Even though he wanted to prolong it, Viktor knew where his feet were taking him. Eventually he was standing outside Master Di’s quarter for what, the third time that day? Not even as a troublesome Padawan had he been brought here so many times. Shaking his head to himself with a mournsome smile adorning his face he raised his hand to knock, the same three, rapt beats that he was known for.
Lessons 3
Viktor liked to think he had a lie detector in the Force. He could sense whenever someone was being dishonest, which was useful in conversations between four eyes and useless when watching a political debate. Something about Keeli was wrong, disturbingly strong. The feelings he emitted, the strong sense of holding something back…it all gave Viktor a headache, trying to make heads and tails of it. The ominous feeling was even more prominent in the way the Captain spoke, or rather with what he did not say. He had always known his Master and the Captain were closer than what any regulation or Jedi code premitted, but he had sworn to protect their secret to the grave. In that moment he knew Keeli would not spill the beans on what had him so worried, that was something he had to bring up with his Master. What he could do was to comfort his friend, bestow the very same kindness that he had shown upon him. 
“Do not worry, Captain,” Viktor smiled, slinging an arm around Keeli’s shoulders. “I would not leave even if it was an option. Right now I am just down on my luck but…I will bounce back, mend what has been broken. Besides, getting an eyeful of nikto dick in your ass was far more taxing on the mind than any of this, and I did not leave then, did I?” He continued with a mischevious grin, before sobering up again and letting out a small sigh. “Sorry about making a mess, I will get right on cleaning it up.”
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Viktor smiled and laughed with Keeli, despite the disturbing images that popped up in his head uninvited. The man was a good friend, somehow always managing to both cheer him up and berate him in the same breath. A truly remarkable ability. It was however saddening to see him leave so soon. “Who said I stopped being nosy? Good luck to yourself, brother. Go easy on the poor souls.”
When Viktor was all alone he made quick work out of cleaning up the room. Gathering scattered papers and pens with the force, pushing chairs and tables back to their place. He would have liked the task to take more time, knowing what he had to do next but still not wanting to face the facts just yet. The thought of calling Yuuri tempted him like a siren, yet he knew that was out of the question. Unfortunately love was not meant for a young Jedi, especially not when directed at an unknowing Senator. With a sigh Viktor finally got up to leave the room, setting an aimless course through the mish mash of corridors aboard the cruiser. It was a place he knew by heart, one he would not get lost in so easily.
Lessons 3
Viktor liked to think he had a lie detector in the Force. He could sense whenever someone was being dishonest, which was useful in conversations between four eyes and useless when watching a political debate. Something about Keeli was wrong, disturbingly strong. The feelings he emitted, the strong sense of holding something back…it all gave Viktor a headache, trying to make heads and tails of it. The ominous feeling was even more prominent in the way the Captain spoke, or rather with what he did not say. He had always known his Master and the Captain were closer than what any regulation or Jedi code premitted, but he had sworn to protect their secret to the grave. In that moment he knew Keeli would not spill the beans on what had him so worried, that was something he had to bring up with his Master. What he could do was to comfort his friend, bestow the very same kindness that he had shown upon him. 
“Do not worry, Captain,” Viktor smiled, slinging an arm around Keeli’s shoulders. “I would not leave even if it was an option. Right now I am just down on my luck but…I will bounce back, mend what has been broken. Besides, getting an eyeful of nikto dick in your ass was far more taxing on the mind than any of this, and I did not leave then, did I?” He continued with a mischevious grin, before sobering up again and letting out a small sigh. “Sorry about making a mess, I will get right on cleaning it up.”
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Every Holt insult RP starers
Some edited to fit for RP purposes.
