herodrcid · 6 years
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The black panther lives.
                                  And when he fights for the fate of Wakanda I will be right there beside him
                                                               Adored by Kairi
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herodrcid · 6 years
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herodrcid · 6 years
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I’m a fan of Poe and his droid son
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herodrcid · 6 years
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She keeps her eyes focused on the droid watching his head turn.  ❝  Do you know where you last saw them?  ❞   She’s running through the steps of the easiest way to find someone that you had lost. Not that it ever actually ENDS UP being that easy.   ❝  Or do you think that maybe you could describe them so that I can help you look?  ❞   She really doesn’t need to be this helpful, it’s obviously not her problem, BUT, she has a soft place in her heart for droids, a place that comes from memories of her childhood. Tugs on her heartstrings that she can’t quite break free from. Which means that she feels compelled to at least ATTEMPT to be helpful. 
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          it took him a moment before he could mention anything at all—— if only because he couldn’t quite recall when exactly he’d seen him last. the droid could remember rolling in with him but then poe was gone. so instead he began describing him with BREEEETs and BOOOPs. 
          everything from hair color to eye color and even what he was wearing was mentioned in his frantic beeping. any piece of any information that he thought might help to reunited with his friend was relevant in that moment.
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herodrcid · 6 years
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He’s perusing the latest comic section, eyes narrowed in focus  as he searched for the latest issue of the series he was currently reading. He clicks his tongue, seeing the store didn’t have it yet, and sighed heavily, jumping just slightly at the sudden soft nudge to his arm. Well, forearm, the little guy was barely reaching his mid waist. Barry’s features immediately soften as he crouches down a bit to better hear the boy, smiling once hearing the request and straightening up to grab said magazine. He takes a moment, scowling at the cover for a minute before fixing a faint smile back onto his face, crouching again as he holds the wrapped magazine out to the child.
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“Sure kiddo, here ya go. Y’know, if I were you I’d save my money until they got an ACTUAL good picture of Flash. Never know, he might actually stop long enough if they just asked him to.” 
Barry frowns for a second, eyes flickering around and behind the young boy before speaking again, tone filled with concern.
“Hey, you wouldn’t be here by yourself would you? Your parents ARE with you, right?” 
Too many a time has Barry seen unsupervised kids in the city, and it never ended well for the child. If this boy was by himself, then Barry was more than willing to help him home or to somewhere safe.
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          he couldn’t help but smile when the magazine was in his hands—— he even let out a laugh. his eyes moved over the picture in obvious excitement ( clearly the blurriness of the picture didn’t bother him at all ).❝ thanks! ❞
          bee turned his head to focus on him, shrugging his shoulders a little. sure, a nice picture would have been better, but was gonna take what he could get!❝ yeah, but who’s gonna ask? ❞ he’d like to say he would, but he wasn’t sure he’d be able to say anything to a superhero—— he’d probably freak out instead!
          at the question about his parents, bee shrugged, though he still managed to look a bit shy at the question.
          ❝ i’m here by myself. ❞ But, he wasn’t worried, and that probably showed by the look on his face.❝ But, dad knows I’m responsible! I text him every time I go somewhere and when I get home. ❞ he was allowed to go places after school as long as he let his dad know and he hadn’t failed to let him know a single place he’d been yet!
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herodrcid · 6 years
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i haven’t been on here in a while and i apologize for that, things got really crazy really fast!
but, i miss my tiny droid so here i am! gonna start off with a few replies and then see what happens from there
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herodrcid · 6 years
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i’ve been sick the last few days, which is why i haven’t really done anything, but i’m feeling much better and i hope i can get a few things done tonight. if not tonight, then tomorrow! thanks for your patience guys!
you’re all bb-gr8!
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herodrcid · 6 years
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“It’s alright,” Padmé answered, a small smile crossing her features as she helped the boy out of the cockpit. As long as he wasn’t hurt she was okay. “Now what are you sorry for? I’ve just met you, you haven’t done anything wrong. I’m more worried for your safety than anything else,” she added, scooping the child up in her arms and balancing him on her hip. “My name is Padmé. Are you hurt?”
