horatiusastur · 3 years
The true meaning of EH
In the realm of the Godmind, men and material are granted their values independently of how worthy they seem by human reckoning. Each being, idea, or thing is ordered according to its own hierarchical ranking.
Yet there is no method by which humans can weigh these things objectively.
How can mankind say that one chair is more valuable than another? That one man is worth more than another? Each man must make his own judgements on such things, influenced by the judgements of others, yet in the final analysis not contingent upon them.
There is but one way that the values of things can be made absolute in the minds of men alone. And that is through sacrifice. When a customer pays an amount for a cut of meat, he declares it's value without reservation. He is willing to surrender an exact amount of value and suffering for what he desires, and thereby makes its worth unquestioned.
So, I now ask you. If EH be canon, what is its implications? The leftists mind, astutely attuned to detect any ideological threat to his elitist masters, instinctively reacts with gnashing, hatred and fear, when the possibility of EH being canon is broached. The Yeagerist, likely driven by subconscious impulse more than an overarching worldview is likely to respond by minimising the impact of EH, and saying that it simply would make more sense and be a more satisfying conclusion, rejecting the concept that the ship possesses within it destructive and rejuvenating power which reaches far beyond the constraints of its medium and into the realm of the political, that is, the arena of struggle manifested.
For in truth the leftist who screeches of the danger that the ship holds within its form understands it far more than the one who refuses to see it as something of greater importance than a fandom ship.
For all things are given worth by that which are men are willing to sacrifice to achieve them.
If EH is true, then Erens actions are clear.
Eren had to choose between the destruction of Eldia, which would have led to a brighter future for mankind, and the end to two thousand years of ruin and hatred, he could have taken the path of compromise and half measures, which would have seen Historias life cut short and the fate of Paradis uncertain.
Or he could defy the wishes of the friends he valued the most, crush the world to dust, and destroy billions of souls. In so doing he would dwarf all the tyrants and murderers in our history and stain his hands with so much blood that they could never be wiped clean.
And all for what? For his people yes, but mostly so that the woman he loves could live, and bear his children.
A simple thing, so common, so easily derided as folly, so easily condemned as pointless and cruel, as pain without cause and struggle for no gain. Have we not progressed past this as a race? Have we not moved beyond the animalistic need to reproduce for its own sake?
The crushed remains of humanity cry out in silence as the answer Eren gives to such a foolish question.
The right to bear descendants, that precious right, great beyond all others, so quickly cast aside by feckless modern man, is deemed valuable beyond count, for its price is measured not in gold or jewels, but in the lives of billions.
This precious thing, immortality through one’s offspring, is deemed by him beyond any price ever set before.
Through his actions he marks Historia and their child as worth more than all the accumulated treasures of humanity, more than life itself uncounted.
All that we have been taught as children demands that we reject this tallying of the cost. That we despise Eren for his actions, and declare humanity of greater value than one man's dream.
And yet we do not.
We yearn for him to reach his goal with fervent hearts.
We curse those who oppose him and shake in fear at the possibility of his failure.
And yet, all this might not be our belief, if not for his nature, and the nature of the woman he loves.
For clearly demonstrated throughout the tales telling, we see that Eren and Historia display all the qualities of the greatest of humanity.
Compassion, Wanderlust, Courage, Strength, Beauty, Wisdom, Foresight, Integrity, Determination, and most off all, a deep and abiding love, born of a mutual respect and candor, the kind of love which can only be felt between a man and a woman.
Even in their bodies they display elegance and aesthetic completion within each other.
Eren is tall and dark haired, green eyed and fierce, while Historia is fair and delicate, yet possesses a fiery heart, quick to compassion as he is to wrath for the sake of those he loves.
In a world which calls upon all that is great and good and noble to sacrifice itself in the name of the unnumbered indistinguishable mass, to forsake the pursuit of excellence for the preservation of the mediocre, EH declares that one man choosing to leave an inheritance of noble blood, even if it costs the life of all mankind to achieve, is no sin. In fact, it is a sin not to.
Every precept taught so piously in school and film, in TV and radio, throughout this new world ruled by Mammon and Moloch, is cast down and deemed false by EH.
In fact, the ships mere implication is already a dagger aimed at the heart of the so-called neo-liberal order.
