hirasahmed · 3 years
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I've been quiet on here for a while as I've been navigating morning sickness and tiredness for the past few months. I am super grateful to be on new-for-me this journey. Also, I truly appreciate for all of you who checked in with me and wondered how I was doing or if everything was alright with me since I have been missing in action here or anywhere else. It has been an incredibly challenging journey of us getting here and I know hearing pregnancy announcements can be painful when you are navigating the loss, heartbreak, grief on your journey. If you are finding yourself in the midst of all that too, I wish I had something profound to share with you other than that I see and I feel you, so very deeply. I really hope you continue to find the strength, courage and ways to keep navigating your unique journey. Honestly, this is what’s been going on. In fact, this is pretty much all that’s been going on. This news has taken over my whole life. All the waking hours of the day. All I feel like doing is rest, plan and read. Prepare myself mentally for what’s happening to my body and especially for what’s about to come. I am going to continue to take it one day at a time for the foreseeable future without any promises of showing up, continue to support my one on one clients and hopefully dive back in with greater enthusiasm and new found energy + clarity if and when the time is right for me. Alright. Just wanted to say hi and share where I am at. How are you doing? ♥️ https://instagr.am/p/COIjdxbHgw5/
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hirasahmed · 4 years
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It’s been a while since I have not had any client calls scheduled for the day. I’m spending a really slow kind of day today and feeling an itch to explore and experiment with photography as it’s been a while. A really warm August here and last bits of green leaves before fall so I guess, I’ll just stop thinking about it and get outside :)x https://instagr.am/p/CD3hBVSpYlF/
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hirasahmed · 4 years
Embrace 2.0
Protected: Embrace 2.0
Wild One, Hello!
I’m so glad that you’ve decided to join us. More details about the program can be found here. The minimum suggested amount is £175 per month or a total of £525 and you can choose to pay however much you can above that limit. I can’t wait to learn more about you and support you in ways I can.
If you’d like to pay in instalments or got any questions? Get in touch hereor write me an…
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hirasahmed · 4 years
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✨ Giveaway✨ Are you a wild-hearted, soulful, multi-passionate creative who could use some clarity right now? I’m giving away a 90 min long coaching session (spotlight) to one lucky winner. As a multi-passionate creative with an online business myself, I deeply understand the struggles and challenges you must be facing as you navigate this journey. I draw on my own personal experience to help you gain clarity, uncover your very own answers, and find some support to reframe the stories you have been telling yourself. This is for you if you'd like some gentle-handholding to get out of confusion and to claim some space for yourself and to do the work you feel called to do. You'll walk away feeling calm and empowered with a plan to take you forward without constantly second-guessing yourself. Here's the thing: I believe we are worthy of living a wholehearted creative life on our own terms, in our own unique, messy, and human way. You are a wildflower that blooms despite the odds :) ✨ To enter: ✰ Follow me @hirasahmed ✰ Like this post ✰ Join the mailing list through the link in bio ✰ Tag a friend who might find this useful ⚘ If you are already on my mailing list, in addition, to the steps above to enter you can: ✰ Share this post in your stories ✨ For additional entry tag another friend (one entry per comment; no limit) • I’m so excited to be offering one-on-one coaching for other creative humans. You can see the full coaching offerings, as well as packages and pricing over on my website hirasahmed.com/creative-mentoring • The giveaway runs through Friday, July 24th, 11:59 pm CEST. A winner will be chosen at random and announced then. No cash value. This giveaway is neither affiliated with nor sponsored by Instagram in any way. Good luck! 🤗 #15minutemagicgiveaway @me_and_orla https://instagr.am/p/CCwADcSpucq/
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hirasahmed · 4 years
Living Your Truth Podcast: Ep. 20 It is taking more time than it should
Living Your Truth Podcast: Ep. 20 It is taking more time than it should
In today’s episode, I’m opening up a conversation about taking things slowly at our own pace and being okay if it is taking more time than we thought it should take for us to make our creative ideas, businesses or projects happen. I am also sharing a few personal stories to make my point.
Listen now: Links that I mentioned:
Group program: Embrace 2.0
Work with me: 1:1 coaching and mentoring for…
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hirasahmed · 4 years
Living Your Truth Podcast: Ep. 19 Feeling The Fear And Doing It Anyway
Living Your Truth Podcast: Ep. 19 Feeling The Fear And Doing It Anyway
In today’s episode, I’m sharing my experience with feeling the fear and doing it anyway. There are also some stories of me feeling oh so afraid and in the process, doing the things that I am now most proud of. Also sharing a visualization exercise that I use to ground myself whenever fear-based responses show up for me.
