, it almost felt too easy, Arthur mused to himself.
But as Emma dragged him into his chambers and he finally gave in and shared the bed with her, he completely forgot about that.
That morning Arthur was woken up by frantic knocking at his door from his first mate, “Captain, please get on deck, there’s a Dutch ship sailing towards us at high speed, and we will not be able to take her on seeing the amount of cannons she has!”
Arthur cursed, jumping out of bed but not before staring in awe at the naked beauty that was still snoring peacefully, not having been disturbed at all.
Part of him wanted to celebrate his luck, if he didn’t already suspect who the Dutch ship belonged to.
Dressed and armed, he decided to leave the cabin and join the rest of the crew as the ship approached. The Dutch ship oozed wealth and extravagance, interesting for someone who Emma had told him tended to be a bit of a cheapskate.
Arthur watched as they were boarded by 4 times the number of men his crew contained, knowing it was mostly scare tactics.
Finally, as they were all surrounded he simply told his men, “raise your hands, you have nothing to fear. I’ll handle it.”
A snort from a tall blonde man who finally crossed the plank to his ship, “Captain Kirkland, I presume.”
“The one and only. Who am I speaking to?”
“Willem Van Den Velden, older brother to Charlotte Van Den Velden, who I suspect is aboard this ship somewhere.” He grinned looking around the ship.
“She’s in the cabin sir,” one of his men stated, but he was bright red.
“So bring her here so she can join us for this lovely discussion,”
“I uh.. sir, you’ll have to wait a minute.” The man said, nervously.
“Why?” the Dutchman frowned, eyes shooting daggers and Arthur tried very hard to stop the grin from forming on his face. Now was not the time!
“Omdat ik gans naakt ben en vol met zuigplekken sta, lieve broer,” was shouted angrily from the cabin and Willem visibly went trough all stages of grief before settling on resigned. Because I’m completely naked and covered in hickeys, dear brother.
Arthur doesn’t know what she said but it must not have been good as her brother stared him down with murder in his eyes.
He raised his hands, and grimaced, trying to look apologetic.
Emma, who apparently had no desire to cal her brother down, came out in one of Arthur’s shirts, his red coat, and a hat of his. She looked beautiful and Arthur felt a surge of possessiveness seeing her in his clothes before being reminded by a cough of who they were dealing with here.
“Are you done being a stubborn child and bringing shame upon our name.”
Emma’s eyes widened comically before she burst out laughing, “I bring shame upon our name? Oh brother, you are a blind fool.”
“I’m a fool that’s waited way too long before deciding to get involved in bringing you home.”
“And you’ll remain a fool if you think you’ll actually manage.”
“Luister hier jij koppig ondankbaar-“ Willem started but was interrupted by Emma holding up her hand into the sky. Listen here, you stubborn ungrateful-
Arthur gasped as he saw an object he thought he had lost forever.
“Anyway, about you saying I bring shame upon your name, you won’t have to worry about that anymore. I’m going to be Charlotte Emma Marie Kirkland soon.” She grinned showing off the ring with the beautiful green emerald.
Arthur quickly recovered understanding the bluff she was playing.
“You’re going to marry a commoner?” Willem murmured, disgust clear in his voice and Arthur never hated a man more in his life.
“Oh boy, brother, I thought you were smarter and more informed than that. You knew of captain Kirkland but didn’t look into his history or what family he is from?” Emma scoffed, crossing her arms and standing next Arthur, glancing at him with a look that said, “I got this.”
“Arthur may have been the last of the Kirkland brothers, but even he will inherit a huge estate once he stops doing a wonderful job as a privateer, which he has done out of moral duty to his country. This is something that someone who actively paid and begged father not to have to go to the army, could learn from.”
This was apparently not well known, and Willem’s men glanced at each other, and at their captain with frowns, while looking at Arthur with newfound respect.
“And what will you do? Live on his ship and raise his children on this rat infested ship? Or go and live in those dreary British lands, raising your kids alone and waiting for your man to come home every six months if a storm hasn’t taken care of him.”
Arthur almost choked on his spit at the mention of kids, having a brief vision of blonde and brunette children running around the deck, and him learning them how to navigate with the stars.