❝ _____ good to see you but if you’re here, who’s guarding Hades? ❞
❝ Huh. From your expression I would’ve guessed constipated. Or chilly. ❞
❝ Yes, and My ____ is a fork tongued lizard witch. ❞
❝ You’re like the League of Nations in ‘36. Just hoping the Abyssinian crisis resolves itself. ❞
❝ So nice of you to greet us _____! I thought surely you’d still be crushed under that house in munchkinland.❞
❝ Hello, _____ . You’ve aged! ❞
❝ _____, I had wondered why all the birds had suddenly stopped singing. ❞
❝ So much time with your ear to the pavement it’s a pity a truck hasn’t run over your head. ❞
❝ Look, is that a talking raisin? ❞
❝ It shouldn’t be hard. Given _____ is not technically a person. ❞
❝ Please stay ____ . I need a witness in case their head starts spinning around. ❞
❝You’re the devil and you don’t dance with the devil because you get burned. Also in your case it’s because you have no rhythm and your hands are like little rat claws.❞
❝ Don’t count your gross fish babies before they’re hatched, _____. ❞
❝ I never thought I’d see you this high up without a broom under you. ❞
❝ Yes, well, who wouldn’t want to see a man fight a crocodile. ❞
❝ When I was alone in their office and changed their autocorrect. Now when they type their last name it gets replaced with “butt”. ❞
❝ Care to sit? I’m sure you’d like to take some weight off your cloven hooves. ❞
❝ Actually I was calling you a goat. You goat. ❞
❝ You have until tomorrow. You grackle. ❞
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Lessons 2
Di watched with surprise as Viktor suddenly managed to develop some strength in dealing with his padawan. Maybe if he had done that more often, those two wouldn’t be in this situation at all. At Viktors next jabbing words at his own master, Di raised a brow in amusement and lifted his hand quickly to stop Mere, who had taken a therathening step towards Viktor. “I trust you know, Viktor, that if you haven’t came to me with your problem, then you wouldn’t have a padawan right now? You know how the order works, you know what the Council would say. They would have taken Yuri away from you in a heartbeat.” He reminded the man.
Turning to the young sandhead, he smiled. “Yuri, if the Council ever learned of your ways, you would be in great trouble. One of the great many things required of a youngling to even become a padawan is discipline and respect. You aren’t doing too great with those two, and that is maybe because everyone tried to teach you about them through the Force. Maybe what you need is something more tangible. I was thinking of assigning you into an actual clone squad and send you with them on some mission. No Jedi, no Force, no mystic teachings, just your military superior and your comrades. I think it could teach you a thing or two.”
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Lessons 3
Viktor liked to think he had a lie detector in the Force. He could sense whenever someone was being dishonest, which was useful in conversations between four eyes and useless when watching a political debate. Something about Keeli was wrong, disturbingly strong. The feelings he emitted, the strong sense of holding something back...it all gave Viktor a headache, trying to make heads and tails of it. The ominous feeling was even more prominent in the way the Captain spoke, or rather with what he did not say. He had always known his Master and the Captain were closer than what any regulation or Jedi code premitted, but he had sworn to protect their secret to the grave. In that moment he knew Keeli would not spill the beans on what had him so worried, that was something he had to bring up with his Master. What he could do was to comfort his friend, bestow the very same kindness that he had shown upon him. 
“Do not worry, Captain,” Viktor smiled, slinging an arm around Keeli’s shoulders. “I would not leave even if it was an option. Right now I am just down on my luck but...I will bounce back, mend what has been broken. Besides, getting an eyeful of nikto dick in your ass was far more taxing on the mind than any of this, and I did not leave then, did I?” He continued with a mischevious grin, before sobering up again and letting out a small sigh. “Sorry about making a mess, I will get right on cleaning it up.”
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Viktor pouted and glared at Keeli. If he was trying to comfort him, he was doing a terrible job. Then, he was not the most comforting person himself. Maybe that was the reason why he never succeeded with Yuri, or as a Jedi himself. Too long he had been told and convinced that he was the best. Old Masters swooned and fell like domino bricks for his charms and raw talent. Now, the reality of being a failure hurt more than any wound ever could. “He is right, though,” Viktor said morosly, looking straight up at the Captain. “I am about as fit for the title of a Master as a corrupt Senator. I could not save Yuri from himself. Every decision I make causes suffering for someone else. The most merciful thing to do would be to go back to Coruscant and leave Master Di alone. But that is what a coward does, is it not, Captain?”
Lessons 2
Di watched with surprise as Viktor suddenly managed to develop some strength in dealing with his padawan. Maybe if he had done that more often, those two wouldn’t be in this situation at all. At Viktors next jabbing words at his own master, Di raised a brow in amusement and lifted his hand quickly to stop Mere, who had taken a therathening step towards Viktor. “I trust you know, Viktor, that if you haven’t came to me with your problem, then you wouldn’t have a padawan right now? You know how the order works, you know what the Council would say. They would have taken Yuri away from you in a heartbeat.” He reminded the man.
