here-the-lark-lives 8 years
The End!
Thank you all so much for participating in the first go of a massive multiplayer RP! This project is over but the mods plan to do another one of these, with a completely different AU and altered rules, after a break.聽
Thank you to all the participants and to all that read along!
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
A final fic to conclude the project.
Transcription under the cut.聽
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
The girl straightened her back as he spoke, shutting her eyes. She couldn't bring herself to cry... She had already done too much of that. There were no more tears to be shed. Cosette trained her eyes on the man as he began to stumble a few feet down the corridor. She didn't want to leave him.
She didn't want to be responsible for someone else's death. There was a moment of silence before she pressed her lips together to give herself a moment to think.
"God, Joly... I'm sorry... I don't-." She sighed deeply. "Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done to help anyone. You're a good soul." The lark set down what she had grabbed in the rush and slipped off the jacket she had been wearing. Bahorel's jacket. Cosette made her way around him and draped the jacket around his shoulders. "I'm so sorry that there wasn't more I could do to help." She cleared her throat and walked back around to look Joly in the eyes. "I won't forget anything you've ever done for me... Or anyone else."
It was hard for her to turn around and walk away, leaving Joly to die. She didn't want to. But she had to. It was what he had asked her to do, and the girl honestly wasn't in any position to say no.
Their time was almost up. She could feel it.
Cosette grabbed what she had and gave Joly one last thankful smile before walking down the hallway, hoping that he wouldn't die sadly.
But she had to get out. That was exactly what she did. Finding the exit, Cosette emerged through the way and drew in a sharp breath of outside air.
It was done.
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
Cosette only looked over her shoulder when she heard Joly against the wall. Her eyebrows furrowed in a nervous manner. Her arms were full, but she stopped and quickly moved back to his side.
"H-hey... Joly..." She quickly looked him up and down to be sure he was alright. She could tell he was suffering. Even with his new enhanced healing speed, he was in pain.
"It's- you're gonna be fine. We... We can figure it out when we get outside. We just can't stay in here." As caring as her voice was, her words held some aspect of a commanding factor.
"I swear..." She whispered under her breath. "Maybe you... Can get on my back, if you don't feel like you can walk." Cosette was already slumping slightly from the weight at her arms and shoulders, but she didn't want to leave Joly in the horrible place.
"We just... Can't let ourselves overstep our timeframe.. I'm scared that we're closer than we think."
He said he couldn't go back. What did he mean by that? She wasn't sure. So she repeated what she had said before. "We'll figure it out. It'll be fine. I promise."
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
The sound of his cries made her ears hurt and her head spin. But she let him shout anyways, since she could imagine herself doing the same.
When he told her to take the cure, she shook her head. "I'll take it when we get out of here. We're almond tour of time." Cosette's words were hurried. She rushed over to the machine and grabbed what she could before taking a deep breath. Joly was scared.
But there wasn't anything she could do about it. The girl paused and met his eyes, offering a gentle smile. "Hey. It'll be fine. I promise."
that was a lie. She didn't know if it would be fine, so there was no point in promising.
"We just need to get out of here... And then we can figure out what to do next." Beckoning the others to follow, Cosette headed towards the door.
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
Cosette could tell that Joly was feeling the infection. And the idea felt too familiar to her. It felt too familiar to her whether she wanted it to or not.
Her eyes stayed on the phone as she tried to make out numbers or letters. When she had a small idea, she searched for an input area. "Ah!" Cosette nearly jumped in triumph as she found the right spot. Quickly, the girl punched in the code that she had been able to decipher. The machine clicked and buzzed before stopping.
Had they done it? Oh god, she hoped so.
They had. The machine had produced the cure. Cosette turned to Joly and walked over, pulling him into her arms and hugging him gently. "Oh my god. Oh my god. You did it, Joly." Tears were evident in her voice, which wavered violently.
"I'm so sorry about everything that's happened. And I'm sorry about- about this." Her words were quiet as she whispered in his ear.
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
She glanced down to him when he mentioned the picture, nodding at the phone and gently taking it between her fingers. "okay... I know. It's gonna be... fine." Right? Wasn't it? She prayed that it would be.
Cosette's eyes moved hesitantly to him as soon as he began to draw his own blood, and she took the syringe. "Thanks. I'm sorry about all of this." She whispered hoarsely.
The loud noises filled her head again as soon as she returned her attention to the machine. Carefully, she added the blood into the horrible mixture and quickly searched around for a place to plug in the code.
They were so close. They couldn't give up now.
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
She couldn't believe that she had scratched him. She had infected him. Oh god. It was her fault. Cosette's head shot up and she glanced towards the machine, stumbling to her feet and walking over. The girl swallowed hard and picked up the bag, which smelled absolutely rancid.
One glance at the organs and she didn't feel well. She felt a tickle in the back of her throat and quickly moved to the other side of the room to where she could lose what little she had eaten in peace.
When she finished up, Cosette staggered back over and began putting the organs into the machine whilst holding her breath. As soon as they were all in, she turned back to Joly and nodded "Code...? Blood." The girl unpackaged the syringe and handed it to Joly, in case he wanted to do it himself.
"I'm sorry, Joly." She choked out.
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
Cosette's eyes widened at his words. He was scared, but there was a hint of determination that she could hear.
Why can't you bring yourself to do one small thing for France? Just get it over with. It won't take long. You'll either feel fine afterwards. Or you'll feel worse.
Careful to not cry again, the girl took his arm in her shaky hands, which were also sweaty. "Oh my god I'm sorry. Joly I'm so so sorry." She cried before doing as he told her, and scratching him. It was enough to break the skin and make him bleed.
