hecra · 2 years
𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐜 + 𝐣𝐚𝐝𝐚.​
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“oh  shitshitshit,”  she  swears  in  rapid-fire,  the  bottom  of  her  woven  grocery  bag  splitting  at  the  bottom  and  sending  her  shopping  scattering  across  the  pavement.    she  lets  out  a  grumble  of  frustration,  "just…  perfect,“  she  mutters;  watching  her  antipasto  ingredients  scatter,  a  packet  of  olives  one  way,  salami  in  another,  a  selection  of  cheeses  and  a  bunch  of  grapes…  a  few  rolling  away  having  been  split  from  the  bunch.    leaning  down,  balancing  on  the  balls  of  her  feet  in  heels  as  always  — she  begins  to  gather  them  up  in  her  hands,  now  at  a  lower  level;  casting  her  eyes  around  for  the  other  missing  items:  some  bubble  bath,  a  punnet  of  strawberries,  vanilla  yoghurt,  her  cigarettes  and  a  small  but  whole  pineapple.    a  weird  collection,  but  lilac  keeps  her  fridge  stocked  and  usually  organises  a  delivery  service  each  week  —  these  are  just  some  impulse  purchases…  and  in  fact  is  an  impulse  she's  really  wishing  she  didn’t  give  in  to  as  she  spots  the  pineapple  rolled  off  by  the  post  box  near  by  and  desperately  wishes  she  had  another  damn  bag.
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          it  was  early,  but  late  enough  in  the  day  that  jada  had  stolen  away  from  the  spa  in  favor  of  running  some  errands  that  she’d  been  neglecting.  since  the  weekend  of  the  pink  moon,  she  had  felt  off  --  putting  off  things  in  favor  of  going  home  and  practically  collapsing  whenever  she  stepped  foot  into  her  familiar,  and  safe  home.  now  that  jada  wasn’t  practically  asleep  on  her  feet,  she  had  decided  that  it  was  time  to  stock  her  fridge  instead  of  continuing  the  meager  meals  that  she’d  been  making  for  herself,  if  she  even  did,  and  stop  wallowing  in  whatever  it  was  that  had  seemed  to  sap  her  of  her  energy.  seeing  lilac  at  this  point  was  normal,  around  the  spa  and  the  island  though  it  seemed  that  each  time  that  she  did,  the  young  woman  was  in  a  bit  of  a  state.  “  here.  ”  she  reached  down  to  pick  up  the  pineapple  that  had  rolled  her  way,  inspecting  it  to  see  if  it  was  bruised  enough  that  it  would  make  a  difference.  “  do  you  need  another  bag  ?  ”  jada  asked,  offering  out  both  the  pineapple  and  one  of  the  cloth  bags  she  had  over  her  shoulder  that  she  always  brought  with  her  when  she  shopped.
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hecra · 2 years
𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐞𝐥 + 𝐣𝐚𝐝𝐚.​
ೃ༄*ੈ✩ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
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     “a valid point,” nemu answer simply, wondering if it would stop feeling like a strange chasm between them; a weight of unsaid words && perplexing dynamics now stuffed into an ill-fitting box. still, though - this by far beat the alternative. he’d done that before, too, with partners before jada; a clean cut. friendship was more rewarding than that, by far, so nem was grateful. “well, if you’re hungry later, we could make sandwiches in the-” nem paused, wondering just how good of an idea it would be to partake in an activity they once did as a couple, in the ranch kitchen. he didn’t used to think so hard about his words before. “sorry. i guess i’m just wanting to ask if you’re doing alright. it was… a weird weekend, i think, for everyone.” 
