humanatadata · 6 months
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humanatadata · 6 months
Making a Difference: 3 Inspiring Stories of Year-End Fundraising Success
As the year comes to a close, nonprofits around the world gear up for their most critical fundraising period—the year-end campaign. It’s a time when generosity peaks, but standing out in the crowd is no easy feat. As your trusted Nonprofit Data Solutions Provider, we have curated three inspiring stories of nonprofits that not only navigated the challenges but emerged triumphant in their year-end fundraising endeavors.
Story 1: Keep The Dream196 in South Africa’s Impactful Approach
Impact-Driven Engagement: Keep The Dream196’s Success Recipe Cultivating Relationships and Inspiring Donors through Impact
Louise Batty is the nonprofit leader behind Keep The Dream196 in South Africa. With a focus on reducing teenage pregnancy, boosting matriculation pass rates, and preventing child suicides, Louise shares her strategies for success.
Year-End Giving Magic: Unveiling Strategies to Acquire and Inspire New Donors. Louise emphasizes building relationships over direct asks. With a focus on impact, they attracted 300+ new donors in the year-end campaign. Using GlobalGiving reports and Facebook, they built relationships, educating donors about their mission and expressing gratitude. The emphasis remains on inspiring, informing, and acknowledging donors’ contributions.
Key Messages: Louise’s messages revolve around the tangible impact they’ve had in communities. From reducing teenage pregnancy rates to achieving impressive matriculation pass rates, the emphasis is on outcomes. It’s about creating a sense of community where donors feel connected to the work and its results.
Breaking Through the Noise: Consistent engagement through Facebook keeps donors connected. Louise also reaches potential donors through monthly mail-outs, ensuring a diverse and engaged donor base. The focus is on storytelling, testimonies, and facts that educate, inspire, and acknowledge donors.
Meaningful Donor Experience: The personal touch is evident in Louise’s relationship with donors, especially those who have visited or volunteered. The connection goes beyond online mediums, showcasing the power of personal interactions and firsthand experiences in building lasting relationships.
Story 2: Mission Smile in India’s Formula for Year-End Success
Building Engagement Beyond December: Mission Smile’s Journey The Power of Year-Round Appreciation and Personalized Communications
Anupam Sarkar, the force behind Mission Smile in India, shares the secrets behind their consistent year-end fundraising success.
Planning for Success: Anupam stresses the importance of thanking donors throughout the year to build engagement for the year-end ask. Preparation starts in November, with calls highlighting the impact of previous donations. An engaging thanksgiving sets the stage for a successful year-end campaign.
Attracting New Donors: For Mission Smile, personalized communication is the key. Understanding existing donor characteristics helps identify prospects, leading to a targeted engagement cycle. An understanding of where to find individuals who align with the donor profile is crucial for attracting new supporters.
Learning from Failures: Mission Smile’s journey includes failures, such as experimenting with paid advertising on social media. An important lesson was the realization that Twitter provided a better return on investment than Facebook. Active fundraising advocates and a large donor base were also identified as essential components of successful campaigns.
Varying Donation Appeals: Tailoring appeals based on donor history is part of Mission Smile’s strategy. Initial engagement focuses on short-term projects, shifting to long-term projects for more engaged donors. The approach ensures a gradual progression in donor commitment.
Story 3: Enjoyable Aging in Russia’s $23,000 Triumph
Meaningful Connections: Enjoyable Aging’s Journey in Russia Crafting Messages, Building Relationships, and Learning from Mistakes
Anna Zakharova, the leader of Enjoyable Aging in Russia, recounts their successful year-end campaign and shares insights into their approach.
Top Tip for Fundraisers: Anna’s top tip is clear—figure out the primary message you want to convey to donors. Year-end communications serve as the bridge between the organization and donors, so making them meaningful, informative, and fulfilling is crucial for success.
Attracting New Donors: A combination of factors, including timing, a compelling value proposition, targeted content, and feedback, contributed to attracting 143 donors. Anna stresses the importance of understanding donors’ concerns and building both short-term and long-term relationships.
Learning from Mistakes: The importance of preparing high-quality content well in advance was a lesson learned by Enjoyable Aging. Last-minute content creation didn’t meet their preferred quality standards, highlighting the significance of meticulous planning.