As soon as she opened her eyes and saw the marks that she had made, she felt lightheaded. The girl quickly scooted away from him and brought her hands up, covering her ears. "I can't believe I just did that. Joly oh oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." Cosette's shoulders shook as she finally began to sob once again.
She had infected Joly. Just like she had been the cause of Bossuet's infection.
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
The girl sent a small, saddened smile towards Feuilly when he set the syringe down. There was no need for a thanks, especially because of what the needle would be used for. Her eyes moved to where Feuilly, too, had gone. But she forced her attention back to the machine.
Joly's question stayed in her head for longer than it should have. Cosette hadn't thought about how she would infect him. So, rather than walking over to him immediately, she just stood there, staring blankly at the wall. Would she be able to bring herself to do it? She had to.
Slowly and reluctantly, the girl crouched down beside Joly, staring him in the eyes. "I- don't know of any other ways." Her hands shook as she tucked some hair behind her ear. They shook more than before. In fact, her entire body was shivering.
For a moment, Cosette stayed silent, and set her head in her hands, unable to believe what she was doing.
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
Cosette felt the size of the room shrink as the others entered. Prouvaire and Feuilly had returned with the horrible ingredient. Climbing to her feet, the girl walked over and gently took the bag, holding her breath and looking away. It smelled awful. "Thanks..." Her words were quiet as she glanced over her shoulder towards Joly.
Cosette moved over and set the bag on the table, staring at the machine. "Yeah... Hey, Feuilly, Jehan? Would you two look around for- for a syringe?" She asked, voice obviously reluctant. But when she looked back over to them, she spotted Jean in the corner. It made her heart snap in two.
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
Normally, Cosette would have fought and fought against him wanting to become infected. But at this point, she had no more reason to want her way that he did for his.
"Okay...." She opened her mouth to protest again, but then remembered that she had agreed to him. "Okay. If we could find a needle..." The tears were coming back to her eyes. "We could- we could-" Why was she crying all over again? Was it just the thought of it?
She knew why. It was because Cosette had already gotten Bossuet infected. Both of their infections would be her fault after this.
The girl swallowed a lump in her throat, only making it more painful than before.
She'd never forgive herself for this.
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
Finally calming down a bit, she stared him in the eyes. Both of their hands were sweaty from the tasks they had been completing so quickly, along with the nervousness of it all. Cosette let her breathing slow and her heart rate calm slightly.
"Joly... It will kill me to watch you go through that process. But if we have to... Then I was obey what you want." The girl croaked quietly.
She knew she would regret saying that. But she hoped he wouldn't regret his choice. Cosette released his hands from her alarmingly tight grasp.
"Just... Tell me what to do... And I will do it."
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
Cosette refused to meet his eyes while he talked, tears finally making their way to her eyes and trailing down her cheeks. He wanted her to infect him. All for France. Finally, she looked back up at him, her dirty face now covered in trails of water. "Joly..." She sobbed.
His hand blocked her vision a small bit, and she cupped his hand in both of hers. Cosette lowered her head and allowed her head to fall until her forehead rested on his knuckles. "Being infected... It's one of the most horrible things ever. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. Much less my friend." Her words were angled towards the ground. He said it would end up okay for her. Cosette's head snapped up. "And what about you?! Joly, I don't care about myself right now. I care about you! You can't just throw everything you've gone through away!" The girl choked and sobbed, voice cracking brokenly.
She was broken. He was broken. They were both broken.
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
Her attention had been on her phone, which she turned back off to savor what battery it had left.
But her head shot up when he spoke. Cosette nodded at his first question. "Y-yes I know that ingredient. Why--?" There was a pause, in which Cosette was dangled in silence.
"Infect you? N-no!" Her voice was louder than she expected it to be, causing her to clap a hand over her mouth. "Joly... I won't infect you. I'd never forgive myself..." Cosette spoke through a crack between her fingers.
Her hand fell back to her side and her eyes locked into his. It could save France. "We can't infect me. I would volunteer myself, but... I've been infected for weeks." Cosette realized that Joly was now one of the only people who knew it.
"I don't want to hurt you... Joly... Don't make me-..."
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
His shaking form before her. It was truly heartbreaking. Her head tilted downwards slightly as she tried to find more words. But there were none. Cosette met his eyes again, and at his question, she nodded.
"My phone... Let me check." Cosette hadn't used her phone for weeks. She pulled it out of her pocket, holding down the power button. The screen was cracked beyond belief, having taken many beatings in the past. But it worked. Though it was only at 2%, the phone turned on and vibrated a few times. "Yeah. It's works. I'll text Prouvaire and Feuilly." She nodded.
'We don't have much time left. We need the final ingredients.' -Cosette
Cosette sighed before pressing the button, nodding and smiling up at him. "We're gonna be fine. They'll get us the items. And we will be safe. We will have saved the entire country."
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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here-the-lark-lives 8 years
Cosette's eyebrows furrowed in deep concern for him. He really was scared of dying. "Joly... You're not going to die, alright? I know it's hard to tell yourself that. And- and I'm sorry you lost someone so dear to you. But your time to die isn't yet..." She was sure her words were great as fuck, but it may have been what the doctor needed to hear.
The moment the paper hit the floor, Cosette gazed at it and took it into her own hands. "It can be hard to keep promises, I know." Her mind took her back to her father. But now wasn't the time to cry. So she didn't. Managing to hold herself together for the sake of Joly, Cosette reached out gingerly and set a hand on his shoulder, and she tried to smile.
"It's okay to feel weak. It's okay to fear what's going to happen." She cleared her throat. "But it's important to think about what good things will come after the bumpy road." Her hand fell from his shoulder and returned to the paper, which she scanned over.
The Weight of the World (week 14)
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