herogis · 9 years
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i needed some book 3 alegis in my life.
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herogis · 9 years
Trash Queen: Okay so some fun ideas i thought about with modern AU Alexa and Aegis
Trash Queen: legit fun i swear
Trash Queen: Aegis is kinda a hipster
Trash Queen: And he likes taking pictures of food, esp food he made
Trash Queen: Alexa photobombs
Trash Queen: like it's a game to see if she can do it without him noticing until he posts it on instagram
ryunn ∠( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° 」∠ )_: AAWWWW
Trash Queen: cutest/most annoying gf ever
Trash Queen: "Dammit Alexa that was a really nice picture of that."
Trash Queen: "Yeah and I made it better."
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herogis · 9 years
DF Week
Day 3: It Was Magic
...This got kind of really shippy as I went along but I have no regrets lmao.
It began with a simple bit of gravity.
One moment Aegis had been casually floating on his back with one of Alexa's books, the next both the book and him went plummeting to the ground. He frowned. It wasn't normal for his levitation to just fail like that. He tried to float back up. Nothing.
"What on Lore...." Aegis muttered, picking himself up off the floor like a normal person. He could feel the lack of his normal powers acutely now, in addition to some other strange sense. What happened to me....?
The realization came with a shiver. Because, Aegis was literally made of icy soulthread. Aegis did not shiver or even register cold on normal occasions. He pulled his arms together and felt the goosebumps on them.
Aegis finally looked down at himself and damn near fainted at the sight of dark brown skin. Eyes widening, he immediately moved his hand to the top of his head, where it met poufy hair.
"No...No this is not possible." Aegis said to himself. Spirits did not just come back to life. No force on Lore could rewind death like this. Yet. Here he stood. Alive. Breathing. Completely contradicting the natural order of things.
Wait if I'm alive then what's happened to our-
Okay, he could still feel his bond with Alexa. At least there was that. And...much as he hated to wake her he really should. This was a bit of an emergency...
He looked down at himself again and a bit flustered, realized he should put some clothes on first.
Aegis found a shirt and pair of pants Alexa had worn today discarded on the floor of the bathroom. As he put them on he thanked the Avatars soulcloth shaped to the wearer, because he really doubted he and Alexa were the same size.
He slipped into her room and decided the best course of action was to wake her by calling to her. His voice at least was the same and wouldn't cause her to freak out over a strange person in her room.
"Alexa." He spoke up, he didn't want to shout but... "Alexa..."
Aegis saw her shift and heard a grunt, but she didn't answer.  He rolled his eyes, of course. Waking her up was always a chore, why would right now be any different? He spoke even louder. “Alexandrea.”
“Aegis it's not even light out.” she mumbled, face buried in her pillow.
“....Alexa we're in Ravenloss. It's never light out.” Aegis replied. “And really this is rather...important.”
Evidently detecting the seriousness in his voice, Alexa started to sit up in bed.. She rubbed her eyes. “Alright, what's going on?”
Alexa looked around the room in confusion, clearly expecting his normal glowing self. “Aegis?”  Right.  It was hard to make out  anything more than vague shapes with how dark her room was.
Aegis braced himself, the same voice or not this was still going to be a tad shocking. He opened the door to the hallway, letting light flood into the room. “...Right here.”
“....What.” she said, wide eyed. “What. You're...Are you...”
“Yes, it's me.” Aegis confirmed, grateful Alexa wasn't...well not freaking out wasn't true. He could feel her doing so internally through their bond. Overreacting was a better word.
Keeping her eyes half on Aegis the entire time, Alexa lit up her room to get a better look at him. “You're...not a spirit. You're...How?” She spluttered. Aegis had never seen his soulweaver so confused and at such a loss for words.
Taking a seat on her bed, he sighed. “I don't know. Magic, I suppose?”
“Magic isn't supposed to be able to do that. If magic could do that, everyone on  Lore would be going insane.” Alexa said, then she narrowed her eyes at him. “Unless, is there some soulweaving trick to turning back death that they keep hush hush?”
The corners of Aegis's mouth curled into a small smile. “None as far as I'm aware of....Not that I've ever been in any position that would make me privy to information like that. But, clearly there has to be some kind of magic that can do what was thought to be impossible since,” he gestured to himself.
“Yeah.” Alexa agreed. She scooched over to sit next to Aegis on the bed.