It’s just a bluff, Arthur. His mind told him.
“I’ll have you know I’ve always been better at you at sword fighting, I could prove it to you but don’t want to undermine you more in the eyes of your crew.” Some of the people actually snorted, quickly shutting up when the Dutchman glared at them. “And I have accumulated quite the wealth for myself from sources you shouldn’t look too much into for your own sake. Where or how I live my life with this man, and where and how I will raise any of your nieces or nephews is none of your business and this shall remain so if you ever hope to meet them.”
That seemed to hit the man where it hurt, and he huffed out a sigh, “but-“ he started interrupted by a newer voice.
“For god’s sake brother, just let her go and be happy.”
Arthur looked up to see a younger man, also in finely dressed clothes, and immediately realised this must be the younger brother.
“Gilles! Mon frère adoré!” Emma shouted as she jumped up and threw herself at him, almost making him fall over the railing had it not been for some of the Dutch crewmembers grabbing his shoulders.
“It’s good to see you too, Emma.” He smiled at her, as she peppered his face in kisses.
The two started speaking in rapid French to each other and Gilles glanced at him multiple times with various expressions Arthur didn’t bother to read.
Instead he decided to look over to Willem, who had a look on his face betraying that he clearly craved similar affection as his younger sibling was receiving but was to proud and stubborn to ask for it.
Arthur realised that, even though Willem might come over as a complete asshole, all he wanted was what’s best for his sister. That it was just not what she considered best for herself.
He stepped closer to the man and put a hand on his shoulder, clearly feeling the man flinch at the unexpected touch.
“I know what it’s like to have a complicated relationship with your siblings, I understand. If it will assure you Mister Van Den Velden, I will do everything within my power to give your sister everything she may want and require, and to keep her safe at the cost of my own life”
The man sighed, “I don’t think you know who exactly you’re dealing with.”
Arthur smiled and tried not to look too besotted as he glanced at Emma, still holding on to her little brother and pinching his cheeks, “That may be true, but I’ll accept her and love her no matter what she throws at me.”
“Even if this would not be figuratively?” Willem raised an eyebrow, and Arthur grimaced before realising the man was joking.
“No matter what she throws at me,” he repeated with a small grin.
“Well then,” Willem sighed, and put out his hand, “Welcome to the family, mister Kirkland.”
Arthur was caught of guard for a second, not having expected it to be that easy, he took it and shook the man’s hand, “Thank you, I’ll promise to make the family proud.”
Emma glanced over and her mouth opened in surprise as she saw her lover and her brother shake hands.
“Anyway," Willem said, voice loud enough for his siblings to hear, "Be sure to invite us and the rest of the family to the wedding, or it won’t be us you’ll have to fear, well not only, but our dear and beloved mother.”
Emma and Gilles both grimaced and Arthur felt his heart sink in his stomach at the thought of a woman who could instil such a reaction into all three siblings’ hearts.
The Dutch man beckoned all his men and went back to his own ship.
“Hey, I had such a good speech prepared as well, to convince him to let you stay!” Gilles said, with a mock-sad look on his face.
“I’m sure it was wonderful, mon cher,” she grinned, before hugging tightly and letting him go.
She walked back to Arthur’s side.
“Thank you!” she whispered to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and hugging him as well, making him turn bright red, to most of his crew members amusement.
“Uh, Emma, I have to ask…” he started after a while.
“Hmmm?” she asked, from where her face was pressed into his front.
“Are you serious about getting married?” he rushes out, nervously.
“Look, initially it was going to be a bluff,” she shrugged, “but then, thinking about it, it seemed so right,” she whispered mostly to herself.
Arthur let out a sigh of relief and kissed her forehead, “I agree,”
“Plus, now that he's going to bring our dear mother up to date, there’s really no way we can back down now,” Emma pretended to sob.
Arthur grimaced, “Is she truly that terrible?”
“Oh, sweetheart, you will have no idea what you’re dealing with.” She laughed.
But then she pulled him into his cabin to show him why it will all be worth it in the end!
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
Summary: In the aftermath of what would be known as the Second Battle of Ypres, Belgium finishes up her shift at the Field Hospital and retires to her tent. Her mind a whirlwind of emotions, exhaustion and strain, she does not realize that she is not alone when she ducks under the tent flap.
