hiqhflying · 4 years
( open starter @icariastarters​ )
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Millicent was dealing with a lot of mixed emotions. While she had not known any of the victims personally, the scenario had her filled with sorrow. Her heart had reached out to those who were affected in a deeper way than herself. That’s how she found herself sitting alone, actively reaching for some sort of vision that could help save those who had yet to be found. If her power could be helpful at any time, it would be now. 
Hearing footsteps approaching her spot in the grass, Millie glanced up. Words refused to form in her throat, so she proceeded to stare for a moment before looking back at the skyline. “I’m pushing my power,” she whispered in explanation. “I’m hoping that if I reach out hard enough I’ll — I’ll be able to help somehow.”
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Matthias had come to this island for safety. He had been attacked shortly before his move a year ago, a disastrous end to a yacht party. He escaped with questions that were never answered and fears that what had almost happened to him was what had now happened to Calisto, Trevor, and Dee. He already donated a large cash sum to Dee’s shop, the one thing he could do. He had also offered to pay for the funeral but been told it was already covered. It didn’t scare away the darkness that lingered in his mind, the fear. So he decided a walk would do him better -- which was what led him to Millie. 
She responded to his inquisitive look with an explanation. “Having any luck?” he asked. 
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hiqhflying · 4 years
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    Enrolling on that open-24-hours gym had certainly been one of the best decisions that Sasha had taken all year, last year. With her hectic schedule, it was hard to tell when she would have time to hit the gym and she couldn’t afford the luxury of having a two-hour time slot in his day, every day, at the same hours. And that was one of the few fitness centers in Icaria that never closed, so she needn’t worry about punctuality anymore than she did as a doctor. Yet that was not the only reason that made her choose that specific gym. It had a huge swimming pool underground that was also open for use all night long. An avid swimmer since childhood, Sasha couldn’t decline the opportunity of having a swimming pool all to herself, all night (for that was the time in which the gym had fewer attendees, and, usually, the time slot that he had available for exercising).
      That was another one of those long nights that she spent at the gym. Swimming, or simply enjoying the calm and the silence that the lonely pool provided… It was something, she found, that helped keep her mind away from issues that she wanted to avoid, at least for the time being. And most importantly, exercising kept her away from, not just thoughts, but a habit that she had been trying to avoid, as of recent… And so, there she was, in the silent, isolated pool. After having done a few rounds, she found herself quietly contemplating… That is before her train of thought was cut off by an abrupt noise in the distance. Someone seemed to be coming by the desolated pool area… No one was supposed to be there at that hour. Well, no one except herself and herself only.
      Curious, and slightly worried, she immediately asked, ❛ Who’s there? ❜
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matthias had his own pool with crystalline waters and a gorgeous view. but as one might expect, the view was less appealing when there was a thunderstorm battering the island. typically he’d have some other arrangement -- a party to host or attend to, a guest to entertain -- but tonight was one of those rare free nights he had. and he hated those nights. after trying and failing to read a book, watch a show, do something in the solitude of his sprawling mansion -- he gave up. few places were open this late at night but the local gym was.
why did he have a membership to something he had at home? company. he was alone at his home gym -- not the case here. not always preferable when he wanted to focus on his workout but that wasn’t the case tonight. yet since it was mostly empty, he decided to head down to the pool; more pleasant than the weights or the treadmill. but the pool wasn’t unoccupied.
“just me,” he said with a wave. “matthias.”
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hiqhflying · 4 years
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FULL NAME: matthias solberg 
PRONOUNCED: ma-tee-us sole-berg
FACE CLAIM: daniel sharman
AGE: thirty
SEXUALITY: pansexual, panromantic
DATE OF BIRTH: june 14th
GENDER/PRONOUNS: cis male && he/him
PARENT: zeus
EDUCATION: mst in international relations from the university of cambridge
OCCUPATION: unemployed / richer than necessary
the solberg’s are one of norway’s richest families, making their money from a variety of business (fishing, biotech, engineering, oil).
oline solberg was her father’s only daughter. she was beautiful && sought after by many men. but much to everyone’s surprise, she never took a husband – yet she still bore two sons. matthias was the second of those sons. his father? zeus.
although shunned by the high society circles, oline && the children she bore out of wedlock were cherished by her father. he didn’t care, being the best grandpa he could be, && devoting many resources for his grandkids to succeed.
matthias was 100% spoiled. he could’ve turned out worse for (at least he’s generous) but he could’ve turned out better too. 
he was a boy that flourished when attention was on him. 100% extrovert. family, friends, lovers when he was older – it was this he took joy from. he was the life of every party && simultaneously easy but hard to hate. still is.  
