hexmaniacmarie · 8 hours
New discourse: it's actually predatory to date someone with a different star sign than you, because the differences in your personalities means you'll never be able to have exactly the same life experiences, thus leaving a knowledge and power gap between the two of you which will inevitably lead to an abusive relationship!
also if you're a Sag and you're dating a Taurus, that means you're secretly seeking a May-December relationship, which is age gap coded!
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hexmaniacmarie · 22 hours
ive found that partially treated mental illness can sometimes look to uninvolved onlookers like faked mental illness.
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hexmaniacmarie · 22 hours
A circulating video of sisters who bought the same clothes for their husbands 😂❤️
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hexmaniacmarie · 22 hours
"You’re so polite" thanks i was raised in constant fear of upsetting people.
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hexmaniacmarie · 1 day
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hexmaniacmarie · 1 day
recognising your parent's mannerisms in yourself and physically feeling psychic damage occur
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hexmaniacmarie · 1 day
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hexmaniacmarie · 1 day
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hexmaniacmarie · 1 day
“I’ll just rest my eyes” is the biggest lie you’re going straight to snorkmimimi land
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hexmaniacmarie · 1 day
when i was a tiny baby queer (aka a 24-year-old), i went to my first pride festival probably three months after i kicked ex-gay therapy to the curb and came out to my parents. being the people they are, my parents came with me. they weren’t really sure about this whole gay thing, but they loved me and wanted me to be safe and happy and wanted to be involved in what was important to me, so they came along. (i also think my mother still might have thought i might get drugged or murdered or beaten by a protester of which there were plenty.)
anyway i wanted a memento of my first pride, you know, and this one vendor was selling keyrings, and i liked it, so i bought one. do you remember those italian charm bracelets that were all the rage like 10-15 years ago? it was a keychain like that, and it had a rainbow rooster, a rainbow cat, and then just a rainbow, and so I bought it.
i run into my mom a couple of vendors over and she goes oh you bought something? what’d you get? so i showed her, and i was like, “I’m not sure why it’s a rooster and a cat. Seems kind of random. But I liked the rainbows.”
and my mom, who was some form of minister’s wife for most of my childhood and teenagerhood, stares at me like she thinks i’m joking.
“What?” i say.
“…it’s a cock and a pussy, Jules,” she says flatly, and that is the story of how i died at the age of 24 while attending my first pride festival.
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hexmaniacmarie · 1 day
i know we’re both just messing around pretending to be whole but look at me. if the train was coming would you move. if the ground was falling from under your feet would you even notice or would it just be another tuesday for you. if somebody stabbed you could it hurt worse than you already do. what i’m saying is that i love you but i think we both drive over the speed limit when it’s raining. what i’m saying is that i want to hold your hand and i understand about how you sometimes have to sit down in the shower. what i’m saying is that i’m here for you and if the train comes please move.
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hexmaniacmarie · 1 day
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hexmaniacmarie · 2 days
spotify is raising prices again here's the apk that gives you premium for free
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hexmaniacmarie · 2 days
ppl on here get sooo mad when someone says you should be a little bit grateful for lgbt allies like sorry but i have homophobic overbearing parents & im used to people thinking gays are freaks and “groomers” so the concept of “cishet people who are willing to ally themselves with the lgbt liberation movement” is something i dont think ill ever take for granted. but thats just me i guess idk. yeah its praising the bare minimum but receiving the bare minimum allyship is a blessing when im used to deeply entrenched homophobia. i’d rather shit talk the people who actually want me dead instead of the cishets showing up at pride to day drink with drag queens. what does ridiculing them do except ruin the vibe :|
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hexmaniacmarie · 2 days
personally I think that if we make something legal, everyone who's in jail for breaking the previous law should be released. I can't believe that's not a common sense belief.
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hexmaniacmarie · 2 days
Fun game for Pride Month:
When you're at a event, count how many people with mobility aids there are. If it seens low, think about why that might be. Count how many disabled bathrooms. Count how many unavoidable steps. Try and find one accessibility issue at the event and afterwards contact the organisers to ask them to fix it.
Many disabled queer people are left out of the Pride month celebrations due to accessibility issues, so if you're able to be there, you're already in a position to make it better.
Don't forget your disabled siblings this Pride!
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hexmaniacmarie · 2 days
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