htriles · 8 years
Reblog if youre part of the quintet of forgotten
Pansexual, Polysexual, Demisexual, Asexual, Bisexual
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htriles · 9 years
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A different kind of pan, Peter.
A Few Simple Realities of What It Really Means to Be Pansexual
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htriles · 9 years
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Mini rant about Pansexuals and the LGBT community. First of all I want to start by saying that I am NOT homo/heterophobic. I support everyone in and out of the LGBT community! Okay, so I think that pansexual is not recognised/accepted much in comparison to other sexualities. I have heard of bisexuals slut shaming pansexuals and gays shaming pansexuals at LGBT pride. People say ‘your sexuality isn’t real’ or ‘you’re not gay enough’. Of course, this isn’t true. Pansexual IS real (it’s in the dictionary, look it up on your phone.) and it isn’t a competition to see who is the most gay. Just because some may have been in only hetero relationships, doesn’t mean they don’t like any other gender. Pride isn’t just for lesbians and gays, but for the whole LGBT community. I am not saying other sexualities aren’t important, like asexuals, demisexuals etc but I never seem to see pan pride on LGBT blogs, but mainly Bi or Ace etc. there is nothing wrong with your sexuality, I respect everyone’s choice, but people need to realise that PAN IS REAL. & we don’t fuck with animals, or cutlery or pillows or whatever. It’s just getting out of hand, I think. Pansexuals, bisexuals, asexuals, gays, lesbians, whatever; you are ALL VALID AND NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO SHAME YOU BECAUSE WE ALL HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS. IT SAYS NO WHERE THAT YOU CANT LOVE SAME SEX GENDER OR MIXED RACE. This is why I love sims because you can marry whoever the frick frack you want. Anyway, if you see a pansexual (or bi or ace etc) at pride DONT BE RUDE (dont shame them or say they’re too young to know about their sexuality or tell them that it’s not real). SUPPORT THEM AND TAKE A BILLION SELFIES WITH THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE BRAVE ENOUGH TO COME OUT INTO PRIDE HOPING NO ONE WILL HURT THEIR FEELINGS. okok that ending messed up and this rant was weird but please reblog 💖
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htriles · 10 years
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htriles · 10 years
Money Will Never Grow ON Trees...FYI
Everyday is a constant battle between my sister and her boyfriend. I did a story about them when I first created my blog, but the fighting has not stopped, in fact it has gotten worse. It seems to go one for hours and then by morning it has dissolved into like nothing had happened. Nevertheless, the embers that the previous fire lit up, are always still smoldering in the background. If it isn't about not having enough money to pay the rent or the electric bill, its about what they buy when we do have the money. Whether it be drugs or candy or hair dye and seemingly useless junk, it's an issue with someone. I don't know about some of the people I know but I am not a materialistic person. Money does absolutely nothing for me. Yes, when I have it I use it, but so does the world. What I am saying is that I can be perfectly content with little to no money. (As long as I haven't a lot of bills to pay.) Material possessions are nearly nothing, because the day you die, or the day you are arrested, those things aren't going to be there. People will be. People can comfort you, they can help you figure things out, they can just be there when you need them. Now, some people will argue "well, every time I look at my 47 inch plasma 3-D T.V I am instantly calm." That's great, continue to look at that TV while I go have a conversation with your wife about what a bum you are, and I'll create a friendship with your son who needed his father to learn how to throw the perfect spiral. "My Prada purse is my life!" I'm glad, tell that to your daughter who spends 85% of her time with a nanny who makes the same amount of money as I do at McDonald's. Or let your husband know that his hard earned money is being spent on another vessel for five items (wallet, keys, cell, etc.), I didn't think you would.
Money brings out the meanness in many people, not all of them. Just remember that you need to have money in order to live, but what you do with that money can affect a lot of more important things in your life. Love, children, work, dignity, honor... just be wise and think before you spend it on something unnecessary. Think to yourself, 'Am I going to use or need this in 5 days? In 5 months? 5 Years?'  If the answer is no, then odds are, you don't need it. Also, remember it is okay to splurge on yourself once in awhile. Do something for yourself, but stay within a decent budget.
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htriles · 10 years
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lobsters love guinness (www.pintrest.com)
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htriles · 10 years
A Day Without Tears
It will be sunny and warm, Everyone dressed to impress. Together they gather. Words they cannot express. Whispers aplenty, Good deeds and good heart. Unnoticed and unspoken, but Forever left a mark. A plethora of flowers, Pictures and lots of cards, Scattered all over, Beautiful, remembered shards. Lush green grass Crisp, silent air. Thoughts running ramped, All they do is stare. A day without tears, Is a day I won't see. In casket I'll lay, Smiling for all eternity.