Marx's words unleashed a tide that swallowed millions whole, be not so quick to judge a tale well told as incapable of grievous harm or good.
 The fact remains, if EH is to become canon, then people may say it matters not, and yet it shall. For the doctrine that no price is too great to pay in the defense of one’s children may yet prove to have vast consequences for good and for ill.
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horatiusastur · 3 years
Thoughts on Willy Tybur
Marley is in trouble. Their policy of warmaking has created hostile neighbors who lick their wounds, and who are keen to take vengeance for one hundred years of oppression and violence. The history of the Eldian Empire still weighs on people's mind's of course, and contributes to Eldians being hated, but Marley, and the false hero Helos were the ones who apparently brought down the Eldian Empire and this does not stop Marley from being hated. It is hard to maintain good feelings towards your saviours of a hundred years ago when they are currently oppressing you! 
The Tyburs, never having left Marleys shores to attack their neighbors suffer no such ill will, and are loved by everyone and remembered for their ancestors heroism. On the contrary, the hatred towards the "devils of Paradis" takes a backseat in the public opinion of the world. Everyone still remembers the words of King Fritz, and his final threat, but for most people the island remains a theoretical danger, and doesn't play a major role in their lives. The Marleyans play a more prominent negative role in global public opinion. As the advancement of technology puts the future of Marley at risk of an attack by a numerous and more technologically advanced coalition, this likewise puts the future of continental Eldians at risk.
Once Marley loses its position of power and becomes vulnerable, the "Walls" defending Marleyan Eldians from the hateful wrath of the World will fall. This is the predicament which lies in Willy Tyburs lap. The future of Marleyan Eldians is now in jeopardy. The Tyburs gave Marley freedom and power, but now the consequences of that freedom are coming home to roost, and the enemy is at the door.But a terrible danger and hope alike has come.The true King of Eldia who the Tyburs once served has been dethroned, and in his place is a rebel against peace, with the potential power to destroy the world. The smart and humanitarian plan would be too determine if peace is possible with this rebel, in the hopes he would not use his terrible power.But would this rebel be likely to accept peace with Marley? He might well be willing to accept peace, but even if he was, the rest of the world likely would not want peace with Marley nonetheless. If Paradis island peacefully entered the world stage as an independent state, with a promise not to use the terrible power of the Wall Titans, it would be a great thing for the world, and for the people of Paradis. But it would not be a good thing for Marley.
For them the situation remains unchanged. They are surrounded by hostile enemies, who grow in power as they become weaker. But if through rhetoric and half truths, the World was convinced that peace with the Island was impossible, and to attack the Island together, the world's grudge against Marley would be forgotten, at least for now. Upon the smoking ashes of Paradis, a new better state of affairs for Marleyan Eldians, their sins washed clean, as they too saved the world from destruction. And Marley would once again be a people that saved the world, instead of its oppressors. Instead of a peace that might destroy his country, Willy Tybur chose an unjust war that would save it. And he was willing to risk his own life as a martyr to help ensure his plan would succeed. Willy Tybur endangered the world with war, but he also sought to save all the people of the country he called home. Marleyans and Eldians alike.
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horatiusastur · 3 years
Sympathy for the Devils (Attack on Titan manga spoilers)
“How dare the Marleyans call the Eldians Devils!”
“They aren’t responsible for the crimes of their ancestors!”
“The people of the Walls are innocent!”
These are the words people use to describe how they feel about the conflict between the Walldians (The Eldians living within the Walls) and Marley specifically, and the rest of the world more generally. They see the hatred the rest of the world feels toward the people of Paradis as being unjustified.
But is it? As Eren rightly says, the world is not wrong that the Eldians can turn into monsters, and that they possess a terrifying power, which includes the threat of the Wall Titans being used to flatten the world.
But everyone knows this. The real question is not one of whether the potential supernatural danger that Eldians pose is real, it is whether it will come about. Are the Eldians of today going to once again turn to sin, and justify the suspicion of the world, or will they choose a more benevolent path?