“So. How do I look?” Aegis asked with a grin, attempting to loosen the tension. Alexa laughed but her face screwed up a bit as she tried to answer.
“Um....You're...” Was she blushing? Aegis thought, looking at her mull the question over. “I dunno, I mean you've got the same face.  Just y'know, not blue or glowing.”
Aegis chuckled, and she elbowed him. “Fuck off. You woke me up in the middle of the night, don't expect me to say anything too intelligible. “ As if to prove her point, she yawned and leaned against him.
“...This is weird.” she muttered after a comfortable silence. “Definitely not used to you actually being warm.”
“Nor am I.” he said. “Everything feels so...different. I forgot what it was like...”
“Right, must be a trip for you...” Alexa replied, stifling another yawn and struggling to keep her eyes open now. No profound discussions about life and death tonight it seemed.
“Yes...though I think it's something we can work out tomorrow since you clearly need some rest.” Then, as if it were contagious, Aegis yawned as well.
“Think you do too.” Alexa mumbled with a smirk, pulling herself off of him and flopping down onto the bed.
“Ah, I suppose so...” Aegis hadn't even realized he was feeling tired until she mentioned it.  Maybe that was at least part of why everything felt so strange and uncomfortable.
“C'mon.” Alexa said, to his surprise, tugging him down onto the bed with her. The two sluggishly settled next to each other into a not so ridiculous position and Aegis at least, started to drift off. Then he was pulled out of it by Alexa's voice.
“....is that my shirt?”
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herogis · 9 years
DF Week
Day 1: Alternate Universe/Crossover: College AU
It'd been a tiring as hell day. A presentation and a test after the room next to his kept him up all night was just murder honestly. 
All Aegis wanted was to take a nice, long, shower and get to bed. He stood under the spray of the hot water and sighed as all the tension from today(He'd nailed the presentation but he was afraid to find out his grade on the test) melted away.
It was back within moments as he heard the loud blare of the fire alarm.
“Why.” he almost whined, switching off the water.  Of all the times for it to go off, why when he was taking a shower? He'd left his clothes in his room too.
Maybe he could run there quick... Aegis doubted this was an actual fire. Someone probably pulled the alarm or tried making Easy-Mac without water.
Snagging his key card, Aegis carried himself as fast as a he could in a towel, going against the rush of people filing out of the dorm. Okay his room wasn't too far away... He'd just run in there, and throw the first thing he saw on.
“You in the towel, the door is that way!” the RA called at him.
Aegis groaned and turned around, defeated. He pulled his towel tighter, and trudged outside. The RA clapped him on the shoulder as he passed by.
“Come on man, something could be on fire and you're worried about not having pants on?” he asked.
No, I'm worried about freezing solid. Aegis would've muttered if he had less of a filter. Seriously, it's nearly December it's got to be what, 20 degrees out? As he was ushered out the door he hissed as cold hair hit him. Nope, that felt more like 10, though it may have just been the fact that he was soaked.
The walk from the dorm to the parking lot they were supposed to meet in was absolutely torture. Aegis really hoped they weren't going to be out here too long, he wanted  that hot shower more than ever now.
“Oh my god you poor bastard.” Aegis heard after a few minutes of waiting.  His eyes met Alexa, who unlike him had managed to throw on a jacket over her clothes.  He nodded as she looked him up and down, pausing for a second and eyebrows raising, presumably from where she'd stopped, at the fact that he wasn't covering his chest up. His towel was a bit short for that.
Then she stared at his head and her hand went straight for his hair. “There's ice in your hair.” she said in disbelief.
“I'm g-going to freeze to death out here.” Aegis shivered. Alexa shook her head and pulled her coat off.
“No you aren't, here.” she said, holding it out for him.
Aegis grabbed it immediately and started putting it on. It was tight on him, but anything was better than sitting out here in just a towel. “I could kiss you.” he muttered. He was still cold as all hell but at least he was more covered up.
“Yeah...maybe not tonight. It'd...probably be like kissing a frozen flagpole.” she retorted, crossing her arms and giving a big shiver.
“True...” he replied.
His friend slumped against him and he put an arm around her. “I'm gonna fight whoever set off this alarm.” she grumbled.
Aegis snorted. “Believe me, I don't think I'll be stopping you.”
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