honey-chuckle · 4 years
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House Guardian
House Guardians help keep wayward negative energies from accumulating too quickly or from “sticking” from day to day activities. They do not, however, stop massive amounts of it from being brought in.
River stone that catches your eye and “feels right” (can be a land stone, any color but preferably you have a stock of these things you have picked up and can pick the one that your guard symbol can stand out on)
pen or brush (I prefer a short quill as you can see from the photo)
Black ink (Normally I have some ink I’ve made from fire ash but I haven’t had the chance to restock yet, so India Ink it is!)
Your House Guardian is going to essentially be your security guard, so treat it accordingly. 
As you pick out your stone, feel its energy. If it seems to resonate with a particular frequency that you associate with masculine or feminine, or if the stone outright says it refuses to be referred to in such a manner, give it that dignity. Most stones are neutral in that regard but “identifying” a stone in such a way only helps in naming and building a relationship. Every stone is different.
This process can take a long time, so don’t expect to get it done in a half hour. With this particular stone pictured above, I have been working at building a connection for a few months (and asked permission for it to be a part of this post). Over this time it has let me know what to call it, how to treat it, and what “face” it was comfortable with displaying. Sometimes a stone won’t tolerate a face but a symbol, sigil, glyph, sometimes a word in a certain language, sometimes even random squiggles or nothing at all. The stone will let you know.
The important thing to remember is that stones are OLD. They’re made up of millions of tiny dust particles that have traveled on the wind and water, been buried and compressed under immeasurable amounts of pressure, melted and “frozen” throughout the life-age of the Earth. They are parts of a larger whole broken off and slowly eroding away again to start that cycle anew. Essentialy they are the Earth’s “blood.” They’ve been through so much more than any of us can imagine and carry with them a steadfast stubbornness that has allowed their spirits to persist for so long. 
Being labeled and used as a House Guardian is hardly a lasting moment for them, but aside from that… and like a security guard they might divulge a few old war stories or open up about the state of things in the Hidden World. Just keep in mind as well that what they may share is not often comprehensible by humans….and is said VERY slowly.
When you’ve given it a face (literally or metaphorically) you’ve also more than likely been given suggestions on where your House Guardian would prefer to be stationed, now that it knows what you want out of the relationship as well.
Be it on a windowsill, in a forgotten corner of your home, buried in a flowerpot or in the yard somewhere, even in a purse or messenger bag (should they be a rolling stone ^w^). 
At this point the “process” is little more than suggestions as each stone reacts differently to different people and different situations it is asked to guard within and against. Listen to your chosen stone and come to a compromise that works for you both and don’t be afraid to chose another stone if the one you are currently working with just isn’t working out (generally if it’s been a year you know for sure the stone does not want to be a House Guardian).
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honey-chuckle · 4 years
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Destruction of Leviathan
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honey-chuckle · 4 years
The "I'm Tired, I'm Dying" Spell
This is a spell to do when you’re tired and you feel shit out of luck and you have more than a million things to accomplish. 
Things you need: 
Black Tea
Cinnamon (stick cinnamon is best)
Lemon and/or Ginger 
Brew your tea and add your ginger and/or lemon. The ginger is greatly used for success and power, and mundanely can be used to ease aches such as an icky stomach or headache. Lemon enhances physical energy and is great when you’re experiencing mental fatigue (just a couple drops will do). Mix well with a cinnamon stick. If you don’t have a cinnamon stick handy just add a bit of powdered cinnamon and swirl clockwise while saying: 
“I’m tired, I’m dying,
but I’m still trying. 
Lift my head,
I’m not dead.”
Say this while mixing until you feel that it is done. Drink the tea and take some time to chill before you go crazy. 
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honey-chuckle · 4 years
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From infusions and tinctures to oils and salves: The basics of herbal healing and the beginnings of any potion. 