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          despite  herself,  jada  was  waiting  for  the  day  when  they  could  speak  to  each  other  without  any  hints  of  awkwardness.  how  they’d  managed  to  stay  cordial  and  remain  friends  despite  the  years  of  history  between  them,  she  wasn’t  quite  sure,  but  she  didn’t  want  to  continue  the  awkward  song  and  dance  the  way  that  they  were  now.  nemuel  had  always  managed  to  throw  her  off  kilter,  something  that  jada  had  loved  appreciated  about  him,  but  had  always  annoyed  her  in  equal  parts.  control  over  her  emotions  and  herself  had  always  been  something  she  prided  herself  on  and  to  feel  like  a  little  school  girl,  awkward  and  unsure  --  she  couldn’t  even  recall  when  she’d  been  that  way  while  they’d  been  dating.  “  we  can  make  sandwiches,  nemuel,  ”  jada  answered,  going  for  an  amused  tone  and  smile  that  she  hoped  seemed  more  genuine  than  she  felt  it  was.  “  i’ll  stay  on  my  side  of  the  kitchen,  and  you  stay  on  yours.  ”  memories  of  them  laughing  together,  trading  kisses  with  no  one  else  around  came  unbidden  to  her  mind  which  she  tried  to  shake  off  with  a  strained  smile.  “  it  .  .  .  well,  not  for  everyone.  some  people  said  they  weren’t  bothered  at  all,  but  i  was.  were  you  ?  ”
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hecra · 2 years
��𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡 + 𝐣𝐚𝐝𝐚.​
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ralph’s eyes follow the line of her leg, the flash of a red-bottom heel matching nicely with his own favoured shades of RED and BLACK, maybe taking his time to enjoy jada’s appearance.  he’d be a FOOL not to, in his opinion —-  lips an easy sort of smile, dark brows raising a little whilst a small laugh follows the words; “then i would have to try and convince you to give it back, i’d have been willing to trade,” he plucks it from the centre of her had with a cheeky wink…   “it is a VERY important lighter. sentimental, one might even say,” but his laugh is just evidence of the jest, it’s his favourite YES… but not irreplaceable.  — the cigarette lit and lighter re-pocketed —- “… so, are we feeling the urge to get inked… or just feeling the urge to visit your favourite tattooist?”
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a  little  chuckle  escaped  her  with  jada  watching  him  carefully,  well  aware  of  ralph’s  eyes  on  her.  “  what  do  you  have  to  trade  with,  ralph  ?  for  such  a  prized  possession,  that  is.  ”  his  laugh  told  jada  everything  that  she  needed  to  know  ;  it  wasn’t  nearly  as  important  as  he  was  making  it  out  to  be,  his  own  laugh  having  her  chuckling  again.  “  i’m  sure  it  holds  such  a  special  place  in  your  heart,  i  would  never  try  to  hold  it  hostage.  wouldn’t  want  to  see  you  upset,  and  all.  ”  she  moved,  taking  herself  out  of  the  line  of  smoke  as  she  shot  ralph  a  smile.  “  had  to  come  and  see  my  favorite  tattooist,  of  course  since  i  was  over  on  this  side.  plus  i  hadn’t  seen  you  around,  came  to  make  sure  you  were  staying  out  of  trouble.  ”
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hecra · 2 years
what was jada's biggest tragedy in life?
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jada  would  say  her  biggest  tragedy  was  leaving  her  dream  job  because  she  couldn’t  mentally  handle  it.  she  internalizes  that  time  in  the  hospital  as  a  personal  failure,  and  is  slowly  but  surely  working  through  realizing  that  she  can’t  do  everything  by  herself,  and  that  she  has  to  take  breaks.
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hecra · 2 years
𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐞𝐥 + 𝐣𝐚𝐝𝐚.​
ೃ༄*ੈ✩ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
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     it never got easier, even as it got more comfortable - usually, he did fine, but after dealing with the horses so shaken & everything else that had been acting oddly lately, nemu found himself almost in a state of uncertainty around jada. “eh, life is full of disappointment, they’d have survived…” he shrugged, but the gratefulness he expressed was genuine. jada would know that under his nonchalant behavior, the ranch owner cared for his clients & their enjoyment & ability to share his love for equestrians with everyone who came through the stable doors. “of course, please do!” he smiled then, meeting her gaze easily. “she’d love that, and i think she misses you. sometimes she looks right beyond me as if…” as if expecting jada to be there. he didn’t finish the sentence. 
