heir-of-talon · 1 year
Me grinding out another chapter of this fanfic for you 🙈
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heir-of-talon · 3 years
Another chapter with my favourite ship. But maybe I should wreck it?
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Warnings: explicit/underage
Garret and Ember spend a day together trying to have fun.
Boy of summer
I woke up aroused and confused entangled in Ember's warm body. She was asleep, with her thigh carelessly thrown across my hips, her arm resting on my chest with the palm over my rapidly beating heart. I laid motionless for a while enjoying the touch of our bodies, feeling her breath on my neck and wishing that we could stay like this forever. But how could we with all the work awaiting us? This was not a good life for a young girl. Not that I knew much about it, yet still I could see her fading away, every time I saw her she was less lively, less herself and more tired, sad or angry. She insisted that this was what she wanted, that this was important to her. But the Order was less and less important to me. With each group of survivors emerging I could see, that the Order of St George was founded on values, that I could no longer share or excuse. I only continued as their commander to ensure, that the Order will not bounce right back and attack the dragons. But maybe being away in order to protect Ember from a change of hearts in the Order I was failing her in other ways, that were just as important. There, bleak thoughts chased away excitement and pleasure. I needed to get up and get active to clear my head.
I tried gently to wriggle free of Ember's limbs when she tensed and a pair of green eyes snapped open pinning me with intense gaze. The tension and expression melted away almost immediately and she smiled lazily. "Good morning commander" she said raising on one elbow to gaze down at me. Her fingertips slowly traced irregular patterns on the bare skin of my chest sending sweet thrills into my stomach. She pouted her lips and my thoughts strayed to another time, when she was touching me like that, a cargo bed in a clearing in some forgotten end of woods. I wanted her so much, I gathered her closer to my chest with my one arm. "Good morning ma'am, any special wishes for your humble servant?" She giggled and patted me mockingly. "Don't! Think if somebody hears us now? That would ruin the alliance. They would think I have you in thrall." She teased. "Maybe you do?" I said solemnly. "I do what?" She asked. "Have me in thrall. Because I feel that I would do anything for you without giving it a second thought". I looked deep into her eyes letting the joke and the truth sink in. Ember smiled and kissed me, pressing her body closer to mine. I ran my hand down her back and ass and felt heat kindling again in the pit of my stomach. She felt my cock pressing at her thigh and purred with delight before she straddled me grinding her breasts and belly against my upper body. I held her and kissed her, tasting her tongue and breath. I wanted her, my loins were on fire aching with desire and she was right there on top of me, warm and eager. I wanted her to burn me again, if she must. I just needed to be as close as possible. Some part of me seemed melting and running into her already. I felt my heart burning for her when my hands slipped under her t-shirt and stroked her back and sides of her breast, that were pressed tightly against me. I gripped her ass with my other hand. We needed to get her out of these clothes. I peered into Ember's eyes to tell her that and my voice caught in my throat. I could feel blood chilling in my veins. The impression was there and gone but I suddenly felt strange premonition and a thought crossed my mind, that she could just as well be on another planet the way things were. As if some illusion got dispelled by whatever I found on the bottom of the smiling green eyes. So I took her face in both my hands, kissed her briefly and asked. "What do you want to do today?"
"How about nothing?" She said. "I should probably go to my office and grant a ratification of Viper's agreement." She mused, her forehead creasing. "What are you going to do?" She asked. "I'm taking a day off to maintain my dragon girlfriend" I said smiling. "She can literally breath fire and bite my head off and I've been rather neglecting her lately..." Ember smiled happily and kissed me. "Deal. I cannot believe it is the soldier who talks me into skipping work!" She laughed. I rolled to the side making her to lay down beside me and kissing her. We kissed and touched for some time and it was great even though some of the strangely unpleasant feeling lingered in my chest. At last Ember declared herself famished and we decided to leave the bed and seek some breakfast.
I walked towards the waterline with my newly bought and waxed surfing board. Ember let herself woo into buying a new high-tech board that doesn't require waxing by the attendant at the surfing shop and course centre by the beach. Then she proceeded to huff and puff and roll her eyes when I waxed mine with the attendant giving me tips and talking about how fine the weather was for surfing. When I was finished she ran towards the water and now waited for me in shallows beckoning for me to hurry. "Come on Garret! What is it? Are you regretting our bet?" She grinned. I said nothing watching distant surf ahead. "Don't worry, I'll treat you kindly when you lose." "How generous of you." I answered and started deeper into the water. I was exhilarated I could almost feel the vastness of the ocean surrounding me, the freedom calling to me. I looked at Ember and could see, that she had the same revelation. She was grinning madly with her eyes shining, there was nothing left of the exhausted girl in crumpled suit from yesterday. She might be CEO of Talon but she looked more like an overworked intern. It was quite a swim to reach the swells, but neither of us complained. Finally we were there and the wave was coming. Ember's attention focused completely on getting ready to catch it, so I decided to strike back. "How much money?!" I shouted. "What?" She seemed confused her eyes still focused on incoming swells. "How much money you bet on me being pounded more than you?!" "Million dollars soldier boy, you are going down!" She shouted and made to stand up anytime. "I cannot match that!" I teased her. "Million dollars against a daim!" She grinned madly and tried to stand up. I followed her suit and after wobbling a bit went tumbling off into turquoise waters. When I emerged and got water out of my eyes I saw Ember already recovering her board visibly enjoying herself.
Her enjoyment was somewhat diminished when, after three more approaches, where we both got wiped out, I managed to catch the wave and ride it without falling. The experience was almost overwhelming, after months of running, fighting and then managing what was left of the Order, I have almost forgotten, what it is like to do something for the sheer feeling of it. Three more rides and Ember was scowling, she fell off every time and finally, I could not enjoy this anymore. "Let's call it a day!" I shouted to her. "No! You don't get to win this easily!" She seemed close to tears and I could not stand the thought, that I have somehow caused this. I could not remember Ember being such a sour loser. I waded all the way to her and hugged her tightly. "Ember, it's not fun anymore. Let's go and get something to eat." Food managed to lift her spirits nine out of ten times. She looked at me as if she was about to say something nasty, but then she seemed to relax.