Post-Campaign Relationship Building: Immediate thank-you letters, regular reports, and news updates form the backbone of Enjoyable Aging’s post-campaign communication. These measures prove effective in retaining donors and nurturing long-lasting relationships.
Celebrating Year-End Success with Humanata
These three stories showcase the resilience, creativity, and dedication of nonprofits in their year-end fundraising efforts. At Humanata, we applaud these triumphs and understand the technology challenges nonprofits face in managing donor relationships and data analytics.
As your trusted Nonprofit Data Solutions Provider, we offer customized solutions tailored to address the unique needs of your organization. From overcoming technology challenges to implementing effective relationship management for nonprofits, Humanata is here to support your mission. In a world where every donation counts, let Humanata empower your nonprofit with cutting-edge solutions. Together, we can continue to make a difference.
Have a success story to share or need assistance with nonprofit data analytics? Reach out to Humanata today.
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humanatadata · 6 months
Ever wondered how technology is reshaping the nonprofit landscape?
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If you’re passionate about making a difference in the world, you’ve probably seen firsthand the incredible impact nonprofits can have on society.
At Humanata, we understand the unique challenges faced by nonprofits and are thrilled to share how technology is playing a pivotal role in reshaping the nonprofit landscape.
As a dedicated Nonprofit Data Solutions Provider, we’re here to guide you through the transformative power of technology, from the benefits of CRM for nonprofit organizations to the wonders of nonprofit data analytics.
CRM for Nonprofit Organizations: A Game-Changer
Imagine having all your donor information, volunteer data, and campaign details neatly organized and easily accessible. That’s the magic of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for nonprofit organizations. At Humanata, we recognize that building and maintaining relationships is at the heart of what you do.
Our custom CRM solutions are tailored to suit the unique needs of nonprofits, ensuring that you can focus on your mission without being bogged down by administrative hassles.
Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud: Your Virtual Ally in Change
Enter Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud — a revolutionary platform designed specifically for organizations like yours. It’s not just a tool; it’s your virtual ally in driving positive change.
With features like donor management, program tracking, and real-time analytics, Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud empowers you to make data-driven decisions that maximize your impact. Humanata is here to guide you through the seamless integration of this powerful tool, ensuring you harness its full potential to drive your mission forward.
Nonprofit Data Analytics: Unleashing the Power of Insights
Ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of data at your disposal? Fear not! Nonprofit data analytics is your beacon in the sea of information. By analyzing trends, measuring outcomes, and understanding your supporters better, you can make informed decisions that elevate your initiatives.
At Humanata, we specialize in unlocking the power of data analytics for nonprofits, tailoring solutions that turn raw data into actionable insights, helping you refine your strategies and achieve even greater success.
Custom Solutions for Your Nonprofit: Because One Size Doesn’t Fit All
We understand that every nonprofit is unique, facing its own set of challenges and opportunities.
That’s why Humanata takes pride in crafting custom solutions that align perfectly with your organization’s goals. Whether it’s streamlining internal processes, enhancing donor engagement, or optimizing your outreach efforts, our team is committed to tailoring a solution that fits like a glove, ensuring you can make the most impact with the resources you have.
Technology Challenges for Nonprofits: Navigating the Digital Terrain
In the fast-paced digital era, nonprofits are not immune to technological challenges. From cybersecurity concerns to data privacy issues, navigating the digital terrain can be daunting.
At Humanata, we’re not just here to provide solutions; we’re here to be your guide. Our experts are well-versed in the intricacies of nonprofit technology, offering support and solutions that ensure you can embrace the digital age with confidence.
Data Solutions for Nonprofits: Because Your Mission Deserves the Best
Your mission is noble, and it deserves the best tools available. At Humanata, we’re committed to providing data solutions for nonprofits that go beyond expectations. Whether it’s implementing cutting-edge technologies or offering ongoing support, our goal is to empower you to do what you do best—create positive change in the world.
As we stand on the cusp of a new era, the role of technology in reshaping the nonprofit landscape is more pronounced than ever.
From CRM solutions to nonprofit data analytics, and from Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud to custom-tailored solutions, Humanata is your partner in navigating this transformative journey. Embrace the power of technology, overcome challenges with confidence, and let your mission thrive in the digital age.