Some of them, like Freida, are willing to let all Eldians go extinct in order that they not take out their vengeance on the world. Others, like Zeke, want all Eldians to go extinct so that they no longer have to suffer in this cruel world. But when we look at the development of the views of the common man on the island, they take quite a different view. The Yeagerist uprising has overwhelming popular support. Most of the Walldians are cheering for Eren to flatten the world with the rumbling, and slaughter their enemies.
With the early episodes of season 4 of the anime coming out, many people are confused as to why the Marleyan Eldians hate the Walldians so much, and how unreasonable it is for the outside world in general to fear and hate them. And yet the actions of the Walldians prove their hatred justified. The outside world believes that the island is full of Devils who want to destroy the world, and they aren’t wrong. The fact that the Paradisian alliance members are trying to stop Eren won’t change the fact that they are out and out traitors to their island who do not represent their people at all. The demon currently destroying the world does.
Reiner and the Warriors weren’t wrong in their belief that the terrible things they did were for the purpose of saving the world. If they had succeeded then the world would have indeed been saved. If Armin hadn’t convinced the 104th to help get Zeke and Eren into contact with each other, then the Marleyan army would have killed Eren and Zeke and saved the world. When Magath said that by joining the alliance the Paradisians were admitting which side justice was on, he was right, they tacitly were.
If you believe in the cause the Alliance is fighting for, then you are admitting that the Marleyans were right.
There were Devils on that Island.
And they just might destroy the world.
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horatiusastur · 3 years
Why the fifty-year plan is a terrible idea from Erens perspective. (Attack on Titan Manga spoilers) Addendum
To quote an Eren analysis video I found quite inspiring.
“Eren is a man who was asked to choose between saving his body or his soul, and he chose to live.”
P.S If the Marley Commander speech from chapter 134 is foreshadowing an eventual peace ending than that peace is one which only came about thanks to Eren scaring the world into it by nearly killing them all. Which means Erens actions were the one true path to peace. Step aside Ghandi and MLK, there is a new peacemaker in town.
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horatiusastur · 3 years
Why the fifty-year plan is a terrible idea from Erens perspective. (Attack on Titan Manga spoilers) Part 2
Even if the peace Eren offered through the partial rumbling was reasonable, at least some of the other nations wouldn’t be willing to accept it forever. At any moment Eren might decide to kill the World anyway, and accepting the rule of Emperor Eren would mean accepting a total surrender of sovereignty and a return to the old Eldian Empire. At least some actors would continue working on technologies to counter the threat of the Wall Titans. With the benefit of hindsight from our world we know that nuclear weapons are not too far off, with a far quicker reaction time than a slow Colossal Titan march, nuclear weapons could kill Eren or his Founding Titan inheritor, not to mention the population of Paradis, without warning. Even in a hypothetical situation in which a careful enough control over the entire global population could prevent the development of weapons capable of freeing the World from his total control, if Eren entrusts the Founding Titan to future generations who will use its power to hold the world hostage in order to protect Paradis, all it will take is one Inheritor to fall victim to the old Eldian flaw of self-loathing and regret for the whole enterprise to collapse, leading to a final massacre of the Eldian race. Even a vow, intended to keep future inheritors bound to the duty of threatening the world with the Wall Titans in order to preserve Paradis, would not be fool-proof, as the events of the chapters so far have definitively proven that such vows are prone to exploits. In short, using a limited rumbling will mean restoring global Eldian rule, and all of the resentment and hatred that comes with it. The limited rumbling promotes hatred and hostility, and further endangers Eldian lives in the future. When the Samnites trapped a Roman army in the Caudine Forks, the commander was advised to kill all the Romans or to let them go. Half measures would only humiliate them and leave them still capable of fighting back. However, these wise words were ignored and the Samnites were ultimately conquered thanks to that mistake.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Caudine_Forks A limited Rumbling will mean that Eldia remains endangered, its enemies numerous and wrathful, all the while technology continues to make Titans, even the Wall Titans less all-powerful. The idea that Eren and his inheritors can keep the World tamed forever is ridiculous. Isn’t one of the main themes of the entire story that the human spirit will always overcome and free itself from even the most insurmountable forces keeping it caged? But let’s go on to the more personal reason. For starters, let’s not forget the way in which Eren acquired the power of the founder. He did it by appealing to Ymir Fritz, by offering her freedom, and by implying that she didn’t need to serve the House of Fritz any longer. If Eren had asked Ymir to lend him her power in order to continue the cycle, and have her serve more Royal Titans in perpetuity in accordance with the limited rumbling plan, would she have agreed? I doubt it. But let’s move onto the main reason why Eren doesn’t want to entrust an uneasy peace to future generations. That’s right, I am a believer in the Eren and Historia secret relationship. Eren is secretly the father, and he is ensuring that Historia will not have to be devoured by her children, by his child, and condemn that child to a short life, one in which they will not be free. Eren is ensuring that Historias safety is as ensured as it can be before his time is up. As he said in chapter 133, he will not gamble with the future of Paradis. From the first female Titan fight, to the moment where Eren acquired hardening underneath the Reiss chapel, his character arc has been one of someone who has learnt that trusting in the strength of his friends is folly, that if he takes responsibility for his own actions and acts independently then he can save his friends and defeat his enemies. And that is what he is doing now, leaving nothing to chance.