Turning to the young sandhead, he smiled. “Yuri, if the Council ever learned of your ways, you would be in great trouble. One of the great many things required of a youngling to even become a padawan is discipline and respect. You aren’t doing too great with those two, and that is maybe because everyone tried to teach you about them through the Force. Maybe what you need is something more tangible. I was thinking of assigning you into an actual clone squad and send you with them on some mission. No Jedi, no Force, no mystic teachings, just your military superior and your comrades. I think it could teach you a thing or two.”
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Yuri frowned. What was the fucking point of helping the clones if he couldn’t use his weapon of fucking choice? Whatever, he could totally come out on top even without a glowstick. “Eh, I have a decent aim. Just don’t whine to me if I accidentally shoot out Stripes’ kneecaps. Casualties of war you know?”
Normally, Viktor had no qualms about talking of sex. Especially considering he often had some rather indecent daydreams about a certain Senator, there really was no room for him to preach about abstinence. Yet it only took some carefully chosen words and some vivid images in his head for him to gag and shoot Keeli a disgusted look. “Keeli, I am at a loss for words. You finally pulled your head out of your ass and fucked that doll you keep in your office? Mark me down as impressed and disgusted.” 
But life was not all about making gross sex jokes, was it? Viktor sighed, wishing he could just sink through the floor when the Captain asked the question he rather did not answer. Awkwardly he twirled a pen between his fingers, looking anywhere but at Keeli. “Terrible. I am now one padawan shorter and your Master is shaming me like a disappointed parent.”
Lessons 2
Di watched with surprise as Viktor suddenly managed to develop some strength in dealing with his padawan. Maybe if he had done that more often, those two wouldn’t be in this situation at all. At Viktors next jabbing words at his own master, Di raised a brow in amusement and lifted his hand quickly to stop Mere, who had taken a therathening step towards Viktor. “I trust you know, Viktor, that if you haven’t came to me with your problem, then you wouldn’t have a padawan right now? You know how the order works, you know what the Council would say. They would have taken Yuri away from you in a heartbeat.” He reminded the man.
Turning to the young sandhead, he smiled. “Yuri, if the Council ever learned of your ways, you would be in great trouble. One of the great many things required of a youngling to even become a padawan is discipline and respect. You aren’t doing too great with those two, and that is maybe because everyone tried to teach you about them through the Force. Maybe what you need is something more tangible. I was thinking of assigning you into an actual clone squad and send you with them on some mission. No Jedi, no Force, no mystic teachings, just your military superior and your comrades. I think it could teach you a thing or two.”
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Yuri saw that Seb was trying, which he could appreciate. Even though it was a bad joke. A fucking terrible joke. He had to make it his personal mission to teach the medic some good ones. “Nah, you’re safe from flashlight duty. I mean, look at this fucking glowstick right here,” Yuri replied, patting his lightsaber that was dangling from his belt. “I wouldn’t mind being bait though. It would help with getting this terrible party started, don’t you think?”
Viktor needed time to think. So much had happened in one day, none of which had been planned. Yuri’s fate was no longer in his hands and his own Master probably hated him. No, Viktor chided himself, feeling how the objects he was trying to hold up swayed dangerously in the air as he lost his concentration. Jedi did not hate. They just gave you condescending looks for whatever mistake you made. A voice coming from behind him startled him and with a yelp three chairs, a table, a lot of pens and a stack of papers came tumbling down all around him. Flushing a deep purple Viktor’s head snapped around, checking if his visitor had gotten hurt by his mistake.
“Oh, hello Captain...” Viktor laughed. “I see you are cured of that odd limp today.”
Lessons 2
Di watched with surprise as Viktor suddenly managed to develop some strength in dealing with his padawan. Maybe if he had done that more often, those two wouldn’t be in this situation at all. At Viktors next jabbing words at his own master, Di raised a brow in amusement and lifted his hand quickly to stop Mere, who had taken a therathening step towards Viktor. “I trust you know, Viktor, that if you haven’t came to me with your problem, then you wouldn’t have a padawan right now? You know how the order works, you know what the Council would say. They would have taken Yuri away from you in a heartbeat.” He reminded the man.
