henrifangirl · 11 years
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henrifangirl · 11 years
The lasting half 3
"Mist!" I called from a distance as she turned one of many corners. "huh?" A small, sweet voice echoed toward me. When I got closer, her eye's turned a Radiant red, and flared up with evil. My first thought was correct... She was being mind controlled. I aim my sight up and yelled to ike's Spirit "what am I gonna do.." I felt pressure and a lack of confidence over-whelm my body. But I was confused when light spiralled beneath me, and a sacred spell called Hex-Callaber laid and positioned it's self in my hand. "wait... this is the strongest wind spell ever maid.." But I quickly donged Mist's attack with her sword, floreete. I mouthed a thank- you as I opened the book and one-by-one spotted the sacred symbols unfolded on the page. I jotted my hand onto the page and say huge amount's of wind swarm my hand. It surrounded the Mind-controlled Mist and I watched giant icicles build on her. I let my guard down when she approached me with her blade in her blood smeared hand. I fell backward again. and this time I thought it was over... But thats just it. it wasn't.
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henrifangirl · 11 years
THe lasting half #2
I had to interrupt. I wanted to know what was going on. I was scared, a little mad, and also happy. I Blurted out a question. "  But... I'm going to get killed without you! I won't survive! First one tear...then ten...then twenty. after twenty five... Ike faded Away Say one last sentence to me. "I will guide you." I was speechless. It all made sense. Or did it? But I felt  over-coming pain trailed behind sadness. But I still turned the other direction, away from Ike's body. NOTHING was going to stop me now. I felt my feet moving without me thinking about it.. was this what it felt like to be guided by a spirit? But why is Ike taking me toward the fire? Is that were the others are? But I will never not follow Ike's order's. especially now. I'll keep on going. Even if death awaits me. I was walking right flames And I wasn't even getting burned.  I looked up into the sky, and wondered if this was Ike's protection. I was thinking something, that finally came out as a whisper "thank-you Ike. You don't have to protect me like this... all the things that me and Ike did ticked by through my mind... I started to cry. "I have to be stronger. I said as I wiped up my tears. But when I looked forward, I say a flash of orange hair. "it can't be." I said. And I broke out into a run. It was Mist.  
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henrifangirl · 11 years
The Lasting Half
The ocean rolled past, and it's sound combined with the thunder. fire blew up from the little tree's around, and smoke clouded the sky. ashes were already blowing around. I was all alone. my only companion lying on the ground, motionless,  with his blood pouring from his limbs. I couldn't move on in this state. my motionless friend was what kept me going... he help me with my laguz fear. but if he's dead... my head will cloud back up with those fears. I've made up my mind know. even if  im shuddering, and my hand's are shaking. I will remove the blade out of his hand. I have to do this. I finally launched my hand forward and grab the holy sword out of his hand and raised it above my head. I remember him saying, before we left the others, that he would fight by side forever. But now he's dead, how can he or I stand by each others side now? I have no reason to live now. I  turned his sword to my chest, and next, the blade was coming closer, and closer. I didn't want all this pain to rain on me... But this the thing I can't regret or change my mind about. Cause after this blade pierces my chest... It's death.                                                                                                                                                 I felt completely zoned. dizzy. all those sickening feelings swirled around me. I tried to look through my foggy vision. every swirled and blended together like paint.  my heart skipped a beat as I realized that I was still alive. I thought I was seeing before the blue spiritual figure in front to me in a familiar voice came out at me. Ike's voice! I leaped up as my vision blended to normal, and I leaped forward to hug Ike's spirit, but I slipped right through it. My heart filled to the brim with anxiety. Ike then talk to me "listen Soren your alone now. I won't let you kill your self. your the only lasting half of a close bond. I won't let you die.
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henrifangirl · 11 years
I love you, Leanne
Leanne flew sharply on her wings so she didn't fall. the haunting thought of being caught by the Begion soldiers frightened her.  When she felt that her wing's were getting weak, she head a loud cawing in the back ground. It go louder. And Leanne Realized who it was instantly" Nasala!" She cried as she saw the fire catching up. When the wind got more powerful, and she was blown back onto a tree, she say a beautiful organization of black and silver feather's, there was no doubt about it, It was Nasala. Nasala wasn't at all hesitant to charge into the fire. Leanne was frightened when she saw her closest friend pined to the ground with the Begions lances. when everything was clear Leanne flew down carefully and landed with out a sound. She tried and tried to get the lances out, but she couldn't do it. It didn't take long for Nasala to spot Leanne trying to help him "Leanne what are you doing hear... you should be gone. These lances are nothing. "Nasala." Leanne said in a strict voice" I am trying to believe you... But I just... Leanne broke off as she fell over effortlessly. " Leanne!" Nasala screeched.  Leanne was still Breathing... But bleeding terribly....
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henrifangirl · 11 years
If you're staying on Tumblr, reblog this.
We all know that Yahoo won’t mess this up, because they said they were going to keep it the same. And if they don’t, they’re gonna have a Tumblr revolution on their hands.
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henrifangirl · 11 years
That awesome moment when
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^this guy and
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^that guy
are voiced by
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(in America)
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henrifangirl · 11 years
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they’re cute when they’re deadly
I feel like Henry would be that weird friend that you sometimes wish would go away, but then things are really boring when he’s not around.
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henrifangirl · 11 years
What the hell is happening here!?
continuing to ship something even when everyone hates it
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henrifangirl · 11 years
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Lisa said: oh! What is this? I hope i didn't break it...." YOU GOT A GLASS BOW
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henrifangirl · 11 years
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No! Cordilia don't die! Your daughter needs you! Now she's confessing her love to a man and she doesn't even know how.
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henrifangirl · 11 years
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These poor little kitties, they need promotion. RECLASS TIME
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henrifangirl · 11 years
If sand cats went extinct: ( a poem by me.) The sand would crumble underneath our feet, that would mean no more nice dazzling walks on the beach. Why are sand cats endangered? Nobody knows, but this I will propose. Are sand cats running out of water in their ears. Or are they eating enough healthy pears? What I'm trying to say here is... SAND CATS DON'T FUCKING GO EXTINCT WE NEED YOU BABY'S EVERYONE START CARING ABOUT THE DAMN STUFF CALLED NATURE
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henrifangirl · 11 years
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henrifangirl · 11 years
I totally do
Reblog if you're over 10 and you still have stuffed animals on your bed or in your room.
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henrifangirl · 11 years
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I really like this photo. :D
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henrifangirl · 11 years
Awesome!!!! I love to kill grima
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ふたりのマーク by yB
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