Author’s Note: This fic has been long in the works but I wanted to finish it for day 4 (prompt: historical) of @hwsrarepairweek2022​ and I believe I managed to do so in the nick of time. I’m really happy that I wrote this. EngBel is one of my ultimate otp’s and the idea of them during WW1 gives me feels! This is also the first time I wrote smut , so I hope it’s passable.
Relationships: Belgium/England Rating: Mature Word count: 4.854
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─ Flanders, May 1915 ─
The last rush of wounded men had finally ground to a laboured halt.
In the dark Belgium could see the taillights of the ambulance that had brought the last of the wounded in, growing ever smaller until it turned a corner somewhere on the uneven dirt road that led to the front.
Orderlies and nurses walked in and out of hospital tents, occupied and unoccupied stretchers between them.
The agonised cries that had pierced the night ─and the many nights before it─ had been replaced by a monotonous cacophony of more familiar and less dreadful noises. It made Belgium release a breath she had been holding since the first day the column of ambulances had swept round the drive and lined up one behind the other. Their bleeding loads hurried out of the vehicles so they could turn around to race back to the Front and receive more of the same shattered cargo.
Belgium closed her eyes and relaxed her brow, willing the headache she had been feeling for days on end to subside.
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
Hello! I know that this is the last day to submit for the mod to do anything with our stuff, but can we still use the hashtag, for a while longer? I have a second part of a story that I wasn't originally going to use the tag for, but now I'm just wondering if I could use it, say next week so people can still find it?
Thank you!
Yes you are free to use the tag!
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
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Day 3: Flowers
Arthur Kirkland x Elizabeth (I) Tudor 
My beloved otp in their first lifetime together, as a Pirate and Queen power couple. 
This piece was a real challenge for me in many ways, but I am quite happy with how it turned out. The flowers shown are the Tudor Rose on the bottom which is them emblem of Elizabeth’s family, various other roses for they are England’s national flower. Roses mean a lot to Arthur and Elizabeth because they are a reminder of each other. There’s daisies, carnations, and pansies which are said to be some of Elizabeth’s favorite. The jewels they wear are the color of each other’s eyes, emerald for Arthur and Tiger’s Eye for Elizabeth. Granted, I don’t know when Tiger’s Eye was discovered/brought into the United Kingdom. 
And of course, Arthur’s trying to het Elizabeth to undo her hair bc he loves playing with her hair.
And of course, there is their wedding rings. They had to keep their marriage secret for many years in their first lifetime together. But Arthur’s wedding ring has always been his greatest treasure second to his wife. It’s a simply gold band, but he will gladly show it off at any opportunity. Elizabeth’s ring is a gold band with small diamonds set inside. Rings like that are sometimes called Eternity Rings, and that’s the reason Arthur gave it to her. He loves her for eternity and will wait however long he has to for her to come back to him. Which in my “canonverse” for them, she does.
I hope you’ll forgive the fact that I had to take a photo of this drawing bc my scanner is a disaster. But at least the colors are more accurate than they were. 
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
Ice Skating and Memories
My last contribution for @hwsrarepairweek2022
Plot: Prussia is forced to revisit some old memories in light of a new relationship.
Prompt: Free Day
Characters: Prussia and Russia
Ships: RusPru
Word Count: 1.8K
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
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@hwsrarepairweek2022 Day 2,5&7: Hurt&Comfort | Supernatural | Fantasy
They were childhood friends, looking forward to a bright future for both of their nations.
They fell in love without meaning to, but embracing the warm feeling regardless.
Gilbert was supposed to be the King of Hearts, but he didn’t get to.
Arthur was foolish enough to think he could fix it, yet he only worsened the pain.
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
Day 4: Free Day
Based on a scene from the Disney Hercules TV series that I thought fit them. 😂
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
Day 6: Pirates and Mermaids
Upon one summer's morning
I carefully did stray
Down by the Walls of Wapping
Where I met a sailor gay
And boy, was she! 😉
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I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for a long time and I’m glad to finally have created it!
Yes, Natalya is a loooong mermaid. I just thought it looked cool and maybe a little ominous.
