hermanosreyes ¡ 4 years
falling asleep on angel would include....
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a/n: trash from drafts drop part 2, there’s a bishop version of this...somewhere in my blog i promise 
okay so i did one of these for bishop before and like that was at a party setting and that’s probably still what i have in mind for this too because i have no self control
so at parties with angel it could really go one of two ways, as my dumb ass has stated before, he’s either all over you legit hanging off of you until you’re basicslly dragging this bitch around with you like a sack of mother fucking potatos or he’s attempting to play it cool by letting you do your own thing but he never doesnt have eyes on you like
so maybe it’s one of the play it cool; he’s hanging out, maybe it’s AN ACTUAL FUCKING PARTY WHERE THEY CELEBRATE EZ GETTING PATCHED BECAUSE WHAT A CUTE BABY
so he wants to be proud of his brother and you don’t mind taking a back seat to him tonight because you know how much this means to their relationship, how much this means to both of them plus you love ez
no matter how much shit you give about not needing another night where everyhting is about him because ‘believe me you’ve had enough of them’
but as ez would atest to, you always find each other 
ez calls it moron magnitism 
“the moron draws you in like a mother fucking magnet, he could be dead in a ditch and youd still stumble your ass over to him” 
“and if that moron even hears you fucking whispering for him, he’s there in a fucking half a heartbeat”
and god you loved seeing them reconnect like this again, just seeing them together after all the bullshit that they went through together 
but by the end of the night you’re curled up on the couch, wrapped in one of his flannels falling asleep on the couch with like a sleepy smile because you’re happy they’re together but miss him already 
sitting on the couch, supporting your head on your hand and legs tucked under and to the side of you and like falling asleep
every once in a while, coco or gilly will walk by to  ask if you’re okay, ruffling your hair kissing your forehead “you alright, mamas?” “want me to call em over?” 
and you’re like dismissing them, waving them off being like “nah, let him have his fun” “let the hermanos be”
but the moron magnetism, it never fails, one sleepy pout and angel is pushing through everyone to get to you 
plopping himself down onto the couch next to you and grabby hands activated
“vente mi amor” he murmurs softly and opens up his arms for you to curl into him and immediately you like leech onto him
you turn your body so that you’re straddling him and you can wrap yourself around him
 at first, he’s just being silly and wrapping both his arms around you and smothering your face with kiss like hovering and giving you sloppy ass kisses 
and usually you’re giggling, fighting back, calling uncle but you’re like murmung sleepy protest, and at one point you whimper and are like “angel....”
and in that moment, you become his personal baby, like his voice gets soft as fuck and he stops and runs his hands through your hair 
“princesa, ‘m sorry, come on” he’s nearly cooing and like gently nestling your head into his the crook up his neck
or maybe you prefer curling up to him , laying down with your head in his lap so he can run his hands through your hair and like patting at you to rock you because like i said personal baby
and even though he’s as quiet as he can be once you do fall asleep he’s still angel and my favorite head cannon is him trying to get someone across the room to shut the fuck up by being like 3 times as loud as that one person who wasn’t even bothering you in the first place
ez laughing too loud or even just like at an acceptable level for a party and angel shooting up and being like “shut the FUCK up, she’s trying to sleep”
and you’re already jolted half awake by him getting up, eyes all swollen as you look up at him in confusion 
and he’s immediately like “fuck im sorry, mi reina, fuck see what you do ez. fucking idiot. come here baby”
and ez is just holding down a laugh and is like “you are aware she can also hear you, right:
and before angel can do anything, you’re pulling him back down to sit with you telling him how you need your pillow again
but angel looking down at you and watching you sleep is the softest thing
because it’s like everything around him stops and the little smile he gets as he like rubs his thumb against your cheek gently
hes just thinking is this how it is to feel calm ???
after seeing you toss and turn for a bit trying to find a comfortabe spot, he decided it’s about time to take you home and he picks you up in a bridal sweep and is like whispering to bishop that he’s going to head out
bishop being lowkey confused because he’s never heard angel speak in anything below a booming laugh
on his way out, he’s congratulating ez one more time and comes so close to hitting your head on the door frame it’s not even funny 
well it is because ez is snorting in laughter but covering his mouth to not make too much noise
angel is just like YIKES good thing she wasn’t awake for that would never be able to live that one down
but in conclusion, soft angel
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hermanosreyes ¡ 4 years
misadventures in babysitting (part ??)