he attended cambridge && got a master’s in international relations before returning to norway. he entertained thoughts of a political future but it sounded like a stuffy one. he enjoyed life, thanks.
so that’s what he did. he played a role in his grandfather’s company but it was part-time at best. he didn’t need the salary; he had more money than one could spend in a lifetime. (but not more money than jeff bezos.)
he threw parties, handed out money like it was tissue paper, and lived life to it’s fullest. he wasn’t rude but his priorities were askew and he rarely took anything seriously. his solution to all problems was to throw money at it. he has a heart of gold; more frustratingly out of touch than a trustfund asshole. 
he was on a party on a yacht in the mediterranean when something happened. the seas around him grew dark and rough. it was clear something was afoot, something divine, but answers eluded discovery. matthias suspects he was meant to be kidnapped, a thought placed in his head by his brother who all but strong-armed him into coming to icaria. (the final blow was when his grandfather asked him to go for his own safety.)
being confined to an island isn’t matthias’ idea of a great time but he makes do. a hugeass mansion, parties every weekend, known on sight at every business and renowned for his generosity. 
definitely sleeps around. commitment-eh. but always a fun time.
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hiqhflying · 4 years
LUNA always loved when new people came to visit the shop . the more potential regulars , the better . when dee walked through the door , luna made sure to be as kind as possible , given her usually dark presence . hearing the other admit that she wasn’t sure what she was looking for , luna frowned . “ THIS being occult stuff ? ” she asked softly . “ because that’s totally okay . i sell some regular stuff too – candles and whatnot . ”
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dee shrugged. “whatever you want to call it. occult, new age, witchy. just that’s not my usual style, but i’m not against it.” although she’d settle for a candle to support a local business woman, she was curious about the oddities too. “so crystals and stuff... what are they supposed to do?”
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hiqhflying · 4 years
IT always made nova smile when she watched matthias walk into the winery . he definitely was one of her best ( and top paying ) customers . when he told her that she could give him whatever she recommended , nova grinned . “ in that case , you’ll be glad to know that i just finished producing a KILLER pinot noir that i’m sure you’ll love . ” she hummed as she immediately started to pour him a glass , without waiting for an answer .
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he slid into his seat as nova poured. “you haven’t led me astray yet,” he replied, picking up the glass once she finished, swirling the dark liquid around before putting it to his lips. he sipped it, tasting it has he’d been taught by his grandfather. now that was a man who loved wine. he hummed once he swallowed, the taste lingering on his tongue. “very nice. you’ve outdone yourself.”
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hiqhflying · 4 years
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— "YEAH, that’s probably true,“ she agreed, releasing the pups from her grip, "i’ll probably explode from happiness!” getting up from her place on the floor, dusting all the fur off before walking over to the other and taking the seat besides her, “so what’s my favorite bartender doing at a place called, lots of love?”
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calisto’s brow twitched as reigne spoke the name of the shelter. “my friend adopted a kitten but had to wait to get it spayed. but it happened and now i’m here to pick it up since they couldn’t get the day off.” she could be helpful. sometimes. “what about you?”
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hiqhflying · 4 years
( open / loc: lots of love / cc: @icariastarters​ )
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— CROSS legged on the floor with three pups on her lap and another in her arm, reigne reached out for yet another that was running past her, an unconcealed beatific expression evident, “is there a legal limit to how many pets you can have? i just want to take them all home,” her voice a tone higher from adoring the dogs.
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“not really versed in statute,” she said, watching the puppies frolic, staying just out of reach. “but even if there’s not, still sounds like a BAD idea. too much of a good thing, y’know?” although cal, definitely not being a dog person, was probably not a good judge on that.
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hiqhflying · 4 years
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❝ — college students and weirdos did laundry at night. cam graduated college long ago, so he supposed he fell into the latter category. or perhaps there could be a new category: people whose washers broke mid-wash cycle. and so, there he stood. dressed in his pajamas, standing in front of a tumbling washer with a stain stick — hyper-focused on the makeup smudge on the collar. the stick seemed to be doing nothing, and so he shook his (perhaps a bit violently.) 
“this is not working like the commercial said it would. i feel lied to.”
( @icariastarters​ / open starter )
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calisto was a college student. bartending was a pretty sweet gig but it didn’t afford her an apartment with a washing machine. admittedly, the place she rented was on the older side. gods only knew if you could hook one up in there -- and she was no child of hephaestus. she was minding her own business, an earbud in one ear while she half listened to her surroundings in case. she was close enough to catch the other’s mutterings, glancing over at his predicament.
