Alternative natural treatments for lymphoma
Alternative natural treatments for lymphoma
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Lymphomas are blood cancers that are developing in the lymphatic system. This system is a part of the immune system and it helps your body to fight against infections. The most common symptoms of lymphoma are itching over several weeks; lack of energy; chills; sweating; unexplained weight loss; fever; enlarged tonsils, liver or spleen; swelling of the lymph nodes, in the neck, armpit or groin. The specific cause for lymphoma is not known. This disease can happen at any age but people who are 60 or older have increase chances of developing lymphoma. Men are having more chances of developing lymphoma compared to women. People who have HIV or who had an organ transplant are having more chances of getting lymphoma. Those people who had cancer radiation are having more chances of developing lymphoma. Those people who are exposed to chemicals like benzene have increased chances of developing it. People who are overweight are more prone to lymphoma. There are different types of lymphoma but the most common type is non – Hodgkin lymphoma and it affects about 90% of cases affected by lymphoma. Even lymphoma is one of the most treatable cancers, you should always talk with a doctor if you experience some of the mentioned symptoms so he or she will give you the right treatment for you. You need to talk with your doctor if you suffer from lymphoma before you start using some of the below mentioned home remedies for this condition.
Home remedies for lymphoma
Artemisinin: This is an ancient Chinese herb which can help in the fight against cancerous cells. Also, it will neutralize the mutated cells while at the same time it will leave healthy cell intact. This home remedy is not easy to be found but it has shown its effectiveness for thousands of years. Vitamin D: You should get the Vitamin D from the sunshine because this is one of the most effective home remedies for lymphoma. You should soak in the sun to get this vitamin. This vitamin can eliminate many symptoms of non – Hodgkin’s lymphoma so even is not always easy to be out in the sun, but try to take sunbath as more as you can. Olive leaf extract: The olive leaf extract is one of the best home remedies for eliminating tumors, including lymphoma. This home remedy has polyphenols and flavonoid which are very important in your body’s cancer defense. Yoga: Stress could lead to lower energy levels, exhaust the metabolism but also it can have more serious impacts. You should try yoga because this technique can help you with the circulation and flexibility. Also it will eliminate the excess cortisol in your body which can help you to lower the oxidative stress. Meditation: This technique can help you to control anxiety and muscular tension so you should try it. It will give you a relief from the excess stress because we know that stress can have serious impacts on our health so meditation can help you. Get plenty of sleep: You should get a lot of sleep, at least seven to eight hours each night. You should rest enough and take time for yourself to do things in which you enjoy so this can help you to prevent the stress and reduce the symptoms of lymphoma. Quit alcohol: It is known that the excessive alcohol intake can weaken your body. You may think that when you drink alcohol you will get a good night of sleeping and free of symptoms but in fact this can compromise your immune system and it will make you more susceptible to chronic diseases and cancers, including lymphoma. Green tea extract: Green tea has catechins and epicatechins which are natural anti – cancer and anti – tumor substances. The green tea extract is very effective in protecting you from many different types of cancers, including lymphoma. Iodine: This natural cure directly attacks cancer cells so you should take iodine supplements for all types of cancers, including lymphoma. Also, you can increase your iodine intake by adding iodine – rich foods in your diet, such as potatoes, cheese, beans and yogurt. Milk thistle: This home remedy can be used as a home remedy for many different health problems. It can detoxify the body and it improves the functionality of the liver. When you are adding milk thistle to your daily health regimen, then you can increase the glutathione content in your body which is important component of protecting metabolic health. Omega – 3 fatty acids: It is known that Omega – 3 fatty acids can help to protect you from many contributing factors which lead to lymphoma. This home remedy will boost your immune system and the antioxidant behavior of Omega – 3 fatty acids will keep you free of cancer. Quit smoking: When you are smoking, then you are adding carcinogens in your body so this is bad idea if you suffer from lymphoma. You should quit smoking because this will allow your body to focus on the cancerous growth rather than splitting its attention. Also, smoking can weaken the immune system and it will increase the chances of chronic diseases so you need to stop smoking as soon as possible. Parsley: One of the biggest causes for lymphoma and other types of cancers is the epithelial growth factors. This natural cure is linked to inhibiting these growth factors so you should protect your body against lymphoma or slow down its spread. Reishi mushrooms: It has been shown that the tincture of reishi mushrooms has powerful fungi which are possessing antiproliferative and anticancer properties. There should be done a lot more studies in future to approve or disapprove the usage of reishi mushrooms as natural treatment for lymphoma but in some studies are shown that it can effectively slow the spread of lymphoma. Licorice: It is known that lymphoma can lead to weight loss so you should add some steroids in your diet to boost your body back to normal levels. This natural cure has many steroid – like compounds and active ingredients which directly impact the spread and severity of lymphomas in the body. Carotenoids: They give pigment or color to fresh fruits and vegetables and they can be orange, yellow or red. All of them are potent anti – oxidants and they can help in the fight against cancer cells. You should consume foods rich in carotenoids, such as seaweeds, squash, pumpkins, carrots and tomatoes. Acupuncture: This is a type of traditional Chinese medicine which is involving inserting small needled to the points throughout the body. This can help to unblock the energy and it is realigning the energy pathways. It can help to reduce the vomiting that is caused by chemotherapy and it reduces pain. Avoid foods that cause problems: You should avoid food which cause inflammation, weight gain and other health problems, such as fast food, fried foods, trans – fats and hydrogenated fats, refined grains, sweetened beverages, added sugar and processed meats (like salami, deli meats and cold cuts). Pau d’Arco: This is a natural herb which can lessen the pain of people who suffer from cancer. There are some studies in which are said that this home remedy can inhibit the cancer from getting worse or growing bigger. This natural cure has many properties, such as anti – inflammatory, expectorant, laxative, analgesic, antiviral and antioxidant properties which can help to manage other conditions. Quercetin: This is a potent antioxidant which can help to regulate the immune system, reduce inflammation and it has anti – cancer activity. You should add foods rich in quercetin in your diet, such as cherries, cranberries, raspberries, red grapes, broccoli, apples and onions. Red clover: This natural cure will help you to rid of the body toxins through sweating. There are no scientific evidences that the red clover can cure lymphoma but in some studies are said that it has isoflavones which may have anti – tumor activity in the test tube. Echinacea: This home remedy can help to boost the immune system and it will fight against diseases, viruses and free radicals. Ginger: This home remedy can be used to get a relief from the nausea caused by chemotherapy. You can take in different ways. You can eat candied ginger or you can chew ginger gum. Also it can be taken as dried rhizome in pill form or powdered form. You can consume it as beverage. This home remedy can interfere with other cancer treatments so you need to talk with your doctor if you should take ginger as your home remedy for lymphoma. References:
Everything You Need to Know About Lymphoma. https://www.healthline.com/health/lymphoma . Published September 6, 2018
What you need to known about lymphoma. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/146136.php . Published November 24, 2017
Signs and Symptoms of Non – Hodgkin Lymphoma. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/non-hodgkin-lymphoma/detection-diagnosis-staging/signs-symptoms.html . Published August 1, 2018
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Breast implants Type, Complications and side effects
Breast implants Type, Complications and side effects
There are many reasons why people choose to have breast implants, such as making breasts appear evener, altering their shape and increasing the size of the breasts. This type of operation is usually carried out with the person under general anesthetic and it takes between sixty and ninety minutes. The surgeon will cut the skin below the breast or at the bottom of the areola, dissect out a pocket under the beast and possibly the push up (pectoralis) muscle and position the implant. The surgeon will stitch the cut back up before it covers it with a dressing. No one should take the decision to make breast implant surgery without talking with a doctor. This is an expensive procedure and you should know that the results are not guaranteed. Also there are possible complications and risks about breast implants. You should know that breast implants are not coming with a lifetime guarantee. Complications can happen at any time of the life and this can result in surgery which is needed to remove them. If complications happen, then the corrective surgery can be needed and you should know that the results of this surgery can be unsatisfactory. The person who wants to make a breast implant surgery should be aware of the pros and cons of having implants and evaluate any risks. You should think about whether is worth getting the operation and if you can cope with the complications if they happen. There are some studies in which are said that about 20% of women who have decided to have breast implant surgery have removed them in a period of 8 – 10 years. If these implants are removed and not replaced, then the breasts can appear dimply, saggy and puckered. Also the woman who wants to put breast implants should think if she wants any future children and if she wants to breast – feed them. There are some cases when breast implants can interfere with the breast – feeding because the breast tissue and milk – producing glands are manipulated during the operation. You should know that the longer you have the breast implants, then you are having more chances to experience adverse outcomes and local complications. Also you should assume that you will need to have reoperations. If your breast implants are removed but they are not replaced, then you can experience some changes to your natural breasts, such as breast tissue loss, wrinkling, puckering, dimpling or other cosmetic changes.
Types of breast implants
There are two types of breast implants:
Silicone gel implants: This type of breast implant is less likely to wrinkle than the saline implants. This is polyurethane – coated type which is reducing the risk of implant rotation or scar tissue affecting the implant’s shape. But if the soft gel silicone implants ruptures, then the silicone can spread into the breast which is causing silicone granulomas. If the implant ruptures, then it needs to be removed. Also this type of breast implant can provoke a temporary skin reaction. The newer silicone implants are having fewer chances to leak silicone into the breast if they rupture but it is difficult to determine when they have. It is recommended MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to screen for implant rupture three years after they are placed and then every two years after. The insurance usually is not covering the screening MRI. It is said that breast implants usually last 10 – 15 years and usually they need to be replaced in the lifetime at least once.
Saline solution implants: This type of breast implant has a salt – water saline solution and this can be safely ejected or absorbed by the body if the breast implant ruptures. The saline solution will leak out of the shell and this is making it much easier to detect if the device has ruptured. The affected breast will seem smaller than the other breast. This type of breast implant is less firm than the silicone which is making it more prone to folding or wrinkling.
Early signs of complications
There can be early signs that something has gone wrong with the breast implant surgery, such as:
A burning sensation
Unusual swelling that does not go down
Redness of the skin around the breast
If you notice some of these mentioned symptoms, then you should contact with the clinic where you have made your surgery. If you are not happy with the results of operation or if you are concerned that the operation is not carried out correctly, then you should talk with the surgeon that has done the procedure.