Turning to the young sandhead, he smiled. “Yuri, if the Council ever learned of your ways, you would be in great trouble. One of the great many things required of a youngling to even become a padawan is discipline and respect. You aren’t doing too great with those two, and that is maybe because everyone tried to teach you about them through the Force. Maybe what you need is something more tangible. I was thinking of assigning you into an actual clone squad and send you with them on some mission. No Jedi, no Force, no mystic teachings, just your military superior and your comrades. I think it could teach you a thing or two.”
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Yuri got the unnerving feeling that he had gotten stuck with the only other kid in the group. Great, that was just great. He grabbed on to one of the handholds, nearly laughing out loud at the similarities between the gunship and a public transport on Coruscant. That was stupid, he’d been on a gunship before. “That’s not very long. What does your Lieutenant want us to do, act as bait by flashing our shiny asses at the enemy?” Yuri asked, half hoping the joke wouldn’t be completely lost on Seb. That would be such a fucking shame now that he was more or less forced to make a friend.
Lessons 2
Di watched with surprise as Viktor suddenly managed to develop some strength in dealing with his padawan. Maybe if he had done that more often, those two wouldn’t be in this situation at all. At Viktors next jabbing words at his own master, Di raised a brow in amusement and lifted his hand quickly to stop Mere, who had taken a therathening step towards Viktor. “I trust you know, Viktor, that if you haven’t came to me with your problem, then you wouldn’t have a padawan right now? You know how the order works, you know what the Council would say. They would have taken Yuri away from you in a heartbeat.” He reminded the man.
Turning to the young sandhead, he smiled. “Yuri, if the Council ever learned of your ways, you would be in great trouble. One of the great many things required of a youngling to even become a padawan is discipline and respect. You aren’t doing too great with those two, and that is maybe because everyone tried to teach you about them through the Force. Maybe what you need is something more tangible. I was thinking of assigning you into an actual clone squad and send you with them on some mission. No Jedi, no Force, no mystic teachings, just your military superior and your comrades. I think it could teach you a thing or two.”
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This time around, Yuri at least had the decency to hide his snort behind his hand. Maybe this wouldn’t be so terrible, as long as the scorn was directed at that asshole and not himself. To avoid suspicion he glanced around at his surroundings, almost not noticing the outstretched hand right under his nose. For a moment he squinted at it in confusion, wondering why the fuck anyone wanted to treat him with respect. Normally after mouthing off like he just did he could expect a whack over the head at best. He supposed this was better than that, so eventually he took the hand and gave it a firm shake. Which apparently was enough for the good Lieutenant to decide they were best buddies. Yuri gave him a weird look before shrugging, then motioned for the kid to follow him. Because fuck it, he looked way younger than Yuri. 
“So you’re the medic?”
Lessons 2
Di watched with surprise as Viktor suddenly managed to develop some strength in dealing with his padawan. Maybe if he had done that more often, those two wouldn’t be in this situation at all. At Viktors next jabbing words at his own master, Di raised a brow in amusement and lifted his hand quickly to stop Mere, who had taken a therathening step towards Viktor. “I trust you know, Viktor, that if you haven’t came to me with your problem, then you wouldn’t have a padawan right now? You know how the order works, you know what the Council would say. They would have taken Yuri away from you in a heartbeat.” He reminded the man.
Turning to the young sandhead, he smiled. “Yuri, if the Council ever learned of your ways, you would be in great trouble. One of the great many things required of a youngling to even become a padawan is discipline and respect. You aren’t doing too great with those two, and that is maybe because everyone tried to teach you about them through the Force. Maybe what you need is something more tangible. I was thinking of assigning you into an actual clone squad and send you with them on some mission. No Jedi, no Force, no mystic teachings, just your military superior and your comrades. I think it could teach you a thing or two.”
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Yuri startled when a fucking strong hand landed on his shoulder. Shit, these guys really didn’t miss out on workout day, did they? For the first time he felt happy for his uncomfortable plastoid shell, having a feeling that without it, he would’ve fallen over. Warily he glanced around at the clones gathered, resisting the urge to shield his eyes from Trickster’s megawatt smile. Eventually when the talking had died down and Yuri realized the ball was in his court, he offered the most intelligent answer he could think of.
Lessons 2
Di watched with surprise as Viktor suddenly managed to develop some strength in dealing with his padawan. Maybe if he had done that more often, those two wouldn’t be in this situation at all. At Viktors next jabbing words at his own master, Di raised a brow in amusement and lifted his hand quickly to stop Mere, who had taken a therathening step towards Viktor. “I trust you know, Viktor, that if you haven’t came to me with your problem, then you wouldn’t have a padawan right now? You know how the order works, you know what the Council would say. They would have taken Yuri away from you in a heartbeat.” He reminded the man.