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jada  would  absolutely  agree  that  life  just  in  a  nutshell  was  hard  and  could  be  disappointing,  but  it  still  was  something  that  she  doesn’t  necessarily  enjoy.  “  sure,  but  no  reason  to  let  it  happen  if  it  could  be  prevented.  ”  hence  the  reason  why  she  planned  so  much  and  tried  to  keep  everything  in  order.  a  genuine  smile  lit  up  her  features,  pocketing  her  phone  and  giving  him  her  full  attention.  “  i  miss  her  too,  she’s  like,  ”  jada  trailed  off,  not  wanting  to  say  a  child,  “  another  blossom  to  me.  ”  which  was  why  she  hadn’t  gone  to  see yue  not  wanting  to  make  the  emotional  distance  between  nemuel  and  her  worse.  friendship  was  always  great,  and  she  was  happy  that  they  could  stand  in  each  other’s  presence  and  talk,  even  if  it  wasn’t  the  same  way.  “  i’ll  stay  until  you’re  done  with  blossom.  ”
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hecra · 2 years
does jada know anything about the deity within her? and how?
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to  a  certain  extent,  jada  knows  especially  after  the  events  of  the  pink  moon.  her  having  extremely  odd  reactions  to  people,  hearing  a  little  voice  whispering  in  her  ear  made  her  extremely  curious  and,  as  jada  often  does,  she  did  research.  her  research  hasn’t  exactly  told  her  what’s  going  on  completely,  but  she  does  know  that  there’s  something.
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hecra · 2 years
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             𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐀  𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍  𝐎𝐅  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒
hera, is the goddess of women, marriage, family and childbirth in ancient greek religion and mythology, one of the twelve olympians. she is the daughter of the titans cronus and rhea. hera rules over mount olympus as queen of the gods, and the only strong enough to wield the unruly lightning bolt that her husband, zeus, is known for. a matronly figure, hera serves as both the patroness and protectress of married women, presiding over weddings and blessing marital unions. one of hera's fatal flaws is her jealous and vengeful nature against zeus' numerous lovers and illegitimate offspring, as well as the mortals who cross her.
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hecra · 2 years
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men fight wars. women win them.
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hecra · 2 years
𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐞𝐥 + 𝐣𝐚𝐝𝐚.​
ೃ༄*ੈ✩ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
     hesitating, nemuel looked from jada to the visitor, then back to jada. a hopeful expression had already grown on the guest’s face, and with a solution falling into his lap so easily, nemuel shrugged and agreed to it. “blossom it is,” he smiled, instructing them to the correct stall. as a regular rider, nemuel knew they’d know what to do on their own. “i’ll join you outside in a few minutes, kay?” 
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    “hey, thanks for letting me ride out on blossom today. you- you didn’t have to do that,” he smiled, wondering if she was feeling alright after the particularly interesting weekend. “if she seems agitated, i’ll make it a short ride. are you going to hang around a bit?” 
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the  moment  the  other  person  left,  she  could  feel  herself  getting  shy.  why,  jada  wouldn’t  quite  be  able  to  say  given  that  she  and  nemuel  had  been  around  each  other  multiple  times  since  their  break  up,  and  were  on  good  terms.  still,  her  gaze  stayed  firmly  on  her  phone  even  though  she  could  feel  his  gaze  on  her.  “  you’re  welcome.  wouldn’t  want  someone  to  not  be  able  to  do  what  they  came  here  for,  ”  jada  answered,  finally  looking   up  at  nemuel.  “  she  might  get  a  little  agitated  but  i’m  sure  that  you  can  calm  her  down.  i  might  go  and  see  how  yue  is,  give  her  a  little  apple  if  that’s  fine  with  you.  ”
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hecra · 2 years
𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐞 + 𝐣𝐚𝐝𝐚.​
status; open when; after the dawn service location; in front of the memorial hall
there was an itch, deep inside his bones. one he couldn’t scrach out, would never be able to. it was deep, rooted in the darkest recess of his mind. and it was making him loose his footing, control over so many hidden memories, reactions and fears.
he had promised himself, last year, that he would come today. courage had left him the last time– as expected for the coward he was. running away all your life, but it still followed him. ignored his plea for peace. he thought it was fine. and, it was, he supposed, most of the time. when his main concern was getting food for his dog, and pay his rent, and just fix cars. but here, as his fingers nervously played with the wristband, as he was facing the memorial hall, cowardice in his vein, robbie knew that war had caught up with him once again.
the dog tags burnt still on his skin, though they were nonexistent anymore. a light touch from his fingertips where they used to dangle confirmed their absence– a phantom pain, wasn’t it? or was that just from missing limbs?
