holymollygraham · 4 months
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It is important to me that fans who didn't read the book know that in this scene what he actually said was "I'm horny"
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holymollygraham · 4 months
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Hannibal S3 E08 - The Great Red Dragon
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holymollygraham · 4 months
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ladies of Hannibal
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holymollygraham · 4 months
I thought Love lived in the hot sun Shine
But O he lives in the Moony light
I thought to find Love in the heat of day
But sweet Love is the Comforter of Night
Seek Love in the Pity of others Woe
In the gentle relief of anothers care
In the darkness of night & the winters snow
In the naked & outcast
Seek Love There
- William Blake
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holymollygraham · 5 months
So you heard
What has happened?
I'm okay
It doesn't matter
'Cause I am strong
I have always been too tough
I'll be fine
It was just a waste of time
Tell him it's alright, I'm doing good
And there's no need to worry
Tell him I've moved on
And barely think of him at all
Tell him that he's wrong
'Cause I just never had those kinds of feelings
Even though you say I'm broken
I'm not hurt at all
Oh my God
I forgot to throw his photos
'Cause what's the point
To be pondering the past
When I know there is nothing there at all?
Well, if you see him, tell him I moved on
I'm doing great and he should disregard me
Tell him he should find someone he really, truly loves
Tell him they can laugh at all the times
I made a joke by saying
"Baby, I will love you always 'til the end of time"
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holymollygraham · 5 months
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"Graham’s head felt stuffed and stupid. He swam in the pool at his hotel until he was rubber-legged, and came out of the water thinking of two things at once—a Tanqueray martini and the taste of Molly’s mouth.
He made the martini himself in a plastic glass and telephoned Molly.
“Hello, hotshot.”
“Hey, baby! Where are you?”
“In this damned hotel in Atlanta.”
“Doing some good?”
“None you’d notice. I’m lonesome.”
“Me too.”
“Me too.”
“Tell me about yourself.”
“Well, I had a run-in with Mrs. Holper today. She wanted to return a dress with a huge big whiskey stain on the seat. I mean, obviously she had worn it to the Jaycee thing.”
“And what did you say?”
“I told her I didn’t sell it to her like that.”
“And what did she say?”
“She said she never had any trouble returning dresses before, which was one reason she shopped at my place rather than some others that she knew about.”
“And then what did you say?”
“Oh, I said I was upset because Will talks like a jack-ass on the phone.”
“I see.”
“Willy’s fine. He’s covering some turtle eggs the dogs dug up. Tell me what you’re doing.”
“Reading reports. Eating junk food.”
“Thinking a good bit, I expect.”
“Can I help you?”
“I just don’t have a lock on anything, Molly. There’s not enough information. Well, there’s a lot of information, but I haven’t done enough with it.”
“Will you be in Atlanta for a while? I’m not bugging you about coming home, I just wonder.”
“I don’t know. I’ll be here a few more days at least. I miss you.”
“Want to talk about fucking?”
“I don’t think I could stand it. I think maybe we better not do that.”
“Do what?”
“Talk about fucking.”
“Okay. You don’t mind if I think about it, though?”
“Absolutely not.”
“We’ve got a new dog.”
“Oh hell.”
“Looks like a cross between a basset hound and a Pekingese.”
“He’s got big balls.”
“Never mind about his balls.”
“They almost drag the ground. He has to retract them when he runs.”
“He can’t do that.”
“Yes he can. You don’t know.”
“Yes I do know.”
“Can you retract yours?”
“I thought we were coming to that.”
“If you must know, I retracted them once.”
“When was that?”
“In my youth. I had to clear a barbed-wire fence in a hurry.”
“I was carrying this watermelon that I had not cultivated.”
“You were fleeing? From whom?”
“A swineherd of my acquaintance. Alerted by his dogs, he burst from his dwelling in his BVD’s, waving a fowling piece. Fortunately, he tripped over a butter-bean trellis and gave me a running start.”
“Did he shoot at you?”
“I thought so at the time, yes. But the reports I heard might have issued from my behind. I’ve never been entirely clear on that.”
“Did you clear the fence?”