Complications of breast implants
The recovery time is needed after the surgery because it can help the cut to heal and the body to adjust. Here are the most common side effects of breast implant surgery:
A feeling of tightness in the chest
Swelling and bruising
Temporary pain
The person who had breast implant surgery can have a feeling of tightness in a period of few weeks after the surgery. You should be aware that the breast implant surgery is carrying a risk. There are many cases when the breast implant surgery does not go as planned or people are experiencing some problems and complications afterward. Here are the most common breast implant complications:
Nerve damage to the nipples
Being dissatisfied with the results and requiring a further operation
Being unable to breast – feed or producing less breast milk than before
Infection that will usually require removal of the implant
Rippling of the implant, if a thin layer of tissue covers the implant and sticks the implant surface
Rotation of the implant within the breast
Noticeable creases or folds in the implant
A rupture where the implant leaks that cause small lumps called silicone granulomas to form
Hardening of the breast tissue, due to scar tissue shrinking around the implant
Thick, noticeable scarring that does not fade
When there is nerve damage, then it can make someone’s nipple to feel less sensitive, more sensitive or they can lose feeling entirely. This type of damage can be temporary for some women but in other women it can be permanent. Here are other less common complications of breast implant surgery:
A blood clot forming in the veins deep in the body
An allergic reaction to the anesthetic
Excessive bleeding during surgery
Also ALCL (anaplastic large cell lymphoma) which is an immune system cell cancer is also linked to the breast implants. This is a very rare type of cancer but it can be found in a small number of women who had breast implant surgery. This type of cancer is usually found after there have passed several years when the implant has been placed and it is typically detected after the person notices a new swelling of one of her breasts where there is an implant. When these are cases, then the fluids which are found around the implant and when this fluid is tested, then the cancer cells are detected. The mammogram which is an X – ray used for detecting breast cancer can be less accurate when it is performed on women with breast implants. There are different types of breast implants which come with different types of risks which are a reason why you should research about the available types of breast implants and their side effects so you can choose the type of breast implant that suits you at most.
Risks associated with breast implants
In the most cases, the breast implants operations are going smoothly but there are some cases when there are risks associated with the procedure. Here are some risks which are associated with the breast implant surgery:
Buildup of fluid around the implant that cause pain, swelling and bruising
A hole or tear forming in the implant
Skin or tissue death around the breast, usually due to infection
The implant incorrectly positioned in the breast
Swollen lymph nodes
Infection, such as toxic shock syndrome
The tissue or implant becoming damaged by the surgery
Blood collecting near the surgical site, causing painful swelling and bruising
Skin breaking down to reveal the breast implant through the skin
The cut not healing properly
Defilation to a leak, tear or cut
A deformity of the chest wall or rib cage
The scar tissue around an implant tightening and the breast hardening
Calcium deposits forming as hard lumps under the skin around the implant
Breast skin thinning and shrinking
Breast tissue atrophy, where the breast tissue loses its substance
Pain in the nipple or breast area
Asymmetry regarding shape, size or level of the breasts
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Breast implants Type, Complications and side effects
Breast implants Type, Complications and side effects
There are many reasons why people choose to have breast implants, such as making breasts appear evener, altering their shape and increasing the size of the breasts. This type of operation is usually carried out with the person under general anesthetic and it takes between sixty and ninety minutes. The surgeon will cut the skin below the breast or at the bottom of the areola, dissect out a pocket under the beast and possibly the push up (pectoralis) muscle and position the implant. The surgeon will stitch the cut back up before it covers it with a dressing. No one should take the decision to make breast implant surgery without talking with a doctor. This is an expensive procedure and you should know that the results are not guaranteed. Also there are possible complications and risks about breast implants. You should know that breast implants are not coming with a lifetime guarantee. Complications can happen at any time of the life and this can result in surgery which is needed to remove them. If complications happen, then the corrective surgery can be needed and you should know that the results of this surgery can be unsatisfactory. The person who wants to make a breast implant surgery should be aware of the pros and cons of having implants and evaluate any risks. You should think about whether is worth getting the operation and if you can cope with the complications if they happen. There are some studies in which are said that about 20% of women who have decided to have breast implant surgery have removed them in a period of 8 – 10 years. If these implants are removed and not replaced, then the breasts can appear dimply, saggy and puckered. Also the woman who wants to put breast implants should think if she wants any future children and if she wants to breast – feed them. There are some cases when breast implants can interfere with the breast – feeding because the breast tissue and milk – producing glands are manipulated during the operation. You should know that the longer you have the breast implants, then you are having more chances to experience adverse outcomes and local complications. Also you should assume that you will need to have reoperations. If your breast implants are removed but they are not replaced, then you can experience some changes to your natural breasts, such as breast tissue loss, wrinkling, puckering, dimpling or other cosmetic changes.
Types of breast implants
There are two types of breast implants:
Silicone gel implants: This type of breast implant is less likely to wrinkle than the saline implants. This is polyurethane – coated type which is reducing the risk of implant rotation or scar tissue affecting the implant’s shape. But if the soft gel silicone implants ruptures, then the silicone can spread into the breast which is causing silicone granulomas. If the implant ruptures, then it needs to be removed. Also this type of breast implant can provoke a temporary skin reaction. The newer silicone implants are having fewer chances to leak silicone into the breast if they rupture but it is difficult to determine when they have. It is recommended MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to screen for implant rupture three years after they are placed and then every two years after. The insurance usually is not covering the screening MRI. It is said that breast implants usually last 10 – 15 years and usually they need to be replaced in the lifetime at least once.
Saline solution implants: This type of breast implant has a salt – water saline solution and this can be safely ejected or absorbed by the body if the breast implant ruptures. The saline solution will leak out of the shell and this is making it much easier to detect if the device has ruptured. The affected breast will seem smaller than the other breast. This type of breast implant is less firm than the silicone which is making it more prone to folding or wrinkling.
Early signs of complications
There can be early signs that something has gone wrong with the breast implant surgery, such as:
A burning sensation
Unusual swelling that does not go down
Redness of the skin around the breast
If you notice some of these mentioned symptoms, then you should contact with the clinic where you have made your surgery. If you are not happy with the results of operation or if you are concerned that the operation is not carried out correctly, then you should talk with the surgeon that has done the procedure.
Complications of breast implants
The recovery time is needed after the surgery because it can help the cut to heal and the body to adjust. Here are the most common side effects of breast implant surgery:
A feeling of tightness in the chest
Swelling and bruising
Temporary pain
The person who had breast implant surgery can have a feeling of tightness in a period of few weeks after the surgery. You should be aware that the breast implant surgery is carrying a risk. There are many cases when the breast implant surgery does not go as planned or people are experiencing some problems and complications afterward. Here are the most common breast implant complications:
Nerve damage to the nipples
Being dissatisfied with the results and requiring a further operation
Being unable to breast – feed or producing less breast milk than before
Infection that will usually require removal of the implant
Rippling of the implant, if a thin layer of tissue covers the implant and sticks the implant surface
Rotation of the implant within the breast
Noticeable creases or folds in the implant
A rupture where the implant leaks that cause small lumps called silicone granulomas to form
Hardening of the breast tissue, due to scar tissue shrinking around the implant
Thick, noticeable scarring that does not fade
When there is nerve damage, then it can make someone’s nipple to feel less sensitive, more sensitive or they can lose feeling entirely. This type of damage can be temporary for some women but in other women it can be permanent. Here are other less common complications of breast implant surgery:
A blood clot forming in the veins deep in the body
An allergic reaction to the anesthetic
Excessive bleeding during surgery
Also ALCL (anaplastic large cell lymphoma) which is an immune system cell cancer is also linked to the breast implants. This is a very rare type of cancer but it can be found in a small number of women who had breast implant surgery. This type of cancer is usually found after there have passed several years when the implant has been placed and it is typically detected after the person notices a new swelling of one of her breasts where there is an implant. When these are cases, then the fluids which are found around the implant and when this fluid is tested, then the cancer cells are detected. The mammogram which is an X – ray used for detecting breast cancer can be less accurate when it is performed on women with breast implants. There are different types of breast implants which come with different types of risks which are a reason why you should research about the available types of breast implants and their side effects so you can choose the type of breast implant that suits you at most.
Risks associated with breast implants
In the most cases, the breast implants operations are going smoothly but there are some cases when there are risks associated with the procedure. Here are some risks which are associated with the breast implant surgery:
Buildup of fluid around the implant that cause pain, swelling and bruising
A hole or tear forming in the implant
Skin or tissue death around the breast, usually due to infection
The implant incorrectly positioned in the breast
Swollen lymph nodes
Infection, such as toxic shock syndrome
The tissue or implant becoming damaged by the surgery
Blood collecting near the surgical site, causing painful swelling and bruising
Skin breaking down to reveal the breast implant through the skin
The cut not healing properly
Defilation to a leak, tear or cut
A deformity of the chest wall or rib cage
The scar tissue around an implant tightening and the breast hardening
Calcium deposits forming as hard lumps under the skin around the implant
Breast skin thinning and shrinking
Breast tissue atrophy, where the breast tissue loses its substance
Pain in the nipple or breast area
Asymmetry regarding shape, size or level of the breasts
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5 Concerning Side Effects of Artificial Sweeteners
5 Concerning Side Effects of Artificial Sweeteners
Nowadays, many people are using artificial sweeteners as a substitute for sugar. But many people do not know that these chemicals are dangerous. There are many studies in which are shown that the artificial sweeteners are leading to many serious side effects, such as neurological effects, weight gain and others. You may think that you will lose weight if you are using artificial sweeteners instead of sugar but you are wrong. You will gain weight. Over the last decades, we have learned about the side effects of sugar and how negatively impacts on our health. It is known fact that governments want people to reduce their sugar consumption and lose weight so they have approved the artificial sweeteners in misguided attempt to improve the health. Many people have tried to cake and eat it but the artificial sweeteners have opposite effects of what people have expected. They did not help up they have caused harms in our bodies. We know that fats are harmful but artificial sweeteners are too. They are taking a big place in the low – fat doctrine because they are free of calories. There are many studies in which are shown that artificial sweeteners are bad for the health but many people have difficulties to give up from them. We know that artificial sweeteners are synthetic chemicals which are designed to help us to manage blood sugar levels, reduce sugar consumption and lose weight. There are many artificial sweeteners, such as sugar alcohols; saccharin; acesulfame K; sucralose and aspartame. Artificial sweeteners are 200 – 400 times sweeter than sugar. This property is a reason why they are intended for health purposes so it means that a very small amount is needed to add sweetness. They do not have calories and they do not affect the blood sugar levels. But the safety of artificial sweeteners is questionable even they are approved by governments. It seems that consuming small amount of it is harmless but we add and consume artificial sweeteners from many foods. We add artificial sweeteners in our coffee. But also we eat cookies, candies and cereals, we chew gum and we brush our teeth with conventional toothpaste. Below we give the dietary sources of artificial sweeteners:
Cereals, granola and granola bars
Cookies, cakes and other pastries
Breads and crackers
Most products that touted as low – fat, low – calorie and sugar – free
Low – fat yogurt and other dairy
Condiments (ketchup, salad dressing, etc.)