We got out of water, changed into dry clothes and drove to a steak house not far away. Over a steak that could cover her whole upper body Ember seemed to cheer up a bit. I watched amazed as the enormous piece of meat disappeared fast in this slip of a girl. It was fascinating, how could I ever have missed this ravenous appetite?
"Go on. Mock me. I deserve it." She said. "Come on Ember, can't we let it go? Or maybe agree on best out of three..." I did not care a bit about this wager, and it definitely was not worth Ember's discomfort for me. "No! I've lost miserably and now have to explain to Archivist, why exactly we have to transfer one million dollars to you." I was dumbstruck. "Don't even think about it! I wouldn't accept it. I didn't mean it seriously." She must have hit her head. "A bet is a bet. You might not have meant it, but I did." She said. "Why? Why would you want to bet a million to a daim on anything?". I was incredulous. "Because I was sure I'd win? Because I have all this millions and apparently can't use them on anything that would bring me joy..." Ember was tearing up again, it pained me to see her so fragile, she was definitely not well. I stood up and slipped into our booth on her side of the table. I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her to my chest. "I don't want your money Ember. I love you. I want you to be happy. I know you feel that changing Talon is your responsibility, but maybe someone else could help to administrate the changes?" She looked at me doubtfully. "If you have that much money, maybe pay uncle Liam and aunt Sarah to take care of you in Crescent Beach until you turn eighteen? You could surf every day after school with Lexi and Calvin." I stopped seeing her gaping at me. Then she started to laugh, somewhat joyless, until it turned into sobs and she was weeping and I had no idea what to do other than to hold her.
At last she came to herself. "Oh Garret, how wonderful this would be. But it's impossible." "Why? Why is it impossible Ember? I am sick of the Order. They are adults, let them clean their own mess. We need to do other things in our lives than their bidding. Isn't that why you've rebelled in the first place?" She watched me in silence. "I would gladly leave the Order. Even if that meant I'd have to go to school and work at a gas station. If it meant that I could be with you." I stopped having said all I had to say.
"Oh my! Garret, you truly mean it?!" She said at last. Then she looked very conflicted. "They will never let us go Garret. I don't know if I can live a normal life. This is too much!" But I could feel that she was considering it, so I said. "You don't have to decide right now. Just think about it. I want very much to be with you. Even if you stay in Talon. I could be your bodyguard." Finally Ember's gaze softened. "You would do that for me? Leave the Order?" She said. "I already did. Something just got messed up underway and we ended up exactly, where we started." I said. I have been thinking a lot about our current situation and with each day, when I was away from Ember, fighting Order's battles in a war where there was neither honour nor fortune for me to win, I saw clearer how life was slipping through my fingers. It was possible that it would take more than human lifetime to change the Order and Talon. And even though I was granted extended life by Riley I felt, that this time would be wasted just as well. We would not be as we are, to move on, once the process is advanced enough to let it continue on its own. Ember was already changed beyond recognition after mere months of this life. I caught myself more and more often at hating the Order of St George and Talon and all the mess I was handling on the behalf of both. We had a choice. We've made this choice once, we could make it again. So I put my arms tightly around her and said. "I want to be with you Ember. You've told me, I can live for centuries. But my mind and heart are still human. I miss you. I feel I'm wasting my life being away and struggling to keep control of an organisation, that I'd rather leave. We could be together. I would take care of you while you're taking care of your business." Ember twisted in my embrace putting her arms around my waist and pressed her face to my chest, hugging me tightly. I held her feeling once again the rightness of this, this was where I was supposed to be. This was what I should be doing. At last she looked up at me with shining eyes. "I want that Garret. I miss you too. And Talon can be too much. But I'm afraid that if I just cash out few millions and leave, I'll wake up surrounded by Vipers some time soon. Talon must be at least partially dismantled before it's safe to leave it alone." She started frowning her look vacant. "Then let us work towards this together." I said. "Okay, let's do this together." She said calm now.
I moved back to sit in front of my cold food. Fortunately I have eaten enough before Ember started crying. We ordered waffles with softice for dessert and headed for Ember's apartment. In the car Ember spoke suddenly. "I think I'll give you the million anyways... don't protest. You don't have to use it if you don't want it. Think about it as something you're keeping safe for me, should I ever need it. Like an emergency trust found." It did not sit well with me. "Only if you consider my offer." I answered. "About Crescent Beach." "Deal, I'll think about it." She answered a bit too smugly. We drove back to city listening to old rock songs playing from the radio. Sun was slowly setting and the world was cast in this unreal light, that made it look like a place from a fairytale, like anything was possible.
We tumbled onto Ember's white sofa right after entering the apartment. Any weariness from being pounded and peddling for hours left me instantly. Ember pulled off her t-shirt and I cupped her warm soft breast in my hand feeling her heart beating wildly inside it. I bent to kiss it, tasting her skin and hard pointy nipple when my phone rang.
Only two people had this number, it was only to be used in case of emergency. "Ember it's emergency number." I said apologetically and fished the phone from my pants. It was Tristan. It could wait. I put it on silent and moved to lay between Ember's legs again when she braced her hand on my chest. "If it's an emergency shouldn't you check it?" She asked. I should but I don't want to. I thought, and aloud I said. "It's Tristan, he probably wants to know when I will be back." "Still you should check." She said pulling on her t-shirt and pressing her knees together leaving me with few other options. I groaned with disappointment and nestled in another corner of the sofa.