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humanatadata · 7 months
Why have donations seen a significant drop in recent years
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In today's fast-paced, tech-savvy world, these incredible generations aren't just shaping the future; they ARE the present, making up a whopping 72% of the world's workforce by 2029!
What's driving this change?
Tech-savvy and socially conscious, Millennials and Gen Z bring a unique blend of passion and commitment to causes such as welfare, healthcare, housing, and disaster relief. Armed with significant generational wealth, they are eager to make a difference, not just through financial contributions but also by becoming highly engaged advocates.
The rise of digital natives in the philanthropic space is rewriting the rules. These donors are not content with traditional methods; they seek a giving experience that mirrors their seamless online interactions, akin to their everyday online shopping habits.
Modern payment methods and digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay have become non-negotiable expectations for the next-gen donor.
Our data-driven insights reveal a crucial correlation between the availability of digital payment options and the success of fundraising efforts. When Human Services organizations embrace these modern payment methods, the results are transformative— When we make it easy for donors to contribute, magic happens! Donor checkout friction goes down, trust goes up, and unplanned gifts skyrocket by 32%, with repeat donations soaring by a whopping 79%.
This shift is particularly vital when crafting appeals to attract and retain the next generation of donors. As we navigate this digital frontier, the ability to seamlessly integrate cutting-edge payment solutions becomes a strategic imperative. At Humanata, we advocate not just for embracing change but for driving it.
Why the emphasis on modern payment methods?
The advantages are multifaceted. Firstly, organizations that embrace digital wallets are statistically more likely to receive donations. The ease of the donation process is a critical factor influencing donor behavior. When contributors find it effortless to give, they are more inclined to contribute, resulting in a tangible increase in the generosity of supporters.
Consider, for a moment, the impact of providing a seamless donor experience with multiple payment options. The ripple effect is profound—a strengthened connection with your donor community, increased financial support, and a heightened ability to fulfill your mission.
To navigate this landscape successfully, it's time to wholeheartedly embrace next-generation payment methods.
Make your donation process mobile-friendly and digitally accessible to capture the attention of the tech-savvy donor demographic. By doing so, you not only attract and retain next-gen donors but also position your organization to maximize funds for your mission with lower administrative costs.
Staying ahead of the curve is not just a strategic move; it's a commitment to building a robust donor base for the future.
The philanthropic journey is evolving, and at Humanata, we are here to guide organizations through this transformative era. Let's empower change, unleash the full potential of next-gen giving, and collectively create a positive impact that resonates for generations to come. For more information, please visit our website: https://humanata.ca/
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humanatadata · 7 months
Non-Profit Crm
Non-Profit CRM
Empowering Nonprofits with Latest Technology Solutions. We offer data-driven software solutions, such as nonprofit CRM solutions, to help your nonprofit create impact.
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humanatadata · 1 year
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humanatadata · 1 year
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humanatadata · 1 year
Top Challenges Faced by Nonprofits Due to Lack of Data Strategy
To accomplish social good, it is essential to understand the nature of the target audience and how each campaign might affect them. The combined efforts of an NGO or Nonprofit get enhanced tenfold by just recognising the patterns of social needs and their consequent reactions. Data analysis and data strategy for nonprofits are still not very prevalent despite being such a significant aspect.
A 2019 report stated that more than 90 percent of nonprofits collect data, but only 5% put it to use to increase maximum output and raise the stakes. If done correctly and with appropriate procedures, an effective data management for nonprofits can transform how a certain NGO works and how it is perceived among its beneficiaries. Read ahead to find out about some of the most common nonprofit challenges today and how nonprofits can use data to steer clear of them.
Challenges faced by Nonprofits Post Pandemic
Covid 19 has changed how NGOs and Nonprofits function and shaken their interactions and relationships with donors and beneficiaries. Organizations have finally realised the importance of data for nonprofits and that they need an extensive virtual data strategy in order to increase their reach.
Data analysis comes into play almost everywhere, from sending emails and hosting charity events to raising funds digitally and connecting with donors. But how nonprofits can use data and what data should nonprofits collect? Here’s everything you need to know regarding the same.