Diet sodas and other beverages that are low in calories
The artificial sweeteners are used in convenience, processed and packaged products and they do not support our health. These saying are putting us in thoughts if sugar is something good to get in the diet. But sugar has many side effects. This is a reason why you should consume natural sugars, for examples in fruits because they are low in glycemic load, high in fiber and highly – nutritious – nutrient dense. We know that the concentrated sugar which is consumed in large amounts can increase the insulin and blood glucose levels, increase oxygen radicals, inflammatory mediators and triglycerides and all of these factors are increasing the risk for chronic illnesses, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Side effects of artificial sweeteners
You should know that artificial sweeteners are not food. They are synthetic. We know that every “food – like” substance or chemical which we put into our bodies which it is not from the nature, will increase the toxic load that we carry. Every chemical which stay in some cell of our bodies and which hangs out for a while has the ability to damage the DNA. When the DNA of the cells gets all kaleidoscope and when we continue to eat foods which are reason for disease building, then we do not have what we need to reverse the damage. If the daily activities (such as sleep, digestion, the acidity levels, the way we handle the stress and the food we eat) are not working in the favor to repair the DNA, to improve the efficiency of the elimination pathways (lungs, kidneys, liver, skin, poop) and to improve the integrity of the cell membranes, then we are making a way for diseases to start building. Here are some side effects of the artificial sweeteners:
Weight gain and obesity
There are many doctors and people who think that artificial sweeteners are calorie – free option and this is a reason why we should include them in our foods to prevent obesity and lose weight. But in many studies were shown that artificial sweeteners have opposite benefits. There were 37 studies in which were followed over 400,000 people in which were shown that artificial sweeteners can increase the risk of obesity and weight gain but also the risk for more serious diseases, such as metabolic syndrome, hypertension and type II diabetes is increased. In other study which was done in 1980 in which were participating more than 3000 people in San Antonio was shown that people who had drunk two or more drinks sweetened with artificial sweeteners have doubled the risk of obesity and being overweight compared to people who did not drink any artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners do not have calories but they make us to gain weight. Our brain get faked out by the chemical sweeteners which are sweet when consume them, they are sweet on the tongue, but they do not give the same level of reward that non – chemicals sweeteners do, such as glucose and sucrose. When we do not consume calories, then we keep consuming more and more artificial sweeteners so this can lead to weight gain.
Diabetes and blood sugar
There are some people who are saying that the artificial sweeteners are perfect for diabetics because they do not impact the blood sugar levels. But this claim has also been false. There was one study in whichwere participating 61,440 women who were using artificial sweeteners over 20 years. In this study was found that artificial sweeteners can increase the risk of type II diabetes. There was another study in which were participating 6,000 middle – aged adults and it was said that artificially – sweetened soft drinks are increasing the risk of metabolic syndrome. Also it can lead to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity and high blood sugar levels. In other studies are said that artificial sweeteners are disrupting the microbiome and they can lead to metabolic problems, such as impaired glucose tolerance.
Dental care
There are many conventional and natural types of toothpaste which are making the artificial sweeteners better without causing them damage to our teeth. In one study was found that artificial sweeteners can make an argument with xylitol which is a sugar often found in the chewing gum and toothpaste because the artificial sweetener is not carcinogenic and it can help to prevent cavities. But in other studies were said that even artificial sweeteners are having less chances to cause cavities than sucrose but they still have the potential to demineralize the enamel and disrupt the metabolism of bacteria.
The gut microbiome
We know that the bacteria in our digestive tract is very important for the health. When we have a healthy balance of gut flora, then it will have good impact on the mood, immunity and digestion. There are some studies in which are said that the consumption of artificial sweeteners can alter the gut microbiota and this can cause some of the digestive distress and symptoms. There was one fecal study of animals in which was shown that the aspartame consumption can increase the bacteria in which is included Enterobacteriaceae which is a family of bacteria that is including salmonella and E. coli.
Cancer and tumors
There are some studies most of them are done on animals, in which are shown that artificial sweeteners can increase the tumor growth and development. These studies which are done on animals does not mean that this will happen to us but they say that the risk of it is big so this is a reason why you should be careful how much artificial sweeteners you include in your diet.
Other health risks
There are many areas in which artificial sweeteners can affect our health, such as
They can affect the ability to learn and emotional function
Ability to damage the liver
They can accelerate the aging
It can cause DNA damage
It can trigger migraines
They can lead to kidney decline
They can cause neurotoxicity and neurological symptoms
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Peripheral Neuropathy - Symptoms, Types and Causes
Peripheral Neuropathy - Symptoms, Types and Causes
This condition is caused by damage to your peripheral nerves which often leads to pain, numbness and weakness, usually in the hand and feet. Also this condition can affect other areas of your body. The peripheral nervous system is sending information from your brain and spinal cord (this is the central nervous system) to the rest of the body. The peripheral neuropathy can result from exposure to toxins, inherited causes, metabolic problems, infections and traumatic injuries. The diabetes mellitus is one of the most common causes for peripheral neuropathy. Those people who suffer from peripheral neuropathy generally describe the pain as tingling, burning or stabbing. In many cases, the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy improve, especially if it is caused by a treatable condition. There are some medications which can reduce the pain that is caused by the peripheral neuropathy.
Peripheral Neuropathy symptoms
It is known that every nerve in the peripheral system has a specific function so the symptoms of it depend on the type of nerves that are affected. Nerves are classified into:
Autonomic nerves that control functions, such as bladder, digestion, heart rate and blood pressure
Sensory nerves that receive sensation, such as pain, temperature, touch or vibration from the skin
Motor nerves that control muscle movement
Here are the signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy:
Muscle weakness or paralysis if motor nerves are affected
Lack of coordination and falling
Extreme sensitivity to touch
Sharp, jabbing, throbbing, freezing or burning pain
Gradual onset of numbness, prickling or tingling in your hands or feet, which can spread upward into your legs and arms
If the autonomic nerves are affected, then the signs and symptoms can include:
Changes in the blood pressure, causing lightheadedness or dizziness
Bowel, bladder or digestive problems
Heat intolerance and altered sweating
This disease can affect one nerve (it is known as mononeuropathy), 2 or more nerves in different areas (it is known as multiple mononeuropathy) or many nerves (it is known as polyneuropathy). The carpal tunnel syndrome is the example for mononeuropathy. Most people who suffer from peripheral neuropathy have polyneuropathy.
Peripheral Neuropathy causes
The peripheral neuropathy is not a single disease. It is a nerve damage which is caused by different conditions. Here are causes of neuropathies:
Autoimmune diseases: These diseases are including necrotizing vasculitis, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, Guillain – Barre syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and Sjorgen’s syndrome.
Alcoholism: People with alcoholism often make poor dietary choices which can lead to vitamin deficiencies.
Exposure to toxins: These toxic substances are including chemicals or heavy metals.
Diabetes: It is known that more than half the people who suffer from diabetes develop some type of neuropathy.
Infections: These infections are including certain bacterial or viral infections, such as HIV, diphtheria, leprosy, hepatitis C, Epstein – Barr virus, shingles and Lyme disease.
Medications: There are some medications especially those who are used for the treatment of cancer (chemotherapy) can cause peripheral neuropathy.
Bone marrow disorders: These disorders are including amyloidosis, lymphoma, a form of bone cancer (osteosclerotic myeloma) and abnormal protein in the blood (monoclonal gammopathies).
Trauma or pressure on the nerve: Traumas, such as from sport injuries, falls or motor vehicle accidents can cause severe or damage peripheral nerves. The nerve pressure can result from using crutches, having a cast or repeating a motion such as typing many times.
Inherited disorders: There are some hereditary types of neuropathy, such as Charcot – Marie – Tooth disease.
Vitamin deficiencies: Vitamin E and B vitamins, such as Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 are very important for the nerve health.
Other disorders: These disorders include an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), connective tissue disorders, liver disease and kidney disease.
There are many cases when in a number of cases, no cause can be identified (it is known as idiopathic peripheral neuropathy).
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Peripheral artery disease (PAD) - Symptoms and causes
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) - Symptoms and causes
The PAD is a shortcut which is used for peripheral artery disease and it is also called peripheral arterial disease. This is a very common circulatory problem and in this condition the narrowed arteries are reducing the blood flow to the limbs. When someone develops peripheral artery disease, then his extremities (which is usually his legs) are not receiving enough blood flow to keep up with the demand. This is causing symptoms which in the most cases is a leg pain while walking (it is known as a claudication). This disease can be a sign of a more widespread accumulation of fatty deposits in arteries (this condition is known as atherosclerosis). It is known that this condition can reduce the blood flow to your brain and heart as well as your legs. In many cases, this condition can be successfully treated when you are eating a healthy diet, exercising and quitting tobacco.