“A criminal mind, even at that age.”
“I don’t have a criminal mind.”
“Of course you don’t. I’m thinking about painting the kitchen. What color do you like? Will? What color do you like? Are you there?”
“Yeah, uh, yellow. Let’s paint it yellow.”
“Yellow is a bad color for me. I’ll look green at breakfast.”
“Blue, then.”
“Blue is cold.”
“Well goddammit, paint it baby-shit tan for all I care. . . . No, look, I’ll probably be home before long and we’ll go to the paint store and get some chips and stuff, okay? And maybe some new handles and that.”
“Let’s do, let’s get some handles. I don’t know why I’m talking about this stuff. Look, I love you and I miss you and you’re doing the right thing. It’s costing you too, I know that. I’m here and I’ll be here whenever you come home, or I’ll meet you anywhere, anytime. That’s what.”
“Dear Molly. Dear Molly. Go to bed now.”
“All right.”
“Good night.”
Graham lay with his hands behind his head and conjured dinners with Molly. Stone crab and Sancerre, the salt breeze mixed with the wine.But it was his curse to pick at conversations, and he began to do it now. He had snapped at her after a harmless remark about his “criminal mind.” Stupid.
Graham found Molly’s interest in him largely inexplicable."
~ Red Dragon by Thomas Harris, Chapter 5
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holymollygraham · 5 months
@aworldofonesown Will laughed when Molly called him a strange man and husband. She had such an uncanny ability for being right. Hearing her reassurance helped. When she shifted closer and nestled up against his chest, Will instinctively wrapped his arms around her. Hannibal may have been fine dining, high class, and pompousness but Molly was more like him. Down to Earth. She was the type of woman to go camping in forests with him and Wally or take his dogs on walks with him. There was a domesticity to her that suited Will perfectly. They were a board games at Christmas and mountain holidays in the Easter type family. She was everything he had ever wanted. Calling him a protagonist in their story was deeply touching. Will had never say himself that way, he loved Molly the way she needed to be. Silently, strongly, steadfastly. If anything Molly was his Prince Charming. He never thought anyone would understand his past or would accept him for the awful things he'd done but Molly was an empath too. A better one. She accepted the complicated nature of Will's situation and circumstances from when he joined the FBI until he left and she still loved him. What more could he want? "I'm fairly certain I'd like to move. The state could be negotiated though. I've always wanted to go to Montana for the gorgeous mountain ranges." Will added, a thoughtful expression passing over his features.
That made her laugh, lightheartedly, loudly. If anything could dispel the ghost of Hannibal, then that was it - laughter, genuine, warm, and bright like a firework sparkler. She doubted the bastard had ever actually allowed more than a scoff, not to mention an actual giggle. Unlike Molly. She could be moody, she could be unbearable, demanding, critical, and overprotective, but in the end, her domain was joy.
In one smooth motion, she wrestled free from Will's arms and straddled him instead, asserting dominance.
"From one wilderness to another wilderness! Oh, aren't you a wild beast, Will Graham!" Smiling wily, she bent closer and pretended to bite him on the neck. It wasn't supposed to hurt, her teeth only briefly brushed against the skin. Her breath hot against its coolness. She inhaled deeply and lingered like that, she loved the way he smelled.
But that wasn't an efficient way to continue their conversation, so Molly straightened back and reached for her glass again to take a sip. They were now eye-to-eye. Her eyes narrowed: "Remind me, did I tell you my family owns a small house in Florida? Well, more like, without the coast of Florida, the Florida Keys..."