"What is it?" My voice was raspy and my tone was slightly impatient. I cleared my throat. "Have I interrupted something commander?!" Tristan sounded uncharacteristically sour. "Yes, get to the point." I was sure my discomfort could match whatever he felt. "An hour ago commander Knight, six of his people and his wife and daughter arrived. He claims to be commander of some southern chapterhouse, that I have never heard about. He says they're top secret intelligence team. Anyways he's already questioning alliance with dragons, threatening us all with persecution for treason and claiming command over Western Chapterhouse including you and me. So you better get here before he executes someone commander." Shit. Apparently I could not catch a break either.
I quickly reported news to Ember. "You should go right away Garret." She said solemnly. "This sounds serious and dangerous.... for our plans. You and Tristan are the only people inside the Order of St George, that I can trust. We can't risk you getting sidelined by some conservative bloodthirsty commander." As more and more blood circulated in my body I could see her point and had a few of my own to add, but I hated leaving her like that. "I don't want to leave you." I said. "You are not leaving me. You go away to make preparations for our escape." She gave me a brave smile and I kissed her hungrily, letting my hands roam her body, trying commit to memory as much of her as possible, the touch of soft warm skin, the taste of her lips, scent of her hair. I was about to suggest we wait with it till the morning, when she pulled away. "Go Garret. Call me when you know more. I'll help you any way I can, remember." She kissed me again. "I love you Garret. Even though I can't surf anymore." She added and followed me to the doors where she kissed me once more and stood watching,  when I waited for the elevator.
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heir-of-talon · 3 years
So I have commissioned these busts of the characters. I will post a bust of the person whose POV the chapter is written in ❤ Some may be spoilery but hey! It's just fanfiction 😉
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Warnings: explicit/underage/violence
After slaying Elder Wyrm and becoming CEO of Talon Ember works very hard. Slowly changes are creeping in, that threaten her relationships with Garret and Riley, her sense of self and her sanity.
Life at the top
I woke up with a yelp. The bed sheets and my shirt were rumpled and soaked through with sweat. I reached for a glass of water on the night stand and drank trying to wash away tightness in my throat tasting salt of my tears mingling with contents of the glass. It was just another nightmare I tried to calm myself, but at this point I had little doubt that these were true. As was ensuing weeks of captivity, when Gerard found more and more horrid ways to torment Ember after he learned, that she could heal quickly from injuries that would have killed anybody else. His lord and his men, formed a group around her, torturing her and slowly learning her secrets... Bloodlettings so they could bathe in her blood and become resistant to harm and disease. She has suffered it all without even feeling tempted to shift, because there inside her... a spire, only remaining reality of her happiness, of their destiny. No, she could still salvage him, she would endure and once he was out of her body she would shift and fly them both away to safety, to another world if need be, there was nothing she would not do for him, her little Dante. Her love though betrayed so cruelly have found new anchor and she would preserve.
And then... birth of their child, ten men with swords and kludges awaiting, hitting her, bleeding her and Gerard... he tossed his son into flames right after he nearly ripped him from her body amid her agonizing cries.
Hatred. All consuming, all destroying all mighty. She shifted and ripped them apart limb for limb, the men, the women, the children, anyone within the vicinity of the estate. She had nothing left for humans, the vile, cruel, mindless creatures...
These dreams always filled me with grief and despair. But I was not her. Or was I? Sometimes I was not sure anymore. I would better get up, it was going to be another long day.
Vipers were resisting my changes to the organisation and demanded to be allowed to form their own organization apart from Talon, my bare ass! I tossed my shirt aside and hurried to bathroom where I laid down in the bathtub and turned the water on. As warm water crept higher and higher covering my body I relaxed and garish details of the nightmare started to fade. My thoughts were sharp and clear again. No way I was going to relinquish control of Vipers, I will sooner get them all killed. But how do you do this exactly? The only way is to get them to kill one another and then maybe set the last one up to a surprise date with the Order? This would require some serious diversion though, to make sure they accept the orders and don't figure out the game too soon... Hmm maybe later, as the last instance, for now I would rather regain their obedience. Hot water have filled the tub to the brim and I ceased to think giving up to the utter delight of being submerged in relaxing warmth.
"Autumn and Cobalt are here to see you ma'am" my assistant's Rose voice sounded through intercom. "Let them in" I grunted, not at all happy. After momentary relief in the bath I have developed a nasty headache and painkillers did not really work on dragons. I was not sure if dragons should have headaches, I have not been sick one hour of my entire life before I have become CEO of Talon.
"Hello Firebrand, you look positively awful, what the hell happened to you?" Riley strode to my office and unceremoniously sat on a chair in front of my enormous desk pulling another chair closer and indicating for Autumn to sit next to him. This irritated me, I was the CEO, this was my office and he come without notice and behaved as he owned everything here. "I had a hard night" I said slowly "so this better be important" I gave them a tight smile.
"It's about my egg" Autumn said. "It's in hatchery now, and I don't want my baby to hatch there. I want him to be born free, not to spend his childhood in an isolated facility being drilled by Talon like we did." She talked calmly and was obviously at ease, while her ridiculous request literally made me seething inside. I waited till she was finished and replied. "How do you imagine to hatch a dragon egg and then rear a hatchling, unable to shift for two years and to stay reliably shifted for another ten in the middle of human society?" I asked calmly. "How are you going to feed it until it can shift? How are you going to avoid it being seen?". Autumn stared at me surprised by coldness in my voice.