at some point, his bad leg had felt weak, perhaps remembering the pain, alongside everything else. sitting down on a bench, after the ceremony, hands balled into fists in his pocket, robbie watched. watched the young as they fleeted around, attracted by the buffet and preaching moronic platitudes to their thousand of followers. he watched survivors, dealing with the guilt they all shared, though they did not fight in the same war. it was the widows and the families, crying over their loss, that made him look away. guilt over his own cynicism.
and when a shadow blocked his view of the sun, robbie could only figure that the other person just wanted to share the bench. “sorry,” moving to the side carefully, feeling older than he was when his leg protested, not looking up. “sorry,” he repeated without realizing, “didn’t mean to hog the bench.”
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jada  sat  herself  down,  one  leg  crossed  over  the  other.  her  intentions  had  been  to  be  quiet,  not  say  too  much  to  him  all  at  once,  and  even  sit  there  next  to  him  without  saying  a  word  unless  he  wanted  to.  “  why  is  it  that  every  time  i  see  you  you  look  like  a  kicked  puppy  ?  ”  the  brief  meal  with  him  getting  a  drink  spilled  all  over  him,  to  now.  she  couldn’t  recall  a  time  where  he  had  a  smile  on  his  face,  or  looked  genuinely  happy  about  something.  seeing  him  there  with  other  military  families  milling  about,  she  was  starting  to  wonder  if  that  was  the  reason  why.  her  father  had  been  in  the  military,  the  few  times  she  had  spent  time  with  him  and  her  grandfather,  they  had  held  the  same  energy.  the  same  sort  of  sadness  and  weight  that  never  seemed  to  leave  their  shoulders.  it  wasn’t  something  that  she  could  understand  but  hope  to  sympathize  with.  she  wouldn’t  call  herself  a  particularly  loud  person,  often  preferring  to  be  quiet  when  she  wasn’t  being  addressed  but  it  seemed  like  he  didn’t  necessarily  want  to  hold  a  conversation.
“  do  you  want  some  food  ?  ”  she  asked  after  a  couple  of  beats  of  quiet  other  than  the  sounds  of  people  milling  about  around  them.  her  intentions  weren’t  to  baby  him,  not  when  he  was  older  than  her  and  had  probably  seen  more  than  she  ever  would,  but  to  offer  help  where  it  seemed  like  it  was  extremely  needed.  “  or  a  drink  ?  ”
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hecra · 2 years
𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱 + 𝐣𝐚𝐝𝐚.​
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     “ am i meant to ? ” he asks, leaning over the counter with zero intention to turn around and leave this woman and her business alone for the day. how could he complete a full day without pestering at least one person ? “ i tried a skincare routine once, as per one of my friends’ advice. i think i got excited and went along with it for like… two days before i totally forgot about it. ” you can’t give a guy with ADHD a routine to stick to — at least not this guy. he can barely remember to take his meds most days. “ oh, is someone getting in trouble ? ” he questions with a small grin. he looks around a little, taking in the surroundings when he failed to do so when he first walked in. “ so you’re like… the big boss here, right ? ”
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she  thought  about  stating  the  obvious  from  her  perspective,  but  then  again, what  was  obvious to  her  wasn’t  necessarily  obvious  to  alex.  “  it  would  help  so  you  know  what  products  not  to  use,  ”  jada  intoned  lightly,  her  attention  half  on  the  schedule  and  on  alex.  as  long  as  he  wasn’t  being  loud,  she  didn’t  mind  him  being  in  the  spa,  but  the  moment  she  felt  it  would  cause  a  disturbance  he  would  have  to  leave.  “  skin  care  requires  patience,  and  routine.  you   don’t  need  a  lot  of  products,  but  a  lot  of  water  and  clean  eating  helps  a  lot.  ”  something  a  lot  of  people  forgot.  “  mistakes  are  mistakes,  and  people  don’t  necessarily  need  to  get  into  trouble  for  them.  ”  whoever  had  done  is  wouldn’t  be  in  charge  of  the  scheduling  anymore,  that was  for  certain.  dark  hues  lock  onto  alex  once  more,  raising  an  eyebrow.  “  i’m  the owner  alex,  so  probably  if  that’s  how  you’d  like  to  think  about  it.  ”
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hecra · 2 years
𝐲𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥 + 𝐣𝐚𝐝𝐚.​