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭. 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 ꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏
"It's hard sometimes, to see my own reflection and not think of what he did to me." Will didn't often speak about what had happened with Hannibal. Talking to Molly about the trial had been hard enough even though it had all come out in the media that Hannibal had framed him. Part of him still felt so much. . . Guilt. A guilt that should have never been his in the first place but it sat there, in the pit of his stomach, day in day out. Of course, there was no way he'd go and see a therapist, not after what Hannibal did. His trust in medical professionals was completely shattered. So, he had to muddle through his emotions by himself, trying to really process things for the first time. He had caught his reflection in Molly's wine glass and it had caused him to disassociate a little. Feeling worthy of Molly had been a journey, accepting that he was allowed to have a family and try to live a normal life, on that was free of death and murder. His mood was sombre tonight. Will had always been quite a sombre individual but now it was near constant. Except from when he managed to get some alone time with Molly. She made him feel. . . Happy again. Or really. . . Happy for the first time. She also made him feel safe and maybe that was why all this was falling from his mouth with no way to stop it. "I was thinking of moving back to Louisianna." He spoke carefully, wanting to test her reaction. "I can go back to the docks where my father worked, go for a managerial role. I think. . . I think I need to leave Baltimore. Would you. . . Would you and Wally come with me?"
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holymollygraham · 5 months
The sun touched the ocean surface and painted a golden-red path on it down to their very feet. As soon as it did so, the light breeze turned into something stronger and steadier and palm fans started to rustle audibly behind them.
Night overtaking the day.
"Fucker," Molly scoffed under her breath. She couldn't say for sure if that was addressed to Jack Crawford or to That Guy. She hated both equally. She was leaving it to Will to guess or to designate. "They will never leave you alone, will they? A joy to be smarter than others these days..."
She placed the bottle aside and moved to sit side by side to him. "So what now?"
This time, brief moments until the sun fully dives into the ocean, always felt so vulnerable and she was picking this feeling as well.
"I've always hated this job. I do it because I have to, not because I want to"
In Vino Veritas starters
That was... not quite the turn she'd expected this conversation to take. And it was clearly not a complaint about the boat motors.
She pulled her feet closer to her hips, knees bent, and leaned back on her hands. They were absently drawing sand angel wings around her. Just like those snow angels, but Florida had sand instead of snow. White and warm, sticking to your feet and bare skin, piling up in the house corners imminently in between the cleanings. She liked it and wondered if Will was feeling the same.
There was a half-finished bottle of Cabernet between them, screwed into the sand. The sun was still lingering over the horizon, but getting redder and bigger with every passing minute, moving into the west.
"Well, I think it's safe to speak in the past tense now? Or is it never really over with the FBI?" She tilted her head as she was observing Will's reaction. "Wait, have you... heard from them?"
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holymollygraham · 5 months
>> Will Graham's vibes are very rich in this one.
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holymollygraham · 5 months
Don't break character You've got so much heart Is this real or just a dream Rise up like the sun And labor till the work is done
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holymollygraham · 5 months
What's a scene you read this year that sticks with you?
Difficult to say... Scenes don't usually get stuck in my head. But since I read it pretty recently... There was this piece in Red Dragon when I learned that I'll stand by Molly and Will till the end of the world.
When Will can't sleep, when he's already far from Molly and on the Red Dragon case, he can't sleep properly...
"He turned on the bathroom light and went back to bed. He pretended that Molly was in the bathroom brushing her hair."
Man... I don't know. It means a lot. I've never done that, although I did hug a pillow when I was away from my wife on business trips, but this is a whole different level of attachment and dependence. That's immense.
Or maybe I'm just a big fan of theirs, alright.
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holymollygraham · 5 months
There was this time when Molly used to carry a gun in her bag all the time upon Will's request. Up until Red Dragon's demise. Up until Francis Dolarhyde was no longer a threat to her family. And even though she still remembers how much she hated the weight of the weapon among her things, she wishes she could feel it now. Right now, right there, in her hand. She wouldn't doubt, not even for a second...
She has no weapon. And her mind is frantically making inventory of everything around her, vases, books, knives in the kitchen counter. Nothing sounds like a stand against Hannibal, nothing sounds like a win situation for her.
Woman against man. The only thing left is words...
"What makes you think you are worth my time?"
The gun... the gun is in her bedroom. She takes a step towards the door.
ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇᴅ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ ꜰᴏʀ: @holymollygraham
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"I take it I don't need to bother with introductions?"