"Easy Firebrand, this is why we came here. To find alternative solutions for these... challenges" Riley's voice was calm but he was now watching me with slightly narrowed eyes and I could hear him thinking hard. But I could not let Autumn take that egg away. These four eggs was all the organization had left. We've sustained substantial loses when the laboratory exploded, every dragon counted for survival of our race. "We were thinking about it for quite a while actually. There's four eggs that need to be reared. There probably won't be any new for some time now, as Talon's members will no longer be forced to mate and dragons breed extremely rarely on their own volition, being immortal, territorial and such. So we just need to provide these four hatchlings with a place to be in two years. It should not be that difficult..." "Oh you've got it all figured out, don't you!?" I cut him off. I was furious at his shortsighted sentimentality. "And who is going to provide these hatchlings with education and training? Their mothers, who's never set their foot outside of the breeding facility?!" Autumn looked as if I've hit her, but I didn't care. These hatchlings were important for the organization, now that the vessel program was abandoned. If they were raised outside of the organization will any of them wish to serve it? Will they even be suitable for our purposes? "What are you talking about?" Riley was furious now. "They will be instructed and influenced by our entire community. Just because you won't have total control over every moment of their lives, doesn't mean they will not turn out just fine". He took stunned Autumn by her hand and rose to his feet. "Come, we've must have caught ma'am CEO on a bad day." And then to me. "Do not think that you've heard the last of it Firebrand. This is important, this is the freedom we've been fighting for all this time. And I will not relent, just because you get to be the boss now!" He left with scared Autumn in tow leaving me to my headache and grim thoughts.
I pressed intercom button. "Rose? I am taking off the rest of the day. Tell the Archivist to schedule new date for meeting with Vipers" "Yes, ma'am." I dragged myself out of the office and staggered when the heat and sunshine of the day outside hit me. I could not remember being out in a middle of a day. Ruling Talon was consuming all my time and energy and throughout last few months I begun to see the point of the control and discipline within the organization, as dealing with Riley's rouges, Jade and other free spirits was clearly the most annoying part of my new situation. I could not remember the drive home. To a vast top floor apartment furnished by Rose to impress an empress as she has phrased it. I had no time to interfere and only added piles of discarded clothes to the setting. And these were cleared every day by a maid. So I entered my lavish suite kicked off my ballerinas, flopped on white leather sofa and closed my eyes.
I woke up with a start that made it clear, that my headache was still there. It was evening and someone was knocking on my door. I insisted on no Gilas in the building I lived in, just as I insisted on living among normal, if wealthy people, rather than in a fancy all Talon apartment complex few blocks from the HQ. Now I was suddenly reluctant to open the doors. "Ember?! Are you in there?" Garret. I sighed and dragged myself to the doors. "Hello commander" I tried to smile. "Come in and fix this shitty day". He did not smile just stepped over the threshold taking in my surely messy hair, crumpled suit and tired face. "What is wrong?" He asked dropping his duffel bag at the doors and pulling me into strong embrace. I closed my eyes breathing him in and feeling my headache and confusion melting away. But after a way too brief moment he pushed himself away to arms length and looked into my eyes. "What is going on Ember? You look so tired. And you missed the meeting today, the Archivist would not tell us anything, but Rose told me you went home feeling unwell so I come to check up on you."He said. "Wait a minute. What meeting?!" I felt an ugly suspicion rising. "Meeting with Vipers." He looked surprised and worried that I would ask. "The Archivist spoke in your name and got them in line, no worries. They are allowed to leave the organization under a long list of conditions, that shortly sums up to not killing, assaulting or terrorizing anyone ever and attending monthly meetings with their rehabilitation supervisors, new units consisting of one Talon employee and one Order's employee. Of course the agreement is only valid after you've approved it. From the looks on their faces no one is leaving for some time." He smiled to his thoughts.
I had plans for Vipers and this was not exactly what I would have gone for. I should be furious about Archivist bypassing me like that. But somehow it did not matter much. No, when Garret was here I was just relieved and thankful that things were taken care of. Suddenly I could breath freely and I thought that if only I could stay in his arms long enough I would heal and become whole again, the way I was before leaving Talon and the violent time that followed. I leaned in to kiss him and he answered crushing me to his chest. Then he lifted his head again and asked "Have you eaten?" Seemingly abandoning the topic of my bad looks. "No, I slept since noon. " Suddenly I could feel how hungry I was but at the same time I did not want to release him. "How about we order some tapas and eat here?" I pointed to the couch. He peered down at me and truly smiled for the first time since he saw me and I had a hard time trying to stay focused. There was my Garret, this intoxicating mixture of desire and disbelief in his gray eyes. "Give me a second to change, make yourself at home commander. Maybe order food, I want wine boiled chorizo, meat balls with tomato sauce and bacon wrapped dates big pile of each."
I winked at him and rushed to my bedroom and beyond to the walk in closet the size of an average apartment on Manhattan, as the real estate agent described it. There I quickly shed my office clothes and changed into oversized multicolor sweatpants and a knitted crop top. I turned and felt sudden apprehension about going back to the living room. My headache was on its way back and I just wanted to run as far away from Garret as possible, I sat on a chaise long in the middle of the closet. The boy was a nuisance putting it mildly, making me reckless and weak. The thoughts popped in and out of my head along with a passing stab of migraine until I heard his voice coming from somewhere close.
"Ember?" I exited the closet and found him standing at the doorstep to my bedroom. He quickly stepped outside, when he saw me, and I rushed to grab his hand. He sent me that worried look again. "Are you all right?" "Yes, was just changing." He looked me over doubtfully. "Food is here." He said. "Wow, that was fast." I chuckled slightly confused.
We ate talking about things we've been doing since we've last seen each other almost a month before. Garret got in touch with Order's Academy and tried to persuade them to provide much needed reinforcements sooner, than they meant it was possible. More and more survivors of Night of Fang and Fire surfaced all around the world and it was difficult to maintain his position as their leader. I sat buried neck-deep in documentation on Talon, that the Archivist deemed best suited to give me insight and understanding of Talon. I was also struggling to establish satisfactory level of authority. In other words both our lives sucked badly and we could not see the end of it. Afterwards I turned on some music and we went to the couch. Garret sat down in one corner and I nestled between his legs leaning sideways against his chest. I wanted to touch him, kiss him talk some more.
