hqkj · 4 years
Plus One* | Kaia
Maia was both excited and nervous as she put her positive pregnancy test inside of a gift box and placed it next to Lilah in her crib. Before Maia had put their daughter down for her nap she’d changed her into a onesie that said Big Sister. Her whole plan was to send KJ in to get their daughter and have him find the onesie and pregnancy test, giving him the ultimate surprise for his birthday!! While the two hadn’t exactly been trying to expand their little family, they had found themselves expecting baby number two in a matter of months. While Maia was freaking out inside over having two babies under the age of one, she was also beyond excited. Delilah was their daughter, there was no question about that. But she knew how much it’d mean to KJ to have a baby that shared his DNA. Someone that might grow up and look like him and carry on his fathers family history. Maia was happy to get to be the one to give him all of that.. even if she knew their house was about to become a bad house! 
“Babe, I think the babies up. Can you grab her?” Maia called out from the bathroom. Making it look like she was fixing up her hair. Meanwhile she was just waiting for KJ to walk into their daughters room so she could follow him in and see the look on his face when saw the onesie.  Leaning in the doorway as KJ  made is way over to the crib, Maia couldn’t hide the bright smile on her face.
His birthday had never been a day that KJ got all that excited about. Sure, it was fun to get calls and texts from friends and family he didn’t often hear from and doing something fun with the boys was always a good time. But this birthday went down in the books as one of the best...and it wasn’t even half over yet. Maia had made sure to spoil him rotten from the second the clock struck midnight on the 17th; from his favorite breakfast to a seemingly endless parade of gifts, his wife had made him feel like the only guy on Earth. Delilah, tuckered out from all the festivities, was crashed out hard for her afternoon nap...giving Maia a chance to shower and get ready for the dinner reservations they had and for KJ to play around on his new guitar. Maia’s voice drifted from the bathroom to their bed where he sat, playing a quick paced melody absentmindedly. “I don’t hear her,” he called, looking over only to be met with a stern look from his wife. “Yeah, no, I got her.” Swinging out of bed, the actor padded down the hall and quietly cracked open the nursery door. 
Delilah was still fast asleep, lying on her back with her arms and legs sprawled every direction. The sight brought a smile to his face and he neared her only to brush some hair away that had gotten matted down to her forehead; the onesie didn’t even register. He was thinking about how he would get to cash in on an ‘I told you so’ with Maia when his eye caught a small box balanced precariously on the side of the crib. Curious, KJ opened it only to find a pregnancy test. A positive one. He exhaled one short, forced breath as his smile doubled and he spun around only to find Maia leaning against the doorframe, her smiling mirroring his. “Are you serious?” Three words and a tiny nod of confirmation from the woman he loved more than anything was all it took to bring tears to his eyes. “Holy shit,” he said softly, rushing across the room to kiss his wife. Yep, best birthday ever.
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hqkj · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Keneti James ❤️ Today we celebrate you! We celebrate the crazy life you’ve given Lilah, Ollie, Wolfie and I. We celebrate your accomplishments as an actor this past year. And most importantly we celebrate the incredible man you’ve become over the years. You sir, are the love of my life and I couldn’t be happier to be the one who gets to celebrate with you today. Happy Birthday Kaje, I hope you have the best day ever. 
Lilah and I went a little overboard with your presents this year but you deserve each and every one of them. First we have a matching outfit for you and your little legacy to wear around town. Then to top off that outfit we have a special watch to remind you of home. It’s frame is carved from a tree in your parents backyard and has a special little message from Lilah engraved in the back. Whenever you’re away or missing home you’ll be able to look down and know you have a piece of home right there with you. 
For your camping trip we thought it was time we got you a new tent! This one snaps right into the back of your truck so you can camp just about anywhere. As a kiwi, through and through, we figured you couldn’t ring in your birthday without some NZ snacks and beers for the trip this weekend. I’d say you’re fully stocked now babe!
And last but not least… The Eddie Van Halen customer Fender guitar. Yup. I found it. I found it and paid a small fortune so my Van Halen obsessed husband could have the coolest guitar ever. 