Hannibal looks quite smug as he sits across from Molly, having no doubt nearly scared the poor woman to death. Surely his visit isn't entirely unexpected, particularly after Molly's interview hit the news worldwide. She had to know either he or Will would be coming for her soon enough. Will's not with him, though. And this visit is to serve as more of a word of caution than anything else. As much as he would love to inflict great pain onto the woman who, albeit temporarily, managed to steal away his beloved, he promised Will he wouldn't so much as harm a hair on her head. And he wouldn't dare break that promise. Will's wrath is even more dangerous than his own. "Please, have a seat. I'm not here to kill you, difficult as that must be to believe." Hannibal speaks smoothly. "I'm simply here for a short conversation, and then you may get back to living your no doubt thrilling life." He grins.
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holymollygraham · 5 months
@wonderland-of-muses The moment he sees her bathed in the glow of warm light, time stops for him. When he's around her, he seems to forget himself and everything he's done, everything he was before. She looks like comfort embodied as a beautiful woman, and it makes his hands shake. "Oh, you don't have to help me with that," he protests, not wanting her to freeze because of him. "If you don't mind, I can park it in the shed, I'm sure that would be the best option." He didn't always ride such a sleek bike, he used to own a Subaru- there's so much that has changed since he left his old life behind. He hopes his bike impresses her, as humble as he is he still craves her attention. "Thank you, Molly, I never would've made it all the way home in this storm."
"Of course, of course," she dons the coat all the same and quickly shoves her feet in the boots. "I know you don't need my help to park it, but it doesn't sound too hospitable to just wave go at you and wait till you come back victorious after a short fight with the mess in my shed."
Not entirely true. Molly is trying to look after the things well. When you are out there in the wild almost alone, the minute you let the elements and your own laziness prevail, you trigger the deterioration mechanism. It'll never be the same, unless you care.
They are almost through the worst of the snowstorm. The snow is still falling in huge flakes, very sticky and wet, clinging to her hair immediately, but the wind has subsided. "All the more pleasant to be back home after a short stroll, huh?"
She leads the way, amazed at the sudden depth of snow. It has literally happened over a couple of hours. Thanks god, Wally is with her parents now and she didn't have to pick him from school. "So, where have you been?" asks she as she holds the shed doors for him to wheel the vehicle in.
@holymollygraham liked for a starter from Silas.
It's been a long time since his wife and kids were taken from him, a long time since his brutal revenge on the man who murdered them in cold blood. Being so close to Hannibal had almost brought that flicker of violence out in him again, but with the help of Alana Bloom he learned to reign in that terrible violence. He was advised to stay away from Hannibal Lecter, and from Will Graham, he never intended to meet anyone even associated with them. For a while, he was successful in avoiding that inner circle- isolating yourself to a cabin in the middle of nowhere will do that for you- but it was only a matter of time before those paths crossed again.
It is a small world, after all.
Meeting Molly, directly after her separation with Will Graham, is something Silas never would've predicted being the moment that would change his life forever. It's a blessing, finding someone so incredibly different from him yet so incredibly similar. She lost her husband to a killer, albeit by his own choice and not because he was forcefully taken from her. She's a mother, someone nurturing, she's strong. In many ways, she reminds Silas of himself. She was right there the whole time, her cabin just a twenty minute walk from his, he's passed it on his way to town so many times.
This is practically a cosmic gift from whatever higher power chose to take pity on him for once.
"Molly," his voice is always so soft when he talks to her, "I'm sorry to drop by so late. I was on my way home from the city, and my bike-" He turns to look behind him, grinning through his embarrassment at the sight of his motorcycle parked in two feet of snow. "The weather wasn't this bad when I left home this morning."
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holymollygraham · 5 months
The knock on the door doesn't come as a surprise for her. Even though she's obviously missed the sound of his motorcycle muffled by the snow and music in her kitchen, but the dogs can easily feel someone approaching their small retreat. And judging by the way, they aren't making a big fuss about it, this is someone safe.
"Silas! Gosh, I know, what a nightmare this snowstorm! Come in quick!" a halo of warm light behind her like a promise of warmth and comfort. Molly's a Southern girl, even amidst the snow she is trying to keep the house cheerful and warm. Strings of fairy lights are there on the walls throughout the year, Christmas or not. Sometimes it looks like a desperate search for a valid source of happiness. Filling the big black void...