"Ember, better go to bed it's past eleven." Garret was shaking my arm lightly. Have I fallen asleep? Again!? "Don't leave me!" I blurted. "Stay with me Garret". He shifted under me. "My leg is sleeping. " He said and tried to stretch. "Let's go to bed then." I rose and he followed collecting his bag from the floor by the doors. I pointed him to guest bathroom and hurried to my own to brush my teeth. Then I slipped into the closet to change into shorts and oversized t-shirt with Toothless serving as pajamas. As soon as I slipped them on I rushed out and waited for Garret in the hall. He come out soon wearing only black boxer shorts, he was lean and tan, his hair bleached by the sun.
I felt my stomach twist with longing and dread, at the sight of him. I wanted him so much, yet I did not feel fit for passionate lovemaking. I was tired and haunted, Talon required things of me, that I doubted, he would accept. Going on like this was a torment for both of us, but we could not see any alternatives right now and I would not accept ending the relationship either. Garret was the only ray of sun in my existence, he loved me and I needed him, completely and desperately. Around him I was myself, battered and wan but myself, when he was gone I did not know who I was anymore.
I strode to him and hugged him tightly, which he returned with a purr. Then I caught his eyes and said solemnly "Garret I love you and I want to be close, but I have not been feeling well lately... And I know, that we don't see each other much, but I can't go all the way tonight. Actually I... might not want to do anything tonight" I felt lame, but he brushed hair off my temple, his expression soft. "It's okay. We are not obliged to do anything Ember. Let's get you to bed." He lifted me up and carried me to my bed, that was neatly made with fresh linens. He put me on the floor and lifted the comforter for me to crawl in. I laid down obediently and patted the pillow next to me. Garret slid under the covers beside me and the warmth of his body engulfed me as he put his arm around me and turned the bed lamp off. In the relative darkness of my bedroom with Garret so close all worries and problems seemed insubstantial, only his heartbeat was real, only the scent of his body and the warmth of his skin mattered. For the first time in weeks I fell into deep dreamless sleep.
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heir-of-talon · 3 years
This is continuation of the canon, because the epilogue of INFERNO have left me very unsatisfied. I explore and develop characters and ideas introduced in the series and then, there is heaps of explicit smut.
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Warnings: explicit/underage/violence
After slaying Elder Wyrm and becoming CEO of Talon Ember works very hard. Slowly the changes are creeping in, that threaten her relationships with Garret and Riley, her sense of self and her sanity.
Ember rode through ancient woodland on a sweet chestnut mare Cora. It was late afternoon and they would be stopping for the night anytime. She smiled broadly to Gerard riding his dapple gray stallion Bell next to her, and the answering spark in his gray eyes made her heart skip a bit. She was overflowing with happiness, Gerard was somehow everything she longed for without even knowing that. She was drawn to him from the first glimpse and now she was on her way to start her new life at his side, her beloved husband! They would live in Yorkshire on a farm with Gerard's parents and younger brothers. Gerard had favor of his lord for helping to fight in some skirmish few years ago and it was the lord himself, that granted Gerard use of these horses, so he could bring his bride home all the way from Scottish Highlands. Ember was sure that she could make the lord's favor even greater, so that they will live happily, protected and respected.
She was so engrossed in her musings, that she first started, when an arrow struck her shoulder. Gerard has already drawn his sword, he grabbed Cora's reins and urged both horses to gallop. "Hold on!" He grunted to her through gritted teeth and she bent over horse's neck gripping it's mane and trying to ignore pain burning in her shoulder. They took no more than ten wild jumps when Gerard yelped and fell off his horse three arrows protruding from his back and thigh. Immediately a tall man with ragged long blond hair appeared next to him with a saber and cut fallen Gerard across the chest, meaning surely to decapitate him, but missing due to Gerard rolling over after the fall. Ember screeched seeing blood welling from the deep cut and feeling the life of her beloved slipping away.
Without a thought she let go of Cora and tumbled down on the other side of the road. She gripped the shaft of the arrow in her shoulder, yanked it out and shifted. It all took less than a thought, and just as the brigand was lifting his saber to kill Gerard she leaped across the path and bit him in a half. She could sense six more men, three in the brush behind her, two up in the trees and one ahead. In front of her Gerard was bleeding to death, there was no time to lose. It took few heartbeats and the men were all dead, the one ahead managed to mount Cora and attempted to flee on horseback, but no horse could race against her.
She flew back and shifted falling to her knees at Gerard side, he tried to say something his eyes wide open stared at her face, but he was very pale and blood was bobbling in his wound with each labored breath. Ember laid her hand on his chest, closed her eyes and willed light and heat into the wound, she willed it to go away, disappear and... it was done, Gerard's eyes were closed now and he relaxed into healing dream Ember sent him. Quickly she turned him over and yanked the arrows out immediately closing the wounds there. Then she called their horses back and impressed upon their minds that they were to follow her. She shifted again and lifted Gerard's limp body in her enormous talons. She could not fly high, as not to cool her burden too much, but after a short while she noticed a brook crossing the woodlands. She flown up the stream for several miles to be sure to have lost any pursuers, that might come upon the site of the ambush. Ambush! No, she will not think about it now, she needed to get Gerard warm soon.
Gerard woke when the last of twilight was gone, he laid on sheepskins from horses backs bundled in all their blankets and there was a fire burning nearby, warming him on one side. Their horses were grazing nearby. "Ember" he rasped " I am here beloved" she rushed to him from where she was finishing to build a shelter from branches.
She knelt beside him gripping his hand and kissing it relieved. "I got shot!" "Yes, but you are fine now" "The robbers?" "They're gone now beloved, do not worry" "How?" "They got startled and fled, I bound your wounds, but none of them are severe, you need not to worry." Ember hated the lie, yet could not get herself to tell him the truth either. He looked conflicted for a while but then relented further questions. Ember thrown about for a while and come back with a wooden cup filled with warm liquid. "Drink it husband, it will ease the last of your pain". Gerard accepted the cup and watched her intensely while drinking up its contents. "You truly are a healer wife" he said after a short while. "I can feel no pain at all".