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          he wasn’t expecting to be lifted, and that was probably clear by the look on his face. he couldn’t remember the last time anyone had lifted him up so gently—— and not because he had done something wrong. he shook his head, speaking quietly.❝ no,ma'am. ❞
          it was only then that he’d realized that she had introduced herself. and, with a bit of hesitation, he introduced himself in turn.❝ i’m bee. ❞
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herodrcid · 6 years
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Padmé blinked down at the boy, wondering where he came from in the first place and where one of her ships would have picked him up. “Okay, okay,” she started, sensing the fear radiating from him before she held out a hand to the child so he could come out of the ship. “I’m not going to hurt you, don’t you worry. Just come to me little one.”
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          he hesitated, tempted to just tuck himself back into the cockpit and see if he could stay there a while longer. but, she’d said that she wouldn’t hurt him and he had no reason not to believe her. his trembling fingers took her hand so he could climb out of the ship, face scrunched up as if he was doing his best not to burst into tears.        
          ❝ i—— i’m sorry, ❞ bee muttered softly when he was in front of her, still holding onto her hand in a loose grip.
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herodrcid · 6 years
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“Hope Smiles from the threshold of the year to come, Whispering ‘it will be happier’…” - Alfred Tennyson
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herodrcid · 6 years
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bee totally has that one hair that’s always out of place just like how bb-8′s antenna gets bent sorry i don’t make the rules
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herodrcid · 6 years
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“I’m gonna be the best pilot in the resistance!”  
(If you don’t think Poe loved Leia and looked up to her as a kid, I’m here to tell you you’re wrong)
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herodrcid · 6 years
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She’s understandably startled as the droid rolls into her legs. Thrown a little off balance Max stumbles for a step, right foot sliding through the dirt.   ❝  No, no, IT’S OKAY.  ❞   She is quick to try and alleviate the droid, at the moment she wasn’t technically going anywhere important, and it’s not as if she HASN’T bumped into more then a few people before.   ❝   Were you going somewhere important?  ❞   She leans down, knees on the dusty ground so that she is level with the droid.   
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          he rolled back a few paces so it would e easier for them to talk, head turning this way and that as he looked around. the droid kept watch for a moment, searching for anyone who might take advantage of the fact that he was lost. he found none, and so he turned back to her, letting out an affirmative BRRRRRRT.
         bb-8 rolled in a little line back and forth before he started chirping about how he’d lost his master. he said no names, and new better to say anything about the resistance to someone he didn’t know.
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herodrcid · 6 years
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         she doesn’t get too cranky about it; the days of running her own missions are long gone. the cargo is for the resistance, and the worst he can do is knock over a few crates. still, she leaned against the wall, giving the droid a grin in spite of herself.
         “ i’m not sure reconnaissance is your best strength, bb. but don’t worry. i’m sure you’re a lot more of an asset to the resistance than i am besides that. “ she knelt down, picking up the containers he’d knocked down.
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          intent on helping, bb-8 reached out with his claw, to grab one of the containers. it took a moment of maneuvering, but he was able to place it on top of the others tucking the claw away into his tool bay before he swiveled around to face ariadne.
          he rolled around her feet, letting out short, excited BEEPs that were meant to be encouraging. she was more than helpful to the resistance, and bb-8 knew it—— everyone knew it. ariadne needed to know it, too.
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herodrcid · 6 years
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my bb-9e sphero just arrived this is going to be a fun day indeed
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herodrcid · 6 years
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          the pilot helmet on his head clearly wasn’t meant for him. the visor came down to rest just below his nose, effectively blocking his sight everywhere but just below him at his feet. he only knew that he was close to jaina because he could see her feet, too. the helmet didn’t come down quite far enough to hide his grin, proof that the boy was trying to hold back his laughter.
           ❝ s’it too big? ❞
@destinedtwin​ // SC
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herodrcid · 6 years
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          the shelf is way too high for him to reach, and so he has to give the person next to him—— much taller than bee himself—— a soft nudge.  ❝ s’cuse me? ❞ he started before pointing to the magazine, the cover a ( blurry ) picture of the flash.
            ❝ could you hand me that, please? ❞ he’d been saving up his allowance for something like this, he wasn’t going to let something like a tall shelf stop him.
@snackhcle​ // SC
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