Peripheral artery disease symptoms
There are many people who suffer from peripheral artery disease who have mild or no symptoms but there are some people who can have leg pain while they are walking. This leg pain is known as claudication. The symptoms of claudication are including cramping in your legs or arms or muscle pain that are triggered by activity, such as walking but these symptoms disappear after a few minutes of a rest. The location of your pain will depend on the location of your narrowed or clogged artery. The most common location is the calf pain. The severity of the claudication can vary a lot, from mild discomfort to a debilitating pain. If you have severe claudication, then it can be hard for you to walk or to do other types of physical activity. Here are the symptoms of peripheral artery disease:
Erectile dysfunction in men
No pulse or a weak pulse in your legs or feet
Shiny skin on your legs
Slower growth of your toenails
Hair loss or slower hair growth on your feet and legs
A change in the color of your legs
Sores on your toes, feet or legs that won’t heal
Coldness in your lower leg or foot, especially when compared with other side
Leg numbness or weakness
There are many people who have a painful cramping which is located in your thigh or calf muscles or hip after certain activities, such as walking or climbing stairs (claudication)
If this condition progresses, then the pain can happen even when you are resting or when you are lying down (it is known as ischemic rest pain). This pain can be intense enough to disrupt your sleep. Walking around your room or hanging your legs over the edge of your bed can give you a temporary relief from the pain.
Peripheral artery disease  causes
This condition in many cases is caused by atherosclerosis. When someone has atherosclerosis, then fatty deposits (also known as plaques) are building up in your artery walls and they can reduce your blood flow. When we talk about atherosclerosis, then the heart is the focus of discussion but when someone has peripheral artery disease then arteries throughout your body are affected. When the atherosclerosis is happening in the arteries which are supplying the blood to your limbs, then it causes peripheral artery disease. In less common cases, the cause for the peripheral artery disease can be radiation exposure, unusual anatomy of your ligaments or muscles, injury to your limbs and blood vessel inflammation.
Peripheral artery disease  risk factors
Below we are giving some factors which can increase your risk of developing peripheral artery disease:
High levels of homocysteine, a protein component which helps build and maintain tissue
A family history of peripheral artery disease, stroke or heart attack
Increasing age, especially after reaching 50 years of age
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Obesity (a body mass index over 30)
Those people who have diabetes or who smoke have increased risk of developing peripheral artery disease because they have reduced blood flow.
You should know that if the peripheral artery disease is caused by a buildup of plaques in the blood vessels, then you have increased risk of developing:
Stroke and heart attack: The atherosclerosis which is causing signs and symptoms of peripheral artery disease is not just limited to your legs. The fat deposits are also building up in the arteries that are supplying your brain and heart.
Critical limb ischemia: This condition is beginning as an open sore which does not heal, an infection or an injury of your legs and feet. This condition is happening when these infections or injuries are progressing and they cause tissue death.
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Natural Home Remedies for Peripheral Artery Disease
Natural Home Remedies for Peripheral Artery Disease
This is a condition which is marked by narrowing of the blood vessels outside the heart. This narrowing is resulting from the buildup of plaque on the walls of the arteries which carry blood to the arms and legs. This condition often restricts the blood flow to the legs and it leaves them numb or painful. When someone has a severe case of peripheral artery disease, then the lack of blood flow can induce tissue death (also known as gangrene). Those people who suffer from peripheral artery disease have an increased risk of death from stroke and heart attack. There are many cases of peripheral artery disease which are asymptomatic but in other cases people can have symptoms. The most common symptoms of peripheral artery disease are slow healing sores in the lower extremities; hair loss; more prominent feelings or coldness in one leg or foot compared to the other; numbness or weakness in one leg or foot; pain and cramping in the calf or thigh muscles after walking or climbing stairs. There are many factors which can increase your risk of peripheral artery disease, such as high cholesterol; high blood pressure; obesity; diabetes; smoking; a family history of stroke, heart disease or peripheral artery disease; increasing age and high levels of homocysteine. You need to talk with your doctor if you suffer from peripheral artery disease before you start using some of the below mentioned home remedies for this condition. Here are some home remedies for peripheral artery disease:
Eat a healthy diet in peripheral artery disease
You should eat heart – healthy diet which is low in saturated fat because this can help to control you cholesterol and blood pressure levels which are a reason for atherosclerosis. You should not eat processed or prepared fast food. You should try eating the Mediterranean diet because it has been proven that it can improve the symptoms of peripheral artery disease.
Exercise treat peripheral artery disease
Exercise is the key component for the natural treatment of peripheral artery disease. The success in the treatment of peripheral artery disease is often measured by how far you can walk without having pain. When you are doing proper exercises, then this will help your condition because it helps your muscles to use the oxygen more efficiently. You should talk with your doctor because he or she will help you to develop an appropriate exercise plan. Also your doctor can tell you if you should use the claudication exercise rehabilitation program.
Stop smoking
When you are smoking, then it leads to constriction and damage of arteries. Also this is a significant risk factor for the development and worsening of the peripheral artery disease. If you smoke, then you should quit smoking as soon as possible because in this way you will reduce your risk of complications. If you cannot quit smoking on your own, then you should talk with your doctor about some options which would help you to quit it.
Vitamin D
It is known fact that if you have low levels of Vitamin D, then it will increase your risk of peripheral artery disease. There was one study in which was said that 64% of the peripheral artery disease cases are happening in people who have lowest Vitamin D levels compared to people who have the highest Vitamin D levels.
Grape seed extract
It is known that the seeds, leaves and fruit of grapes have been used medicinally since the ancient Greeks. The grape seed extract has oligomeric proanthocyanidins which are antioxidants that are used for the treatment of peripheral artery disease symptoms, such as chronic ulcer legs and varicose veins. There are some studies in which are found that the grape seed extract is used to reduce the symptoms of poor circulation in leg veins, which can include nerve pain, numbness, burning, tingling, itching, heaviness, swelling and nighttime cramps. If you are allergic to grapes, then you should not use this home remedy. Also if you are taking blood thinners, then you should use it with caution.
Gingko biloba
This natural cure is used to stimulate the circulation. There are some studies in which are said that the gingko biloba is effective home remedy for people who suffer from peripheral artery disease. There was one study in 2008 in which 62 adults who were suffering from peripheral artery disease have found that this natural cure has produced a modest but significant increase in the widening of the blood vessels. You should know that this natural cure can cause bleeding when it is taken in high doses and it can be dangerous if it is paired with anti – platelet medications, such as aspirin, which are commonly prescribed for people who suffer from peripheral artery disease. This is a reason why you should talk with your doctor before you start using it as a home remedy for getting relief of leg pain.
Limit alcohol intake
If it is possible, then you should stop drinking alcohol because it can worsen the symptoms of peripheral artery disease.
L – carnitine
It is also known as acetyl – L – carnitine. This is an amino acid which can improve the circulation and also it can help in the treatment of peripheral artery disease symptoms. Talk with your doctor about the recommended dosage.
Fish and cod liver
You should consume fish and cod liver oil on regular basis because they can give you the needed Omega – 3 fatty acids for your body and they are also good for your arteries. The Omega – 3 fatty acids have the ability to make the red blood cells softer because it can help them to carry more oxygen. This will automatically supply more blood to the leg tissues. Also when you are consuming fish, it can slow the growth of plaque formation and it can reduce the symptoms of peripheral artery disease. You can consume salmon, cod liver oil etc. on daily basis because this will not allow the aggravation of symptoms.
Garlic and lemon treat peripheral artery disease
The long – term natural treatment of peripheral artery disease is involving ridding of the plaque and preventing the further build up. The combination of garlic and lemon will make wonders for your condition. We know that lemon has high amounts of Vitamin C which can help to convert the deposit of cholesterol into bile juice. You should consume lemon on daily basis because it can help to thin the deposits. We know that garlic has a lot of medicinal properties. When garlic is used as a natural treatment for peripheral artery disease, then it works by slimming down the deposit of fat, reduce the chances of blood clotting and reduce blood pressure by thinning blood. You should take a cup of lemon juice and add a few drops of garlic juice in it. You should drink it on regular basis and you will notice that you will cure the symptoms of peripheral artery disease.
Massage therapy
You can us the massage therapy because this can help you to improve your blood circulation.
Foods rich in flavonoids
Flavonoids can be found in fruits and plants and they can help to improve the blood circulation.
Careful foot care
It is very important to take good care of your feet because people who have peripheral artery disease, especially people who have diabetes, have increased risk of poor healing of the sores on the feet and lower legs. The poor blood circulation can prevent or postpone the proper healing and this can increase the risk of infection. You should wash your feet on daily basis, dry them thoroughly and moisturize often to prevent cracks which can lead to infection. You should not moisturize between your toes because this can encourage the fungal growth. You should wear well – fitting shoes and thick and dry socks. You should promptly treat any fungal infections of your feet, such as Athlete’s foot. You should take care when you are trimming your nails. You should inspect your feet on daily basis for injuries. If you have calluses, corns or bunions, then you should talk with a doctor to get a proper treatment. If you have noticed a sore or injury to your skin, then you should talk with your doctor as soon as possible.
Horse chestnut seed extract
This tree is native to Europe. The flowers, bark, leaves and seeds of horse chestnut have been used for centuries in the herbal medicine. There are some studies in which are shown that this home remedy can be helpful for fatigue, decreasing leg pain, venous insufficiency, swelling and itchiness. This natural cure can lower your blood sugar and it can interfere with diabetes medication.
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15 Effective Home Remedies for Menstruation Issues
15 Effective Home Remedies for Menstruation Issues
We know that the menstruation becomes a regular part of life for any female who has reached puberty. It depends on several factors, but the menstruation can last from 3 – 7 days. The body’s process of shedding the lining of the uterus is known as menstruation. It is known that the menstrual blood flows from the uterus through small opening in the cervix and it leaves the body through the vagina and this is happening every month when the woman is not pregnant. It is very important for women to have regular menstrual cycles because this means that their reproductive systems are working normally. But during the menstruation, women have to deal with inconvenience, pain and discomfort. There are simple lifestyle changes and home remedies which you can make to rid of the mentioned menstruation problems. If your period last longer than what is normal for you, or if you have heavier bleeding than usual, then you should talk with your doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms might mean that you need medical help. Talk with your doctor if you have some kind of menstruation issue before you start using some of the below mentioned home remedies for this condition. Here are some home remedies for menstruation issues:
Foods rich in Vitamin C help in menstruation issues
It is very important to have healthy eating throughout the month. You should incorporate more foods rich in Vitamin C in your diet because this can help to ease the menstrual complications. It is known that this vitamin can help to reduce the amount of progesterone in the uterus which is allowing the lining of the uterus to break down faster. This can facilitate the removal of toxins without causing any pain. Also the Vitamin C can help your body to absorb iron and it helps in strengthening the blood vessels. You should include Vitamin C rich foods in your diet, such as papayas, peas, tomatoes, citrus fruits, berries, broccoli, kiwi, dark leafy greens and bell peppers. Also you can take Vitamin C supplement but after you have talked with your doctor. Also you should eat foods which are rich in carotenoids and foods which are natural thinners.
