hishandsguatemala · 10 days
Construction Zone
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hishandsguatemala · 4 months
Willow's World Project
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hishandsguatemala · 1 year
Center of Dreams Construction Completed
It never ceases to amaze me at what can be accomplished when you put God first. In less than 2 weeks we were able to take an empty shell of concrete block construction and turn it into something beautiful and inspirational. The days were long 16 hours plus some days, and the weather was hot with a heat index of 112 on a cool day. But no complaints from anyone, because the glory was not for us,…
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hishandsguatemala · 1 year
Mission Teams Wanted
We are in immediate need of short-term missionaries to help finish our Center of Dreams project in Guatemala. We need folks experienced in electrical work, carpenters to build cabinets, painters for interior walls, and folks able to work on scaffolding to paint high exterior walls, folks experienced in ceramic tile for floors, walls, counters and stairs, plumbers to help install a bathroom and…
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hishandsguatemala · 1 year
Center of Dreams Project Update
I never cease to be amazed at how God works and provides. We take whatever gift God has blessed us with and offer it back up to HIM, giving HIM the glory, that is when the miracles begin! For the last 18 years of our ministry, we have watched God do amazing and miraculous things over and over. We have seen what man would say is impossible to do, God just laughs at and says, watch this. Matthew…
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hishandsguatemala · 2 years
Center of Dreams Construction Begins
Center of Dreams Construction Begins
We are beyond thrilled to move forward with the construction of our first Center of Dreams classrooms. When we take a breath and just bask in what GOD has done, we are humbled to tears. God never ceases to amaze me at how HE provides, and how HE makes the little we have, go very far. It truly is miraculous! Soon many will ascend these steps to begin a life changing journey of learning to dream.…
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hishandsguatemala · 2 years
What may look like ordinary concrete steps, are so much more for us. Our goal and focus are always on an upwards direction, physically and spiritually. Steps are generally built to make a way for you to get to a higher level. But these steps, these steps will allow us to take young minds to a higher level. Our goal is to give this generation of children, in this village, the tools they need to…
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hishandsguatemala · 2 years
Teach A Man To....
Teach A Man To….
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hishandsguatemala · 2 years
Healing in Jesus Name
Healing in Jesus Name
Throughout scriptures there is documented healings of all sorts of issues, in all sorts of ways. These healings continue today. Some through the laying on of hands and the prayers of the faithful, some through miraculous healings, and some through modern medicine. This story of healing is a combination of both prayer and modern medicine. On March 26, 2021 I met a young lady with her brothers…
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hishandsguatemala · 2 years
God Opens Doors and Breaths Life Into Us
God Opens Doors and Breaths Life Into Us
What do you see in the photo above? Do you see the craftsmanship of the builder, who with their bare hands, built this abandoned home with materials from the earth? What does this remind you of? Genesis 1:1 In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 2:7 And the LORD GOD formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a…
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hishandsguatemala · 2 years
Center of Dreams Phase One Completed
Center of Dreams Phase One Completed
Just a few months back we were dedicating and inaugurating what will become a beacon of hope to this region. Our Center of Dreams will help to heal, educate, feed, and inspire the next generation of dreamers. It will house short term missionaries seeking to be a blessing to the folks of Guatemala. When we bought this piece of land, I had a vision of what it would one day become, but the only…
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hishandsguatemala · 3 years
Bringing Hope Inspiring Smiles in Jesus Name
Bringing Hope Inspiring Smiles in Jesus Name
Can you tell from these photos we are loved and are sharing love in the name of Jesus? It is such a blessing to hear “Hermano David” or “Hermano Giovanny”, being yelled by the children anytime they see us throughout the village. This let’s us know that we are loved in return. We are always met with big smiles and big hugs, not because of what we bring, but because we love. Our Christmas Shoes…
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hishandsguatemala · 3 years
Vision Becoming Reality
We have been dropping little hints here and there over the last several weeks on our social media accounts, as to what God has been doing through us. And some videos have been leaked early, but we are excited to announce now those plans publicly. On Tuesday August 17, 2021 in Los Limones, Gualan, Zacapa Guatemala we announced the inauguration of His Hands International’s Dream Center to the…
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hishandsguatemala · 3 years
Clinica Sus Manos
His Hands Clinic is proudly displayed now on the front of our building. This clinic is a true work and masterpiece of the Masters Hands. He, (God Almighty) is that still small voice that breathed the idea of this clinic into our spirits, we just took that first step of faith in obedience to make it a reality. God provided for this project through many hands of labor and many hands of financial…
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hishandsguatemala · 3 years
Clinic Construction Update
With all the chaos of 2020 and back to back hurricanes in Guatemala, we have been quite busy this past year. Praise the Lord our clinic has taken a giant leap forward in the last quarter of 2020 thanks to some wonderful donors. The waiting and reception area is pretty much completed. We are waiting on a cabinet maker to make an examination table to measure the babies and take their vitals, and a…
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hishandsguatemala · 3 years
Bringing Hope in Jesus Name and Having HIS Perspective
Bringing Hope in Jesus Name and Having HIS Perspective
I hear so often that folks are glad 2020 is behind them. As Christians we need to be living everyday for Jesus, regardless of what is going on around us. We are that beacon of hope for others to see Jesus in and through us. How can folks see Jesus if we are all worried about our circumstances. Yes, this last year brought sickness, death, hurricanes, political unrest, job losses, food shortages,…
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hishandsguatemala · 4 years
Hurricane Iota Now Flooding Guatemala 2020 Please Stop!
Hurricane Iota Now Flooding Guatemala 2020 Please Stop!
Lord Jesus the Earth is groaning for your return. This year has been a challenging year to say the least for Guatemala and the world! First thing was the COVID crisis which locked down Guatemala for at least 6 months. No one was permitted to work unless you were essential. Folks that worked in far away farms could not get to work because the transportation system came to a halt. Farmers lost…
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