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a/n: it’s everyone’s favorite trash person, here to take out some of the trash in my drafts and maybe add some more stuff .... WE WILL SEE as i get around to rewatching mayans as i cry about the fact that this is around the time we were getting the season last year.... anyWYS
also links in case you don’t know where the fuck this iscoming from 1 2 
“and i can’t take her to this appointment, i already called felipe and he said he couldn’t this afternoon and”
“you need us to watch the little princess, you got it, mija” bishop assured, a reassuring smile on his face as he wrapped his arm around val, placing a soft kiss on her temple. “you know we’re always here to help with mia, no questions asked” the older man agreed, taking a wiggly mia from her arms and rubbing his mustache along her face to get her giggle filling the room. thanking him one last time, val made her next stop with her father giving him a greeting kiss on the cheek before going over the plan with him. “hey, apa. going to the doctors i”
“everything okay?” tranq questioned in a familiar fatherly tone, searching val’s face for any deception she may have shot his way. “yes, dad, i’m fine” she sighed out rolling her eyes “i’ll let you know what’s up after but i need you guys to watch mia. don’t be too hard on ez, okay?” she reminded gaining a groan for the large man as he nodded in relinquished agreement.
“okay, i’m going to go bye-bye now, bebita. you remember what we said our ranks were?” val questioned teasingly, knowing the men would get more than a kick out of hearing her little sing-songy voice. “first listen to mommy, then tata, nino and then daddy” mia announced proudly gaining a cheer from the older men. “that’s my girl”
“hey, didn’t know we were running a daycare now” angel chimmed in, smirking as mia turned in excitement and was now sprinting towards her uncle who readily picked her up. “and where is tio angel in the rank?” val coaxed playfully glaring at her brother in-law to which mia responded while wrapping her arms around his neck. “bottom of the list because he doesn’t know what dinner food is”
“okay now i can leave” the mother noted, not missing the chance to make another face at angel before beginning to move out of the clubhouse. on her way out, val crossed paths with ez who gave her a confused yet excited look. “hey, amor, what’s u-” before he could even finish his comment and lay a chaste kiss on his lips the president was already interrupting the interactions. “you’re on daddy duty, boy scout. get to it”
at first, getting everyone back to work was nearly impossible with the hustle and bustle of the favorite memeber of the reyes family. for a while, she was floating between the arms of the men walking in and out of the clubhouse once they heard her cries of joy emminating from the room. but after a few pushes from bishop, it got back to semi-normality as they passed mia onto ez before retreating to their previous position. with her little hand clinging against her father’s, ez and mia walked out into the front yard.
at first, it was ez allowing her to play around him as he worked on the bikes. at first it was beside him, then within his reach, next going to where he could see her, that’s as far as he told himself he would let her go. as long as he was in his sight, he was quick enough to go scoop her up if needed. that, however, didn’t take into consideration the club’s wild card; his brother. what it was that angel said was inconsequential, recently it always had a way to lead to a tense conversation. to lead to their voices rising more in frustration than anger but that was a nuance not yet acquired from the young toddler. from her perspective, she saw her dad and uncle fighting. might as well screaming, making the girl shift her view nervously. “first is mommy then tata” mia thought outloud, knowing now who she needed to go find to solve this problem. will good intentions in her heart, the little girl scampered up to her feet and made her way to the scrap yard.
although delayed, ez’s fatherly instincts were bringing him out of his argument with a single sound. more so the lack there of. as many parents knew, silence from a child usually meant somthing wasn’t quiet right causing his head to shoot up. his eyes darted across the front yard, almost automatically cursing out as he called her name. “mia” ez called out walking away from angel and into the empty space in front of him “mia, fuck where’s mia”
angel’s once tense form turned from frustration to concern, he furrowed his eyebrows as he joined his brother looking around. “did you loose your fucking baby”. although he usually would have snapped something back, ez didn’t even take the moment to process what his older brother said concerving his voice to contiously call his daughter’s name each time in a more desperate tone.