Decoction: A decoction is needed to extract the deeper essence from harder substances such as barks, roots and stems. Place the raw materials in a pot and fill it with fresh water. Simmer uncovered until the water lever is reduced by 1/3. Strain the resulting liquid to remove particulates then drink or use as needed. Infusion: Pour freshly boiled water over the desired herb or planar matter, roughly 8 ounces of water per teaspoon of dried plant parts. When using fresh herbs roughly 3 times as much is required. 
Oil: Place flowers, herbs or other plant parts in a sealed glass container. Fill the container with an organic oil (ex: Olive, sesame, etc…) until it is an inch above the material being used. Place the bottle somewhere warm for 2 weeks, next to a stove while cooking, on the mantle, a sunny window sill, etc. Upend the container daily to ensure the oil saturates the material. 
Ointment: Heat 2 cups of pure lard to frying temperature. Add 4 handfuls of crumbled dry herbs or 6 handfuls of chopped fresh herb to the lard. Stir to to blend and let simmer for 1 minute. Remove from heat, cover and let sit over night. Reheat until liquid then mix in 4 tablespoons of an organic oil, this will prevent it hardening to much. Squeeze through a cheese clothe to remove solids and store in a crockery or glass container. 
Salve: Mix 3 ounces of finely pulped plant parts, 7 ounces of lard and 1 ounce of beeswax. When thoroughly mixed simmer over low heat in active red pot for 1-2 hours. Remove from eat and allow to cool. 
 Tincture: A tincture uses alcohol to extract the properties of a herb or plant. Loosely fill a glass container with fresh or dried herbs and add some sort of food grade spirit (ex: vodka), vinegar can also be used for certain ingredients. Cork or otherwise seal the container and leave somewhere warm for 2 or more weeks. 
 *Information from “Healing Teas - How to prepare and use read to maximize your health” by Marie Nadine Antol. 
**images from google.
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honey-chuckle · 6 years
Lemon Test
Have I been cursed? Only one way to find out! The lemon test, much like the lemon curse, uses a lemon to find out whether or not you have been cursed: Buy one lemon. Anoint a black slow burning candle with an oil with a scent that reminds you of the person who you believe is cursed. Cut the lemon in half and write the name of the person on a small piece of paper and place it on one half of the lemon. Lemons that are cut and left out of the refrigerator only last one day before they start to go bad. leave the lemon halves on the table next to the anointed candle that is burning. Be very concise and ask if the person has been cursed and then leave the candle to burn with the lemon next to it. When the candle burns out, if the lemon with the small piece of paper on it is significantly more “decayed” than the other half of the lemon. Then there is a curse. If they look the same, you’re fine. When you are done with the lemon, rub it in salt and dispose of it. This won’t get rid of the curse if there is one. Just helps with determining.
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honey-chuckle · 6 years
Okay, whatever’s hanging around that keeps flitting through my right eye’s peripheral vision….
Knock that shit off.
I’m going out to buy cinnamon and cayenne pepper and when I get home, your ass is SO getting booted.
Ain’t got time for your ghostie nonsense today. Nope.
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honey-chuckle · 6 years
Black Salt
I couldn’t find an info post about one of my favorite witchy ingredients, so I figured I’d better make one! 
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Black Salt is used almost exclusively for protection. Not to be confused with culinary black lava salt or kala namak salts, it absorbs/banishes negativity, and is one of my favorite things to work with. But Bri, how is it different than normal salt? Well, regular sea salt(or if you’re like me, table salt) can be used for many things, protection, healing, purification…Black salt has been imbued with FIRE, which kicks up the protective attributes. 
Black salt is incredibly easy to make. You can use:
powdered charcoal
cauldron scrapings
iron shavings
My preferred method is to stick my incense directly into a pot of salt. Then, the ashes will collect there over time. I also save my spent matches from lighting candles/incense and crush them up with a mortar and pestle(I mean, a nail polish bottle and a bowl).
Whatever you use to make your black salt, most witches prefer to keep it at least 50% salt. Add in you “blackener”, and any other protective herbs you desire. Stir it up, or grind it if needed, and pop it into a jar.