With the world freshly recovering from the aftermath of Covid19, the role of Nonprofits is seen now more than ever. People are constantly falling short of making ends meet and rely heavily on the donations made by Nonprofits. Nonprofits, in turn, rely on charitable and government donations to provide for their campaigns.
Almost 58% of these organisations recorded a decrease in revenue in 2020, but the pandemic paved the way for more exclusive government funding. What’s more? 44% of NGO leaders say they sought help from the government in those desperate times and were not disappointed. Social distancing has restricted in-person interaction to a minimum, affecting the fundraising capacity of these NGOs and increasing nonprofit challenges today.
Leveraging technology and nonprofit data management through implementing data strategy for nonprofits can aid in bringing this burden down. Using data points to identify potential donors and finding consecutive loopholes in the pre-existing mechanism is the way forward.
Constant Technological Changes
More and more Nonprofits are adopting a digital outlook toward expanding their services and enhancing nonprofit data management. Cloud technology and automation can drastically ramp up the impact of the schemes and programs offered by these organisations.
Some of the most common nonprofit challenges today identified by NGO leaders are –
Lack of visibility and transparency
Delay in overall working due to disjoint systems and departments
A weak link between the financial and development strategies of the organisation
Lack of efficiency
Data collection and automation are the two pillars of a more refined working process. Keeping data points regularly updated makes financial undertaking very easy and gives way to more nonprofit data management efficiency altogether. It is easier to build audits for an adverse situation, for example – Covid 19.
Lack of Volunteers
97 percent of nonprofit organisations have an annual budget of less than $5 million, so the most typical nonprofit entity is largely community-based. In fact, more than 80 percent of the revenue garnered by this sector is through private fees, charitable donations, and government grants and contracts.
Amidst all this, a very significant and real-time issue that usually pops up is the need for more volunteers. And because nonprofits are entirely based on the goodwill of people, there are a few instances where there’s a shortage of volunteers. Implementing specific data collection strategies can be of huge assistance here. By implementing effective data management for nonprofits, organizations can figure out some of the non-monetary incentives given to people to attract them to volunteer.
Final Verdict
NGOs and nonprofit organisations are gradually moving towards a more organised way of working. Keeping updated records, identifying new trends with the help of these data points and also using them to formulate better strategies in the future, a gamut of these marks a seamless social effort. 👉 Keep learning with us, visit us at https://humanata.ca
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humanatadata · 1 year
Can CRM for Nonprofits Aid Corporate Relationships?
Non-profit organizations rely heavily on corporate partnerships and relationships to achieve their mission and objectives. These partnerships can range from financial support to in-kind donations, sponsorships, volunteerism, and more.
Almost 26 million people work for organizations with matching gifts programs, which are offered by 65% of Fortune 500 corporations.
As a result, it’s crucial for non-profits to effectively manage and nurture their corporate relationships to maximize the benefits of these partnerships.
In our previous blogs,
7 Types of Nonprofit Technology That Every Nonprofit Needs To ThriveStreamlining Non-profit Operations
we have explained how the cutting-edge technologies are transforming the way Nonprofit work and it’s for the better. Let’s examine how this well-liked technology/tool can effectively handle the crucial activities that need to be completed by your organization.
CRM for Nonprofits
One tool that non-profits can use to manage their corporate relationships is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. A nonprofit CRM software allows organizations to manage interactions with their customers or stakeholders, track their engagement and preferences, and use that information to build stronger relationships. There are many nonprofit CRM solutions available, each with their own features and benefits.
Non-profit CRM systems offer a range of benefits to organizations. For example, they can help non-profits centralize corporate data, segment corporate partners, track engagement and interactions, automate communication and engagement, and measure impact and ROI. These features are especially important for non-profits, which often have limited resources and need to make the most of every corporate partnership.
Data solutions for nonprofits are particularly important in today’s digital age. Non-profit software can help organizations manage and analyze large amounts of data, including data related to corporate partnerships.
With a nonprofit CRM system, non-profits can easily track financial contributions, volunteerism, in-kind donations, and other forms of support from corporate partners. They can also use the system to measure the effectiveness of their engagement strategies and adjust their efforts accordingly.
