heppyhenry · 1 year
Where The Heart Is
Zelda turned to Link and noticed how desperately his deep blue irises still clung to hers. He hadn’t said a word since she had awoken, but the princess had learned over time that what he didn’t say with his lips, he did with his eyes.
*I don’t want to look away,* his expression seemed to call out to her. *Because if I do, I’m afraid you’ll be gone again.*
Read it on AO3:
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heppyhenry · 2 years
My main thoughts on the execution of the “Rayllum subplot” in S4:
So from what we know so far, the only point of Rayla leaving for two years was to create dramatic tension between her and Callum, which is… not a good writing decision, in my opinion. It seemed very forced and out of character for Rayla to leave for that long only to ultimately give up, return to Katolis empty-handed, and pretend that nothing ever happened and things can just go back to the way they were (besides her waiting to talk to Callum about their relationship). I don’t understand why writers continue to think that there has to be constant drama between love interests in their shows; is it so unrealistic of a concept to simply portray a healthy, wholesome romance between the leads where they don’t all of a sudden act like completely different people than usual just for there to be an emotional rift? Not every relationship needs to have some major conflict in order to keep the audience engaged. I would have much preferred for them to deal with some minor conflicts here and there instead of this ordeal, because their relationship is already such a small subplot as is that this season barely spends any time at all focusing on it. Really hoping that changes in Season 5 or else we legitimately might not see them fully get back together until Season 6 or even 7.
Wonderstorm themselves said that the audience would not need to read TTM to understand S4’s plot. While that is technically true, not reading it certainly does make Rayla’s absence and abrupt return feel even more awkward, confusing, and out of place. I really thought the handling of TTM’s ending in the show itself was executed very poorly.
With both of those thoughts in mind, however, I actually do think their relationship was handled nicely this season (that is, when the show actually took some time to focus on it lol). Callum’s anger and resentment was completely justified and I’m very glad that he and Rayla didn’t make up immediately. I also appreciate that the writers took several moments to show that they still do love and care for one another, and that this isn’t a complete reset of their relationship, nor is it a “will they, won’t they” scenario. We all know they will eventually rekindle their love, it’s just going to take a little more time before Callum is ready to have a Big Feelings talk with Rayla.
Also wanted to share my thoughts on people’s criticisms of the overall writing quality of S4:
I think people should keep in mind that Season 4 is the “set-up season” for the rest of this new arc, similar to Season 1. I see a lot of the same flaws in Season 4 that I did in Season 1 and while I do think that most of them could have probably been avoided simply with better execution, I also think that it makes sense why they occurred when remembering that the writers have to get the proverbial ball rolling for an entire multi-season arc in just 9 half-hour episodes. Those kinds of constraints are not easy to work around, and I think the failure to use all of the available time given in the best way possible is really what has led to the majority of this show’s problems.
Furthermore, here’s something to put into perspective: Aaron Ehasz, one of the lead writers of The Dragon Prince, was also the head writer of Avatar: The Last Airbender, a show that - according to Aaron - the team takes heavy inspiration from. That show had 3 seasons with 61 total episodes. TDP will end with 7 seasons, but only 63 episodes. There is a big difference in the amount of time that Ehasz has had to work with for each individual season’s story; because of this, I think that his approach is to simply put much more focus into the overarching story. In my opinion, I think it’s only fair that the audience does the same. I say this not to completely justify the growing pains of this show’s writing quality (particularly in its newest season), but rather to shed some light on potentially why it has probably been more difficult for Aaron this time around, and why it is important that we all stay patient and wait for the entire story to be finished before making any definitive claims about the show’s quality.
I do, however, 100% agree with the criticisms of TDP’s attempts at humor. It feels like there is less and less effort put into the comedy aspect of the show with every new season, which is really disappointing. Less fart jokes, please?
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heppyhenry · 2 years
my number one rayllum take away from season four is that how absolutely DEVOTED Rayla is to Callum. SO down to wait for him to be ready, so patient, so in love.