Love you KJ and I hope you have the most incredible day ever.
Love always, Maia, Delilah, Ollie & Wolfie. 
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hqkj · 4 years
I was waiting for you to add that part in there. As if Dad will ever be able to have a stern talk with his little girl. You’re weak for her babe! I’m sure camping with the boys would be more enjoyable. They’ll swim in dirty lakes and chase after snakes with you. I’m not going anywhere near that. You can’t drug our baby just so you can fool around with your wife! Keneti James, you’re a real pain sometimes.
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K cool I’m glad we’re on the same page, yeh? If we ever have a son, I’ll be the enforcer and you can be the cool one, deal? Honestly, that sounds so much better you have no idea. I wonder if we can get strippers ordered to the woods. KIDDING. Kidding, obviously. I’m not drugging her, just like half of a half of a dose just to make her a little sleepier. No harm, no foul.
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hqkj · 4 years
I regret watching This Is Us with you. Fine.. I’ll sing happy birthday naked for you at some point tomorrow. I have to keep you on your toes. Our little girl isn’t allowed to wreck the house. She has to be a sweet little girl that would never terrorize us. I was thinking you’d pick it but Charles was really hoping you’d lean toward vegas. He has some cool stuff planned, you’ll have a good time with the boys. As long as your little Lovey actually takes her naps there will be plenty of time for birthday sex. 
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No you don’t, you love it. Yes, success. She better otherwise she’s gonna get a stern talking to. Form her mom. Ohh well Charles always has some great ideas...maybe I can be down for Vegas. Save the camping for a family event. Little Lovey might get a little dose of baby benadryl to knock her out if she’s in one of those moods. Nothing gets between KJ and birthday sex.
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hqkj · 4 years
Nope. No way– I’m not singing happy birthday naked for you. That tradition would get really tricky as Lilah grows up and starts to learn how to open doors. Future KJ has my interest peaked! Your wifey has some surprises up her sleeve. But what’s not a secret is that I have given Melton the task of planning a boys weekend for your birthday. You just have to decide if you want a camping trip or a vegas weekend. Tomorrow’s for family and this weekend is for you and the boyos. 
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Oh c’mon. It’s my birthday. You can’t say no to the birthday boy. We’re gonna need to baby proof those door handles because I’m not letting our sex life die just because we’ll eventually have a toddler wrecking havoc on our house. What?! Camping, always camping. Being in nature? Getting animalistic with the boyos? I love you for organizing that, my sweet love. But I’m really most excited for family time with you and Lovey tomorrow. And the birthday sex. Always the birthday sex.
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hqkj · 4 years
Alright birthday boy, the celebration starts at Midnight. Prepare yourself baby! I’m going all out this year. You’re going to have some big shoes to fill come August when it’s your turn to wooo me for my birthday. But seriously, this will be the best birthday ever. You deserve it!
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Is it gonna start like that scene from This Is Us? What Rebecca does for Jack on his birthday? Cus I could definitely be into adopting that particular tradition, baby. I’ve already got some sick ideas for August but that’s a problem for future KJ. Present KJ just wants to be wooed by his dime of a wifey.
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hqkj · 4 years
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hqkj · 4 years
from “that’s my girl” to “that’s my wife”
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hqkj · 4 years
Yup! Those were were engaged for longer than us, how does that feel? We do have the advantage of having known each other for longer than 90 days though before we got married!   Though we were barely even civil to one another for 120 days before we got engaged. God we’re such a mess! That could definitely be fun. We’ll be in the same city as Rob and Charles so we can have a proper party. 
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We’re nothing them, alright? We’ve known each other for years, dated in the past, neither of us are Americans trying to get Visas. All that said, we’re a different kind of hot mess. And I wouldn’t have it any other way, my love. A proper party sounds legit, I’m down. And then it’ll be off to Vegas with Tyler and his boys. Has Sof given you any details on what the ladie’s weekend will look like? Cus I’ve gotten a few key hints from Ty and it sounds like it’s gonna be a pretty good time.