Ember smiled at his praise, she was not sure why this human was so important to her, but she felt him almost as a part of herself, she longed to be with him more with each passing day. She knew old tales about dragon riders, but after living for centuries without meeting any case of such bond, it become more a legend than knowledge. Now she was almost sure Gerard would bond to her as she was apparently bound to him. Today's ambush shook her, she was so close to losing him! Flames rose in her chest and she felt urge to search the woods for anybody who could belong to the group and char them to cinders, women and children alike. She pushed the thought down along with the heat. Gerard was watching her with his beautiful eyes. "I am too warm in these blankets woman" He freed himself with a grunt, Ember has changed him into spare shirt and breeches as his clothes was torn and stained. He stood up and went a bit off to relieve himself. Ember moved the skins and plaids into the shelter and sat to unpack some food.
They ate some cheese and bread and drank water she brought from the brook. Then he rose and reached out his hand to her. "Come here Ember of the Hills" he beconed her. She stood up to face him. He spread his arms and she stepped closer taking one of his hands as the other arm wrapped around her and pulled her close to his chest. He kissed her and she felt her heart burning stronger in her chest, every inch of her skin prickling with anticipation of what was to come, as his hands stroked her back. He was alive, she's saved him and now they were going to be together forever, she wrapped her arms around him and let him nudge her towards the shelter and the nest of sheepskin and blankets she's prepared for them there.
Ember woke up in the world of pain. She was not sure if she really woke up at all because all she could see was darkness. She vaguely remembered reminder of their travel to Yorkshire, long rides during the day hasty lovemaking before retiring for the night spent in shelters, barns and inns along the way. They come home late last night and Gerard led Ember to a small house, with two rooms, where they laid to sleep in a bed that was made ready for them in one of the rooms. How did she end up so sore?
"She is awake" Gerard's voice sounded and that made strange dread to spread in Ember's insides. He removed the blindfold and Ember saw, that she was lying only in her shift, her wrists and ankles manacled to a stone table in some dark stony building. "So you thought, that you could just worm your way into my household? Defile the souls of people here! How dare you, monster!" Hatred shone in his eyes raw and unbridled. But Ember did not want to believe it. "Husband! What is this?" Blow to her stomach. "I am not your husband witch!" He spat and another blow struck her jaw.
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heir-of-talon · 3 years
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LEGION - chapter 35.5 - Are we out of the woods yet?
This chapter happens between Chapter 35 and Chapter 36 of "Legion" by Julie Kagawa. After rejecting Sallith'tahn bond to Cobalt, Ember drives away from the farmhouse with Garret, to meet with Tristan and warn him about impending Night of Fang and Fire. Underway they stop in the woods to take a short break.
The series needs some smut, come on! They're supposed to be 17 and madly in love. Also logistics of human - dragon sex are just too exciting to pass up.
Exhausted from not being able to sleep after the nightmare last night I dozed off immediately after our departure. I woke up with a jerk, when the engine of the old pick up truck, we've borrowed from Jess, stopped abruptly. We were in a small clearing in a copse of trees, or maybe a forest, few yards away from a narrow dirt road visible through the trees .
"Why have we stopped?" I asked Garret, who looked at me with a mix of warmth and wariness. "Toilet break" he quickly exited the car and disappeared behind a tree. Slowly I did the same, but as I was looking for a good spot to squat, my foggy mind suddenly caught up with what was wrong. I was surrounded by merry chirping of birds, steady buzzing of insects and quiet... there was no sound of traffic, nor could I smell any fumes. We must have drove quite way away from the main road.
Garret was leaning on the car, when I came back. Seeing him there and us being here all alone made me forget all about my confusion and weariness. I strode straight into his embrace and he pressed his cheek to mine inhaling deeply. I could feel his heart beating in his chest and I felt warmth spreading through my stomach. For a while I just savored the touch and the peace, then I pulled away to look into his face. "Where are we? What's going on?"
"I saw a road leading away towards this forest and followed it. I wanted to be alone with you before the Night of Fang and Fire". Garret explained. "We never have time, and now our time can be running out. I just wanted a break before the next fight, next time when I can die or lose you." He buried his face in my shoulder his arms tightening around me.
Well, I couldn't begrudge him that, I too have longed for his proximity for having him all to myself. Fighting, running and narrowly escaping death was wearing on me. And all it took to make me feel all right, was him wrapping his arms around me. I sighed with delight hugging him tighter and then he lifted his head and kissed me gently looking into my eyes with awe and longing. I felt his soft lips on mine, tasted his sweet breath and parted my lips inviting him to deepen the kiss, as I combed my fingers through his fair hair. I could feel his body's answer, and he pulled away question in his eyes, his face flushed.
I paused, I thought about us having sex ever since Crescent Beach and Lexi's untimely interference at the party, but it was far from happy thoughts only. My human body was complete with all the organs and functions, yet I got an impression, that humans and dragons... just don't do this. Also intense arousal draw my dragon forth and by shifting in such proximity I risked hurting Garret, all the other possible disastrous consequences aside. Yet I did want him and I wanted to give him all I could.