Listen now: Links that I mentioned:
Work with me: 1:1 coaching and mentoring…
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hirasahmed · 4 years
Living Your Truth Podcast: Ep. 18 Thoughts on Originality and It's All Been Done Before
Living Your Truth Podcast: Ep. 18 Thoughts on Originality and It’s All Been Done Before
In today’s episode, I’m sharing my thoughts about originality and the idea that it’s all been done before. How to approach if you struggle with this thought and mental block around not being original/ unique or new enough. Through my personal struggles and examples around it, I’m sharing some helpful actionable steps that you can take to reframe it for yourself and the way you show up in your…
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hirasahmed · 4 years
Living Your Truth Podcast: Ep. 17 Listening And Trusting Your Own Inner Mentor
Living Your Truth Podcast: Ep. 17 Listening And Trusting Your Own Inner Mentor
Today’s episode is about embracing the idea that you already have all the answers inside of you. You need to learn to believe that, tune in and listen to the voice of your own inner mentor. Otherwise, you’ll end up feeling frustrated, lost, and overwhelmed. I am sharing what worked for me when I was feeling like that and how I manage to find my still in the midst of all the chaos.
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hirasahmed · 4 years
Living Your Truth Podcast: Ep. 16 Giving Your Permission to be a Beginner
Living Your Truth Podcast: Ep. 16 Giving Your Permission to be a Beginner
Today’s episode is about giving ourselves permission to begin and be okay with not being as good at the things that we are really passionate about right from the beginning. I am sharing three simple steps to take if you struggle with giving yourself permission to be a beginner. I am also sharing my own example of what struggling with this looked like for me.
Listen now: Links that I mentioned:
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hirasahmed · 4 years
Living Your Truth: Ep. 15 Defining Your Very Own Version of Success
Living Your Truth: Ep. 15 Defining Your Very Own Version of Success
Today’s episode is about why it is important to define our very own version of success and also naming the metrics we are going to measure our success against. I am sharing my lived experiences of learning to question the preconceived notions of success. Also, I’m sharing a few journaling prompts for you to start this journey of redefining success for yourself.
Listen now: Links that I mentioned:
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hirasahmed · 4 years
Living Your Truth: Ep. 14 It Is Okay To Not Have All The Answers Right Away
Living Your Truth: Ep. 14 It Is Okay To Not Have All The Answers Right Away
In this episode, I am sharing why I think it is okay to begin even if we don’t have all the answers right away. I am also sharing my personal experience as to what it looks like when we are building a creative work and life practice that would work for us but we don’t know what it could look like yet. I’m sharing encouragement for you to begin even if you don’t yet know where you are going.
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hirasahmed · 4 years
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Can you relate to the experience of feeling overwhelmed and confused with the information overload and listening to the external voices? I've written a blog post all about why we need to tune in more and cancel out those external voices. I'm also talking about a mindset shift that I've had since starting on this journey of finding what works for me. An excerpt: . '...I was of the view that you have to make your creative work and your business work first before you could possibly take the time out to sit down and have the luxury to think about the kind of life you actually want. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself this: Darling, it doesn’t work like that. That is the route to overwhelm and burnout. Why not start with the foundations and align our creative work and life from the very beginning and be very intentional about the voices we let in? This is how you truly step into your own power. That life you dream about is, in fact, possible for you, too! You can make it happen by stepping into your own power and listening to your intuition. This is what designing an intentional life from the inside out looks like and not the other way around. This is the journey of embracing your wild. Let’s not let that vision of a more beautiful and truer life of yours just be a dream...’ . If you fancy a read, link in bio :) . p.s. doors to embrace are still open for another day. If any of this resonates with you, I'd love for you to join us. Send me a dm if you'd like to chat. more details on the website: hirasahmed.com/embrace https://instagr.am/p/CAvbKE2pMfF/
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hirasahmed · 4 years
Why we need to tune in more and cancel out those external voices?
Why we need to tune in more and cancel out those external voices?
If you dream of building a creative work and life practice that works for you, it all has to come from you. If we start listening and believing what everyone else is saying and doing, we lose ourselves in that noise. We can’t focus on what really matters to us and what really does and doesn’t work for us.