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hqkj · 4 years
Nice, nice. Your birthday is soon? Man I’m a shit groom not knowing my guys’ birthday. We’ll make sure to give you something cool while we’re there. I think Sofia would too, but it’s not like we do this often you know? Obviously! It’s overused but it’s gonna be very true soon.
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On the 17th, mate! Nah man, no worries! You’ve got a billion other more important things to worry about. It’s gonna be a chill one, lowkey. But if we end up doing something and you’re free, I’ll defs let you know. Right? Right! And looking isn’t the same as touching, right? We’ll be fine.
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hqkj · 4 years
Do you only come out of down under when there’s a trip or something? Well the party is next weekend, so you can come out of hiding there, unless you’re going to Nash for the birthday party tomorrow. There’s gonna be strippers and everything, I haven’t been in a bachelor party in a while so I don’t know what else we’re gonna do but fuck shit up
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Basically, mate. When production wrapped on Riv, Mai and I took Lovie and made a beeline for Aotearoa. But the missus and I are talking about celebrating my birthday stateside so that’ll lead right into the world’s most epic bachelor party. Can’t fucking wait. Dunno how I’m gonna handle the strippers though, brotha. My wife will have my balls in a vice if I spend the night gawking at topless chicks. What happened in Vegas will stay in Vegas, right?
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hqkj · 4 years
Did you tell her we wouldn’t have even qualified for that show? We never made it to the 90 day mark. We were really bad at going slow, Kaje! If Ti buys me froyo I’ll agree to watch it with her. Before we dive into our new binge watch we do have something very big to discuss….. Your birthday. My man is turning 23 soon and we need to go all out. 
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Wait...that’s true, isn’t it? Jesus, never thought about it like that. I’m sitting here saying how idiotic these people are for thinking their relationships could work when I’m living fucking proof it can. WE can’t piss Ti off otherwise she won’t babysit for us. Ouu yes, yes he is. Inching my way toward 30, ayye. Should we head back to the states for it? Could be fun to be in LA for the week. Especially since we gotta be around for Ty and Sof’s wedding, right?
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hqkj · 4 years
Continued from [X]
Yeah buddy! I knew you would be good with being in the group. You’ll love the hockey guys, they’re good dudes. We’re gonna fuck shit up in vegas!
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Boyo, just give me the word and I’m fucking there, my guy! Just give me like a day heads up cus I gotta get my ass back to the states from New Zealand. I love hockey! Can’t wait to meet the rest of the guys, man!
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hqkj · 4 years
Ti demands we start watching 90 Day Fiancé so she has more people to talk to about it. And what Queen Ti wants, Queen Ti Gets, right?
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+ Kaia 💕
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hqkj · 4 years
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@jbgyllenhls​ @hqkj​
Keep reading
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hqkj · 4 years
I was cool with the first few but mustard on fries? Nah mate, I’m out. How dare anyone defile the holy fries like that? That’s not cool at all. I definitely get the whole loving someone for dumb reasons though. One of the reasons I fell in love with my wife was because she talks to the food while she’s cooking it and it’s insane but adorable. I’m KJ, man, nice to meet you. Huge fucking fan of yours.
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Someone asked me the dumbest reasons why I have broken up with someone and I hate to say, but I realized that I have a low tolerance level. I once broke up with someone because they were eating noisily, once because she used hihi and weird emojis in a text and sad to say, but one girl put mustard on her fries. To be fair, I also loved people for the dumbest reasons. I’m Chris, by the way.  @hchqstarters​
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hqkj · 4 years
Just when I thought 2020 couldn’t get any more wild, shit like this pops up. The universe is such an insane place, chaotic wild, and I’m fucking here for it. I knew penguins were my favorite flightless bird for a reason.
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I know everyone is in a party mode due to two beautiful people getting married, but the other day I read something weird that I have to share. A few scientists were observing penguins and suddenly they got buzzed due to the antarctic penguins releasing a buttload amount of laughing gas in their feces… What? First of all, how close were they to the feces for them to discover that for the first time? Second, wow, we learn something new every day, don’t we? Imagine being a scientist observing these little cute creatures and suddenly you’re going cuckoo because of their poop. Wild. @hchqstarters​
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