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horatiusastur · 3 years
Why the fifty-year plan is a terrible idea from Erens perspective. (Attack on Titan Manga spoilers) Part 1
Before we get really into this breakdown of the rumbling and its various components, lets address the chapter 127 conversation between Jean and Hange. In it Jean basically makes the point that the rumbling does actually secure their survival, and that stopping Eren will likely mean the Islands doom. Hange equivocates for awhile trying to argue that they can secure their survival in other ways, but as Jean counters all of her points, she slams her fist into the table and says that there is no justification for the rumbling, the implication being even if it is the only way to ensure the safety of Paradis, it shouldn’t be countenanced.
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If this in-universe disagreement was the way the rumbling debates happened in the fandom, there wouldn’t be much to discuss, both sides agree that the rumbling is the one way to ensure the safety of Paradis, but one side thinks the cost is worth it and the other does not. It’s a simple moral conundrum that people have to come to terms with, and there really isn’t anything further to discuss.
But that isn’t how most arguments in the fandom go, mostly they more resemble the paths discussion in chapter 133, where Armin claims that the full rumbling Eren is engaging in is unnecessary. All he needs to do is destroy the military forces of the world, and blackmail them with the rumbling into signing a peace treaty with Paradis.
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I will now go on to explain why I think Armin is wrong, and why from Erens perspective the full rumbling is the more logical response. First, I will cover the reasons purely from the perspective of protecting Paradis, and then from the more personal perspective which hinges on Eren/Historia being canon.
All right, let’s get into it.
Because we haven’t personally experienced it, its easy to forget that the World of Attack on Titan is not our world. It seems like it in all respects, except for the fact that the geography is flipped. Oh, and there is a race of people who share a collective hivemind who are under the control of a single individual and can turn into monstrous man-eating horrors. And they held all of humanity enslaved in their grasp for 2000 years. Let’s not mince words, Eldians are a terrifying danger to the rest of the world, a people whose individual autonomy is limited by their susceptibility to the Founding Titans. Non-Eldians are right to be scared of Eldians. Lurking in the thoughts of almost everyone on the planet is the fear that the Eldians might reclaim their tyranny over the World. The Eldian Empire is the single biggest historical fact in the setting, and its potential rebirth is a lurking menace which terrifies all of mankind.
For a time, the nations of the world were almost more united against Marley than the Paradisians. Then in a masterstroke, Willy united the world against Paradis, instead of having them team up against Marley. With that the world was committed to the destruction of Paradis, and while failing to act wouldn’t have changed this course, Eren attacking Liberio afterwards clearly didn’t make a peace between Paradis and the world any more likely. After Willys speech any chance of a negotiated peace went out the window. There was going to be violence no matter what.
Once Eren reached Zeke and was able to access the power of the Founder, why would a limited rumbling not have been effective? For starters we don’t know enough about Ymir Fritz to know if she would have sided with Eren if he was in favour of a limited rumbling. But let’s assume that was on the cards. The entire World had been living in fear of the Wall Titans and a return of the Eldian Empire. If Eren used them to destroy the Worlds military forces, then this would confirm everything they had ever felt and heard to be true about the Walldians. He might use the Wall Titans to effectively conquer the World and make them accept peace with Paradis. But what would be the reaction of the rest of the World to this?