Blackstrap molasses
This natural cure is a very good source of several nutrients, such as selenium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and Vitamin B6. Also it has iron which aid in the production of red blood cells to make up for the loss of blood during the menstruation. Also it can soothe the muscles of uterine walls to prevent abdominal pain and cramps. You should add one to two tablespoons of blackstrap molasses in a glass of warm milk. You should drink it once or twice per day.
The dried apricots have high levels of iron which is very important during the menstruation because iron supplies can be depleted with heavy bleeding. Also there are other foods rich in iron, such as cereals, fortified breads, shellfish, legumes and liver.
This natural cure can give you a relief from the cramps because it promotes better circulation to the ovaries. You should crush one teaspoon fennel seeds into a powder. You should add it to one cup of boiling water, steep for 5 minutes, strain it and drink it hot.
Apple cider vinegar help in menstruation issues
This is a very popular home remedy which can cut down the discomfort of your periods. It can help to flush out the toxins of your body and it can reduce the heavy bleeding. Also it can help in the treatment of symptoms like irritability and cramping. You should add two teaspoons of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar to one glass of water. You should drink it three times per day during your period.
You can use the wintergreen or peppermint to get a relief from the menstrual cramps. You should drink one or two cups of mint tea on daily basis.
Vitamin K
Those women who have heavy periods can get a relief from it by taking Vitamin K supplements.
You can put one or two tablespoons of powdered mustard in warm water but you should not drink this home remedy. Instead, you should soak your feet in this home remedy to get relaxing effects.
Abdominal massage
You should massage your abdominal area because this can help to reduce the discomfort that is associated with your cycle by promoting the flow. Massage can help with bloating and cramps. You can do your massage while standing, sitting or lying down. You should rub some warm olive oil on your lower abdomen. You should need to use light circular motions with both hands and massage gently for five to ten minutes. While you are doing the massage of your abdominal region, you need to take deep breaths for further relaxation. You should repeat it a few times per day until your period is over.
Hot showers or baths help in menstruation issues
When you are taking hot showers or baths, then it can help you to some extent to deal with the discomfort that is caused by the menstruation. Also when you are taking a hot shower or bath, your body temperature raises. This will encourage dilation and increase the blood flow to the uterus. Also it can relax your abdominal muscles and ease the pain. Before you take a bath, you can add a few drops of essential oil of your choice or you can add Epsom salt. You should take hot showers or baths two to three times a day during your period.
Heat packs
You can apply heat packs to your abdominal region because this natural treatment can encourage the menstrual fluid in the uterus to move out of your body with ease. Also this will help you to rid of the wickedly painful period cramps by relaxing the contracting muscles in the uterus. You should grab a heating pad or a hot water bottle and put it on your abdomen for five to ten minutes at a time. You should take a break and repeat as needed. There is another option and that is to soak a towel in warm water, wring out the excess water and then put it on the lower abdomen until your towel cools. You should repeat this natural treatment as much as needed. You should be sure that the heat is not too high to avoid damage to the sensitive skin of your abdomen.
Women should exercise on daily basis and they should do it even during their periods. There are some studies in which are found that women who are physically fit tend to experience relatively painless periods. Women who are not physically fit and overweight women tend to experience heavier periods. When you are exercising, then it increases the blood circulation in your body and this can help to reduce the menstrual cramps and other discomforts. Also this will reduce the mood swings and stress. You should do light exercises, like jogging, walking and swimming. If needed, then you can lessen the duration and intensity of your exercise.
It is very important to drink an adequate amount of fluid during the month and it is even more important during the menstruation. When you have high fluid intake, then it will help the fluids to run quickly throughout the body. This is also a very effective home remedy for bloating and cramping. You should drink eight to ten glasses of water on daily basis. If you are exercising, then you should drink more fluids. Coconut water, fresh fruit and vegetable juices and green tea are good choices. You should stay away from alcohol and caffeine because they can cause menstrual problems. Also you should avoid carbonated drinks.
Red raspberry
This natural cure is a powerful uterine toner which can help to relieve the menstrual cramps and also it can improve the blood flow to help and your period faster. This natural cure has tannins which can strengthen the uterine muscles. It is also rich in zinc which can help to regulate the menstrual cycles and also this will reduce the period pains. You should add a handful of fresh or dried raspberry leaves to two cups of water. You should put the water to boil and then simmer it for another five minutes. You should strain it and then drink it two to three times per day throughout your period. If you are diabetic, then you should not take this natural cure without talking with your doctor. Also this natural cure is not recommended for people who suffer from iron overload or hemochromatosis.
This is a very helpful home remedy for women who want to make their menstruation days like any other normal day. This will increase your body heat and it can improve the flow which will make your period end faster. This natural cure has antispasmodic properties which can help you to deal with the menstruation pain and cramps. You should heat one teaspoon of turmeric powder in one glass of warm milk. You should drink this natural cure two times per day in a period of few days.
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Top 20 Natural Home Remedies for Mesothelioma
Top 20 Natural Home Remedies for Mesothelioma
This is a rare type of cancer which is caused by exposure to asbestos. It forms on the mesothelium which is a protective lining that covers testes, heart, abdomen and lungs. Tumors can be noncancerous but when tumors are cancerous, then your doctor can tell you that you have malignant mesothelioma. Every year in the United States of America are reported about 3,000 new cases. The primary cause for mesothelioma is asbestos. This cancer is developing when some person ingests asbestos and this is causing changes to the DNA of the affected person. We know that our genes are made of DNA. Some of these genes control how cells grow, multiply and die. The most common symptoms of mesothelioma are weakness in the muscles; fatigue; pleural effusion, which is a fluid around the lungs; fever or night sweats; pain in the chest or abdomen; respiratory complications; shortness of breath and dry coughing. The most common factors for mesothelioma are serving on military ships or facilities but with products containing asbestos; working in a high – risk occupation such as construction or heavy industry; working at an asbestos mine or asbestos – processing plant; disturbing asbestos products during a home renovation without proper safety measures; living in a residential area near an asbestos mine or contaminated site. Talk with your doctor if you suffer from mesothelioma before you start using some of the below mentioned home remedies for this condition. Here are some home remedies for mesothelioma:
Turmeric cure mesothelioma
This natural cure has curcumin. There are some studies in which are said that the curcumin extract can be safe as natural treatment for mesothelioma patients. It has anti – inflammatory properties. Also it can reduce the bruising in surgery patients when it is combined with arnica and bromelain.
Yoga help in mesothelioma
This is an ancient practice which is combining movement and meditation at the same time. This is an originally Hindu form of art which can help your body and mind to act as one. It can help you to relax and it will provide feelings of contentment.
Sound therapy help in mesothelioma
This type of therapy is similar to the music therapy because both therapies are using sound to provide relaxation and pain relief. The sound therapy is less melodious in its approach but it has the same relaxation and pain and stress relief effects.
Music therapy
It was found that people who suffer from cancer can get a relief from the music therapy. When people are exposed to certain specific sounds, then you can get a relief from the chronic and acute pain. This is a very popular natural treatment for mesothelioma patients.
Milk thistle
This herb has antioxidant properties. Also it has anti – cancer properties but consult with your doctor before you start using this home remedy for your condition.
John’s Wort
This natural cure has a component known as hypericin which can kill the cancer cells. This component will make mesothelioma cells more likely to die after photodynamic therapy.
Dance therapy
This therapy enables people to express themselves and at the same time they have an opportunity to move about.
Essiac tea cure mesothelioma
This is a herbal tea which has herbs that are possessing immune – boosting properties, such as the burdock root. This natural cure is very popular among the cancer care community. There are some studies in which are shown that Essiac tea does not cure cancer but it has more antioxidants that green tea or red wine so it can be used as a natural treatment for mesothelioma.
Burdock root
There are some laboratory studies in which are shown that this natural cure has liver – protecting, anti – cancer, antibacterial and anti – inflammatory properties. This natural cure was not proven that can cure the cancer but it can help to reduce the inflammation. Also it can help people to recover from the liver damage after cancer treatment.
This holistic approach can help you to get a relief from the painful symptoms of mesothelioma. This technique is providing a relief by strengthening the mental, emotional and physical well being. It uses fragrances of many herbs and flowers for this purpose. Chamomile, peppermint, jasmine, lemon and lavender essential oils are fragrances that are used for mesothelioma patients. The patient should inhale the vapors of these essential oils. Also the adequate people can give to their patients a therapeutic massage using these oils. Also they can take a warm healing bath in water mixed with these essential oils. This natural cure will give patients a relief from depression, anxiety and stress caused by mesothelioma.
This is a plant which has been used in China since the ancient times. The portion of this natural cure is used in the cancer treatment is the dried root which is 4 – 7 years old. The astragalus root is collected in the springtime. It is known that this natural cure can replenish the vital energy of a person. There was one study in 2002 in which was said that when this root is injected in a combination with chemotherapy, then it has the potent in inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells. Also it was found that it can help to decrease the side effects of chemotherapy while boosting the immune system of the body and it is affecting the overall quality of the life positively.
This natural cure has helped with mouth sores among radiation therapy patients. Talk with your doctor if you can use it as your natural treatment for mesothelioma.
Ginger treat mesothelioma
This natural cure has anti – cancer and anti – inflammatory properties. It can reduce the chemotherapy – related nausea and vomiting. But you should avoid ginger before and after surgery because it promotes bleeding and also it should be avoided by people who have a low platelet count.
Aloe Vera
There are some studies in which are shown that if you take Aloe Vera as your natural treatment during the chemotherapy, then it can help to prevent the mouth sores.