When choosing a CRM for nonprofits, it’s important to consider the specific needs of the organization. Some non-profit CRM software solutions are designed specifically for smaller organizations, while others are designed for larger organizations with more complex needs. It’s also important to consider factors such as cost, ease of use, and integration with other data solutions for nonprofits.
If you’re a non-profit organization looking to improve your corporate relationships, consider investing in a CRM for nonprofits today.
Non-profits can use CRM to manage their corporate relationships.
Here are some ways to find out how: Centralize Corporate Data
The first step to effectively managing corporate relationships is to have all relevant data in one central location. A CRM system can help non-profits do this by consolidating all information related to corporate partners in one place. This includes contact information, history of interactions, financial contributions, and other relevant data.
Having all this data in one place makes it easier for non-profits to get a holistic view of their corporate partners and identify opportunities for engagement and collaboration. Segment Corporate Partners
Non-profit organizations work with a wide range of corporate partners, each with their own needs, preferences, and priorities. A CRM system can help non-profits segment their corporate partners based on criteria such as industry, size, geographic location, and level of engagement.
Segmenting corporate partners can help non-profits tailor their communication and engagement strategies to meet the specific needs of each group.
For example, a non-profit may send a monthly newsletter to all corporate partners, but send personalized invitations to events or opportunities to a select group of highly engaged partners.
Track Engagement and Interactions
A CRM system can also help non-profits track their engagement with corporate partners over time. This includes tracking interactions such as emails, phone calls, meetings, and events attended. Non-profits can use this information to identify patterns in engagement and prioritize their efforts with high-value corporate partners.
For example, if a non-profit sends a personalized invitation to an event to a select group of corporate partners, they can track the response rate and adjust their strategy based on the results.
Automate Communication and Engagement
One of the key benefits of a CRM system is the ability to automate communication and engagement with corporate partners. Non-profits can use the system to send personalized emails, invitations, and other communications based on the segment and level of engagement of the corporate partner.
For example, a non-profit may send a personalized email to a corporate partner on their anniversary of partnering with the organization, thanking them for their support and highlighting the impact of their contributions. The non-profit can set up the CRM system to automatically send these emails based on the anniversary date.
Measure Impact and ROI
Finally, a CRM system can help non-profits measure the impact and ROI of their corporate partnerships. By tracking financial contributions, volunteerism, in-kind donations, and other forms of support, non-profits can quantify the impact of their partnerships and use that information to make data-driven decisions.
In addition, a CRM system can help non-profits measure the cost of acquiring and maintaining corporate partnerships, allowing them to calculate the ROI of their efforts. This information can be used to adjust strategies and prioritize efforts with high-value corporate partners. 👉 Keep learning with us, visit us at https://humanata.ca
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humanatadata · 1 year
Visit us and learn more.
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humanatadata · 1 year
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humanatadata · 1 year
9 top ways in which retail sector is making the best use of data analytics
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And how do they engage with customers?
With nearly endless amounts of data and the resources to collect it, it’s no surprise that retailers are turning to analytics to help them see opportunities they didn’t realize were there before.
Retailers are using data analytics to make smarter decisions about their products and services and how their stores operate. And how do they engage with customers?
Here are nine ways the retail sector makes the best use of data analytics.
1) Product recommendations
Determining which products to recommend can be difficult, but fortunately, many tools on the market can help.
2) Facial recognition
Facial recognition uses a digital image of someone’s face to create an encrypted mathematical representation. The system compares the representation with stored images in a database, looking for a close enough match.
3) Customer loyalty program
To reduce customer churn, retailers often offer loyalty programs. These can be anything from discounts on future purchases to free shipping.
4) Personalized Deals & Discounts
One of the most creative ways retailers use data analytics is to provide personalized deals and discounts.
5) Pricing strategies
Retailers have implemented various pricing strategies to increase sales and lower customer acquisition costs. One way is by using data analytics to create personalized prices for different customers.
6) Expansion Of The Existing Store
Retailers have the opportunity to create new store formats, like pop-up shops, which can be used to test new products and ideas.
7) Real-time analysis of customer behavior
Using Retail Analytics, retailers can analyze customer behavior in real time and respond in a way that will benefit both the customer and the store.
8) Logistics And Delivery Management System
These systems also help retailers improve customer service by making it easier for them to find information about orders and shipments to respond more quickly.
