Sick Herlock is More of a Menace than Normal
G/N reader, pre-established relationship, and Herlock being a menace for attention and affection while completely congested. Let's say the man came down with a cold, because he dashed out of 221b without his coat and hat, likely due to some realization, and needing to act on it, like the hyperactive child he is. When he came back, hours later, he was soaked to the skin, fluffy hair laid flat on his face. You can't help but snort at the man, as he wrings his hair out, grumbling something about your amusement.
The next day, when you woke to make breakfast for Herlock and Iris, he was still in bed. Odd. Normally, the man would wake up before you, to start his work, but today, he was still in bed with you, and...breathing out of his mouth. He was sick. When the man eventually woke, an hour after you woke, and while Iris was eating her breakfast, the great detective shuffled out of your room, in his bathrobe, looking miserable.
"Are you doing alright, darling? You look a little...unwell." You make a small jab at his state. Herlock huffed, sniffling as he sat down for breakfast, wrapping his hands around the mug of coffee you hand him, savoring the heat still coming from it.
"Don't you dare say 'I told you so'." His voice was low, and gravelly, due to being congested, but you cracked a smile, hiding it as you were doing the dishes.
"I wouldn't dream of it, Hurley." But having the man home for the day was more of an issue than you would think. Because instead of him being resigned to his workstation, he was plastered to your side, against your back, as close as he could get. While you were cleaning, he was shuffling right behind you, arms wrapped around your waist, head on your shoulder.
When you were ready to head out to do errands, the detective was splayed out on the couch, still in his fuzzy pink robe, lamenting how "I might die if you leave me, my dear," but you rolled your eyes, pulling your coat around your shoulders. "You will be fine, Hurley, I'll come home with ingredients for soup, and medicine for you."
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