Now, what do you do with it? I’m glad you asked!
Keep a pot near your bed to ward off bad dreams and evil spirits
Draw a line across doorways to bar negative energy from entering
Sprinkle some in the corners of each room in your house to absorb stagnant negativity
Add it to floor wash to cleanse your home
Add it to any spell/charm/ritual that has a protective intent
Use it to make an even more powerful banishment powder, like THIS one
Add it to your bathwater when you are feeling down
But remember this, black salt will need disposing of! It’s best to replace it every week or so, or whenever you feel its effects start to wane. Keep in mind, this salt now contains negative energy, you want to dispose of it properly. Toss it into running water, a fire, or bury it in the earth to disperse the harmful energy.
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honey-chuckle · 6 years
Talk to your house
Your house is a sentient being with it’s own spirit and soul. Some people identify this spirit as their household deities or friendly house spirits. But some people have altogether forgotten how important the spirit of their house is. Talk to your house. Houses that have been ignored tend to be dull, tired and susceptible to hauntings and negative energies.  So talk to your house, listen to its aches and pains, say hello. Tell it that you come in peace, tell it that you are there to listen to it speak. Be grateful to your house. And watch the energies of your home transform themselves into joy. 
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honey-chuckle · 6 years
A cheap and easy house cleansing
I just cleansed a house using only what was readily available, and now the house feels great. This way of cleansing—using common household items and strong intention—is more akin to traditional folk witchcraft in many cultures and is just as effective as using fancy tools and crystals, in most cases. You don’t need to spend money on fancy metaphysical luxuries to do squat.
Here’s what I did.
⭐️First, I made a dry mixture of plain ol’ iodized salt, ground black pepper, smoked paprika, chili pepper powder, and rubbed sage. The smoked element to the paprika adds a fiery touch that makes it (energetically) more potent. I mixed all these things in a bowl, sprinkled them on the hardwood floor, and aggressively swept it all out of the house (not in a dust pan—directly out the door in a jerking motion with plenty of “get out!”s)
⭐️Next I opened up ALL the doors and windows and burned some sage (I know, I know, that IS a more specialty item, but my mom had some on hand so I used it).
⭐️My fiancé and I went around to every corner and clapped loudly. We yelled “Get out!”. We clapped into closets, corners, the bathroom, etc. You can also beat a spoon onto a pot or a pan and it’ll do the same thing.
⭐️Finally, I swept up the hearth and cleaned it well, left the house spirit an offering of sweets, and thanked it for helping to keep the house cozy. (The hearth is considered the heart of your home, and where the house spirit lives. If you don’t have a hearth, then your house spirit probably lives in your stove or someplace else in the kitchen. Leave it offerings there and keep that area clean. Don’t forget to thank to house spirit regularly).
There was a profound energetic shift during all this, and in the end, the house felt incredible. I hope this helps anyone!
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honey-chuckle · 6 years
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Botanical Knives
Pocono Mountains Forge on Etsy
See our #Etsy or #Botanical tags
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honey-chuckle · 6 years
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Celestial journal from Colifichets on Etsy! I just got this yesterday and can’t wait to start using it this New Moon. I’ve been admiring her work for awhile and am honored to finally own one of these beautiful works of art 🖤🖤
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honey-chuckle · 6 years
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This thread is so good. 
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honey-chuckle · 6 years
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🍂✨🍎 witch_chest 🍎✨🍂⠀
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honey-chuckle · 6 years
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Blueberry Bourbon Hand Pies
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honey-chuckle · 6 years
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You wouldn’t want anyone to know about your sigil! 🌙
From: seraphickalmagick
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honey-chuckle · 6 years
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In the rays of sunset © Rock Rider
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honey-chuckle · 6 years
i have goals. and i have plans. but if those things don’t work out, it doesn’t mean i’m a failure. it just means i have to recalibrate and reassess. if one goal isn’t met it doesn’t invalidate all the other goals i will have in my life time. 
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