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heppyhenry · 2 years
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“I’m going to keep you safe”
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heppyhenry · 2 years
That first option definitely seems the most likely, which begs the question: where is Callum at this point? Is he also going to Xadia, just with a different party? Perhaps with Soren and others?
Honestly that would be really interesting to watch. I could totally see Soren trying to give Callum advice on what to do about Rayla being back.
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So at first glance I was like two options for order of events. Either Rayla comes back and sees Callum, and he refuses to be in the same space as her for a bit after (although doesn’t explain where/why Zubeia is flying) or she sees Ezran and puts the mission first, unsure of how to approach Callum. I lean towards the first option a bit more (and that she likely won’t shed her cloak until they get to Xadia) but we’ll have to see. The moon is full so we know this is very close to the night she first appears back in Katolis either way.
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heppyhenry · 2 years
That, or maybe Rayla is just standing back to give Callum the spotlight to do whatever magic thing he needs to do with the staff.
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So I get the feeling that Callum and Rayla still have some shit to air out bc they're not standing close enough together in this scene for two people who have worked through their issues
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heppyhenry · 2 years
Y’know, at first I was in that camp as well; I was really convinced that the Rayla at the window is an illusion, but now… I’m not so sure. With the writers explaining that her new pet Stella will grow into the Star Arcanum, along with the fact that we’ve never seen the cube have two glowing symbols at once, I’m starting to think that it really is just her and we’re overthinking things.
In all likelihood, she’s back. And she needs Callum’s help (why she waited this long to come back, and/or what caused her to come back, we still don’t know).
If I had to make a prediction, Rayla returns to Katolis at least fairly early on in the season, probably episode 2-5 range. And if that’s true, then something tells me that things are going to be very tense between Callum and Rayla for a bit. Hopefully as the season progresses and as they are forced to work together, they will work through their conflicts.
And hopefully Rayla will give him a genuine apology, she crushed her precious boy’s heart for 2 whole years.
I know for a fact I’m going to be emotionally damaged because of those theories about Rayla being Aaravos in disguise and the theories are too believable.
You know scratch that.
It’s not a theory, we know it’s going to happen.
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heppyhenry · 2 years
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Just noticed this, but look at how dilated Rayla’s pupils are compared to Callum’s (who mind you, is still in shock that she showed up, compared to Rayla who expected to see him).
Does this look familiar to anyone?
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heppyhenry · 2 years
Also can we talk about how much the animation/rendering has IMPROVED???
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She’s grown up so much!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
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heppyhenry · 2 years
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heppyhenry · 2 years
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heppyhenry · 2 years
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SHE'S FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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heppyhenry · 2 years
The Flame
“Do you want to talk about it?”
The words pass through his ears and he opens his mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. He just tightens his grip around her.
She takes note of his need for her warmth and puts the pieces together herself. The dream was about her; it had to be. She sighs, gently caressing his back with her hand.
It’s the first night of the trip home.
Yes. Home.
He had found her cut, bruised, and broken in a dark forest. “Claudia’s doing,” she had told him, having escaped her grasp just a few hours ago, but only barely.
It wasn’t much longer after that when the tension bottled inside the pair snapped like a twig. For what seemed like hours, they dueled with their words in a measly attempt to justify their actions. Firey phrases leaped from their lips and icy tears trickled from their eyes, but, ultimately, he was the victor. She knew in her heart her wrongdoings, but could she just… admit that to herself and give up her mission? After she had seen what terrible things Aaravos was capable of firsthand?
Once he had found her, she didn’t have much choice. The way he looked at her - that verdant desperation in his eyes... she tried her best to shield herself from it, to convince him that she was fine, that she still had a job to do.
But his gaze easily pierced through her front; at last, she emptied her palm’s grip on pride and instead filled it with his own hand - Sources, how warm it had felt - and joined him on his journey to Katolis. She refused to break his heart again.
