heinrichmey · 2 months
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The Detective and The Cat.
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heinrichmey · 3 months
so is nobody else aware that L and Light's names are technical opposites of one another?
ok, so, this requires a lot of elaboration, so bear with me here. first thing to clarify is Light's name. without too much deliberation, Japan has this phenomenon (to my western understanding) wherein certain parents will name their children after English words. (this could potentially include other western languages; i am unsure.) as japanese is a syllabary, most of the time, these words cannot actually be pronounced properly in japanese. these names are often also written with presumably completely unrelated characters. light's name is one of these, having to be pronounced as "raito" in japanese, and written (as he so kindly explains to naomi) with "tsuki," the character for "moon." these names are called "kira-kira names." i am not joking. (that L never made a joke about light's name being literally a "kira-kira" name leaves me with a harrowingly destitute void in my soul.)
last thing we need to do is look at the translation for "Yagami," which approximates (to my knowledge!) as meaning "high," as in "high in power" (not "high" as in "stoned," because that's probably more like L's thing).
so, if we take an extrapolation of this, and replace light's names with their written functions—his forename as being a kira-kira name and being written as moon, and his surname (depending on how it's written) meaning "high"—we can evaluate an interpretation of light's name as being, extensively, "kira-kira moon high."
maybe my fellow death note crazies can see where i'm going with this. now, let's look at L's name, which is far more self-explanatory. his name is L Lawliet (in case you are somehow on the death note tags and were not already aware), which is pronounced "L low-light." (which, as s a side note, is a hilariously unintuitive pronunciation for his name, implying that Light (if he ever heard it) would almost certainly misspell it (made even more likely as a native japanese speaker, even given how good his english is) and potentially make him immune to a human using the death note by misspelling it six times.)
so, if we put the *phonetic* pronunciation of L's name next to the *written* extrapolation of light's, and reduce light's name to its logical conclusion, we get "L low light" and "Kira moon high." (hyphon in L's name and hyphon + second 'kira' in light's removed, as light himself is not both kiras, and removing the second kira also removes the hyphon in his name, whereafter we then logically can remove the hyphon in l's name. like homoerotic algebra.)
furthering the analogy, and allowing a little leniency (given all the other obvious similarities) that "light" can be taken as the opposite to "moon"—as in, "sunlight," and furthermore, "sun"—we output "L low sun" and "Kira moon high."
if you interpret L as the sun and Light as the moon, then congrats, it's already spelled out for you. if you interpret L as the moon and light as the sun, then it's like they carry the symbolic celestial analogies of one another in the other's name, which is some crazy soulmate shit. if you're like me, and interpret them as being both but in different ways, then both ways are true simultaneously. (to me, it speaks to how similar they ultimately are that you can interpret them as being both the sun and moon, albeit in different fashions.)
either way, they have gay ass little names and i can't believe i've never heard anybody talk about this before. so eat up, death note tumblr. enjoy your meal.
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heinrichmey · 3 months
hey guys so apparently the boss baby was based off a book
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heinrichmey · 3 months
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But wish no more
My life you can take
To have you please just one day wake
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heinrichmey · 3 months
Now I'm imagining Light coming home after realizing that Will Graham is after him. His intention is to kill Will. He walks into the room and Hannibal is standing there, holding a notebook and says "Good evening, Light Yagami. Please sit down and tell me how this thing works."
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heinrichmey · 3 months
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heinrichmey · 3 months
He faked his death and resting at Wammy's.
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I am obsessed with this image....again, forgive me, i totally suck at technology, so i don't know how to search for the artist. If you know them, let me know so I could credit them. But i just wanted to share this beauty...
(the artist is JNKku on twitter, no idea how to tag further, but grateful to be able to mention them)
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heinrichmey · 3 months
i want to smoke crack with her
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heinrichmey · 3 months
I just had an idea. Groundhog Day for Light. The day L died is looped. Each time Light goes to bed and wakes up over and over again on the same day. L dies over and over again. The perpetual looped rain follows Light until he finds a way to stop it. Naturally, he comes up with ways, typical at first, thinking up carefully why this might be happening. Thinks drugs, hypnosis. He tries to use the Notebook. Maybe even kills everyone, maybe even kills himself.
Nothing works. Amusement becomes anger. Anger becomes fear. Fear becomes despair. Despair becomes depression.
You're gonna have to become a better version of yourself, Light.
UPD: Jesus I need this to be written AEgH
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heinrichmey · 3 months
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heinrichmey · 4 months
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Oh, Light, no.
There is no other side.
This is it.
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heinrichmey · 4 months
Lol I really wish that there was a woman who is completely immune to Light's charm. Like, either gay or having entirely different type. But he is in desperate need of her.
Sorry, boy, go away, my type is Shrek.
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heinrichmey · 4 months
How horrible and ironic and tragic is this that the first thing L tells Light after he screams in pain and regained his memories was “Anyone would have been scared after seeing that monster”
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heinrichmey · 4 months
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human!rem and misa on a dinner date which innocent bystander will they terrorize
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heinrichmey · 4 months
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i’m on my period so i gave light yagami period cramps to make me feel better
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heinrichmey · 4 months
So there is russian song, that goes from L's POV. I am absolutely in shards now
Here is the translation:
The signal rumbles to start, my open pupil does not reflect reality but shine,
Space revolves around me, I walk light, and I'm back on the trail.
Two corridors to nowhere, numbers streaming off the walls,
I can see everything, but the dazzling beam is too bright,
Keys scattered on the floor, I'm used to the dark,
Looking for the last key.
You're here too, and you're like me, not at random, but through and through,
Always one step ahead of me so I can't see your face.
Our duel is here, now, amidst the spinning wheels,
Deadly to the end.
The numbers run down, the hot metal comes out.
I open myself to know and wait for the only blow,
The pupil is needle-pointed, and soon it'll be the finale.
And the twenty-fifth frame.
It's so bright here at the final line.
One thing I'm so afraid of is that it's you after all.
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heinrichmey · 4 months
Oh this is amazing and so new and fresh, instant save
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ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm hiiiiii turned a vaguely homoerotic poem i made about a mosquito i didn't want to kill into. this. yay 👍
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