hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
It is on the West Coast actually. Its about 10 minutes away from my current house in Pasadena. 
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Oh, right on. West coast, best coast, for sure. And this is coming from a Florida boy. Not that anyone considers Florida to be the east coast but eh whatevers.
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
PM: That’s not something that I want to do, though, Noah. You’re always going to be an important part of my life and one that I don’t want to go without. You’re not the only one that let it get the way it did that night at the club, I’m just as responsible for it, and had I just handled the situation better, I feel like it wouldn’t have escalated that far. At least I think that. You couldn’t get in the way of anything, I promise. I don’t know how things could have been different if I were more accepting of it back then, but you’re happy now and I love that, and I’m working on my own issues. I wish I knew what to say. I kind of just wish you could come over and we could work it out.
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PM: I don’t have any regrets about what happened though, just to be clear. None. But I was in a really different place in my life back then - I feel like we both were - and things are different now. Still, no regrets. Maybe tomorrow after we wrap, we can grab drinks or something and talk this out. Cus I don’t want anything to get in the way of how fun filming this sequel should be and has been.
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
These past couple of weeks have been pretty busy. If I haven’t been having cuddles with my adorable grandson, I have been at the house I have bought and made sure things are going as planned. It is and it looks amazing even if there is quite a bit more that needs to be done.
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Where’s this new house of yours? Why do I feel like it’s somewhere on the east coast like New Hampshire or Vermont or something?
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
“I’m still shocked that they’re trying to make this movie in under a month. Do they even let you sleep?” Her voice switched to a worried tone. Not that he should be surprised, she was always worrying about whether or not he slept enough or drank enough water. Somedays she felt more like a couple that’d been married 50 years with the worried texts she’d send to check up on him. “I actually feel bad for Lana now that she has to put up with all three of you. How is she handling  dumb, dumber and dumbest?” Her cheeks heated up as his gaze cast away from the phone to what she only assumed was the bathroom. “Oh I know it’s expensive. I also know you sneak some of and then act like I don’t know that you suddenly smell all pretty and have the softest hair ever,” she teased. He was right, it was pretty crazy. Time had flown by and what had been a mere months felt like years. She guessed that was a sign that they must be doing something right then! “Time flies when you’re in love with your best friend,” she smiled at him. “Is it different filming To All The Boys this time around now that you’re in a relationship? I know girls are probably sliding into your DMs and hitting on you when they’re lurking outside your hotel and all that,” she chuckled, genuinely curious since she’d only ever filmed one project away from LA and she’d been in a relationship at the time. She didn’t know what it was like to live out of a lonely hotel or even what it was like to be tempted by the whole hook up culture.  Not that Noah would be surprised by that, he knew full well how Vanilla she could be. 
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“It’s a brutal schedule, for sure. But I only have me and my other projects to blame for it so I feel like I can’t complain,” Noah mused, his eyes definitely heavy with the exhaustion of the day setting in. “I think she’s handle it like a champ but it’s barely week two so we’ll see how things progress from here.” Grabbing for the bottle of water on the side table, he took a few swigs as he listened to her voice her questions. Taking a moment to ponder his answers, Noah shook his head. “The only thing that feels any different is the additions to the cast. That and I guess things between Lana and I are a little different this time around.” He hadn’t given this relationship between him and Lana much of a deep dive since arriving in Vancouver but maybe it was time to take mental stock and he definitely wanted to keep Maia in the loop on the matter, given his history with her and Maia’s past insecurities. “I wouldn’t say I’m guarded, per say, like we’re still good friends and stuff but there’s none of that ‘will they, won’t they’ bullshit that we did last time to stir shit up, y’know? Cus that would be straight up disrespectful to you and that shit won’t fly with me.” Smiling a small reassuring smile through the phone, Noah watched Maia’s reaction before adding, “And those random DM slides aren’t even on my radar anymore like yo, I ain’t got time for that nonsense. I’ve got work and a puppy son and the hottest girl in the game who, by the way, refuses to slide into my DMs so like why even check them?”