Turning to the young sandhead, he smiled. “Yuri, if the Council ever learned of your ways, you would be in great trouble. One of the great many things required of a youngling to even become a padawan is discipline and respect. You aren’t doing too great with those two, and that is maybe because everyone tried to teach you about them through the Force. Maybe what you need is something more tangible. I was thinking of assigning you into an actual clone squad and send you with them on some mission. No Jedi, no Force, no mystic teachings, just your military superior and your comrades. I think it could teach you a thing or two.”
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Yuri froze, his relatively calm face twisting into an angry scowl. There it was, what he knew had been coming and still hoped wouldn’t. The comments about his looks and age. It almost hurt to supress the urge to scream some profanities at the rude clone, but a challenge was what it was. And Yuri wasn’t about to give the Lieutenant the sick satisfaction of sending him back to the Temple ass first. Inhaling and exhaling deeply, he walked closer to the group until he was right beside them. He felt very proud of himself when the only defensive thing coming out of his mouth was a calm “Die lonely”. 
“I’m Yuri,” he continued to adress the entire group. “And I’m happy to be here.” He added sarcastically.
Lessons 2
Di watched with surprise as Viktor suddenly managed to develop some strength in dealing with his padawan. Maybe if he had done that more often, those two wouldn’t be in this situation at all. At Viktors next jabbing words at his own master, Di raised a brow in amusement and lifted his hand quickly to stop Mere, who had taken a therathening step towards Viktor. “I trust you know, Viktor, that if you haven’t came to me with your problem, then you wouldn’t have a padawan right now? You know how the order works, you know what the Council would say. They would have taken Yuri away from you in a heartbeat.” He reminded the man.
Turning to the young sandhead, he smiled. “Yuri, if the Council ever learned of your ways, you would be in great trouble. One of the great many things required of a youngling to even become a padawan is discipline and respect. You aren’t doing too great with those two, and that is maybe because everyone tried to teach you about them through the Force. Maybe what you need is something more tangible. I was thinking of assigning you into an actual clone squad and send you with them on some mission. No Jedi, no Force, no mystic teachings, just your military superior and your comrades. I think it could teach you a thing or two.”
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Yuri startled at one particular word. Soldier. Now he knew what to expect from clones, military people or really, just people in general. They called him different variations of kid and punk, which he hated with all of his guts. Solider though...he wasn’t a solider, had never thought of himself as one, but it still felt weirdly good. Good in a way he couldn’t explain, because it was a feeling he hadn’t felt before. Naturally he had to ruin the moment by saying something. “Then what should I worry about, getting a small amount of dirt on my suit? I’ll be fine,” Thankfully he didn’t screw that last sentence up by grunting when the clone dropped everything into his arms. Here he never would’ve thought stupid early morning practice with Viktor would be of good use. Waving the Lieutenant off, Yuri fought down a wave of anxiety. It wasn’t as if though his future was on the line. “Yeah yeah, just give me a spanking for good measure while you’re at it. I’ll be there.”
Finding a realitively secluded spot Yuri begun to change out of his normal clothing. It was weird, switching out what he could actually move in for something that felt similar to wearing someone’s plastoid roof. At least the shit was sturdy. Even though it pinched his thighs. With the Lieutenant’s warning in mind Yuri made his way down to the hangars, only getting a little lost before he found the right one. Steeling himself he walked in.
Lessons 2
Di watched with surprise as Viktor suddenly managed to develop some strength in dealing with his padawan. Maybe if he had done that more often, those two wouldn’t be in this situation at all. At Viktors next jabbing words at his own master, Di raised a brow in amusement and lifted his hand quickly to stop Mere, who had taken a therathening step towards Viktor. “I trust you know, Viktor, that if you haven’t came to me with your problem, then you wouldn’t have a padawan right now? You know how the order works, you know what the Council would say. They would have taken Yuri away from you in a heartbeat.” He reminded the man.
Turning to the young sandhead, he smiled. “Yuri, if the Council ever learned of your ways, you would be in great trouble. One of the great many things required of a youngling to even become a padawan is discipline and respect. You aren’t doing too great with those two, and that is maybe because everyone tried to teach you about them through the Force. Maybe what you need is something more tangible. I was thinking of assigning you into an actual clone squad and send you with them on some mission. No Jedi, no Force, no mystic teachings, just your military superior and your comrades. I think it could teach you a thing or two.”
