The Dream
It had been crazy around the bar for a while. With the sudden passing of #JohnJackson there were other changes going on too. My childhood bestie, @LikeVenomForU was now my boss. He was everyone's boss now. He had received a promotion. I was happy not only for his promotion but he was now dating my sister, @IllusioneVenosa. It was still new calling Kye, my sister but I'm sure glad she was. I had went to his new office and sat down. Sitting down in front of @LikeVenomForU, as he was behind his desk. “John, First of all, Congratulations on the promotion.” Smiling softly at him. Things were looking up for him. Finally. “We can celebrate later, I'm here to see if I could be a new bartender instead of being a hostess. With you training me that night, it felt right being behind the bar.” John flashing his famous smirk, “Sure gorgeous, you may. I will sign a new employee job position assignment for you. With the sudden death of #JohnJackson, the bar will be closed until I get word to open back up” Nodding at him, I stand and shake his hand. Yes we were friends, like family but at work he was my employer. I told him, “my boyfriend, @Greg_Ryan_, was interested in being a security guy at the bar.” John still smirking, “Send him my way and I'll talk to him. Now, you go on home it's late.” Nodding at him once again, I turn and walk out of his office and down to the locker room. It was quiet except hearing the girls talk about missing #JohnJackson. Grabbing my bag and locking my door after closing it. I wave to the girls before walking out the back door heading to my car. Walking into the apartment, I seen @Greg_Ryan asleep on the couch with a game on. I grabbed the afghan off the back of the couch and cover him up. Placing a gentle kiss to his head, whispering. “I love you” before venturing upstairs to the bedroom. Slipping into one of @Greg_Ryan_’s shirts before getting into the bed, looking at a picture of my parents before slipping into a deep sleep. ~Dream~ It was a beautiful summer day, not a grey cloud in the sky. I woke up in my bed, running to my parents room. I was excited about today because my parents were going to take me to the park. Bolting through the room. Usually it was locked but this morning their bedroom door was unlocked. Running and jumping on their bed, “Mommy, Daddy wakey” They were awake but pretend to play possum. “Otay, gunna get some cookies” I go to move off the bed before I could have get off the bed a muscular arm grabs me. Squealing, “Daddyyyy” he was tickling me and trying not to kick mommy as she was carrying my little sister inside her belly. After a tickle session, mommy gets up from the bed and before she gets to the door she looks back at me and daddy. “okay my loves come down for breakfast and after we'll get ready to take a certain little girl to the park.” “Daddy cans I ride on your back?” With a smile on his face, “Sure pumpkin” Wrapping my little arms around his neck his arms hooking around my legs and carries me downstairs. After a pancake and sausage breakfast, we got ready and went to the park. We had a fun family day with a family picnic and my mommy and daddy gave me some bread after it was broken in pieces so I could feed the ducks. I was able to get close to one of the ducks I must've been worn out because I woken with Daddy caring me inside the house once we got back home. Later that day, caring my babydoll I walked into my mommy and daddy's room. Daddy was downstairs watching one of his shows. Mommy seemed like she wasn't there. She was looking at a locket that was wrapped around her neck. She had it opened, while I walked over to her, “Mommy?” placing my little hands on her legs “Yes pumpkin” When I was standing close I had noticed the locket had two pictures in it, “Who's in there?” Carefully pulling me up on her lap, “My loves” “When is sissy coming?” Laying my head on her shoulder as she began to rock me gently, Mommy smiled. “Soon sweetie” It wasn’t long I fell asleep in mommy's arms ~End of Dream~ Sitting straight in bed, the locket came to my mind. I had to find it. I needed to know what my mom was looking at. TBC...
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Trying to hide emotions
Flipping the stapled papers back it's original state and placing them back into the yellow-gold envelope. Placing the envelope under my arm hoping no one saw the businessman coming and giving me the envelope. Walking away from the bar fast to the backroom trying to get my shaking fingers to unlock the lock on my locker, whispering to myself “Nadia control yourself.” Once I was able to open my locker, I placed the envelope in the locker and shutting it back and locking it. I went to the bathroom to freshen up. Looking at myself in the mirror my face was pale. Slipping my hand in my apron to get my blush. Applying my blush to add color back to my cheeks to make myself presentable before going back to finish my shift. A week had past, and I was was trying to stay my usual perky fun loving self. I had talken to @JohnJackson_JJE about becoming a bartender for when @JJsCigars was really busy or if @LikeVenomForU was shorthanded. It was my first day for training. Walking behind the bar as @LikeVenomForU was cleaning some glasses, picking up a cloth and helping before he started telling me the rules of bartending. One being a flirt around the guys. Basically make myself look available but not really. The thing was I had my eye on a guy, but that's another story. Listening to @LikeVenomForU tell me about the different types of guys at the bar. @LikeVenomForU points to a table with businessmen. “This are the big sharks. Men in a suit and a lot of money in their pockets. When they order something make sure that you sell our expensive stuff to them.” @LikeVenomForU points to some expensive whiskey bottles. “Make sure that their glasses are always full. On the side you have the normal men. Workers, Fathers..they come here to have a little time out from the daily madness. They don't need much attention. They are just here to relax and to watch the shows and they mostly just order beer. and the third kind” @LikeVenomForU points to a table in the corner, whispering “This are the misfits. They are losers. No success with ladies..the only lady who loves them are their mother. They like to drink cocktails because they can't handle the strong stuff. And one other thing...be careful with them --don't flirt too much with them, they could understand things wrong and will annoy you or stalk you” Nodding at @LikeVenomForU as he starts telling me all about the different kinds of whiskey and making sure I put the bottles back where they belong. I think I surprised him when it was my turn to make a Tequila Sunrise after he showed me. Learning this part was what I needed. It helped taking my mind off things. Couple days later I couldn't hardly function at all and I took it out on a bottle whiskey after hours at JJs. Having fun with my friends. @LikeVenomeForU made sure @SexiNStrongScoti took me home. He was my bestie but at the same time he was also like a #BigBrother to me. I had been an emotional wreck for a week. I had caught myself before making any mistakes with both at the bar making drinks and once almost delivering a customer the wrong drink. Sighing, feeling like I needed to take some time away to think things through. I was scared that everything would change and possibly lose my job because my big sister also works at @JJsCigars. I didn't know the policy about family working together here. At some establishments they frown on it. I make my way to JJs and to @JanessaKye's office. Knocking on her door TBC