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FaceTime | Naia
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
Maia shook her head at him at the mere thought of him toeing the line and getting work done. “Yeah yeah, you’re so full of it! I fear the day that Jordan, Ross and you are in a scene together and actually have to get stuff done.” Her hands covered her eyes, feeling sympathy pains for the directors and assistants that had to tame those three and get them to work. “I’m glad you have the boys with you and you have some people to hang out with up there. I don’t think I could stand the thought of you moping around your hotel room by yourself after work.” She was sure he’d find friends and trouble no matter who was around but knowing Ross was there had given her some peace of mind. Staring right back at him she couldn’t help but smile, even through the phone that look in his eyes gave her butterflies. “I even left you a little present in the shower. I left my shampoo so if you get really lonely and miss me you can give it a good smell and think of me. It didn’t seem fair that I had sweaters of yours that smell like you but you didn’t have anything of mine.” She gave a little shrug, not sure if boys even did that kind of stuff. “I’m so excited for you to see it!” She beamed back at him. “It’s the episode where I had to learn to dance, you’re going to be so proud! And that dress is straight fire, you’re going to love it. You know— I literally walked off the set after shooting the finale to fly to upstate new york for that insane halloween trip. Isn’t that crazy? The end of season one pretty much led into the start of us.”
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“I think production would be dumb not to schedule a few extra hours to get any of those scenes done,” Noah said with a nod, flopping around until he found a comfy position on his bed, on his back with one arm under his head. “I think they’re already taking note from watching us interact on set. They’re learning quickly that they accidentally hired dumb, dumber, and dumbest for the same film.” He laughed as his eyes lingered on the screen. “As much as I loved working on such a girl-heavy set last year, it’s already been a blast having these idiots to run around with.” Casting his sight toward the bathroom as she spoke, he shot her a look of surprise before letting out a semi-sarcastic aawww. “So you had to go drop cash on a new bottle? That fancy shit is expensive. I’ll try not to use it all up. I’m all about living my best life smelling like flowers.” He could see the excitement on Maia’s face - a look he’d been happy to see for the last few months as the show aired - and he couldn’t wait for June and season two. “That’s pretty insane to think about,” he said with a low whistle. “It seems like we’ve been together for so much longer. Time flies when you’re having fun and in love.”
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FaceTime | Naia
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
Maia’s face stretched into a smile as Noah came into focus on her screen. “Hi handsome,” said as she stared down at her phone. They were on week 2 of being apart and she was already missing him more than she cared to admit to other people. It was hard going from being the girl who didn’t need anyone to needing and wanting him around so much. “How was work? Please tell me you’re actually getting work done and not just goofing off with Ross. I may kill you if you two get this production delayed and you have to stay in Vancouver longer!” Maia chuckled and shook her head at him. A part of her felt guilty that she was now in Australia with Eliza for the next two weeks instead of in Vancouver with him. But she had a feeling her best friend needed her a bit more right now. It’d been a crazy year for her and they needed a girls trip. “Aren’t you proud that I left yesterday and didn’t steal anymore clothes from you? You won’t have to go to set shirtless now!” Maia teased. @hqcentineo
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Noah had made a mad dash across his hotel room at the sound of his phone ringing Maia’s special ringtone. “I promise, hand to God, that I’m sticking to the schedule. I’m the freaking drill sargeant, for crying out loud. Ross is the one that’s trying to goof off and I’m like, ‘Bro, no. Stop. Be serious. No fun ever.’” A sly smile broke across his lips, showing how this was clearly not the case, as if Maia didn’t know him well enough to know already. Taking a running dive into his bed, Noah grinned his wide grin at the camera, obsessed with how good that girl looked on the other end of the line. “I’m so damn proud. Thank you for not leaving me naked and cold in Vancouver when you got to escape onto your girl’s trip. The last thing I have time for is shopping. Especially since I needed to be free tonight to watch my favorite show’s season finale.” Raising his eyebrows suggestively a few times, Noah smiled. “You looked so fucking hot in that dress. Those lips were driving me wild.”
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FaceTime | Naia
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
‘What the fuck are you singing’ and ‘Can you stop muttering to yourself’ have been the two resounding phrases that I’ve been hearing this weekend non stop. I’m having one of those “can’t get a song outta my head no matter how much I fucking try” and it’s starting to cost me my friendships. Any tips or tricks to stop? Help ya mate out. @hollywoodland-hqs
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But the real question is: what song has been stuck in your head? Cus if it’s a bop, then it’s your friend’s fault for not enjoying the good grooves.