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horatiusastur · 4 years
Attack on Titan and its portrayal of genocide.
I've said this before, I will say it again. Most people don't actually hold genocide as some impossible act which is never justified.
They just think they do because in  stories genocide is always portrayed as unreasoning and unneeded. The moment it isn't shown to be that way, like in snk, a large minority of the fan base is completely onboard with destroying 99% of the human race.
Eren is blowing all the murderous dictators we have been taught to hate in history class out of the water, and he is still massively popular.
The murderous actions of Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and Pol Pot aren't what makes us hate them, not at all. It's merely the fact that we aren't told stories from their perspective.
If these historical figures got glowing depictions in hollywood movies, even if none of their violent actions were censored, they would still be very well liked, and the idea they are irredeemably bad would not exist.
This is the uncomfortable fact Yams is revealing with his story. The liberal moral foundations which underpin the modern western world are not based on the facts of history, but the stories told about that history. Challenging the facts of history is unnecessary in order to undermine the liberal moral foundation of our societies, all that is necessary is to tell different stories, and they will crumble just the same.
It's not even that our modern world is fragile because it is built on lies, it is more fragile than that, it is only built on perspective. The moment that perspective is allowed to be shifted, all the assumptions upon which our modern moral codes rest collapses
Many people are racists. Almost all of them dont consider themselves to be racists. Why? Because we are taught that Racism is illogical, unfounded, and mindlessly hateful. Everyone who has prejudice believes that they have perfectly legitimate reasons for holding those beliefs. Therefore, they cant be racist, because racism is unfounded hatred, and there hatred is well-founded.
 Like I was saying earlier, people are taught to hate genocide because its unnecessary and never has a good cause. So when people are presented with a scenario where they feel like it is justifiable, they support it. A really robust anti-genocide message that won’t collapse when a story like snk presents genocide as being an understandable response, needs to make the moral case that genocide is never ok, even when not commiting genocide might mean that everyone you love will be killed or enslaved.
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horatiusastur · 4 years
Some thoughts about a Attack on Titan peace ending. (spoilers)
If a peace ending is achieved at this point I would really appreciate if it wasnt for either of these two points. 1. Because Erens attack makes the world see how they are responsible for creating him (commanders speech) or 2. Because the Alliance contains Paradisians, making the World realise Paradis doesnt contain devils.
Lets go over them one by one. First, number one. Erens actions are driven by a philosophical difference between what he believes and what, lets say, Armin believes (The other anti-rumbling Paradis character work as examples too, Im just using Armin here) Eren believes that conflict is inevitable between the Walldians and the rest of the world, and that Paradis wont be safe until the outside world is destroyed. Up until this point, the outside world has been incredibly hostile towards the island, and they have actually assembled a massive navy intended to destroy the Walldians. Any attempts to stop this diplomatically have failed. But then Eren tries to wipe out the world and we see foreshadowing that this might cause the outside world to stop hating the island. Do you see the problem here? Diplomacy and trying to cooperate with people doesnt get people who hate and fear you to stop, but starting to massacre them is a sure way to get them to give peace a chance. Whether you want annihilation like Eren or peace like Armin, neither of those things are going to happen until you start indiscriminately slaughtering the people who hate you. The natural argument for the side that believes that peace is possible, is that responding with violence is only going to prove the negative perception your enemies have of you true. But if a peace ending comes about due to Erens attack being a wake up call, then the peace argument makes no sense. there is no point in not attacking your enemy if it only increases their likelihood to make peace with.
Point 2. The idea behind the Alliance Paradis characters creating a peace by stopping the rumbling is that by doing so they prove that the World was wrong that Paradis wanted to destroy them. But this is just incorrect. And if there is one thing that the uprising arc proved its that a peace built on lies cant last forever. (Something Uri said explicitly) Most of Paradis as far as we can see is Yeagerist. The only anti-Eren feeling we see is some people mad that the CTs caused collateral damage. We havent seen any evidence that our main characters moral concerns with the rumbling have any mass support among the general population. If the World stops being haters because they realise that the Paradisians dont want to destroy them than they would just have been tricked. The world is actually correct that Paradis is full of people who hate them and want them dead.
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