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
'' you mean—you and me? kissing? ''
This, with perhaps Spuk or pruk
Obviously this has to be Pruk!
Prompt lost can be found here X
This ties back to this HC seen earlier about Prussia being an awkward virgin.
SHIP: PRUK (Prussia X England)
Summary: England is a demon fighting Gilbert the angel and while fighting the angel has a strange bodily reaction the demon can’t just ignore!
And because I still wanted to fill in some rarepair prompts this is for rarepare week consider this my entry for:
Day 5: Supernatural
Rating: Mature
TITLE: Don’t they have Sexual education in heaven? 
Gilbert the angel was pinned to the wall by a smug looking demon, knife at his neck and any means of defending himself lost, laying a couple of metres further in the room.
"You’re such a sad thing, angel" the English demon grinned as he pushed the knife he was holding deeper into Gilbert's pearly white skin.
“If I am, then so are you,” the angel bit back, knowing his little act of rebellion was going to have consequences.
A slap to the face, making him hiss in pain. That same hand, pulled at the back of his white, ash white hair, pulling his head back.
“Listen here, angel, tell me…” Arthur trailed off and his eyes widened as he stepped back from the angel.
“Wha-?” Gilbert managed; mouth still sore from the slap.
“You get off of this?” the demon asked, looking at him in confusion.
“Get off? From what? I’m not standing on anything!” Gilbert said, rubbing at his nose and glaring at Arthur who rolled his eyes.
“You get aroused from violence?” he asked again, anger melting into something the angel couldn’t quite read.
“Huh?” the Gilbert said again, before looking at what the demon was pointing towards…
A clear and obvious erection.
“What?” Gilbert shrugged, “it does that sometimes,” not getting what the demon’s point was.
Arthur’s face went through a myriad of emotions. “You’re kidding me.” he whispered mostly to himself.
The angel was getting quite annoyed with the demon in front of him. It was already bad that he lost the fight and was going to have to report a defeat to his supervisors, he didn’t need the other getting weird about his body.
“Listen, heathen, I have no idea what you’re talking about. You won the fight; I’ll take my retreat.” He mumbled, feeling strange and awkward under the other’s heated gaze.
“Did no one ever explain anything to you in regards to uh… your body and other matters.” The demon asked, licking his lips.
“No, who would and why should they? I’m an angel and thus not human, and I’m weird compared to the other angels too.” The strange angel huffed out, looking away from Arthur.
“That’s not…” he started.
“Listen demon, you won, I’m done. I’m not here to be questioned about some weird stuff you put in your head.”
Arthur let out a frustrated sigh as he moved closer against the angel pressing him against the wall once more.
“Listen,” he started, moving a hand on top of the other’s erection making Gilbert let out a not so manly squeal.
“W-what are you doing!” He asked, angrily. “That’s a low blow even for a demon like you!”
“So, you do know what it is.” Arthur said, stepping back and letting the man recover some dignity against the wall.
“Yeah, it’s my weak spot and sometimes it gets hard for no reason making it hurt when I try to put on some armour.” the angel glared.
“Dear god…” Arthur pinched his nose; not ever having thought he would spend the day teaching sex education to an angel of the lord.
“Yes exactly!” Gilbert crossed his arms. “The other angels always said I shouldn’t touch it, or God would be angry or something. So, I don’t know what God would do to you if you touched mine, but for both our sakes it's better not.”
The demon removed his hand from his nose and looked at Gilbert incredulously.
“Did they really not teach you anything about love and physical relations?” He asked, feeling a strange pity for the angel.
“They explained that humans would at some point find someone suitable to be their partner, get married, get some children and then see those grow up to get children of their own as God had wanted it. But because I am an angel, again, as the lord wanted it, that stuff is not for me,” Gilbert shrugged.
Arthur stepped back from the angel and went to look around the room for something to drink, mumbling something of: “I can’t believe this.”
“What are you doing?” Gilbert asked, removing himself from the wall.
“I’m trying to find something to drink.” Arthur muttered.
“So, can I just. Go?” the angel asked, confused.
“No. I have a duty to another being I need to fulfil.” The demon muttered, finally having found a bottle of scotch that still seemed to have some fingers.