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
Well, I guess now is the time to tell everyone if you haven’t caught up with it yet. My departure for Arrow is coming up soon.  I am quite sad that I will not be there for the finale of season 8, but I feel as though my time has came to end with the show. I am terribly going to miss waking up at the crack of dawn and heading down to the studio to start working and such. But that is that. So in other news, how is everyone? Hope all are well!  @hollywoodland-hqs
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Eight seasons with a show is a pretty big accomplishment but I get being bummed about missing the finale. Try to enjoy the time off though! Unless you left to jump right into a new project, in that case, have a blast on the new one!
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
PM: Noah.. I hope you don’t feel like I care more about this sequel than I do for whatever we could have. I wouldn’t chose my career over being your friend, and.. maybe it worked out so well with me taking Lara’s role because of how well I connect to her, and it wasn’t fair for you to have to go through that. She might have gotten her happy ending, but that’s doesn’t change my own struggles.
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PM: No, I know you don’t. But maybe you should. This role is huge for you, babe, and you’re doing work way bigger than yourself and some teen romcom. Despite my actions that night at the club, I didn’t want to get in the way or jeopardize that for you in any way. It was stupid of me to catch feelings the way I did. I mean, I couldn’t choose to fall for you but I definitely had a choice on whether to act on it or not. Anyway. I don’t really know what I’m talking about anymore haha
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
📩 N.C. 💕 M.M.
M: 😮 You don't believe me? Rude! Bring it on! Just make sure you send those half naked selfies to me and not accidentally to you instastory 😂
M: That's probably for the best. I think he also wouldn't be into the whole dressing up thing. I think he wants a normal night with like pizza or a burger. Yes please, next time it's date night! Dating?! Don't even make me think about my baby Char dating. 🙈🙉 First of all, how many single 16 year olds do you know that you can set him up with? Answer that very carefully because this could get real weird depending on your answer.
N: I like to think my Gen Z blood is more tech savvy than that but who knows.
N: I think we delivered on normal hotel nights with pizza and soda and vending machine ice cream. I mean, the list of 16 year old girls that I know - single or not - is slim. I guess he and I need to hit up the local high school events. I've gotta help my boy live his best life.
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
→ @ncentineo uploaded a new s t o r y!  ( @hqmaia )
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
You know I’m always going to be there for you as well, right? Like.. I know we’re filming again and everything is great, but given certain things, I want you to know where I stand. We’d give Mark one hell of a time again, I’d be he’d get back into it even if he weren’t teaching. I’m trying to be touch here, NC! Being adorable won’t give me my mighty morphin powers.
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PM: And by certain things you mean what happened between us and the way shit ended...? Look, it’s in the past. We can’t do anything to change it or take it back, all we can do is move forward. Besides, this is the whole reason you slammed the breaks on us, right? So nothing would jeopardize this sequel? Here we are. Seems like your plan worked.
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
📩 N.C. 💕 M.M.
M: Don't blame me that you can't control your boner! I'm just over here living my best life, being sweet and innocent as always. I'd /never/ try to make you suffer like that while you're away working 😝
M: I'm feelin it! I feel damn good. This is my new date night look so you better take me out and show me off real soon babe!
N: Sweet and innocent my ass. I would sa y two can play that game but you know damn well that I'm a major player in the less-than-fully-clothed-selfie game 🙈
N: I was gonna say tonight but I don't wanna be ditching Char so maybe we stay together this trip and next time you can get up here, I'm taking you and that red lip out on the town. Is Charlie dating? I should hook my boy up. Then we can double date and give him just another reason to be in LA more.