This is a kind of self – massaging technique which is focusing on different pressure points of the body. There are some clinical studies in which are proven that acupuncture can give a relief from the symptoms of mesothelioma and different side effects which are caused by the treatment of fatigue, pain, anxiety and nausea or vomiting.
Biofeedback therapy
This type of therapy can help to people affected by mesothelioma to relax. This therapy can lessen the effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Feng Shui
According to this technique, enhancing the flow of life energy, qi, through proper placement of material and furniture can help people to feel better.
Manual therapy help in mesothelioma
This type of therapy can help to reduce the pain and anxiety. Also it can give people an opportunity to have fun which is good for their psychological health.
Dandelion root extract
In a laboratory study was shown that this natural cure has anti – cancer effects. Also it has antioxidant and anti – inflammatory properties. You need to talk with your doctor if it is suitable for you.
There are many studies in which are said that graviola can block the sugar absorption. It can reduce the cancer’s energy supply. Consult with your doctor about the recommended dosage.
Myofascial therapy
This is a very popular therapy among people suffering from mesothelioma because it can help them to reduce the pain which is associated with traditional and conventional cancer treatments.
This is an emotional effect therapy which is known to have a positive impact on people who suffer from mesothelioma. This technique aid the patient in coping with anxiety, pain and depression that are caused by mesothelioma. The affected people get a spiritual outlook which can help them to be on the brighter side of their lives and this can help to experience calmness, overcome stress and it helps them to connect with themselves.
This is a powerful natural treatment which can help you to get a relief from the pain and it will provide overall relaxation. Acupressure, Anma and Balinese are different massage techniques which can help their patients to have greater muscle relaxation and overall happiness.
This is a herb which can help in reducing cancer growth.
In some laboratory studies, this natural cure was said that it was effective against cancers but in human studies is not shown that it can help to treat or prevent cancer. It has antibiotic effect which is a reason why it is recommended against infections. Talk with your doctor if you are planning to use goldenseal as your natural treatment for mesothelioma.
Art therapy
This type of therapy does not provide any direct physical benefits. It has strong psychological advantages because it can help people to express their feelings about their condition and prognosis.
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Menstrual Disorders: Types and Symptoms
Menstrual Disorders: Types and Symptoms
The menstrual cycle is often bringing many uncomfortable symptoms that are leading to the menstrual period. PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is surrounding the most common problems, such as fatigue and mild cramping but these symptoms go away when your period begins. But also there are cases when more serious problems can happen. The menstruation which is too light or too heavy or the complete absence of a cycle can suggest that there are other problems contributing to the abnormal menstrual cycle. The normal menstrual cycle means something different for every woman. The cycle which is regular for you, can be abnormal for someone else. It is very important to stay in tune with your body because if you notice some significant changes to your menstrual cycle, then you should talk with your doctor. There are different menstrual problems which you can experience.
PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
The premenstrual syndrome is happening 1 – 2 weeks before your period begins. There are some women who experience a range of emotional and physical symptoms. Other women can experience few symptoms or even none at all. PMS symptoms could lead to:
Mild stomach cramps
Feeling of stress
Excessive fatigue
Food cravings
Breast soreness
You can experience different symptoms every month. You should know that the severity of the symptoms can vary. The PMS is uncomfortable but in general it is not worrisome condition unless it interferes with the normal activities.
Heavy periods are common menstrual problem 
This is also a common menstrual problem. It is also known as menorrhagia. Heavy periods can cause you to bleed more than normal. Also you can have a period which is longer than the average of 5 – 7 days. In the most cases, the menorrhagia is caused by imbalances in the hormone levels, particularly estrogen and progesterone. Here are other causes of irregular or heavy menstrual bleeding:
Changes in the diet or exercise
Noncancerous uterus tumors (fibroids)
Underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism)
Inflammation of the cervix
Vaginal infections
Absent periods
There are some cases when women may not get their periods. This condition is known as amenorrhea. The primary amenorrhea is happening when you do not get your first period by age of 16. It can be caused by a problem with the pituitary gland, delay in the puberty or a congenital defect of the female reproductive system. The secondary amenorrhea is happening when you stop getting your regular periods for 6 months or more. Here are the common causes of primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea in teens:
Stopping birth control
Sudden weight gain or loss
Ovarian cysts
Overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism)
When adult women do not menstruate, then there can be different causes for this, such as
Stopping birth control
Pelvic inflammatory disease (a reproductive infection)
Premature ovarian failure
The missed period could mean that you are pregnant. If you think that you may be pregnant, then you should make a pregnancy test. You can take drugstore pregnancy tests because they are least expensive way to determine if you are pregnant or not. To get the most accurate results, you need to wait until you have missed your periods by at least one day before you take the test.
Painful periods
Your periods can be lighter or heavier than normal but also they can be painful. It is normal to have cramps during the PMS and they also happen when your uterus contracts as your period begins. There are some women who experience excruciating pain. This condition is also known as dysmenorrhea. The extremely painful menstruation is connected to an underlying health problem, such as
Abnormal tissue growth outside of the uterus (endometriosis)
Pelvic inflammatory disease
You need to talk with your doctor if you have some symptoms of menstrual problems because he or she can figure out what is the cause for your menstrual problem and give you proper therapy.
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11 Best Benefits Of Tamarind Juice For Skin, Hair And Health
11 Best Benefits Of Tamarind Juice For Skin, Hair And Health
The tamarind pod has a very raw tangy flavor and it has an earthy brown color. The tamarind pod can be used to prepare the tamarind juice which has many health benefits. Tamarind is widely used as a spice in the local cuisines of Caribbean Islands, Asia and Latin America. The tamarind juice can be used as a flavoring agent. It has magnesium, potassium, Vitamin C, carotene and Vitamin B. The scientific name of tamarind is Tamarindus indica. It is known that tamarind juice has active ingredients which are known to be vasoconstrictive so it can elevate your blood pressure. This means that tamarind juice should be avoided by people who suffer from hypertension. Tamarind juice can have negative drug interactions, particularly anticoagulants, which can exacerbate bleeding disorders and other conditions. The excess intake of tamarind juice can cause acid reflux and other stomach problems, such as diarrhea because it has laxative effects. Also the excess intake of tamarind juice in a combination with blood – sugar lowering medicine can lead to hypoglycemia and this can have dangerous effects on diabetic patients. Here are some health benefits of tamarind juice:
Tamarind juice Skin and hair care
The tamarind juice can be used in both ways topically and internally to improve the health of skin and hair. It can reduce the severity of burns, speed up the healing process and minimize signs of wrinkles and aging. Also it can increase the luster and shine and prevents hair loss, dandruff and dry skin.
Tamarind juice prevents diabetes
This juice is often recommended for people who want to manage their blood sugar levels or lower their risk for diabetes. It has active ingredients which can regulate insulin and glucose levels to ensure a healthy balance in your body.
Weight loss
This juice has some enzymes and they have the ability to affect protein activity in the body, namely those proteins that direct fat storage. The tamarind juice is inhibiting this activity which means that it can help you with your weight – loss efforts.
Boosts digestion
This juice has mild diuretic properties. If you have been backed up or if you suffer from cramping, bloating or constipation, then you can drink a glass of this juice in the morning because this can help to normalize your bowel movements.
Reduces inflammation
Tamarind juice can reduce the inflammation in the muscles and joints, but also in the blood vessels and stomach which can help to stimulate the circulation and prevent acid reflux and ulcers when it is consumed in moderation.
Prevent chronic diseases
Tamarind juice has healthy amounts of Vitamin C, carotenoids and other immunostimulant nutrients which can seek the free radicals and neutralize their effects before they can damage the system or cause mutation that could lead to cancer.
Prevents atherosclerosis
Tamarind juice has antioxidants and carotens which can help to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol which will keep it from sticking to the walls of your arteries and also it will lower your risk of atherosclerosis. Tamarind juice has potassium which can lower the blood pressure and lessen the strain on heart.
Blood purifier
This juice is used in cosmetics, such as face scrub and face mask. This juice has Vitamin C, dietary fiber, minerals and acids. Vitamin C is a good blood purifier.
Cooling effect
The tamarind juice has a cooling effect to your body temperature. You can drink tamarind juice if you are in tropical region because it can help to cure sun stroke.
Tamarind juice Eye care
This juice can be used as a natural treatment for conjunctivitis. Many traditional medicines are using tamarind seeds to cure the dry eye syndrome.
This juice has mild laxative properties. It can be used to treat bile disorders and it can help the body to fight against viral infections, such as fever and cold. It can give you a relief from vomiting and nausea which most infections bring. Also it can promote the growth of good bacteria in your large intestine due to the dietary fiber in it.
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12 Wonderful Benefits Of Spinach juice
12 Wonderful Benefits Of Spinach juice
We know that the spinach is a green leafy vegetable and it is full of vitamins and nutrients like folic acid, carotene, manganese, magnesium and potassium. It has iron which is almost double the amount found in other vegetables, such as cabbage or carrots. When you cook spinach, then you lose a lot of nutrients. This is a reason why you should consume it in raw form, at least once per day. Also you can drink a glass of spinach juice on daily basis because you will get a lot of benefits. Spinach belongs to the same family with kale and beets. It tastes good but also it gives you a lot of health benefits. This juice is a magical curing element in many health problems. Spinach juice is rich in B complex, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, amino acids and carotenes. The minerals in this juice are alkaline in nature and they can help to balance the pH level in your body. You will get the same amount of protein that you will get from a morsel of meat. The spinach juice is best to be consumed in raw form. Here are some health benefits of spinach juice:
Spinach juice help strong and healthy hair
We know that our hair means a lot for us. It is a part of the overall character and personality. If you have an itchy scalp or a thinning hair line, then it can be a reason for social embarrassment for you. You should not use chemical – based hair tonics and shampoos. You should drink a glass of spinach juice on daily basis. Spinach is rich in Vitamin B complex which will help to stimulate the hair growth and it will retain its luster as well.
Spinach juice Skin benefits
When we are getting older, our skin starts losing its softness, luster and shine. Also, as we are aging, we start developing dark patches and wrinkles. There are many commercial skin tonics and creams which can have negative effects on our bodies so we must switch to something natural. We should start drinking a glass of spinach juice on daily basis. It is high in antioxidants which can help your skin supple and also it will stay hydrated. This is a reason why you can combat the damaging free radicals on your skin without using any chemicals. Spinach juice has antioxidants and vitamins which are playing an important role in the promotion of healthy and glowing skin.