“Then, maybe do that, but let me go?” Gilbert said, confused, not at any point considering that being could be him.
The other ignored him.
“First, of angel, I want you to know that you aren’t immune to this whole notion of lust, desire, and sex, I used to think you all were. But apparently not. Most curious! You are infertile, yes, but so are all of us. Demons and angels are born under different circumstances I don’t quite understand yet, but it is not like humans.” He paced around the room. “Of course, you know that some demons are fallen angels…” The demon trailed off, taking another swig from his bottle trying not to think of painful memories.
“Okay…” the angel said, wondering what the demon was getting at.
“Sometimes, beings are sexually attracted to each other, and then when they both communicate this, trough whatever means, they can have an enjoyable time leading up to sexual relations. In the case of humans, doing so could result in children, for us, due to being infertile, it does not.”
Gilbert was bright red, “why are you telling me this?”
“Because you... angel… are sexually attracted to me, or at least get sexually aroused by what I was doing to you.” The demon shrugged.
The other looked at him aghast.
“But I don’t want children with you!” the angel shouted, making the other want to bash his head into a wall.
“Oh, no no no, we wouldn’t be able to get children, but clearly your body enjoys what I did to you, and I could do some more stuff, which your body would enjoy some more.”
Gilbert frowned at him, “What do you mean? Such as what?”
“Well, we could kiss?” Arthur murmured, leaning closer to the ethereal being.
''you mean—you and me? kissing?” Gilbert said, eyes widening and cheeks turning such a lovely shade of red.
‘Yes…” the demon trailed off, eyes moving between Gilbert’s eyes and his lips he was nervously biting.
“But why?” the angel asked, confused.
Arthur stepped back again and frowned, “have you ever kissed anyone?”
“No.” the angel shrugged.
“So how would you know why, until you try?” the demon tried, knowing that logic wasn’t infallible.
“So why would I try, if I have no desire to do so?” Gilbert asked, looking away from the demon that was so close to him.
“Hmmm? Do you really not?” the demon asked, not really convinced.
“N-no.” Gilbert stuttered.
The demon grabbed Gilbert’s chin, pulling his head closer towards his, to make him look into his eyes.
“Hmmm, increased pulse, dilated eyes, and accelerated breathing, I do not really believe you, dear angel.” Arthur mused with a small smile, “and I’m not even a demon of lust like my good friend Francis.”
“Is that the one who insists on battling naked?” Gilbert asked, mouth curling in distaste.
“Depends… if he’s blonde, yes. If it’s a brunette, then it’s Antonio or Feliciano.” Arthur shrugged.
“I don’t really care,” Gilbert said, making a move to pull the demon’s hand away from his chin, “they’ve never tried to kiss me.”
“I have never tried to kiss you either.” Arthur said, annoyed.
“Well, what are you doing now then?” the angel frowned.
“I’m trying to prove to you that you want to kiss me.”
“I clearly don’t though.” Gilbert said, licking his lips.
“You have no idea.” Arthur murmured.
“No! yo-“ the angel started, cut off by the demon’s lips on his own.
Gilbert, felt a sudden incredibly sensation coursing trough his body, arms flailing as he didn’t quite know what to do, he finally got some capacity of his brain left to move his hands to the demon’s shoulders.
The plan had been to push him away, but as Arthur nipped at his bottom lip, Gilbert let out a groan and pulled him closer against him, finally kissing him back.
The demon let out a moan, never having known kissing something so forbidden would feel so pleasurable. He’s not even sure if it’s because he’s kissing an angel, or if it is because he’s kissing this particular angel, he could admit having grown somehow fond off.
“Open your mouth,” Arthur softly mumbled against the angel’s lips and he grinned when the other obeyed him.
Deepening the kiss Arthur was seeking to get some more noises out of the ethereal being.
At some point Gilbert had moved his hands into his hair and started pulling, moving his tongue into the demon’s mouth.
“Holy fuck,” Arthur groaned, needing a break to breathe.
“I don’t know what we’re doing but it doesn’t feel particularly holy,” Gilbert said, looking deliciously dazed.