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Unexpected Changes
Taking a seat at the bar, my long lost friend, @LikeVenomForU, surprised me when he grabbed a bottle of ol Johnny Walker Blue Label Whiskey. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as I watched him do his famous smirk while pouring the whiskey in a glass mixing it with coke handling it to me. Raising my glass, “Cheers bro” While John was working the bar along with a petite brown haired girl. I looked around the bar watching the entertainment. I thought to myself that this would be a nice place to work. “Is @JJsCigars hiring?” I ask John when he comes back over to where I was sitting. “We are, I'll put in a word for you” Smiling at John as he answered me. I continued to let my hair down so to speak for a couple more hours. As a potential good head bartender, John had taken my keys. Stumbling from the moment my feet hit the floor. Holding onto the stool for a second, John helped me to out of the bar and helping me into the cab after opening the door, slurring to the cab driver my address. Groaning the next morning, well afternoon when I was able to peel my eyes open and see it was 12:23pm as my phone was going signally that I had a text message. Reaching for my phone, I pressed the message button after unlocking it. I seen a message from John telling me to contact @JohnJackson_JJE. Sitting up slowly in the bed, I contacted him. While talking we scheduled an interview. Pulling the duvet back, I slipped out of bed and made my way to the kitchen and started the coffee pot. Once freshly showered and clothed in a nice skirt and blouse, I poured me cup of coffee. Taking my coffee into the bathroom to finish fixing my hair and apply my makeup. Taking one last look in the mirror before taking my empty coffee cup to the kitchen sink running water in it and the coffee pot. Grabbing my purse I walked out of my apartment and grabbed a cab going to @JJsCigars. Walking into JJs, I was greeted and was brought into @JohnJackson_JJE’s office. Sitting down across from him and discussing my abilities, John hired me as a Hostess. Walking out of my new boss's office, the first person I had to tell was @LikeVenomForU. He was excited like I was. It was now my first day at work. I was busy taking a customer a drink when I noticed a gentleman in a suit. Attending to the one customer, I walked over to the gentleman. “Hi welcome to JJ's Cigars, I'm Nadia” “Nadia Smith?” the gentleman asked. After I had said yes as I was confused as to how he knew me. “How do you know my name?” The gentleman didn't say a word but handed me a certified letter. Walking to the bar while opening the envelope from a lawyer and pulling out the papers. I started reading the papers. “Miss Nadia Smith, We are sorry to be the ones to inform you but you have a sister and her name is” TBC
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Nadia Smith's Background
My childhood wasn't like most. I was born to Evan and Kelly Smith. My father was an neurosurgeon at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia and my mother was a registered nurse. They were highschool sweethearts and was able to sustain one another during their college years and married when my father graduated from medical school. After years of trying to conceive a baby, my parents booked an appointment to see a fertility specialist. After months of my dad injecting fertility shots onto my mom's hip they finally found out they were pregnant. I remember them telling me how mom came into the kitchen showing dad the pregnancy test. They held each other being happy and laughing till they cried joyful tears.   I know it probably sounds weird but I remember the first week of 1st grade. I had gone to school being all bubbly not knowing my happy loving world was coming to an end. It was quiet time near the end of the day and the school guidance counselor had came over to my little desk rubbing her hand on my back telling me she needed to talk to me. Slipping my little hand in hers, I walked with her to her office. When we had walked in there I seen my aunt, mom's sister, there. She had flown to Atlanta from Texas. Running to her, I wrapped my little arms around her neck. Placing me on her lap, my aunt preceded to tell me that my parents were killed in a car accident. My little heart was broken into millions of pieces, I had lost my daddy, mommy and my little sissy. After the funeral, my aunt was warded full custody of me. With her needing to get back, She had packed few of my clothes and toys telling me she was going to take such great care of me. I hated being the new kid in school. I was picked on some till a boy around my age took up for me. He was there for me when I needed him. I guess you could say he was like a big brother to me. John, would only let me in so far. It was like there was a part of him he didn't want others to know and I wasn't going to push. We stayed great friends till we lost touch of one another after school ended. It wasn't like we fought but he went his way and I went mine. Which mine took me to California where I had been discovered as a model. I had enjoyed thst for awhile but after awhile I wanted something different, I wanted to try to go in the medical field like my parents. I called my aunt up and told her with the modeling I had enough to pay for college that I wanted to go to New York. My aunt had always been there for me. She was my rock. Packing my stuff up once again I moved to New York into a nice apartment. I didn't want to just live off my inheritance or the money I saved up, I needed to find a job. On a Friday night I had walked into JJs Cigars, when I walked up to the bar, I couldn't believe my eyes. There he was behind the bar with his famous smirk. John Miller. TBC.
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