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hermanosreyes ¡ 4 years
just popping out of the abyss because i miss you guys and i forgot how much i had in my drafts. anyways, ill be here in the shadows!
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hermanosreyes ¡ 5 years
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JD Pardo as Ezekiel ‘EZ’ Reyes in Mayans MC, Hunahpu
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hermanosreyes ¡ 5 years
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(ง •̀_•́)ง
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hermanosreyes ¡ 5 years
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“EZ was supposed to be the one who got the fuck out. Fuck man, he had it all.” 
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hermanosreyes ¡ 5 years
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hermanosreyes ¡ 5 years
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She’d be fucking proud of me
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hermanosreyes ¡ 5 years
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hermanosreyes ¡ 5 years
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bishop losa + being 100% done [Season 2 Edition] (Part 1)
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hermanosreyes ¡ 5 years
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hermanosreyes ¡ 5 years
coco reassuring you before he goes on a run would include...
a/n: does this suck ass? yes. was this rushed? yes but i just needed to get ideas out so here’s my trash everyone
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 maybe it’s the first time you’ve been through a run with him, shit maybe it’s like the 30th time but it still hurts having him leave
the day before is gonna be a busy day just trying to get everything in order but coco always makes an effort to carve out time at night to chill with you 
he wants to give you the attention you need before he even leaves; like it’s honestly you two just kicking it together? 
it wouldn’t be like a date night where he takes you out? it would be like gluing your asses to the couch for the entire night and not moving 
you’re tangled up in him the entire time, you can’t tell me otherwise... you’re cuddling the whole night 
mumbled “i’m gonna miss you”  between kisses and honestly what you have on tv is just background noise
him just trying to memorize like what your kisses feel like, taking into your scent; taking in everything in that is going to be able to ground him if shit happens on the run 
 can you just imagine like the little things he does to let you know like you’re the only thing on his mind that night?? like turning the ringer on his phone off so he doesn’t have it weighing in his mind tbh he might even turn it offs 
but like most of the night, it’s just really quiet... you’re enjoying each other’s presence, taking in the feeling of having the other there, you both know the other’s thoughts are racing but neither want to bring it up just yet
that isn’t until it’s like 1 am and you two are in bed already 
coco can’t bring himself to really say anything profound until it’s dark and he’s spooning you, like he can’t handle knowing how sad you look thinking about how he’s going to be gone 
“ cariño, solo pienso en ti “ he murmurs “ you know like the whole time i’m gone, i can’t think of anything but you ... fuck i even dream about you”
and you know he’s not just saying this to like reassure you and keep you from hating him? he’s saying it because he needs you to know how much he needs you because he’s lowkey scared this is what’s going to drive you away
and it just leaves to a session of spilling your guts and talking through your anxieties with each other and god knows you both need this out of your head before he leaves 
 no matter how early it is, you’re waking up with him despite him begging you to stay in bed
even if it’s just you following him around and leaning on him while you’re shuffling around the house wrapped in a blanket and he’s getting ready 
you just want to see him one last time but tbh this is his fave part because he gets to see you all sleepy but still heart eyes for him
when he’s leaving it’s always a like “you know i love you right” or like “you already know i love your ass” from him, he wants to hear that you know how much he loves you 
as he’s getting on his bike and you’re giving him his last kiss he just smiles and runs his hands over your hair and is like “don’t trip, amor, i’m coming home soon”
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hermanosreyes ¡ 5 years
okay but for real, someone needs to yell at me to start writing again because i have so many ideas for stories based on songs that i’ve been vibing to and they’re so cute but i need?? the motivation???
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hermanosreyes ¡ 5 years
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JD Pardo as Ezekiel ‘EZ’ Reyes in Mayans MC, Kukulkan
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hermanosreyes ¡ 5 years
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hermanosreyes ¡ 5 years
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Mayans M.C. → 2.08 “Kulkulkan”
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hermanosreyes ¡ 5 years
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Che ‘Taza’ Romero & Michael ‘Riz’ Ariza // Raoul Max Trujillo & Antonio Jaramillo // “Mayans MC” (02x08)
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