Ability to help pregnant women
It is know that the spinach juice is very effective for the pregnant women because it provides the essential nutrients needed by the developing fetus. Also this juice enhances the amount and quality of the milk that is produced in the mother’s body.
Combats high blood pressure
The spinach juice has the ability to fight against the high blood pressure.
Fights osteoporosis
Spinach juice has Vitamin K which helps to anchor the calcium in your bones. This will ensure you that you will have healthy and strong bones.
Combats stomach problems
It is known that the spinach juice is rich in fiber which can help in the fight against many stomach problems, such as constipation, poor digestion, ulcers and colitis.
Spinach juice cures cataract
Spinach juice has carotenoids and Vitamin A which can help in the fight against night blindness and cataract. This juice is extremely beneficial for the health of your eyes.
Spinach juice fights cancer cells
Spinach juice has lution, flavonoids and chlorophyll which can help to combat the formation of cancerous cells.
High in antioxidants
Spinach juice has antioxidants and folic acid which can help to reduce the homocysteine level in the body and it can lower the hazard of atherosclerosis.
Spinach juice cures bleeding gums
Spinach juice is rich in Vitamin C which can help to cure bleeding gums.
Maintains alkaline levels
It is known fact that this juice can help to clear out the tissues in your body and this can help to maintain the alkalinity levels of your blood.
Relieves rheumatoid arthritis
Spinach juice is high in alkalinity which will help you to get a relief from the rheumatoid arthritis.
Prevents anemia
Spinach juice has high nutrient levels which can help in the creation of red blood cells and it is outstanding blood builder. When you consume this juice, you will never become prone to anemia.
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14 Impressive Health Benefits of Pumpkin juice
14 Impressive Health Benefits of Pumpkin juice
The pumpkin juice is extracted from raw pumpkins. This juice has gained popularity all around the world. Children love this juice. This juice has many health benefits and this is a reason why it can be used as a healthy substitute for carbonated drinks. It has high amounts of Vitamin D and minerals, such as phosphorus, iron and copper. Pumpkin juice is a suitable way to get the nutrient from pumpkin. This juice is recommended for vegetarians because it is delicious and it has many health benefits. Also it is used in many sweets and pharmaceutical preparations. Here are some health benefits of pumpkin juice:
Moisturizes dry and damaged hair
This is a very effective juice for moisturizing the dry and damaged hair. You should put two cups of chopped and cooked pumpkins and one tablespoon of yoghurt in a blender and add one tablespoon of coconut oil and one tablespoon of honey in it. You should let it stay there for fifteen minutes and then wash out thoroughly using shampoo and conditioner as usual.
Promotes hair regrowth
Pumpkin juice has Vitamin A which is very beneficial for the scalp. Also it has high amounts of potassium which is a nutrient that can help in the promotion of regrowth of hair. This can be very effective home remedy for the treatment of hair loss.
Used in anti – wrinkle and hydrating creams
Pumpkin juice has high nutritional value and this is a reason why it is ingredient in many hydrating and anti – aging creams. The pumpkin juice is widely used in many facials in combination with other ingredients, like Vitamin E oil, lemon juice, yoghurt and honey for different skin types.
Effective in healing burns, bites and inflammation
It is a cooling agent which means that it is very effective in the treatment of inflammation, abscess and burns and it can help to get a relief from the insect bites. Pumpkin juice is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E which are anti – oxidant properties and also it has zinc and all of them have excellent healing properties.
Maintains healthy and beautiful hair
The fresh pumpkin juice is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E and beta – carotene which can help to maintain healthy and beautiful skin.
Boosts immunity
Pumpkin juice has Vitamin C and other minerals which can boost the immunity and also it protects the body from many diseases.
Heals viral hepatitis A and reactivates liver function
Those people who suffer from viral hepatitis A can drink pumpkin juice as part of their regular diet. It has biologically active substances which can help to reactivate the liver functions.
Relieves morning sickness
Pregnant women who have morning sickness can drink pumpkin juice because it will give them a relief from it.
Excellent cooling agent
The mixture of honey and pumpkin juice is excellent cooling agent and also it can help to lower the body temperature.
Lowers high blood pressure risks and reduces cholesterol
This juice can minimize the risk of high blood pressure. It has pectin which can help to reduce the cholesterol.
Good sedative benefits
Pumpkin juice has sedative properties which can help to cure insomnia. It is recommended drinking a glass of pumpkin juice mixed with honey if you are insomnia patient.
Aids proper functioning of kidney and urinary system
Pumpkin juice can help in the treatment of ulcers and acidity. This juice can enable the proper functioning of kidney and urinary system.
Aids digestion and cures constipation
This juice is beneficial for the digestive system and it can help to cure constipation and loose motions due to its laxative properties.
Prevents arteriosclerosis
The pumpkin juice is a great cleanser which can help you to rid of the build – up of arterial deposits and at the same time it will reduce the risk of stroke and heart diseases. It is rich in antioxidants which can help to prevent the arteriosclerosis.
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11 Health benefits of palm kernel oil
11 Health benefits of palm kernel oil
This is a healthy choice for your health. It is extracted from the palm fruit. It has dark color and it has a strong peculiar taste. The palm kernel oil is mostly used in the Eastern Nigeria. It has many health benefits which can help you to stay healthy and free of ailments. This is edible plant oil which is derived from the kernel of the oil palm. The oil palm bears the scientific name Elaeis guineensis. You should not confuse this oil with 2 other edible oils which are derived from palm fruits – coconut oil which is extracted from the kernel of coconut and palm oil which is extracted from the pulp of the oil palm fruit. The palm kernel oil is semi – solid at room temperature and it is more saturated than the palm oil and coconut oil. Here are some health benefits of palm kernel oil:
Palm kernel oil provides naturally soft skin
Palm kernel oil has amazing anti – aging properties but also it can make your skin naturally soft and glossy without getting a greasy appearance. This is a reason why the palm kernel oil is a main ingredient in many skin creams and soap bars. It can give you a relief from the itchy skin and ragged cuticles.
Palm kernel oil improves hair growth
If you have never used the palm kernel oil for your hair, then the time is now. It has many amazing benefits for hair. It can help in the hair growth. It reduces the hair fall by making it stronger, thickens hair and provides thorough conditioning. You can use it as a hot oil treatment because it will give you soothing effects together with the desired nourishment.
Palm kernel oil filled with nutrients
Palm kernel oil has fat – soluble vitamins and also it has high nutritional value. It has many nutrients which are very important for maintain the good health. Palm kernel oil has palmitic acid which is considered as a 16 – carbon saturated fatty acid which is making it distinctive from other cooking oils.
Palm kernel oil long shelf life
Palm kernel oil has many health benefits which can be used in cooking. The palm kernel oil does not get oxidized under high cooking temperatures and during the course of storage. This is a reason why this oil is a better choice than vegetable oils. You can use it for your cooking, such as when you cook potato chips and French fries.
Contains Vitamin A
You should know that the palm kernel oil is rich in Vitamin A. We know that the Vitamin A is needed for the proper vision. This vitamin will prevent the occurrence of different eye disorders, such as night blindness.
Zero trans – fat
You should know that the palm kernel oil does not have any trans – fat and this is a reason why it is considered as a ideal cooking oil for all people who want to shed extra pounds. It can help you to stay healthy and fit.
Rich in Vitamin K
This is the most important fat – soluble vitamin which our bodies require. It can boost the bone health and also it is acting as a blood coagulant. This oil is rich in Vitamin K and this is a reason why it is recommended for daily use.
Unsaturated fats
This oil is rich in unsaturated fats as well as medium chain fatty acids. This is a reason why it is one of the best oils for cooking. This property of the palm kernel oil can give you a healthier skin, joints and bones.
Loaded with antioxidants
Palm kernel oil is rich in Vitamin E and other antioxidants which are all providing anti – aging benefits. This can prevent the occurrence of fine lines and wrinkles. This oil can provide you a protection against the harmful UV rays and other toxins. This is a reason why you should include the palm kernel oil in your daily diet. This oil will keep your skin healthy and youthful.
Detoxifies your body
You can include palm kernel oil in your daily diet because it can eliminate toxins from your body very effectively. It is acting as a natural purifier and it can purify every cell significantly.
Zero cholesterol
This is a very important health benefit of the palm kernel oil. This health benefit is making it a perfect replacement for lard and butter in the cooking process. Those people who have high cholesterol or heart disease should start using the palm oil in their diets without worries.
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10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Malted Milk
10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Malted Milk
Malted milk has many health benefits. It has many essential vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for your health. This milk was developed as a nutritional supplement for infants. It was found that it is not suitable for them but it has high nutritional value which adults can benefit from. The malted milk is made from whole milk powder, malted barley and wheat flour. This milk is a sweetener which can help to enhance the flavor of foods like baked goods, ice – cream, candy and milkshakes. Also this milk can be consumed as a delicious beverage which is packed with many good properties. There are two forms of malt powder – diastatic and nondiastatic. You can consume the malted milk with biscuits or you can make malted milkshake. In some bagel recipes, the malted milk is used as a substitute for non – diastatic malt powder. The malt grain is used to make malt vinegar, malt syrup, malted shakes, malt whiskey and malt beer. Malted milk is rich in sugar, calorie and fat content so you need to limit your intake of the malted milk powder. You should not use it on daily diet. You should make it an occasional treat. In this way you will get its nutrients without increasing the risk of heart disease and weight gain. Here are some health benefits of malted milk:
Malted milk ability to help insomniacs
There are no studies in which are proven that the malted milk promotes sound sleep but it helps insomniacs in another way. It can keep the stomach full for a longer period. This will help insomniacs to have a good night’s sleep, especially for older people.
Malted milk good for pregnant women
Malted milk is rich in nutrients which is excellent beverage for pregnant women. It is so easy to digest which is making it one of the best drinks for expectant mothers.
Malted milk fortifies blood
This milk is rich in iron. This is a very important mineral to keep the body’s blood system functioning properly at all times. This is possible because the iron is working as excellent blood fortifier.