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
I’ve been having a Netflix binge for the past few days when I haven’t been busy doing events or photoshoots and I’ve realized something..I talk to the screen - a lot. If it’s a horror, I’m yelling at the girl to not go upstairs to investigate the creepy noise. If it’s a drama, I’m begging the romantic lead to not leave, just listen to what the other lead has to say. I’m much more quiet in theaters but if we’re chilling on my couch, all bets are off. I’m that annoying girl who can’t shut up. Is this an automatic deal breaker or do people find this charming? Please lie to me and say the latter. @hollywoodland-hqs
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I mean, it wouldn’t bother me. But I wouldn’t be better on an invite to watch like the season premiere of Game of Thrones or anything. I’ve never seen it, personally, but fans seem pretty intense about being silent and watching very intently. Those fans are cray about their viewing parties.
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
We should do one of those dates where we create characters and pretend we’re meeting for the first time as those characters. Like a hot roleplay date! I saw it on a modern family rerun the other day and thought it’d be fun. Well, I mean she’s not wrong. Her and I are a force to be reckoned with. I’ll see if she wants to do a girls night next week then, it’ll be fun! Drunk Noah goes from flirty to lovey to horny in a matter of seconds. Sexting drunk you is like a rollercoaster of emotions babe! We can’t let anything happen to Kristen and Dax, they’re one of the last ones left for us to aspire to be like. I guess I never thought of that and now that I have my heart is so full and I can’t stop smiling. How dare you say all this when you’re too far away fro me to kiss! That’s cruel babe. Did you make it look like your solo dinner was a choice or like you got stood up on a date? Because that definitely makes it look more pathetic. I’ve got a weeks worth of love to catch you up on, don’t worry. We’ve barely made it through the first three days and it already feels like you’ve been gone way too long and I hate it. Just so were clear on that. They may never let me take Bear home though! Yessss! Gimme the tweezers and let me touch up your unibrow. I’ll try and be gentle, you squirming just makes it worse for yourself. Last time it was your own fault because you let that thing grow out of control and it took so long to fix. 
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I know the exact episode you’re talking about. I definitely identify with Phil Dunphy more than I probably should so I say hell yes, I’m down. Maybe not when you’re brother’s in town with us though. We’ll save that for next reunion. You plus Tay equals big trouble for me. Like my own personal Comedy Central roast. Drunk Noah definitely knows how to keep you on your toes and I’m not gonna apologize for it. You’d be so bored with it any other way, admit it. Just add it to the mental kiss jar and cash in tomorrow, baby. Maybe if I’d cried into my burrito they woulda given me free chips and guac. Damn it. I need to go try that once you leave. Has it only been a few days? I literally feel like I’ve been gone for six months. Fuck. Bear wouldn’t let you leave the room without him, much less get on a plane back home without him, don’t you worry. Bear is your little soldier. Honestly, why can’t we all just decide as a species to end the war on facial hair. Just let it grow wild and free. Everyone can be happy and hairy and it’s fine.
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+ Noah ♥
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
You know what’s become a total enogma that I feel like are just waiting for me to crack? Buzzfeed quizzes. They’re so questionable, yet conveniently entertaining. Here’s why: the titles are so damn long, but every little detail you wouldn’t get all the information you need. For example, I messed around and stumbled upon, “Eat A Dessert In Every Color and We’ll Reveal The First Letter of Your True Love’s Name”. Now, I don’t know about you, but I didn’t know there were so many different personalities that paired with every dessert on the planet. And in the end it made me upset that I wasn’t eating an entire pan of red velvet cupcakes. I swear, it was rigged. In the end, I found out my soulmate’s first initial could be either a G, Y, Q, I, J, B, O, R, or T. And the one I’m finishing right now? “Spend a Day In Nashville and Find Out Which The Office Character You Are”. What do you fill your spare time with? Hopefully something better than my twisted fascination with online quizzes that are more than likely just fake.
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I’ve been slacking on my buzzfeed quiz game, been too obsessed with the game 1010. It’s like Tetris without them falling from the top and it’s hella addictive. I’m seeing blocks in my sleep. I’ll be honest though, I’m pretty upset not to see N on that list because I really felt like you and I are meant to be something special. 
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hqcentineo-blog · 5 years
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[text] Your girl is crushing the red lip game on set tonight! [text] Wish you were here baby 💋💋
(text.) aaaaand cue the inconvenient boner. you do this on purpose, don’t you? (text.) baaaaby you’re a goddam smoke show.
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