9) Analyzing call center logs
Using call center logs to analyze customer service interactions is a good way of determining the quality of your customer service and how satisfied your customers are with their interactions.
Retail is a competitive industry, and the only way to stay afloat is to use data analytics. In today’s economy, it’s not enough to have a store or online platform; retailers need to be able to adapt to what their customers want. For more information about HUMANATA or more please, call us at +1 (343) 552-7500 or visit our website HERE; https://humanata.ca/
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humanatadata · 1 year
Why are retailers moving to the cloud?
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Big Data is taking over the world especially, in the ever-growing industry, the Retail Industry. Storing hug amount of data is a challenge that Cloud technology can handle tactfully.
Let’s learn more about how cloud technology is a boon for the retail industry.
Cloud computing (iaas) has been growing exponentially over the past few years and is now something many businesses including data analytics companies have to consider, whether they’re in the cloud or not.
With cloud computing still being new and so many different providers, the importance of picking the right provider can be confusing.
Are you also confused?
If yes, then don’t worry.
You should consider certain factors while choosing the right cloud providers so that you don’t end up paying too much in your quest to find one that ideally fits your business needs.
Also, there are many benefits of cloud computing.
The Retail Cloud Dilemma
For retailers, who are using retail analytics and making the shift to cloud-based applications & services can be a daunting task. They need to take a pause as there are many factors to consider, such as cost, time, scalability, and security.
However, with the right planning and execution, migrating to the cloud can be a seamless process that offers many benefits.
One of the main benefits is scalability.
With traditional software on-premise, any changes that need to be done are only done with the help of a developer (who needs access to your server).
On the other hand, with cloud software, you can scale up or down quickly, depending on your needs at any given moment and the developers.
How this solves the problem
There are many reasons a retailer might choose to move their business to cloud technology. One big reason is that it can help save on costs.
You must pay for rent, utilities, and maintenance in a physical store.
You can often get by with a cloud-based store by just paying for the website hosting fees.
Key issues to consider in selecting a provider
There are a few key things to keep in mind when selecting a cloud provider for your retail business:
Reliability: uptime is crucial for retail businesses, so you’ll want to ensure your provider has a good track record in this area.
Security: with sensitive customer data at stake, security is a top priority for retailers. Be sure to ask potential providers about their security protocols and what measures they take to keep data safe.
These should include 24/7 monitoring of all data centers and live video feeds.
You’ll also want to inquire about their specific disaster recovery plans and how quickly they can restore your information in the event of an outage or breach.
Some providers may also offer encryption services, which will help protect confidential data during transmission from one location to another. For more information about HUMANATA or more please, call us at +1 (343) 552-7500 or visit our website HERE; https://humanata.ca/
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humanatadata · 2 years
Everybody is talking about AI but why AI?
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Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the theory and practice of building systems that perform tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
The study of these systems and their representation is a part of the field of computer science called artificial intelligence, now a large field including search engines, data mining and learning algorithms, etc., that is having an enormous impact on all aspects of business activity.
Now that you know what is AI, let’s understand its applications.
Today, AI has found diverse applications in numerous areas, such as games, web search, image recognition and interpretation, online personal assistants on smartphones, data mining and natural language processing (NLP), robotics, etc., making it a rapidly developing field of technology.
Is AI going to replace human jobs completely in the next 50 years?
Yes, you read it right, isn’t that scary!
Some futurists estimate that AI will be a substitute for human jobs in the next coming years!
Artificial intelligence boosts human decision-making capabilities & improves accuracy. Many companies have started implementing AI in their processes for the best results & saving time.
How AI is Transforming Business?
The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) will fundamentally change how we approach problems, opportunities, and challenges.
The ability to store massive amounts of data and make connections between them opens up many possibilities for companies.
Without these technologies, businesses would have a hard time understanding customer behavior in order to stay relevant and competitive.
Although AI has impressive potential, still the question of “Why We Should Trust AI To Do The Job For Us? “, strikes us.
So, here are some valid points to understand AI in business.
While many people are unsure about where artificial intelligence can fit into their business, others have adopted it and are way ahead of their competitors.
They have benefited from its ability to change how we interact with technology.