“We’ll come back; we’ll face them together, when we’re more prepared,” he promised her.
She truly hoped so.
Now, they are in each other’s arms next to a dying campfire in the middle of nowhere, trying to make sense of it all.
“I can’t…” he finally mutters, his whole body quivering. “I can’t sleep, Rayla.”
“Shhhh… it’s all right, Callum,” she tries to soothe him.
“No,” he denies. “It’s not. Every time I close my eyes, I just… I see it. I see you… or… w-what’s left of you…”
Rayla exhales as a tear escapes her eyelids.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I’m so, so sorry.”
And then she waits.
She waits for him to tell her that he forgives her, that he’s just glad she’s okay, that they will be okay. That he loves her.
The crackling of the fire continues to dwindle.
“I’m here, okay?” she speaks to fill the void. “I’m right here. And I’m not leaving again. Ever.”
“How do I know that…?” he whimpers.
And her heart shatters because she knows he has a point.
“I… I’ll do anything,” she begs. “Anything to prove it to you.”
“Can… can you just stay with me tonight? Please?”
She pulls away from him slightly and presses her lips to his forehead.
“Of course,” she tells him with a soft smile. She knows it won’t be enough; it couldn’t possibly be enough.
But it would be a start.
They slowly lie down together, the blanket underneath them providing at least some cushion compared to the hard ground.
“Um…” Callum mumbles. “… is… is it okay if I…” he trails off and instead points at his head, then to her chest. Rayla gets the idea and can’t help but slightly chuckle, thanking the moon above that he’s still just as adorable as she remembers. She nods for an answer.
They both get comfortable and the forest grows silent once more.
A minute passes before Rayla sighs deeply. “I… I really missed this.”
The last few tears on Callum’s face dry before he tightly wraps his arm around her waist.
“Me too.”
The once bright fire next to the two weakens more and more as they sleep; but somehow, perhaps through magic, the tiniest of flames refuses to be put out.
Valiantly, it continues to breathe.
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heppyhenry · 2 years
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3x09 / S4
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heppyhenry · 2 years
Hey, this is great stuff here, Raay! I will admit that I am one of the people that is a little apprehensive about the CHET, but I respect your work and commitment to it a whole lot! I mean no ill intent!
You bring up some great points about Callum and Rayla being foils.
I guess my main thing with the CHET is that it just feels… I dunno, a little too predictable maybe? I mean, for the theory to be as big as it is and even have its own controversies surrounding it…
I just think the whole “I’ll give you back the one you love, in exchange for what I need to further my evil plan” plot line is very cliché. And that’s not to say that nothing else in TDP is, and it’s also not to say that clichés are always a bad thing. Clichés are pretty much inevitable in modern storytelling because some of them simply work so well (i.e. the hero’s journey formula) and are almost necessary for your average story to even work, and TDP has its fair share too, and I think most of them benefit it.
I just personally feel like there are probably more unique ways of setting up the major conflict of Season 4 between Callum and Rayla specifically. I don’t even think the CHET is bad, not by a long shot. I just hope that whatever the writers decide to do, it’s done in a way that at least feels original in its approach, even if it ultimately still uses an unoriginal outline to get there.
But this is just my silly opinion on a show about cool dragons and awesome fights and teenage romance. Take it with a grain of salt. Thanks for reading and keep doing what you’re doing ❤️
if you have time/want to could you go on a righteous tirade about how the cube hostage exchange theory doesn’t reduce Rayla to just a “plot device” in Callum’s story or make her a nothing but a damsel in distress… getting real tired of That One Person saying stuff like that on reddit
Honestly I stay off reddit as much as possible for a lot of reasons but bc I'm literally always down to talk about my beloved theory:
1) In regards to the "damsel in distress" argument... Thus far, Callum has saved Rayla every single time she's been backed into a corner. Who saved her from the smoke wolves, from the giant fish, from the slug, from Soren Claudia and co. in 2x07? Who saved her after she jumped off the Pinnacle and when she went into the Moon Nexus portal? Rayla is still exercising agency in those scenes, trying or successfully saving someone, but from the start, her and Callum's dynamic has very often been "You save everyone and I save you."