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a  little  chuckle  left  his  lips,  easing  himself  down  beside  her  as  he  answered  with  a  light;  “i  prefer  to  think  that  the  WATER  just  balances  out  my  bad  behaviour,”  poor  justification  if  he’d  ever  heard  one,  but  he  didn’t  really  care  as  evidenced  by  the  easy  smile.      angling  himself  towards  jada,  his  brow  furrowed  in  budding  concern  when  she  said  she  doing  alright…  but  then  stopped  at  the  strange  question.    yadriel  hadn’t  noticed,  at  least  not  properly,  the  way  the  ring  around  his  pupil  had  turned  a  murky  blue  and  blended  out  into  his  natural  brown…  he  didn’t  really  look  in  mirrors  that  close.        …apparently.      “huh  —?    my  eyes  aren’t  blue,  they’re  brown,”  another  little  smile  dances  over  his  lips;  “i’m  hurt,  jada,  i  thought  you  knew  what  i  looked  like,”  teasing  gently  he  pulled  his  backpack  around  in  front  of  him,  but  then  she  continued  and  yadriel  had  the  strangest  feeling  that  she  was  be  very  serious  in  her  statements,  in  her  distress.      he  didn’t  really  know  what  to  say,  because  while  he  HAD  noted  some  people  behaving,  in  hind  sight,  maybe  a  bit  weird…  but  boreas  had  slept  soundly  under  a  spring  moon,  and  as  such  yadriel  had  been  relatively  —  untouched.        with  a  more  serious  note  to  his  voice,  he  gave  a  small  shake  of  his  head;  “i’m  sorry,  jada.      i  really  can’t  say  i’ve  had  anything  out  of  the  ordinary  happen  to  me.        wanna  tell  me  what’s  been  going  on?”  he  offered  gently,  “off  the  professional  record,  of  course,”  as  he  had  continued  to  speak,  yadriel  had  pulled  out  a  brownie,  unwrapped  it  and  broken  the  treat  in  half  and  then  he  took  a  bite,  “—  want  some?  it  might  relax  you  some,”  and  he  meant  it  with  sincerity,  because  he  wasn’t  sure  how  else  to  help  her….  jada  was  the  picture  of  composure  in  a  lot  of  ways,  always  measured  in  some  way…  regal,  seemed  to  be  the  adjective  that  yadriel’s  mind  associated  with  her.  it  partially  inspired  his  habit  of  calling  her  queen.        “or  i  can  go  —  ?      you  know,  if  you  want  to  spend  some  time  alone.”
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jada  released  a  little  giggle,  shaking  her  head.  “  i’m  not  sure  the  water  will  help  that,  ”  she  joked  before  sending  him  a  look.  “  believe  me,  i  know  exactly  what  you  look  like,  so  i  know  when  you  look  different.  ”  she  was  genuinely  confused  as  to  how  yadriel  hadn’t  noticed  anything  weird  going  on,  but  as  she  searched  his  features  she  could  tell  that  he  as  telling  the  truth.  jada  could  only  assume  that  he  was  one  of  the lucky  ones  on  magnetic.  “  i  feel  like  if  i  tell  you  it’s  not  going  to  make  sense,  ”  she  answered  after  a  moment  with  a  rueful  smile.  his  easy  joking  was  helping,  the  tension  in  her  shoulders  loosening  a little  bit  more.  jada  reached  out  and  took  the  offered  brownie,  taking  a  bite of  her  own  with  a  nod  of  thanks.  “ i  don’t  necessarily  want  to  be  alone,  ”  not  if  it  was  his  presence  that  she  was  giving  up,  “  i’d  rather  you  stay.  i  really  just  don’t  know  how  to  explain  it.  people’s  eyes  are  changing  colors,  they’re  acting  a  little  off,  and  every  time  i  touch  someone  there’s  like  this  little  voice  telling  me  something  about  them.  ”  the  moment  the  words  passed  her  lips,  jada  shook  her  head  with  a  little  laugh.  “  that  sounds  crazy,  but   ——  ”  a  hand  reached  out  slowly,  telegraphing  her  moves.  while  yadriel  might  not  have  been  able  to  necessarily  feel  what  she  did,  perhaps  he  could  see  what  she  meant.  a  gentle  press  of  her  hand  to  his  shoulder  didn’t  stir  any  of  the  same  strong  emotions  other  people,  a  gentle  presence  that  reminded  her  of  the  wind  that  further  relaxed  her.  it  was  a  flash  of  cyan  that  covered  her  irises,  slowly  returning  to  their  normal  chocolate  once  she  removed  her  hand  from  his  body.  the  same  that  other  people  had  told  her  during  the  weekend  was  happening  whenever  they  touched.  “  see  ?  you’re  one  of  the  only  people  that  hasn’t  made  my  skin  crawling. ”
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hecra · 2 years
Athena: Please say words of encouragement to me so I don’t murder someone right now.