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Viktor knew all of this already. That his Master had never approved of him doing the trials, that despite everything they had been through he had yet to believe in him. It was not something he felt particularily upset over anymore, though the spikes of annoyance were there. In that moment his thoughts wandered to his Yuuri and how dearly he wished he was there. If he could only borrow a fraction of the young Senator’s strength he would be a much greater man than what he was. Yet he knew that the only one who could argue for his and Yuri’s cause was himself. When his eyes met Master Di’s, Viktor fixed him with a firm, but calm stare. “Master, you have my utmost respect, but you are wrong. An outburst does not equal ignorance. Struggling does not come close to forsaken the wisdom that you have passed on to me. It should not come as a surprise to you that when the time came for Yuri to find a Master, no one would have him. I have seen him fleetingly in the past, watched him grow with great interest. It was from what you have taught me about compassion and seeing the best in others that convinced me to take him on myself. And you are right, we are an odd couple. But do not blame yourself for decisions that I make, and you are sorely mistaken if you think I do not have Yuri’s best in my mind at all times.” 
All clones were different and just as Yuri thought he had pinned one down, another came around to prove him wrong. Some were chatty as fuck and some were quieter than the vacuum of space. This one he had yet to figure out too. Yuri shot him a glance when he was spoken to, gauging no reaction from the white helmet. 
“Yeah,” Yuri shrugged. “I know what to do, don’t get your panties in a bunch over me messing up your perfect record.” He had done this a few times with Viktor in the past year, even a little when he had still been a youngling. Desparate times. Either he was on the front lines deflecting blaster bolts or destroying really fucking vicious droids, or he was running some sort of distraction elsewhere.
Lessons 2
Di watched with surprise as Viktor suddenly managed to develop some strength in dealing with his padawan. Maybe if he had done that more often, those two wouldn’t be in this situation at all. At Viktors next jabbing words at his own master, Di raised a brow in amusement and lifted his hand quickly to stop Mere, who had taken a therathening step towards Viktor. “I trust you know, Viktor, that if you haven’t came to me with your problem, then you wouldn’t have a padawan right now? You know how the order works, you know what the Council would say. They would have taken Yuri away from you in a heartbeat.” He reminded the man.
Turning to the young sandhead, he smiled. “Yuri, if the Council ever learned of your ways, you would be in great trouble. One of the great many things required of a youngling to even become a padawan is discipline and respect. You aren’t doing too great with those two, and that is maybe because everyone tried to teach you about them through the Force. Maybe what you need is something more tangible. I was thinking of assigning you into an actual clone squad and send you with them on some mission. No Jedi, no Force, no mystic teachings, just your military superior and your comrades. I think it could teach you a thing or two.”
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Yuri didn’t even try to stop himself from laughing at Viktor when the old wrinkly fuck throughly roasted him. Despite all of his misery, it felt really good to see his supposed Master get knocked down from his high pedestal. The look on his face was positively priceless, eyebrows literally meeting his hairline. Still, he felt kind of bad about having to leave. Yur lingered in the doorway, looking between the clone and the old geezer who still didn’t seem to have recovered. Eventually Viktor turned to look at him, offering him a smile so forced he wished he hadn’t even bothered. “May the Force be with you, Yurotchka. Do not get into any trouble while you are gone.” 
When the odd pair had left, Viktor turned back to Master Di with a frown. “You do have some nerve, Master. I suppose it is not an exaggeration when people say elders can be quite terrifying. Either way, you are not my mentor anymore. While I am eternally grateful for the kindness you have bestowed upon Yuri, there is nothing you can do for me.”
Lessons 2
Di watched with surprise as Viktor suddenly managed to develop some strength in dealing with his padawan. Maybe if he had done that more often, those two wouldn’t be in this situation at all. At Viktors next jabbing words at his own master, Di raised a brow in amusement and lifted his hand quickly to stop Mere, who had taken a therathening step towards Viktor. “I trust you know, Viktor, that if you haven’t came to me with your problem, then you wouldn’t have a padawan right now? You know how the order works, you know what the Council would say. They would have taken Yuri away from you in a heartbeat.” He reminded the man.