"Or wait, we should do something with your stallion - would tarpaulin do or should we park it properly in the shed? I can help," in the blink of an eye, Molly grabs the coat from the hook and is ready to act.
@holymollygraham liked for a starter from Silas.
It's been a long time since his wife and kids were taken from him, a long time since his brutal revenge on the man who murdered them in cold blood. Being so close to Hannibal had almost brought that flicker of violence out in him again, but with the help of Alana Bloom he learned to reign in that terrible violence. He was advised to stay away from Hannibal Lecter, and from Will Graham, he never intended to meet anyone even associated with them. For a while, he was successful in avoiding that inner circle- isolating yourself to a cabin in the middle of nowhere will do that for you- but it was only a matter of time before those paths crossed again.
It is a small world, after all.
Meeting Molly, directly after her separation with Will Graham, is something Silas never would've predicted being the moment that would change his life forever. It's a blessing, finding someone so incredibly different from him yet so incredibly similar. She lost her husband to a killer, albeit by his own choice and not because he was forcefully taken from her. She's a mother, someone nurturing, she's strong. In many ways, she reminds Silas of himself. She was right there the whole time, her cabin just a twenty minute walk from his, he's passed it on his way to town so many times.
This is practically a cosmic gift from whatever higher power chose to take pity on him for once.
"Molly," his voice is always so soft when he talks to her, "I'm sorry to drop by so late. I was on my way home from the city, and my bike-" He turns to look behind him, grinning through his embarrassment at the sight of his motorcycle parked in two feet of snow. "The weather wasn't this bad when I left home this morning."
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holymollygraham · 5 months
"Come home to me" kind of love
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holymollygraham · 5 months
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holymollygraham · 5 months
"You are not him... not even close. I know you."
She had given a lot of thought to that... Hannibal. It had felt strange at first, his presence was everywhere Will went. She would feel resentful. She could never actually tell at who, however. At Hannibal for being there, uninvited, unwanted, uncalled for? At her husband for bringing a what?.. fourth wheel to their family? But then, a car with four wheels would run just fine, apparently. And at last she had given up and found out that never before she had sourced so much power from any other man than Hannibal. The more she hated him, the more she loved Will. The more she wanted to protect Will, help him cope, help him forget, bring out the best in him.
"You are kind. You are caring," Molly nestled up against his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart. "This heart... it's good. And most importantly, I am not into bad guys, so there's no way we could have gotten together unless you were a protagonist in our story."
Will's suggestion didn't catch her unawares. She was used to living on the go. It was, of course, not really convenient for Wally - a new place, a new school, new friends. But there was nothing impossible in it, neither for her, nor for her son. "But honestly. I can confess, you are a strange man and a stranger husband, Will Graham. I would be terribly offended if you'd moved on your own without taking us with you, you know that, don't you? How set are you on Louisiana exactly?"
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭. 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 ꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏꘏ ꘏
"It's hard sometimes, to see my own reflection and not think of what he did to me." Will didn't often speak about what had happened with Hannibal. Talking to Molly about the trial had been hard enough even though it had all come out in the media that Hannibal had framed him. Part of him still felt so much. . . Guilt. A guilt that should have never been his in the first place but it sat there, in the pit of his stomach, day in day out. Of course, there was no way he'd go and see a therapist, not after what Hannibal did. His trust in medical professionals was completely shattered. So, he had to muddle through his emotions by himself, trying to really process things for the first time. He had caught his reflection in Molly's wine glass and it had caused him to disassociate a little. Feeling worthy of Molly had been a journey, accepting that he was allowed to have a family and try to live a normal life, on that was free of death and murder. His mood was sombre tonight. Will had always been quite a sombre individual but now it was near constant. Except from when he managed to get some alone time with Molly. She made him feel. . . Happy again. Or really. . . Happy for the first time. She also made him feel safe and maybe that was why all this was falling from his mouth with no way to stop it. "I was thinking of moving back to Louisianna." He spoke carefully, wanting to test her reaction. "I can go back to the docks where my father worked, go for a managerial role. I think. . . I think I need to leave Baltimore. Would you. . . Would you and Wally come with me?"
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