I smiled and said "Talon taught me, that my human form is fully functional, you know" my voice came out husky and I could feel hot blush spreading down my throat. It sounded way more seductive in my head. He froze for a split-second looking puzzled, but then relaxed slightly. "Ember, I don't want you to do anything against yourself. I love you and I want to be close to you, but you don't owe me anything. Especially anything unnatural or disgusting to you". My heart sank "You'll never be disgusting to me Garret! I love you too and I want you too. It's just that... dragons mate in their true form and I am not sure if I can control it, when the... lust takes over"
I dropped my gaze, shame burning away last of the desire that was kindling in me few minutes ago. I felt him tense, but he pulled me close resting his cheek on my head "Ember" his voice was shaking "I had no idea" he cupped my face and forced me to lift my face. "Look at me. I love you. We don't need to mate if it's not safe. I thought honestly, that sex was off the table for us... It hurt to have these feelings towards you and believing, that you will never understand them, that they may be repulsive to you. Knowing that you feel the same..." He smiled and kissed me, his arms wrapping tightly around me again. And I answered his kiss relieved. He smelled wonderfully, faint traces of soap and washing powder refined by the smell of his body. I wanted him, some part of me longed to be "normal" ever since I have kissed him for the first time. Live a normal life with love, family... I shut my eyes tight against the weight of my thoughts.
"I want to try" I said and he paused. "If we go slowly we can stop before it becomes dangerous..." I trailed off unsure. He peered at me with unreadable expression and I felt very exposed, fear of rejection returning momentarily. How much strangeness would he be willing to accept? He has been rather large regarding the Sallith'tahn bond, but this was concerning him more. Maybe we will never be able to be together like that...
Then he slowly turned and gently made me lean against the car, while his lips found mine again with a soft sigh. I was terrified at my own boldness and felt awkward. His eyes were open and he was watching me with strange intensity, his hands resting on my bare arms sending pleasant warmth into my body, frozen with something like fear even though it was a warm summer day. He stepped closer and our bodies met again. He gently kissed my cheek, my temple and my hair watching me all the time, sliding his hands down to gently squeeze my cold hands hanging loosely at my sides and then up to my neck and face. He kissed me again cupping my face in his both hands. Garret's gentleness and focus made some knot untie in my chest and I answered his kiss with a soft moan, my body relaxing. I braced my hands on his chest and then slid them down his stomach feeling his warm muscled body through the thin fabric of his t-shirt. His kisses grew more hungry, he kissed my jaw and my neck as he slid his hands over my body, feeling my waist, my stomach and then circling my breast. I felt warmth of his hand and concentrated on the caress that sent thrill through my body. It felt different from the other times, we were alone, nobody would interrupt us, I could give in to this. Garret slid his hand down to where my bare thighs emerged from under my shorts, he lifted me slightly and hooked my thigh around his hips. I tasted his tongue and I wanted to get even closer, become one, devour him... I heard Garret's heart beating fast and felt him stiffen against me. Heat flooded my body, my pussy suddenly aching and wet, I started to grind my hips against his. I slid my hand between us resting it on his cock and rubbing it gently through his jeans. Garret pulled away pinning me to the side of the car with his hands, his grey eyes seeking mine with pained expression. "I took bedrolls, they're in the car" his voice was low and strained as he kissed me once more and then moved me to the side to open the doors and pull out our bedrolls. He quickly spread them on the cargo bed of the car. "Come" he lifted me up to the bed and climbed up with me. My soldier sat on the bedroll resting his back against the back of the car and pulled me down to sit beside him.
For a while he just held me in his arms kissing me and then our hands started their roaming again. I tugged at his t-shirt and he swiftly pulled it off revealing sculpted chest and stomach. My hand reached to trace one fainted scar on his chest. He grabbed my hand and kissed my fingers, the inside of my palm, my wrist our eyes locked with intensity sending a thrill down my spine. I leaned forward, my lips brushing his mouth, his chest and stomach. I could smell his skin and something else, strange and exciting. He sighed deeply and pulled me up against his chest again. I paused to take off my t-shirt and straddled his waist. He cupped my bare breast gently but then "Is that OK?". "Yes" I covered his hand with mine and he started circling my breasts his fingers delicately brushing my nipples. His hand sending tingling sensation spreading to my heart and belly. I kissed him again surrendering to the pleasure of his touch. My hands petting his hair and shoulders. My pussy throbbed with desire and I moaned softly begging for more... for something. Garrets strong hands clasped my arms and guided me to lay beside him instead, as he shifted to face me. He caressed my ass through my shorts. I started to pull down my shorts and hipsters, almost angrily and he helped. I was naked in front of him. There was no shame no hesitation as his eyes devoured me. I felt no apprehension like with Riley who often insisted that nudity was natural for dragons. This here felt natural at last. Garret's hand touched my hip, my thigh, my red hair, while his lips kissed my throat and breasts, he whispered "Ember" and I wanted him to see me, to touch me. "Take off your pants too" I breathed and he obeyed quickly. He was clearly as aroused as me, his dick stiff and wet at the tip, blush covering his face and chest. He was beautiful and I looked at him hungrily not at all bashful.
He laid beside me and pulled me close his arm wrapped tight around me, his other hand brushed my breast, traced lazily down to my belly. I felt my juices wetting the inside of my thigh. Garret combed his fingers through damp red hair covering my pussy. "Ember" he looked at me, his eyes darkened with desire, a trace of concerned frown on his forehead "Do you want me to touch you there?" "Yes" I spread my thighs granting him access to the wet heat in between. He touched slippery inside of my thigh and I could see his cock twitching. His fingers brushed my hair and stopped cupping my wet throbbing pussy in his strong warm hand. "Tell me how" he whispered. I reached down, my fingers gliding down and up my vaginal lips, tracing lazy circles around my clit. Garret's hand started to mimic my moves while he let me lay down on the bed roll, his other arm under the small of my back and kissed my stomach. Sensations flooded me at his loving gaze and the gentle touch of his hands. And then he touched my clit with a fingertip slick from my juices and I arched my back and moaned loudly my hips twitching, begging for more. He smiled and continued for a while before he moved to lie down between my legs, kissed my stomach, buried his nose in my red hair and inhaled deeply. I felt his tongue licking my pussy and then his lips closed around my clitoris, sucking gently. Garrets warm fingers caressed my entrance and the other hand held my breast, fingers playing with the nipple. Time and space ceased to exist for me. I breathed heavily trying to quench some of the heat erupting from the center of my body at the pleasure of Garret's touch. My fingers reached to his head caressing his pale hair, my hips twisted in tiny circles wanting more and not being able to stand the intensity of the caress. "Garret no!" I pushed his head away as my body erupted with heat that I barely managed to contain. He rose slightly but stayed close, his hand now caressing me, where his mouth have been a moment before his other hand on my stomach. I looked into his metallic grey eyes watching me tenderly as he kissed the inside of my thigh. I breathed and writhed and moaned while I struggled to stay in my skin and keep the scorching heat away from Garret's loving fingers. Spasm went through my body as I climaxed a shout of pleasure escaping my lips. Garret hissed and snatched his hand away but stayed close kneeling between my legs and watching me as spasms overtook my body, heat threatening to erupt any moment. I needed that gaze, I needed this feeling that I can show myself to him. I breathed through the urge to shift into my dragon form and blast him to cinders.