For more information about AI company
We will be honored to have your precious visit at https://humanata.ca
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humanatadata · 2 years
The Essence Of Data-Driven Storytelling: The Modern Way To Facilitate Data in 2022
Data is an essential component of every business regardless of the industry your organization caters to. This is precisely why several businesses invest a lot of time and effort in finding precise data value and communicating it to their target audience accordingly. Nowadays, a mere display of spreadsheets with rows of numbers has become insufficient for demonstrating the significance of data.
In contrast, the information portrayed in the form of storytelling is preferable as viewers can comprehend its significance with ease and respond appropriately. As a result, businesses can execute more informed decisions through data storytelling, develop more successful content that resonates with the proper audiences, and significantly improve their content marketing business.
Keeping this in mind, let’s shed some light on why data-driven storytelling is integral for organizations today along with a few real-world examples to comprehend the same.
The Essence Of Integrating Data-driven Storytelling in Your Organization
Data-driven storytelling transforms complex information into simple narratives that can be easily understood and put into practice. Chip Heath, one of Stanford’s well-known professors, conducted a study that states that about 63 percent of people could recall stories. And only 5 percent were able to recall statistics from the above. Businesses collect data in greater quantities than ever before from sources including social media, research firms, and internal processes.
You can utilize this information to examine current trends and create well-informed business decisions. There are, however, many businesses that can’t make the best use of their data. That is because company leaders who lack data literacy may struggle to make sense of this data.
Business leaders may comprehend their organization’s history, current state, and future using data storytelling and language. As a result, they can better plan for the future. Stories have a stronger impact on people than data alone. When done well, a data-driven storytelling approach can truly change how a company works, resulting in better business outcomes. As a result, businesses can process more complicated business information more easily.
By combining storytelling with business analytics, visualizations become more engaging and effective, which keeps viewers interested and long-term affects their memory.
Data-driven Storytelling Can Take Your Marketing Up A Notch
Marketers may benefit greatly from data storytelling by gaining new insights and communicating those ideas more effectively. In addition, it may help you produce high-quality content that impacts your audience. Storytelling is a great way to connect with your audience deeper since it combines both rational and dynamic aspects of the brain. Data visualization storytelling is very effective in this situation since it increases:
  Retention – Information that has been visually processed is more likely to be remembered later.
Appealing factor – As a result of this visual engagement, the content is more appealing to the reader.
  To acquire a competitive edge and stand out, businesses must develop distinctive and creative story concepts. Data is a convenient approach to obtaining these types of stories. The latter is particularly true for stories that are based on internal data. These insights can assist you in shedding light on a previously undiscovered subject, introducing an intriguing approach, or providing individuals and industries with a beneficial perspective.
Effective Practices That Help Curate Unique Data-driven Storytelling
Identify your objectives & target market
To create a data-driven story, you must first determine its goal. This will help you detect patterns, focus on a particular dataset, organize data to support a study, show the success of a plan, or highlight the value of your goods. Depending on your audience and their preferences, you may need to regularly convey multiple storylines from the same set of facts.
When using statistics to convey a story, Spotify’s Wrapped is a remarkable example. Once a year, the music app makes a personalized presentation for every one of its customers. making a summary of the previous year’s musical consumption.
Maintain objectivity and transparency
If the data is being used to support a particular viewpoint, the visualization should nonetheless portray the information objectively. You could undermine your credibility and trust in your details by manipulating the truth, whether deliberate or unintentional. Additionally, when selecting information for your data story, maintain objectivity.
Personalize data-driven storytelling
People are interested in learning about other people. If you look at the amazing stories, they are always about how someone overcame adversity. Stories assist us in comprehending how and why our lives change throughout time. These stories are intended to teach the audience how to deal with difficult situations and determine the best course of action. For example, Uber communicates with their consumers using data analytic storytelling techniques every year.
Final Verdict
If you are not leveraging data-driven storytelling in business, you are missing out on many opportunities and benefits. Your firm most likely has a plethora of raw data that’s eagerly waiting to be mined and facilitated to assist your organization with crucial data-driven business choices. Additionally, if you’re seeking to acquire a competitive edge in the market and stand apart, data-driven storytelling can surely assist you in achieving the same. For more information about HUMANATA or more please, call us at +1 (343) 552-7500 or visit our website HERE; https://humanata.ca/
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humanatadata · 2 years
What’s new in Artificial Intelligence (AI) 2022?