Ability to help in the thyroid hormone production
Malted milk powder has selenium which is an important nutrient required for the production of thyroid hormones. Also this mineral is playing an important role in the reproduction. This is a powerful antioxidant which can protect your body against infection.
Malted milk helps in transporting nutrients
This milk has potassium in small amounts. This nutrient is playing an important role in the communication between muscles and nerves. Also it can help to transport nutrients into the different cells of the body as well as removing waste from the body.
Malted milk improves skin and vision health
Our bodies need Vitamin B2 or also known as riboflavin. This nutrient can help to improve and maintain good skin and vision health. Malted milk has riboflavin so you can consume it to gain its benefits.
Malted milk provides energy
The malted milk Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folate and thiamine. These vitamins can help in metabolizing carbs, fat and protein and also they will provide you with energy throughout the day.
Helps build bones
Malted milk has Vitamin D. It provides 326 IU of Vitamin D in eight ounce serving and this is very important for the bone health. Also it has minerals which are very important for the maintenance of bone strength and health. This milk will provide your body with phosphorus, magnesium and calcium and this can help in building of bones.
Provides the right dose of protein
This milk will give you the needed amount of protein by your body. In 10 grams serving of malted milk there is one gram of protein. This is a very important nutrient for our bodies because it can help to build and repair tissues, cells and muscles.
Malted milk helps in recovering from illness
Malted milk is an excellent way to regain strength because it gives the body the important nutrients which are needed for patients recovering from an illness. It is easy to digest which is making it an ideal food for people who are recovering from illness. Also people who suffer from gastroparesis can use it as a natural treatment for this condition.
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Common Sports Injuries and symptoms
Common Sports Injuries and symptoms
Many people who participate in sport or exercises are getting injured. These people are more likely than other people of the same to get tendon and muscle injuries and bone fractures. But this does not mean that you should avoid sport. We know that when we are staying active, then it has positive benefits on our health. This is a reason why we should be careful while we are doing some kind of sport.
Symptoms of Sports Injuries
Below are given the most common sports injuries and their symptoms:
Metatarsal stress fracture:
It is known that 2nd to 4th toes are vulnerable to breakage if you are running long distances or you push off with your toes. Marching drills and army cadets are having more chances to suffer from stress fractures during their training camps. Also gymnasts and dancers can experience stress fractures because they are frequently jumping [1,2]. When you have this type of sport injury, then the front of your foot starts hurting during the exercise and this pain usually stops when you finish with the exercise. It is known that when you have subsequent bout of exercise, then the pain appears earlier and earlier and it gets worse. The fracture can take up to three months to fully heal.
Lateral and medial epicondylitis:
This type of sport injury is more commonly known as backhand and forehand tennis elbow. This condition can happen with overuse of a screwdriver but the tennis can be more problematic because you are gripping hard but also there are constant shocks which are transmitted to the flexed wrists tendons [3]. Golfers, baseball players and people who have to lug heavy suitcase around are having more chances of getting forehand tennis elbow. You can feel the pain when you flex the wrist forward (it is known as medial tendons) or backward (it is known as lateral tendons).
Lumbar strain:
This type of sport injury is standard weightlifter’s injury but also it can happen in people who play sport that involves sudden twisting of the back, such as baseball and golf. The sudden lower back pain is appearing when lifting or twisting. This can seem minor for an hour or 2 but if you continue doing the exercise, then it will give you a sudden deterioration with back spasms and extreme pain.
Achilles tendinitis:
If you are participating in jumping or running sports, then you have the highest chances to damage the Achilles tendon [4]. When the Achilles tendon is injured, then it feels tender if you squeeze it between the fingers. The pain is usually worst in the morning and it gets better when you are walking. It is known that the vigorous exercise will increase the pain a beat and then it will improve it. You should never exercise if you have injured Achilles tendon without talking with therapist or a medicine physician because it can worsen your condition.
Shin splints:
This type of sport injury has many different causes and it can happen on the inside or outside of the shin. When you have anterolateral shin splints, then the pain around the front of the shins starts immediately when your heel strikes the ground awkwardly. When you have posteromedial shin splints, then the pain is felt on the inner parts of the shins and when you stand on your toes, then the pain is worse. If you have shin splints and you continue running on a regular basis, then the pain can spread toward the knee. Doctors are making tests to understand the exact cause for shin splints.
It is very important to talk with your doctor if you have some type of sport injury because if you continue doing exercises without proper treatment, then it can get worse.
Causes of Sports Injuries
The most common causes for sport injuries are unsafe exercising environments; weakness in the muscles, tendons or ligaments; structural abnormalities and poor training methods. The poor training is the most common cause for sport injuries. We know that muscles need 48 hours to recover after a workout [5]. Also if you increase the intensity of exercising too quickly and if you are not stopping when the pain develops while exercising, then this could also lead to sport injury. References: [1] Ferretti A, Papandrea P. Stress fracture of the trochlea in an adolescent gymnast. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 1994;3(6):399-401. [2] Nakamoto JC, Saito M, Cunha AP, Luques IU. Scaphoid stress fracture in gymnastics athlete: A case report. Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia (English Edition). 2009;44(6):533-5. [3] Montalvan B, Parier J, Brasseur JL, et al. Extensor carpi ulnaris injuries in tennis players: a study of 28 cases. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2006;40(5):424-9. [4] Miners AL, Bougie TL. Chronic Achilles tendinopathy: a case study of treatment incorporating active and passive tissue warm-up, Graston Technique®, ART®, eccentric exercise, and cryotherapy. The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. 2011;55(4):269-79. [5] Smith D. Setting the record straight on muscle recovery time. Lean Lifters. Retrieved from leanlifters.com/muscle-recovery-time-set-record-straight/
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Enlarged Spleen : symptoms, causes, risk factors and complications
Enlarged Spleen : symptoms, causes, risk factors and complications
The spleen is organ which is located just below the left rib cage. There are many conditions, such as liver disease and some cancers, which can cause an enlarged spleen and this is also known as splenomegaly. The enlarged spleen usually is not causing symptoms [1]. This condition is often discovered during a routine physical exam. Your doctor cannot feel a normal – sized spleen in adults but if they have an enlarged spleen, then they can feel it. Your doctor will tell you to make blood tests and imaging to identify the cause for your enlarged spleen. The treatment of the enlarged spleen is focusing on the underlying condition which is the cause for it. In the most cases, surgery is not the first thing which doctors will do to their patients who have spleen issues but in some cases it can be recommended. The spleen is tucked under the rib cage next to the stomach on the left side of the abdomen. This is a soft and spongy organ which is performing several critical jobs. The functions of spleen are next:
The spleen stores red blood cells and platelets which can help your body to clot
The spleen filters out and destroys the old and damaged blood cells
The spleen is preventing infections by its ability to produce lymphocytes (white blood cells) and it is acting as a first line of defense against disease – causing organisms
The enlarged spleen can affect some of the mentioned vital functions of this organ. When your spleen grows larger, then it filters the normal red blood cells as well as the abnormal ones which is reducing the number of healthy cells in the bloodstream. This traps too many platelets. When you have excess red blood cells and platelets, then it can clog your spleen and this can affect the normal functioning [2]. The enlarged spleen can outgrow its own blood supply and this can damage or destroy the sections of this organ.
Symptoms of Enlarged Spleen 
If you have enlarged spleen, then it can cause:
Easy bleeding
Frequent infections
Feeling full without eating or after eating only a small amount from the enlarged spleen pressing on your stomach
Fullness or pain in the left upper abdomen that may spread to the left shoulder
No symptoms in some cases
If you have pain in your left abdomen, especially if the pain is severe or the pain gets worse when you are taking a deep breath, then you should talk with your doctor as soon as possible.
Causes of Enlarged Spleen 
There are many diseases and infections which can cause enlarged spleen. The enlargement of the spleen can be temporary which depends on the treatment. Here are some factors that could lead to enlarged spleen:
Pressure on the veins in the spleen or liver or a blood clot in these veins
Metabolic disorders, such as Niemann – Pick disease and Gaucher’s disease
Blood cancers, such as leukemia and myeloproliferative neoplasms and lymphomas, such as Hodgkin’s disease
Various types of hemolytic anemia – a condition which is characterized by early destruction of red blood cells
Cirrhosis and other diseases affecting the liver
Parasitic infections, such as malaria
Bacterial infections, such as syphilis or an infection of your heart’s inner lining (it is known as endocarditis)
Viral infections, such as mononucleosis
Risk factors of Spleen
Everyone can develop an enlarged spleen on any age [1] but there are some factors which are increasing the risk of it [3], such as
People who live or travel to areas where malaria is common [4]
People who have Niemann – Pick disease and Gaucher’s disease, and several other metabolic disorders that are affecting the liver and spleen
Children and young adults with infections, such as mononucleosis
Complications of Enlarged Spleen
Here are some potential complications of enlarged spleen:
Ruptured spleen:
People who have healthy spleen can be easily damaged because the healthy spleen is soft and easily damaged, especially in car crashes [5]. When your spleen is enlarged, then the possibility of rupture is increased. The ruptured spleen cause life – threatening bleeding in the abdominal cavity.
The enlarged spleen can reduce the number of healthy red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells in the bloodstream which can lead to more frequent infections [2]. Also increased bleeding and anemia are possible.
References: [1] Chow KU, Luxembourg B, Seifried E, Bonig H. Spleen size is significantly influenced by body height and sex: Establishment of normal values for spleen size at US with a cohort of 1200 healthy individuals. Radiology. 2016;279(1):306-13. [2] Pivkin IV, Peng Z, Karniadakis GE, et al. Biomechanics of red blood cells in human spleen and consequences for physiology and disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2016;113(28):7804-9. [3] Knapton S. Nomadic divers evolve larger spleens to stay underwater for 13 minutes, scientists find. The Telegraph. 2018. [4] Whittle H, Gelfand M, Sampson E, et al. Enlarged livers and spleens in an area endemic for malaria and schistosomiasis. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 1969;63(3):353-61. [5] Frampton R, Lenard J. An in-depth study of abdominal injuries sustained by car occupants in frontal crashes. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. 2012;56:137-49.
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