He sensed my temperature plummeting when my orgasm ceased and laid down next to me, pulling me into strong embrace and kissing my forehead. "You are beautiful" he breathed and I started crying, all the tension and fear of past weeks leaving my body. He pulled a blanket over us and held me until sobbing stopped. Garret's warm body against mine a solid proof, that I was not alone, that I was all right. "Thank you" I whispered. "I'm so..." "Ember don't... Don't apologize. It was beautiful to me too" I could see the truth in his eyes, love and desire still there, I kissed the fingers of his hand smelling faintly of me, though slightly warm there was no redness or other signs of burn, I was relieved at that.
After a while I looked up at him "I want to touch you too". "Sure" he answered with a gentle squeeze of one arm. I shifted to kiss him while I lazily petted his chest, his stomach and lower, where my hand found his dick resting among soft hair, still stiff. I wrapped my fingers around it feeling smooth soft skin and the throbbing hardness under. He moaned softly into my mouth. "Tell me how?" I breathed feeling warmth and wetness spreading between my thighs again. His hand covered mine and he turned it slightly, so my thumb rested against the underside of his cock, and then he moved our hands up to the tip and down to where I could feel the soft skin on his balls. I let him guide my hand for a while marveling at the beauty of him, his pupils were so big, that his steely eyes seemed black, his lips were red and swollen, he was flushed and breathed heavily. I kissed him greedily and started to caress his dick, mimicking the moves he showed me and alternating them, to also touch his testicles and perineum. He bent one knee to grant me easier access, his hand squeezing and caressing my breast as his lips parted letting my tongue roam. For a while I let myself touch him for the sheer enjoyment of the trust and closeness of it, before I've found the rhythm again and pleasured him the way he showed me. I was aroused again and I moaned into his mouth and writhed slightly lying against his side. Suddenly the cock in my hand got even harder and Garret groaned loudly into my mouth, muscles on his stomach tensing as he came on my hand, my thigh, his stomach and the blanket still partly covering us. I stopped kissing him and watched fascinated at small spasms of his face and body, his eyes closed. He shouted my name finally letting go of the last of control as pleasure took over. I lied beside him, trembling, watching his face relax and feeling as if I was seeing him for the first time, marveling at the feeling of all this.
I lifted my hand to my mouth and first sniffed, then tasted his seed from my fingers, it was earthy and slightly bitter and I loved it instantly. Steely eyes opened and met mine, love, gratitude and something else, something raw shining there. He reached for his t-shirt and used it to wipe his seed off our bodies. "Are you finished with that?" Garret indicated my fingers and I nodded. He wiped my hand with a dry corner left, turned the blanket around, pulled me so I lied flush against his body with my head resting on his shoulder, and covered us again. His eyes closed his face relaxed. I let him rest, while reveling in the touch of our bodies and the quiet piece of the forest around us. I was about to drift away when I heard Garret. "Ember? We better get going".
He wrested his shoulder from under my head, kissed my breast, gave my hip a squeeze with his hand, got up and handed me my clothes. My panties were wet, so I pulled on my t-shirt and jumped off the cargo bed to find my extra change of clothes. Garret paused with his pants in his hand and stared at me. I felt blush crawling up my cheeks. "What?" I looked at him. His dick, now relaxed, rested against his muscled thigh, his body toned and strong. I felt sad seeing numerous pale scars covering his arms and legs and those still pink from, where the Patriarch cut and shot him. Suddenly I couldn't help thinking about how vulnerable he was, constantly in danger and now on the way to another battle. For a moment possessiveness of a dragon rose in me. He was mine, I wanted to hide him from the world, guard him, keep him for myself, never let him go. I shook my head. Single rays of sun kissed his skin through the canopy of leaves over our heads. "You're beautiful " we blurted simultaneously, and smiled happily. We got dressed and were soon on our way.
"Well I did not shift" I started. He smiled "No you didn't." "Garret. Do you think that we can ever go all the way?" He smiled mischievously "I think we should train this a bit more. I am sure I have seen sparkles riding on your breath there." He answered with self-satisfied smirk. "I know" There were so many other questions, that I had no answers to, that would affect our lives, if we lived... Sensing the change in my mood Garret changed the topic. "Thank you Ember. It meant a lot to me. You were wonderful and I want us to do this again. Damn it, if not for the Night of Fang and Fire I would turn around now to do this right away" I believed him, I felt the same way. Garret's words set me at ease. We were going to do this again. We could not die now. And I knew that Garret felt it as well. We will fight for the better world and live to fuck another day.
"How far from the road are we Garret?" I asked as the dirt road lead us between the trees and... more trees. He smiled guiltily "Not that far yet". You, I thought but I could not hold it against him. I felt so happy. Now that I have finally rejected Sallith'tahn bond to Cobalt, I was free to love Garret with all I had, and damn me, if I didn't intend to do just that. I fell asleep smiling before we reached the main road.
It can be done! I didn't make it up!
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