“maybe it’s not the product’s fault. y’know... long-lasting, smudge-proof make up is all the rage right now.”
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hiqhflying · 4 years
AT first, nova had thought that her idea of opening a winery was beyond stupid. after all, that’s what people would expect the daughter of dionysus to do right? find a career in the wine business. these days though, nova poured everything she had into make sure that supernova thrived, as well as making sure she sold nothing but the best homegrown wine. watching a person walk through the door of her winery, nova smirked and leaned against the bar top. “ what’ll it be, sweetheart? ” she asked sweetly.
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it was probably completely and entirely unsurprising that wine-tasting listed among matthias’ hobbies. what rich guy didn’t like a merlot or cabernet sauvignon? didn’t have a rack or two of old bottles? he hadn’t met one and he wasn’t unique enough to deviate. entering the winery, he was immediately greeted by nova’s question. “whatever you recommend. you know my tastes.” and his price range.
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hiqhflying · 4 years
LUNAR eclipse was luna’s entire life. she put her heart and soul into opening her tiny little shop and she thrived herself on providing the people of icaria with nothing but the best in forms of metaphysical supplies. whether is was healing crystals, herbs for spells, or potions, you could find it in luna’s quaint little shop. every time the little bell above the door chimed, luna’s eyes lit up. “ hi there ! welcome in ! can i help you find anything today ? ”
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dee liked exploring the various shops on the island. she had lived here since primary school but it still made her smile, all the local, home-grown businesses. you weren’t going to find a kroger or amc around these parts. today, however, was her first time visiting lunar eclipse. “not really sure,” she said, glancing over a display of crystals, glancing up at the woman who approached. “i’m not really into all of this.”
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hiqhflying · 4 years
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endless katherine mcnamara gifs [139/∞]
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hiqhflying · 4 years
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“Yeah don’t hate yourself. It’s a bad idea,” Blair said starting to smile. “Thanks kid, yours looks pretty good too.”
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“kinda seems like it,” she said said. “if only everyone was good at avoiding them.” she shrugged. “thanks. formal is usually a bit outside my comfort range, dresses even more so.”
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hiqhflying · 4 years
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“Oh come on! The auction will be fun, we can get a few drinks. Have a laugh on who picks who… Maybe a little gossip. You can’t tell me that that doesn’t appeal to you.”
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cal scrunched up her nose at blair’s appeals. “people can get drunk off their ass and purchase each other. sounds lovely. half of that also sounds like any given night in my life.”
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hiqhflying · 4 years
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“Oh no, I don’t dance.” Siofra hadn’t even been to a party in years. The idea of getting up and dancing wasn’t one she reacted to well. She hadn’t even wanted to attend, only going at the insistence of her friends.
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matthias’ smile could charm gods -- at least, he liked to think so. but as he turned it on siofra, hand outstretched in an offer to dance, it didn’t seem to be working. “really? even right now? it won’t be too bad -- there’s hardly anyone on the floor.”
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hiqhflying · 4 years
Parties were something that he enjoyed a lot, it was even more fun after he started dating, because his girlfriend made anywhere be a thousand times more fun, but he was biased of course, “I don’t either, I can’t even walk with heels, but maybe it’s a matter of practice.”
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“maybe.” dee didn’t sound convinced. “if it does, i didn’t and don’t have the patience for that. i like my feet on the ground.” she glanced at him through narrowed eyes. “does that mean you’ve tried?”
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hiqhflying · 4 years
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ari had taken up the spot on the other side of the table. a minute ago, they’d pushed away all the plates and cutlery and glasses to make enough space for them to nap. they were resting their head in their arms, looking out at the dancefloor, when they responded: “it’s, like, a superpower.” then a pause before: “i kinda wanna learn how to do that. heels just seem … powerful.”
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“painful. they’re painful.” dee wasn’t clumsy but she had tried, failed, and never tried again when it came to heels. besides, they weren’t her personal style. “but i would pay to see you try. sounds more entertaining than sitting here.” she could probably find some fun if she looked but this chair was comfy.
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hiqhflying · 4 years
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“With a lot of practice and no small amount of self hatred and punishment.” Blair murmured as she looked on at the others dancing. She herself had wore a suit for the party. Much more her style, but she could certainly appreciate the figures in the dresses.
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she made a small hmph sound. “i don’t get self-hatred. it’s not fun.” yeah, it was a lot more complex than that, but what she said was still true. dark eyes slid over to look at the other. “nice suit, by the way.” dee was wearing one herself. a dress was nice but her style had never been feminine. 
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