Hera: There are no books in prison.
Athena: *sighs* Thank you.
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hecra · 2 years
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                          𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐀  𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍  /  𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐊  𝐎𝐎𝟒
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jada’s  home  reflects  much  of  what  other  people  see  when  looking  at  her.  she  attempts  to  exude  power,  grace,  and  elegance  in  everything  that  she  does  and  most  of  the  interior  of  her  house  reflects  this.  a  lot  of  clean  lines,  white  décor,  and  more  of  a  modern  luxury  in  all  areas  except  for  her  kitchen  which  is  more  meant  to  look  more  usable  and  lived  in  though  it  still  has  the  white  that  she  likes.
the  pictures  above  reflect  the  places  that  jada  frequents  most  in  her  house.  she  wakes  up  early,  around  5:45  a.m.  on  most  days  where  she’ll  feed,  let  out  and  play  with  her  dog,  boof,  before  having  her  breakfast  and  first  cup  of  coffee  on  the  patio  while  he  eats.  when  she’s  home  after  work,  or  has  given  herself  a  day  off,  she’ll  still  spend  some  time  in  her  office,  but  will  spend  most  of  it  in  her  bathroom  taking  a  bubble  bath  and  drinking  a  glass  of  wine,  listening  to  smooth  jazz  through  her  bluetooth  speakers.  if  she’s  in  her  bedroom,  she’s  typically  lounging  on  her  bed  watching  tv,  reading  a  book,  or  talking  on  the  phone  with  her  mother.
the  kitchen  and  walk  in  closets  are  her  happy  spaces.  she  spends  a  lot  of  time  trying  out  new  recipes  or  baking,  and  it  is  the  one  space  in  her  home  that  she  doesn’t  mind  being  messy.  her  closet  was  custom  made  and  she  has  her  clothes  in  order  of  color,  and  her  shoes  all  have  a  place  and  the  boxes  that  she  bought  them  in.  even  when  she’s  not  doing  something  of  particular  importance,  she’ll  lay  on  the  floor  in  there  with  boof  and  sing  to  him  or  scroll  through  her  different  social  medias.