Turning to the young sandhead, he smiled. “Yuri, if the Council ever learned of your ways, you would be in great trouble. One of the great many things required of a youngling to even become a padawan is discipline and respect. You aren’t doing too great with those two, and that is maybe because everyone tried to teach you about them through the Force. Maybe what you need is something more tangible. I was thinking of assigning you into an actual clone squad and send you with them on some mission. No Jedi, no Force, no mystic teachings, just your military superior and your comrades. I think it could teach you a thing or two.”
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“Whatever,” Yuri muttered, ignoring when the old man next to him hissed his name in obvious warning. It wasn’t as if though they could punish him for every little thing he said. All he had to prove was that he could play nice and then he could go back to Viktor and pretend this bullshit never happened. His skills with his lightsaber and the Force went beyond most of those his age, so he wasn’t worried about not keeping up. “Thank you, Master. It is a very kind offer you have given Yura, I know he will not disappoint you.” Yuri heard Viktor say, prompting an eye roll. What a kissass, sucking up to the man he’d just been pissed at. 
When Yuri felt a shadow looming over him he looked up, finding the clone that Viktor had nearly thrown hands with staring down at him like a total creep. Yuri pursed his lips, glancing at him with disdain and uninterest. Titles here, titles there, what difference could it possibly make? “Sure, you said it, not me.” 
Lessons 2
Di watched with surprise as Viktor suddenly managed to develop some strength in dealing with his padawan. Maybe if he had done that more often, those two wouldn’t be in this situation at all. At Viktors next jabbing words at his own master, Di raised a brow in amusement and lifted his hand quickly to stop Mere, who had taken a therathening step towards Viktor. “I trust you know, Viktor, that if you haven’t came to me with your problem, then you wouldn’t have a padawan right now? You know how the order works, you know what the Council would say. They would have taken Yuri away from you in a heartbeat.” He reminded the man.
Turning to the young sandhead, he smiled. “Yuri, if the Council ever learned of your ways, you would be in great trouble. One of the great many things required of a youngling to even become a padawan is discipline and respect. You aren’t doing too great with those two, and that is maybe because everyone tried to teach you about them through the Force. Maybe what you need is something more tangible. I was thinking of assigning you into an actual clone squad and send you with them on some mission. No Jedi, no Force, no mystic teachings, just your military superior and your comrades. I think it could teach you a thing or two.”
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It was normal for the whole galaxy to hate Yuri Plisetsky, but today it seemed to be extra spiteful. He didn’t know why, if it was something he’d done or said. All he’d done today was one small prank that the old man hadn’t even been that mad about, or so he’d thought. People ratting on him was something he was used to, but it stung all the more when it was someone he thought he could trust. And Yuri only needed to give the wrinkly old fuck one look to decide he absolutely fucking hated him. Everything about him stunk of smugness, just like all old masters did. But if there was one thing Yuri wasn’t, it was stupid. While he wouldn’t just stand down and let someone talk shit to him without consequences, he knew that sometimes it was better to just shut the hell up. So he begrudingly listened to what the old fart had to say, kicking his feet impatiently despite the murderous look Viktor kept sending him. When the old geezer was done Yuri turned his head up to look him straight in the eye. 
“Fine,” Yuri declared, even though no one had told him he could speak. “I guess I’ll do it.”
Lessons 2
Di watched with surprise as Viktor suddenly managed to develop some strength in dealing with his padawan. Maybe if he had done that more often, those two wouldn’t be in this situation at all. At Viktors next jabbing words at his own master, Di raised a brow in amusement and lifted his hand quickly to stop Mere, who had taken a therathening step towards Viktor. “I trust you know, Viktor, that if you haven’t came to me with your problem, then you wouldn’t have a padawan right now? You know how the order works, you know what the Council would say. They would have taken Yuri away from you in a heartbeat.” He reminded the man.
Turning to the young sandhead, he smiled. “Yuri, if the Council ever learned of your ways, you would be in great trouble. One of the great many things required of a youngling to even become a padawan is discipline and respect. You aren’t doing too great with those two, and that is maybe because everyone tried to teach you about them through the Force. Maybe what you need is something more tangible. I was thinking of assigning you into an actual clone squad and send you with them on some mission. No Jedi, no Force, no mystic teachings, just your military superior and your comrades. I think it could teach you a thing or two.”
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