You can not outsource the vision you have for your life from an external source. This is not…
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hirasahmed · 4 years
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Today, in my journal I wrote about how much I love what I'm doing and the way I've not only designed my days intentionally but also, how I'm living them. This is the dream. I am living it. A year ago if you told me, this was possible. I would haven't believed you! I didn't think it was possible. I didn't think it was for people like me. Today, I am living it! How did that happen? What changed both inside (mindset) and outside of me? How it all changed for me? I started believing in myself by showing up little by little every day. I built that confidence brick by brick. I engaged in conversations with myself. I learned to listen to the voice of my inner mentor. I learned to recognize between the voice of my intuition and the voice of fear. I held space for my vision, my dreams, and my hopes. I cultivated habits and rituals that support that connection to my intuition. Journaling, investing in 1:1 coaching, reading, walks in nature and simply finding ways to be still enough to listen to what my inner mentor had to say. It resulted in beautiful shifts. I not only started to listen to myself but I also started to trust myself. I started to believe that it was possible for me too. I kept showing up. I didn't quit. And here I am today writing in my journal how blessed I am feeling that I get to live the life I used to dream about. A life that allows me creative freedom, supports my introverted self, financial stability, connections with beautiful souls, and where I get to design my own hours of the day. I guess this is what happens when you truly show up as yourself wherever you are. This is how showing up wholeheartedly feels like. It sure isn't perfect. Far from perfect but I love the way me being intentional towards the kind of life I want has started to pay off. and I love it. It wasn't always like this and it sure wasn't easy. It was uncomfortable and messy but I kept showing up anyway in one way or another and kept going. It was a bumpy ride but I wouldn't have it any other way!! 👉This is exactly why I've created Embrace. If any of this resonates with you, I'd love to have you!! Doors are open until Friday 6 PM CEST and a few spots are still available♥ https://instagr.am/p/CAseqmYp0WO/
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hirasahmed · 4 years
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These books are the books that changed the way I see and interact with the world and I don't have the right words to say, how grateful I am for these humans who showed up and shared their work. These books have helped me in shaping up the definition of an intentional life that I want for myself. A creatively fulfilling and flexible work and like practice. A life that I used to dream about. A vision that I had but never thought was possible. I am a big believer in becoming self-aware. After all, if you are on a journey of building a creative work and life practice that works for you, it all has to come from you. You have to become really clear about what you genuinely want. You can not outsource that. These are the books I always find myself coming back to. I was one of those people who never used to fold a page, write or underline anything but if you look inside my copy of these books I have underlined, highlighted and wrote thoughts, bits, and pieces even post-it notes and added them in a hope that the next time I will return, I will get to see the message loud and clear enough. The messages that I need to hear especially when I am having a rough patch and finding it really hard to believe in myself or my work. I'm curious, which books have helped in shaping who you are? Eternally grateful for @brenebrown @tarasophiamohr @elizabeth_gilbert_writer @gregorymckeown @elleluna and @juliacameronlive 🤍 https://instagr.am/p/CAprRDypN7q/
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hirasahmed · 4 years
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✨Embrace is live! ⚘ I'm so very excited to share this offering with you! Doors are open now and there are only 5 spots available. Let me share the core idea behind embrace coming to life. ✨Why Embrace? If you close your eyes and visualize, where do you want to see yourself down the road? What's the vision for your creative work and life that you are working for and towards? how does it feel to be there? . Hold on to that vision. Hold on to that feeling. . The idea behind embracing your wild is to figure out your version of it all and then finding ways to put it into practice, really embody that vision and translate it into your day to day life alongside building a creative practice + a financially sustainable business. ✨Imagine the person you want to be down the road, let's say five years from here onwards. Think about how you'd like to spend your days. That beautiful daily life of yours that you would no longer need an escape from. ✨What kind of routines, rituals, and habits would you have? ✨What would it look like to be there? ✨What would it feel like to be there and be that person? ✨How about we start making efforts to embody these ways of being in the world in the present? ✨Instead of waiting for that vision to magically happen someday and then making shifts in our mindset to be the kind of person who would enjoy those simple things? ✨Why not embody those qualities, those ways of being in the world, and that lifestyle in the present so you could enjoy the process of becoming that person? . 💛As we don't magically become that person overnight. . We need to start showing up to those ways of being in the world step by step. Little by little. Day by day. So let's start showing up, embodying our vision and those values, building those routines, those rituals, those habits, those ways of being in the world, and becoming that person little by little every day. Let's set the foundations right while also building a sustainable business online. If it speaks to you, I'd love to have you! p.s. there's also an early signing-up bonus if you sign up within the first 24 hours. More details on the website :) hirasahmed.com/embrace https://instagr.am/p/CAnQwDjp8Qt/
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hirasahmed · 4 years
Living Your Truth: Ep. 13 Letting go of should do's in your creative work and life
Living Your Truth: Ep. 13 Letting go of should do’s in your creative work and life
In this episode, I am sharing why I think we need to part ways with the should do’s from our creative work and lives, what do I mean by should do’s, and what I don’t mean. I am sharing examples of some amazing artists who chose to go against the tradition and ended up creating some exceptional works of art. I am also inviting you to consider the way you approach the should do’s in your life and…
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