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hecra · 2 years
❝  don’t be ridiculous,  there’s enough room on this bed for both of us. ❞ 
❝  please stay.  i don’t think i can be alone tonight.  ❞
❝  i’m staying,  okay?  you don’t have to be alone tonight. ❞
❝  you shouldn’t be alone right now.  i’ll take the couch,  it’ll be fine.  ❞
❝  will you sleep with me?  i know how that sounds i just mean—  i feel safe when you’re there.  ❞
❝  i’ll be here the whole night okay?  nothing will get to you while i’m here.  ❞
❝  wait— have you been here all night?  ❞
❝  i thought you went home after i went to bed.  you didn’t have to do that— you could’ve at least joined me in bed that couch is shit for sleeping on.  ❞
❝  can i stay with you tonight?  i don’t wanna go home yet.  ❞
❝  it’s late,  you might as well just stay here.  ❞
❝  can you just…stay here?  and hold me.  ❞
❝  i know this might sound weird but,  do you wanna stay over?  i guess ‘sleepover’ sounds kind of childish but.  i think it’d be nice.  ❞
❝  i’m not expecting anything,  i just,  thought it’d be nice to keep you company tonight. ❞
❝  i don’t have nightmares when you’re there.  ❞
❝  i get you’re doing the whole protective thing— and i appreciate it.  i do,  but there’s no reason for you to stay awake all night.  might as well come to bed.  ❞
❝  thank you for staying.  it just gets so lonely at night sometimes.  ❞
❝  i don’t want you to be alone tonight and honestly,  i don’t really wanna be alone either.  ❞
❝  do you wanna stay with me tonight?  ❞
❝  stay,  please.  ❞
❝  i’ll stay.  ❞
❝  i’m staying.  ❞
❝  i’m staying.  end of discussion.  you gotta learn to let people take care of you.  ❞
❝  i’m not ready to say goodbye yet.  ❞
❝  i don’t wanna have to say goodnight.  ❞
❝  honestly i can’t sleep,  so if you wanna stay up with me?  ❞
❝  i don’t sleep a lot either these days.  we can be insomniacs together.  ❞
❝  well,  i can think of some ways to wear you out.  ❞
❝  if you can’t sleep,  there are other things we could do.  ❞
❝  i’d rather fuck than stare at the ceiling counting sheep to be honest.  ❞
❝  it doesn’t have to mean anything,  i just don’t wanna feel lonely tonight.  and i want to feel good for once.  ❞
❝  please don’t go—  i need.  i need someone—  i need you.  ❞
❝  the night doesn’t have to end here,  you know.  ❞
❝  i like it when you’re here.  so stay.  please?  ❞
❝  you’re just as lonely as i am.  might as well be lonely together.  ❞
❝  you can stay but i’m not letting you sleep on that couch.  ❞
❝  chivalry is overrated,  get in my bed.  ❞
❝  you’re clearly exhausted.  you can go in the morning.  ❞
❝  you don’t have to pretend to be fine,  if you need me to stay i will.  ❞
❝  when i said i wanted everyone to leave me alone i didn’t mean you.  i can’t handle everyone else right now but you…you’re different.  ❞
❝  you need someone right now.  and i’m the one that’s here.  let me be what you need.  ❞
[ GUARDED ]  sender insists on staying the night to keep watch over receiver who has been in some kind of danger. 
[ GUARDING ]  receiver insists on staying the night to keep watch over sender who has been in some kind of danger. 
[ UNEXPECTED ]  one muse stays the night to keep an eye on the other after something traumatic and they end up having comfort sex.
[ CONSOLE ]  sender asks receiver to stay the night because they don’t want to be alone and they end up cuddling.  
[ CONSOLED ]  receiver asks sender to stay the night because they don’t want to be alone and they end up cuddling. 
[ ACCIDENT ]  sender winds up staying at receiver’s house all night because receiver fell asleep against them/in their lap and they didn’t have the heart to wake them. 
[ UNPLANNED ]  receiver winds up staying at sender’s house all night because sender fell asleep against them/in their lap and they didn’t have the heart to wake them. 
[ STAY ]  sender is carrying receiver to bed because they fell asleep somewhere else but when they start to walk away,  receiver grabs their hand so sender joins them in bed. 
[ STAYING ]  receiver is carrying sender to bed because they fell asleep somewhere else but when they start to walk away,  sender grabs their hand so receiver joins them in bed. 
[ APPROACHED ]  sender is staying with receiver for safety and asks if they can sleep in their bed with them. 
[ APPROACH ]  receiver is staying with sender for safety and asks if they can sleep in their bed with them. 
[ SHARE ]  sender is unexpectedly staying with receiver overnight,  receiver insisted sender sleep on the bed while they take the floor but sender winds up insisting they join them in bed. 
[ SHARED ]  receiver is unexpectedly staying with sender overnight,  sender insisted receiver sleep on the bed while they take the floor but receiver winds up insisting they join them in bed. 
[ FOUND ]  sender is staying with receiver who had them take the bed while receiver takes the couch.  in the middle of the night,  sender goes out to join receiver on the couch because they don’t want to sleep alone. 
[ FIND ]  receiver is staying with sender who had them take the bed while sender takes the couch.  in the middle of the night,  receiver goes out to join sender on the couch because they don’t want to sleep alone. 
[ DISCOVERED ]  receiver wakes up in the morning to find sender asleep on their couch because sender was watching over them. 