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This ties into Rayla's bigger character arc about learning how to rely on other people and that she doesn't have to do everything alone. She's gone from relying on the boys because she had to, choosing to rely on Callum, and is now fearful she'll rely on him too much (and get him killed). She left in TTM because she was determined, specifically, to do things 'alone' - she can't succeed without having that belief reaffirmed. Literally, her only two options are either to see shit going down and somehow book it back to safety, or to get captured. It's not crazy to explore the other half of a 50-50 split.
2) So a "plot device" is something that only exists to propel one character's arc. The thing about Rayla is that while a character hasn't used her against Callum before, the narrative absolutely has. The metaphor arc of Callum getting his wings that's set up carefully in S2 is only fulfilled in S3 because of his love for Rayla.
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They literally used the Power of Love trope for it, and Callum says as much: how could he do something so miraculous? "Because I love you, Rayla. I really do."
And Callum is only put on the path of accessing the Sky Arcanum because he does dark magic to protect Rayla in the first place. While Rayla's arc development has typically existed a little bit more separately from Callum (aka her mini arc in 3x09 and some of TTM) which again, reflects her character, Callum is far more relational, which also reflects his character. This has been the case since season freaking one, with Rayla choosing the egg and Ezran choosing her, and Callum choosing her because Ezran did so first. None of this should be surprise.
Cube Hostage Exchange Theory, in what it would cause both of them to choose and/or to learn is really no different than 2x07, but the order would change. In 2x07, Rayla decides to take Callum's worldview (concerning the cycle) as her own and puts her life in danger. Callum follows and does something morally and magically dubious, unwilling to lose her. In Cube Hostage Exchange Theory, Callum would do the dubious thing first (risking potentially the world by passing over the cube or something else important) and then Rayla would take his worldview (that she has worth, in this case, that she cannot erase nor deter him from seeing no matter what she does) as her own, thus completing her character arc, setting her up for a new one, and working to evolve his before they likewise resolve it together.
Just like Ezran&Zym's relationship, Callum&Rayla's is one half of the narrative's heart, so to speak. It's clear from a narrative standpoint they were each designed as pairs, and part of the reason why Callum and Rayla foil each other so fiercely, their arcs constantly working in interlocking circles with each other. This is already shown in arc 2, where Rayla existed in a painful emotional limbo concerning her family in TTM, but by leaving, she has now left that space to be occupied by Callum in S4. In some ways, Rayla kinda has to lose her agency a little, in order for (narratively) circle back around to her realizing what she denied Callum by leaving him behind.
At the end of the day, cube hostage exchange theory is just that: a theory. I think it has real merit, and I'll be extremely curious what route they'll take if it's not this one, as it seems the most straight forward with what's been set up, but no less delighted and pleased by whatever S4 deigns to do in its stead.
And on a closing note, because I know The One Person Troll loves to reference Star Wars, and the creators have used Empire Strikes Back as a comparison time and time again... you know, the film where the hero famously dips on training and prioritizes saving his friends above all else, and loses the battle horribly? (Which ATLA also did with a trope so famous it's called Always Save The Girl?) The movie where in the actual romance plot line, one love interest is taken captive and has to be later rescued? That movie?
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heppyhenry · 2 years
Winds of Change
Summary: Just a short Adult Rayllum oneshot that involves a lot of late night wholesomeness (and a little perviness).
Rated T for some sexual innuendos.
Word Count: 901
AO3 Link:
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heppyhenry · 2 years
Summary: As she wipes stray tears from her face, her breathing slows and she starts to take note of her immediate surroundings; from the droplets of water seeping through the rocky ceiling above her to the tiny insects making their way deeper into the black void behind her, to the unmistakable sound of…
Word Count: 755
AO3 Link:
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