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htriles · 11 years
dinosaurs :)
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htriles · 11 years
Wall, a Holocaust remembrance poem.
I am articulately different and artistically resistant
because no matter how hard you shove,
I refuse to let my memory die.
Threaten, yell, as much as you like,
I refuse to live a life of lies.
You've got a gun, fire and power.
I've a paintbrush, pencil, paper.
to block out the unavoidable, uncomfortable chaotic world, in which I live.
I'll paint a wall, the world's taken all I've got,
 so it's all I have to give.
I choose to disregard the hatred and discrimination,
because, I am unbreakable, unblemished,
by the hell and damnation you constantly cause.
I will paint a picture to show together, we are one.
To help people visualize, they can't ignore it.
It will open blackened eyes.
I refuse to let my memory die.
So I'll show the world what I am capable of.
I am the olive branch in the beak of the dove.
I am the pen in the hand of the poet.
who will be pulled away and never understand it.
I am the crayons left on the floor,
after the children were taken away,
and pushed through Heaven's door.
I am articulately different and artistically resistant
because I choose to take the path less traveled.  
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htriles · 11 years
Love is a Battlefield.
Some days i really wish that the people i love would just shut up. Everything has to be a battle between each person. They both cannot be right. But they both most certainly are not wrong. Whether it's about how loud my sister is, or how thick headed her boyfriend is, it always ends up in a fight. I know people fight but my main concern is that it happens every time they look at each other. They love each other, i mean that part is obvious, but love is about compromise. This is what they are both missing.        You don't have to change every aspect about yourself just because your partner wants you to, or says it will make you a better person. You are who you are and they love you for all those reasons and that should not change. If it does, they only loved the parts of you that were convenient for them at the time.       When you are in a relationship with some and it is serious, the "I's" and "me's" disappear and become "us" and "we." There's no way around that. Unless it is a very open relationship.       When there are kids involved the game rules change a bit. You cannot just think about the two adults anymore. That baby should be your FIRST priority. No matter what. And if you have the heart to be a mother or father to a child that isn't yours; 1) bonus points for you. 2) do not throw it in your partners face that the kid isn't yours. That's unfair warfare.         Well that's all for tonight. I'm sure there will be more. Thanks for reading.
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htriles · 11 years
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#Rockyhorrorpictureshow #portrait #drfranknfurter #Transylvania #transvestite #sweettransvestite #hellcity #hellcityweekend #arizona #phoenix #tattoo #tattoos #picasso #25ftphantom #27tattoostudio @27tattoostudio_phx
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htriles · 11 years
It just got too much to bear. I walked away. Put on my shoes and grabbed my smokes and left. I didn’t know where i was going I just knew i was. I walked by walls. They’re as high as my problems And found a lit haven I sat quietly and took in the sounds of the night. I lit one and inhaled. It gently numbed me Mosquitoes buzz around me. They’re only trying to live Like me. I hear the shouts and they emerge from the house Yelling, still fighting. Threats mean nothing to me. So i listen. The voices trail off. Alone again. I get up and look around. Pick up my small belongings and head towards the road. Its empty and eerie. A cat mews in the dark. There’s a house that smells of supper. And another that smells of candles. Some are dark others glow blue with late night television Oh, the thought of the happy families thay live in these great homes. Or maybe they are just like us. Torn Broken Angry I walk further into a dead dark end. I turn and head back. The way i came. Past the glowing houses. Past the family vans and suvs The candle lit houses I stop to great a lone cat. She’s reluctant but when i crouch she comes. A nice healthy rub behind the ears. She looks as though she needs it. Comfort Relaxed Trusting I pet the gray and white beast for several moments and it pads away to its home. I lay back. In the center of a quiet street. The pavement is still warm from the sun. Its nice. The stars are beautiful. I can see millions. I lay for a moment more and think about nothing. Me Myself I I get up. And quietly walk back home.
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htriles · 11 years
I am from poem
I am from silent love. I am from screaming care. I am from quiet mouths and clinking forks at dinner. I am from needed discipline. I am from quick apologies. I am from bad moods and "don't even bother" I am from empty wallets. I am from borrows and IOU's. I am from empathetic friends and sympathetic ones too. I am from tears. I am from bottled feelings. I am from big hearts and swollen eyes. I am from emotion. I am me.
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htriles · 11 years
If every teen couple had a niece or nephew to babysit for a week by themselves, i think that teenage parent rates would be down. Of course you love them with all your heart. Of course you want the best for them and all their decisions. And even though you want them to smile and have everything you didn’t, you can’t help but notice that it gives you the incredible urge to not have kids for a very long time. #Kids #BirthControl #lovethem #beinganaunt
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htriles · 11 years
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htriles · 11 years
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