helios0997 · 6 months
Short story
To love blindly
Once upon a time, there was a man who had a deep love for a girl. He had been infatuated with her since their high school days, and he believed that they were destined to be together. He dreamed of building a life with her, starting a family, and living the perfect life.
However, something didn't feel right. There was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that something was off about their relationship. He tried to ignore it, hoping that it was just his imagination playing tricks on him.
One day, he noticed the girl putting something into his water. It was a strange powder that he had never seen before. Despite his suspicions, he didn't think much of it and went to the kitchen to drink the water.
After finishing the drink, he suddenly felt his body surrender control to some unknown force. He couldn't see or hear anything, as if he had been transported to another realm. It was a terrifying experience, and he had no idea what was happening to him.
When the effects of the powder wore off, he regained consciousness. To his horror, he found himself standing over the lifeless body of the girl, holding a knife in his hand. It became clear to him that she had tampered with his drink, causing him to lose control and commit a brutal murder.
The chaos didn't end there. The police stormed into the room, guns blazing, and arrested him. He was taken to court, where he was sentenced to capital punishment for the murder of Jessica Afila. The judge declared his fate, and he was sent to the last death row prison in the United Regions of Aphelia.
For the next five years, he awaited his execution. He was confined to his cell, wearing the black uniform that symbolized his impending death. Time passed slowly, and he struggled to come to terms with his actions and the reality of his situation.
As his execution date approached, he was granted access to the grand courtyard to distract his mind from the impending doom. He sat in the bleachers, basking in the sunlight, trying to find solace in the little moments of freedom he had left.
During one of these moments, a priest approached him, and they began to talk. In their conversation, he asked the priest a profound question: "Father, what is love?" The priest, guided by his religious beliefs, responded that love is a need to give oneself to God, to not feel alone, and to reject living in illusions. He emphasized the importance of being alone rather than living a life based on false perceptions.
After their conversation, he returned to his cell to sleep, knowing that he had only four days left until his execution. The next day started like any other, and he went about his routine. In the courtyard, he encountered a dentist who sat down beside him. Curious, he asked the dentist, "What is love at first sight?" The dentist dismissed the notion as a mistake, something that only existed in novels and dreams. He advised him to be more realistic in life.
Days turned into weeks, and he sought wisdom from the older inmates who had spent decades behind bars. He approached a man who had been imprisoned for 30 years and asked him about love. The man, hardened by his experiences, suggested that ignoring love was better, especially for someone young like him. He believed that money should take precedence over matters of the heart, as love could bring a thousand complications.
Still yearning for more insight, he sought out an elderly prisoner who had been incarcerated for 60 years. This wise old man had seen it all and had a different perspective on love. He shared his wisdom, saying, "My son, love is a double-edged and fragile crystal. It can bind you or cut you. It is a delicate thread that you must handle with care."
The days dragged on, and the anticipation grew. Finally, the day of his execution arrived. He was informed of his last meal and savored every bite. After three hours, he finished his meal, knowing that it would be his last taste of freedom.
He was escorted to the execution room, where he would meet his fate through gas. Strapped to a chair, the warden asked him if he had any final words. Despite the foggy and distorted state of his mind, he managed to express his love and apologies to his parents. Tears streamed down his face as he spoke, realizing the pain he had caused them.
The priest approached him for a final confession, praying for mercy on his soul and hoping that he would find peace after all the turmoil. The door closed, and his thoughts began to fade away. All the pain, malice, and confusion were replaced by a sense of peace.
As the gas filled the room, he started coughing uncontrollably, losing consciousness. Everything turned black, and there was no sound or vision. It was as if he had entered a void, a void where there was no pain, no regret, and no love. It was a void that swallowed him whole, erasing his existence from the world.
But just as he thought he had disappeared into nothingness, he felt a gentle touch on his hand. Slowly, he opened his eyes and found himself in a different place. It was a serene garden, filled with vibrant flowers and a soft breeze that carried the scent of jasmine.
Standing before him was a figure, radiant and ethereal. It was Jessica, the girl he had loved so deeply. She smiled at him, her eyes filled with warmth and forgiveness. "You have suffered enough," she said softly. "It is time to let go of your guilt and find peace."
Confused and overwhelmed, he asked, "Where am I? What is this place?"
Jessica's smile widened. "This is a place of redemption, a realm where souls find solace and healing. You have been given a second chance."
Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized the magnitude of what she was saying. He had been granted a new beginning, a chance to make amends for his past actions.
As he explored this new realm, he encountered other souls who had also been given a second chance. They shared their stories of redemption and transformation, inspiring him to embrace the opportunity before him.
In this realm, he learned the true meaning of love. It was not just a fleeting emotion or a romantic notion. Love was a force that could heal, forgive, and bring about profound change. It was a force that could transcend time and space, connecting souls in ways that were beyond comprehension.
With each passing day, he grew stronger and more determined to make a difference. He dedicated himself to helping others find redemption and healing, using his own experiences as a guiding light.
In this realm of second chances, he discovered that love was not just about romantic relationships. It was about compassion, empathy, and kindness towards all beings. He learned to love himself, to forgive himself for his past mistakes, and to embrace the beauty of life.
As time went on, he became a beacon of hope and inspiration for others. His story touched the hearts of many, reminding them that no matter how dark their past may be, there is always a chance for redemption and a new beginning.
And so, his journey continued in this realm of love and forgiveness. He walked hand in hand with Jessica, their souls forever intertwined. Together, they spread love and compassion, bringing light to those who had lost their way.
In the end, he realized that love was not just a destination, but a journey. It was a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation. And as long as he had love in his heart, he knew that he would never truly be lost.
And so, the man who had once been condemned to death found redemption and a new purpose in the realm of love. His story became a testament to the power of forgiveness, the resilience of the human spirit, and the boundless capacity for love that resides within us all.
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