“But pleasurable, no?” Arthur smirked, moving his head to nip at the angel’s neck who gasped.
Gilbert was bright red and mumbled something looking away from the demon.
“Angel?” Arthur raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, it’s not unpleasant.”
“Want to see what more we can do that is “not unpleasant’?” the demon smirked; eyes dark and hungry.
Gilbert closed his eyes, clearly debating with himself.
He opened them again, breathing out a “God yes.”
Arthur jumped upon his prey and proceeded to give him pleasure for days.
When Gilbert finally fell, Arthur and him discovered just one more way of how to make a demon.
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
Rekindling Feelings
This was for the fourth day of @hwsrarepairweek2022 week, though I think I’m a little late posting it. The theme was Historical.
Plot: Old spouses meet again at the Congress of Vienna and old feelings assert themselves again.
Characters: Spain and Austria (mentions of Prussia)
Ship: SpAus
Word Count: 1.7K
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
Day 3: Flowers
Both England and Romano can absolutely be charming, flirtatious, and confident, but sometimes...they get a tad embarrassed.
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
Day 7: Fantasy
Title: Beyond the Timberline Pairing: Arthur Kirkland (England) x Elizabeth I/ Arthur Kirkland (England) x Elizabeth Tudor Rating: M Warnings: A Tsunotalia AU drabble for this pairing (In this Tsunotalia AU Arthur and Elizabeth are shapeshifters. This is an au that @phantom-wolf and I have created together for our OT3, in which Alfred joins Arthur and Elizabeth’s relationship, though this drabble is strictly Arthur x Elizabeth at this point in the au), light sexual content, and another reminder that I ship this pairing in canon/nation verse and many other aus. Summary: It was him who broke the spell by steadily striding towards her. His steps were calm and measured. There was no hesitance in his approach. For a moment, the notion came to her that he wasn’t moving any quicker, because he didn’t want to scare her off by appearing to charge at her. She stayed still and watched his movements, watched how he held his head high, how he would snort softly, and Elizabeth realized that he was showing off for her. – A prequel of sorts to PhantomxWolf’s and my co-written fic titled ‘Mind Your Tail’. This is the story of Arthur and Elizabeth discovering each other, and more about their true natures as shifters. In this AU they are shapeshifters living amongst the ancient cultures that used to fear and revere them as beings who could walk between two worlds.
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
July 3rd is the final day to submit anything, right?
You can submit through July 4th!
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
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@hwsrarepairweek2022 Day 6: Pirates & Mermaids
A bit more of this AU, where two captains have a slight disagreement every twenty minutes and always end up in each other’s faces
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
Day 6: Pirates and Mermaids
Title: Jolly Sailor Bold Pairing: Arthur Kirkland (England) x Elizabeth I/ Arthur Kirkland (England) x Elizabeth Tudor Rating: M Warnings: A Mermaid AU for this pairing (which is an au that @phantom-wolf and I have created together for our OT3 in which Alfred joins Arthur and Elizabeth’s relationship, though this drabble is strictly Arthur x Elizabeth at this point in the au), light sexual content, and another reminder that I ship this pairing in canon/nation verse and many other aus. Summary: If mermaids were legends to sailors, then it was only fair for a true sailor to become legends to mermaids. She had gone her whole life singing within the ocean’s depths and above the spray of the sea, waiting for the one who would hear her song. Elizabeth had waited a long long time. – A story in which Arthur is a Captain for the Royal Navy and falls in love with a mermaid, Elizabeth.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! If you enjoy the story, feel free to leave a kudos or a comment!
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 2 years
@hwsrarepairweek2022 Day 4: Historical
Title: No Grave Can Hold My Body Down Pairing: Arthur Kirkland (England) x Elizabeth I/ Arthur Kirkland (England) x Elizabeth Tudor Rating: M Warnings: A WWI Human AU for this pairing, light sexual content, mentions of WWI, and another reminder that I ship this pairing in canon/nation verse and many other aus. Summary: It was only three words the officers had told her. Three small simple words.Missing In Action.They were so unimpressive to look at upon the paper, the faintest indent upon the page from the typewriter. They were small words that were both a blessing and a curse.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! If you enjoy the story, feel free to leave a kudos or a comment!
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