hummerx · 4 years
Moving to Backloggd
it doesnt matter but https://www.backloggd.com/u/HummerX/
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hummerx · 4 years
Paper Mario The Origami King
This may be my favorite game released this year. Which I guess isnt saying that much since I’ve only played 2 games released this year. Still though, this was delightful. A lot of the ring battles kinda sucked but man I couldnt stop smiling playing this
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hummerx · 4 years
The Touryst
A very short, weird game, that largely doesnt have a soundtrack, and is extremely aggravating at times, that tries to do a bunch of shit but isnt particularly doing any of it well. Had I waited 2 days I couldve gotten this on Gamepass for free
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hummerx · 4 years
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
This games fuckin hard as shit and I hate it and it took me like 5 years to beat this piece of shit
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hummerx · 4 years
New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
I bought this awhile ago and blew threw it in one night, this wasnt great
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hummerx · 4 years
Clubhouse Games
This was good idk why I paid 40 bucks for it but it could have use in the future
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hummerx · 4 years
Kingdom Hearts 1 or whatever the fuck its called, the first one
Sorta fun for a 20 year old game then the end really comes at you hard
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hummerx · 4 years
Pokemon Isle of Armor
This is not perfect, and man is it short, but it gives enough of a glimpse into how the base game could’ve been that it makes you mad that it isnt. The characters are more expressive, Pokemon can follow you, the music is better. Of course the graphics largely arent great, the slow down when youre online is real bad, fuck Max Raids,and the Diglett thing starts off sorta fun but finishing it is annoying, and the story content is real short.
I dunno. Building blocks I guess
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hummerx · 4 years
Okami HD
I can recognize that this is a very good game. I also at points very much enjoyed it, but it also felt like I’ve been playing it for months and it just drug onnnnn.
Its so strange, a major studio like Capcom releasing a cartoony Zelda-esque action adventure game, or at least it probably would’ve 15 years ago when it came out, especially when they have nothing else like this in their catalog.
Regardless it says I took 30 hours to beat it and it felt like 90
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hummerx · 4 years
Animal Crossing New Horizons
I have not beaten this game, because you can’t. But its animal crossing, and I have 205 hours into it, which makes the things that are bad about this game super fuckin glaring. Between Quality of Life fixes, bizarre NPC spawn rates, villagers being robotic and annoyed whenever you talk to them, tool durability, the fact that i dont know how to decorate my town, being forced to take on Chops and not being able to ditch him, etc.
But on the other hand its Animal Crossing. Its still better than most things and a step up from New Leaf, which will be doubly true in like a year when more updates roll out.
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hummerx · 4 years
Donut County
This game is stupid and it took me an hour and a half to beat it but it was pretty fun. Making stuff fall in a hole is satisfying. Probably not worth the 6 bucks it cost but it was fun.
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hummerx · 4 years
Yooka Laylee
Man I dont know if I tried harder to like a game than I tried to like Yooka Laylee.
There are pieces of it that are just so good. The character design, the music...ok thats pretty much the crux of it. The writing I think trends a bit too closely to like “lol Microsoft sucks right” which isnt an incorrect (or invalid) opinion but I dont much wanna read that. When its not doing that its pretty good.
The main problem comes from the fact that Yooka and Laylee are tiny tiny animals, and theyre placed in these massive sprawling worlds that offer zero guidance on where you’re supposed to go and do or what you’ve already done, or even provide a distinctive landscape that lets you know where you are. Which wouldnt be *that* big of a problem if those massive worlds werent mostly empty, which they very much are. I’ve since seen this as a critique of Banjo Tooie, which I suppose isnt untrue, though its not nearly as bad there as it is here (though the backtracking in Tooie is pretty bad if memory serves). Also combat in this game is real bad and nonsensical. Like the physics are just not there for attacks to connect the first time you try them.
So its a mixed bag, and I knew going in it would be a mixed bag, but they were so close on so many things.
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hummerx · 4 years
Tekken 7
This is fuckin cool I’m real bad at it though
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hummerx · 4 years
Yoku’s Island Express
Holy shit an original indie game concept.
Was truly blown away by this one honestly, partly because I wasnt expected to be (I was going through Gamepass games to decide what to keep/delete), partly because it was genuinely fun and something I’ve never really played before. Of course parts of it were annoying as shit, because its a pinball game, and is therefore impercise, so backtracking was maddening. And the boss fights didnt work. But besides that, my top game of the year so far
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hummerx · 4 years
Fire Emblem Cindered Shadows
so Fire Emblem can be fuckin hard yeah?
The storyline of this was bonkers. Probably wont give it another pass but I still have 2 (or 3 I guess) playthroughs of the main game to eventually get through that I can use the stuff from it in.
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hummerx · 4 years
Every other indie game I’ve played the past like 4 years has been a somber tale about dealing with death or depression and I’m kinda over it. This one wasn’t even interesting gameplay wise though the music was great and the twist where you’re playing as the dead kid did surprise me but man I’m over this genre.
Probably about to go play another one
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hummerx · 4 years
Old Mans Journey
This was basically a phone game on Xbox.
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