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for decades, but the last few years have been huge in terms of technological developments and innovations. In 2017, we saw the launch of several AI products with new AI technologies, including voice-activated devices such as Amazon Echo and smart speakers like Google Home and Apple HomePod.
The next five years will be just as full of new AI products, AI company, and services, not to mention innovations in existing areas like self-driving cars, medical diagnosis, language translation, and more.
In the next few years, scientists are expected to make some huge breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) that will shake up how we interact with technology and each other on a daily basis.
Which top 9 AI technologies are trending in 2022?
Let’s discuss these trends –
1) AI-Powered Bionics
Thanks to Bionics, one day soon, we’ll be able to throw our legs over a robotic horse and gallop like a cowboy. Or maybe play basketball with a bionic arm. Bionics will take on new roles and give us abilities we never dreamed possible. They’re already helping some people walk again; they’ll also help stroke victims, amputees, and injured athletes move as freely as possible.
2) Self-Driving Cars from Consumer Tech Giants
Self-driving cars are no longer a science-fiction dream. Several of today’s leading consumer tech companies are working on autonomous cars and putting major resources behind their efforts. Apple, Google, and Tesla may be late to the party, but their entry into self-driving vehicles is sure to accelerate progress in a market currently dominated by traditional automobile makers.
3) Intelligent Assistants Everywhere
In today’s mobile world and new AI trends, our most personal devices keep getting smarter and more powerful. In just a few years, we’ll have not just one but many personal assistants that are always with us, ready to answer questions and help us get things done. Instead of downloading apps or syncing across devices, these voice-controlled intelligent assistants will be everywhere and available to everyone and when they go, so do their creators.
4) Voice Interface
Voice interfaces are becoming more and more ubiquitous. In the coming years, we will see voice interfaces develop into powerful tools with a variety of practical applications that can help us take advantage of emerging technologies.
For instance, you might be able to control your lights at home simply by telling them to turn on or off. You could also use your voice to schedule meetings for work or buy clothes online without having to go through different steps on a website.
5) Universal Translator
In the next five years, advancements in machine translation will make it possible to translate text into a different language instantly and accurately. For example, it is estimated that Google Translate will be able to translate 20,000 words per second by the end of 2022. 
Speech-to-Speech: Speech recognition software will understand conversational speech and what you say with your mouth closed or even just mouthing words. 
Neural Networks: Neural networks have been shown to create new and original images, videos, music, and stories on their own. Scientists are now trying to teach neural networks how to learn independently from scratch without any human input or guidance.
6) Computer as an Expert Advisor
We’re entering the golden age of AI, with computers able to do more and more tasks on their own, from driving cars to diagnosing medical problems. This is thanks to deep learning algorithms that have been getting smarter over time. With companies like Google, Amazon, and Apple investing heavily in AI research, we can only expect it to get better.
7) Computer Learning System
Neural networks use algorithms to identify patterns and make predictions about the future. One type of neural network is a feed-forward neural network, a mathematical model mimicking how neurons work in our brains. Feed-forward neural networks can be used for classification and prediction tasks, like recognizing human faces or predicting stock prices.
A new type of deep learning algorithm called Generative Adversarial Networks was recently developed by Google engineers and promises to revolutionize machine learning.
8) Object Recognition
Artificial intelligence is now so good that it can identify objects just by looking at them, even if the object has never been seen before. What’s more, the algorithm relies on artificial neural networks, which are modeled after biological neural networks. The system learns to identify new objects by analyzing old ones.
9) Bio/Nano Technology
Nano-scale robots called nanobots will be able to enter the human bloodstream and provide early detection of cancer cells. These nanobots will also be able to inject drug molecules into individual cancer cells, making them more responsive to chemotherapy drugs. This could potentially lead to a cure.
When we talk about machine learning vs AI, It’s difficult to predict what’s around the corner, but one thing is certain. There are plenty of interesting developments on tap for AI, from autonomous vehicles to full-on Robo-advisors. Also, look for more and better personal assistants that will continue to make life easier and smarter. For more information about HUMANATA or more please, call us at +1 (343) 552-7500 or visit our website HERE; https://humanata.ca/
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