[ HAVEN ]  receiver wakes up in the morning to find sender asleep on their couch because sender felt safer with them. 
[ WEARY ]  sender cries themselves to sleep in receiver’s arms. 
[ TIRED ]  receiver cries themselves to sleep in sender’s arms. 
[ PROPOSITION ]  one or both muse(s) are having trouble sleeping so they have sex to pass the time. 
[ PURPOSE ]  one muse can’t sleep so the other initiates sex to wear them out. 
[ TRAPPED ]  one muse ends up staying the night with the other due to a storm. 
[ KEEP ]  sender fell asleep on receiver and when receiver tries to get up,  sender whines so they stay put.  
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hecra · 2 years
𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐞𝐥 + 𝐣𝐚𝐝𝐚.
status; open to all
location; the trojan horse ranch
ೃ༄*ੈ✩ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
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  “Hey, so - slight change of plans for the day. Yue was abnormally nervous over the weekend, and she threw a shoe… so, she’s been given the day off today. I thought that was only polite,” Anyone who knew anything of Nemuel knew his horses were his whole world & they were often more spoiled than many human children existing in the world. On the downside of that, since all three of his beauties were full-time employees on tours & lessons, it meant that Yue’s special day of rest was throwing a shoe - pun intended - to the whole day. “What say you we groom the ponies instead of going for a ride today?”
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she’d  only  overheard  some  of  the  conversation,  most  of  her  attention  now  focused  on  her  phone  after  spending  a  good  couple  of  hours  with  blossom.  it  had  seemed  like  all  of  the  horses  had  been  antsy  that  weekend,  even  the  most  mild  unexpectedly  bucking  and  difficult  to  console.  jada  had  gotten  a  run  down  from  one  of  the  stable  hands  about  her  own  horse  earlier,  checking  her  for  any  injuries  and  spending  time  soothing  her  back  to  her  natural  state.  “  you  can  use  blossom,  ”  she  offered  looking  over  at  nemuel  and  the  person  he  was  talking  to.  there  was  a  slightly  awkward  smile  on  her  face,  giving  a  shrug  that  was  a  bit  out  of  character  for  her.  “  she’s  calmed  down.  ”  these  days  blossom  spent  more  time  with  nemuel  than  she  did  jada,  so  if  there  was  another  that  could  control  and  guide  her  if  she  got  skittsh  it  would  be  him.
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hecra · 2 years
𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱 + 𝐣𝐚𝐝𝐚.​
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     “ whoops, sorry — i’ll be quiet. ” he grins as he says the last part in a whisper. he was probably going to be not so quiet again a few more times before he leaves, but it certainly wasn’t intentional. he just tends to forget his surroundings sometimes. they really fucking hate him over at the public library. “ uh… neither ? i guess more on the dry side. and zero allergies. ” he answers with a small shrug, “ — actually, you know what… i think i’ll just gift this coupon to my dad instead of using it today. he might like this shit a lot more than i do… ” he thinks out loud, looking and scanning the coupon that was handed back to him before he turned his attention to jada again. “ but you. you look stressed. you run out of the eye veggies ? ” he attempts to crack a joke, using quite the stereotypical assumption about spas. 
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even  with  alex’s  assurances  that  he  wouldn’t  speak  as  loudly,  jada  doubted  that  it  would  last  very  long.  while  she  didn’t  want  to  have  to  steer  him  back  out  the front  door,  she  also  couldn’t  have  him  disturbing the  other  customers.  “  do  you  not  know  your  skin  type  ?  ”  she  asked  with  a  raised  brow,  looking  back  to  the  scheduling  computer  to  see  if  she  could  even  take  him  back  for  a  facial  without  messing  up  someone  else’s  appointment.  inwardly,  she  did  a  little  dance  of  glee  about  him  changing  his  mind  though  she  didn’t  allow  it  to  reflect  on  her  features.  “  oh  ?  well,  i’ll  wait  to  see  your  father  then.  ”  one  less  headache  to  deal  with.  “  no,  the  cucumbers  are  fully  stocked,  actually.  someone  was . . . not  paying  attention  and   overbooked  a  couple  of  appointments.  ”  calling  someone  incompetent  in  front  of  another  person,  even  if  it  was  just  alex,  was  bad  business  practice.
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