heartbreak-records · 5 years
I've been writing the prequel
Slowly.... but surely, anyway! 
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
Art/ask blog I hope to be more active at: @the-heartbreak-headlines
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
Art/ask blog I hope to be more active at: @the-heartbreak-headlines
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
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Been doing some sketches while trying to write a prequal fic of cam, ganache, and annona travelling to cali. So here's that trio and the first enemy stand user, Lacy J.
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
hey look over there, vulcan content.
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
soulshakers >>> heartbreakers. this post was made by winter gang
"Oh-ho-ho-ho!!!! Finally someone with taste!"
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
Standswap infodump
Not in the event per se but for anyone interested
Give Me Novacane is now Nova, calm cool and collected gal who wants to be a doctor some day
Cam is now Basket Case, a stand that retains all information its user comes into contact with and can search it like Google to remind her when prompted with keywords
Crimson and Clover is now Amber, ditzy sidekick and ice cream lover. A bit scatterbrained but she means well
Vulcan is now Hotel California, a punch ghost that hits like a brick wall (hence the name) that is able to create a very static illusion, slowly being able to control it the more damage he does
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
The girl, Amber, goldfishes for a moment, mouth opening and closing as she thinks of something to say before she stops herself to rethink.  How do you even respond to that, man? “Cool,” she finally starts, “very, like, unique style. Are you a trendsetter or something? That’s so rad.”
"Hellooooooooooo, um, dude? Are you, like, real?"
August looks at the girl, then at their own person, trying to see if there was something off about their armor. It certainly needed some touching up, but the plates were pretty much intact, and the rest of their outfit seemed fine.
“Is there something unbelievable about my appearance?”
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
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Izzac Hale, Stadium Love
In the hands of a street musician, the power of sound is a very important tool. Stadium Love, a stand with the power to manipulate sound waves into weapons, increasing or decreasing volume. While decreasing volume rejuvenate whatever it is used on, increasing puts heavy strain on it, so it is important to find times you can balance both, if you don’t wish the strings to snap and your voice to give, that is.
It is a stand all about timing.
I hear he was even pretty good at all those instruments of his before he had control of their sound like this. Able to increase or decrease volume, able to mimic any noise down to impressions of human voices. Quite the stand to put on a show with, don’t you think?
He has clearly honed this ability, perhaps more so than anyone else in our group, flawlessly able to silence the birds on the street while his guitar is able to be played with nothing more than the amp his stand conjures as, invisible to all non users. It’s part of his charm, according to the locals.
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
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Randy Haines, Angel Blue
Angel Blue, a stand of blazing spirit honed by an unmovable man. The man is judge and executioner for he does not need a jury. In him lies more than a stand, a sense of justice so golden it could never lose it’s shine. His stand, however, is no less amazing.
With only 5 meters of range you would assume this stand to be a physical type, relying mainly on strength. However, this lack of range makes up for the power within. When a living thing (namely, humans) touches his flame, it is judged, harshly, against his personal moral code. An innocent person feels nothing but a gentle warmth where they are touched.
The others burn with bright blue hellfire.
I’d… Like to say I don’t know much about this ability, that I only know this from hearsay.
That would be lying.
Using this ability does not stop at ‘overall goodness’ The more general the scan the less accurate it becomes. He can scan for more specific things in a person, gaining a more accurate search but unable to detect any problems outside of that term.
 He keeps a lot of us safe.
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
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Alice Clarkson, Blue Lips
Blue lips, a stand that manifests as wearable as well, do excuse me for bunching them together, this is simply chronological order. I do not encounter this stand often directly, as my memories of the ability are tied to…
Well. Blue Lips is a stand, manifesting as either a clear or black jumpsuit on the user, only seen by other stand users. This provides no more physical protection to her, simply serving to activate it’s power. The clear jumpsuit can cool the area around the user (does better the smaller and more enclosed the space, covering the top two levels of the heartbreak.) down multiple degrees. This is done by removing heat from the air around her, insulating herself against the cold.
The black jumpsuit, which takes more energy and is more risky to use, projects extra heat outward by ejecting what is produced by her own body at an amplified rate. This makes her cold quickly, and losing body heat can end up dangerous. This being said, she can raise it to levels dangerous to most humans before taking too much damage from the ability.
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
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Katie Keys, Moonchild
Red - heat
Orange - Slowing effect
Yellow - Shock wave/ranged punches
Green - Light poison, takes a direct hit to work. Won’t kill but weakens and pains the sufferer significantly
Blue - Frozen fists
Purple - speed
Clear - Near impenetrable armor
Glittering in the morning sun like a knight to the court of light. The stand known as Moonchild is a wearable armor of color changing gemstones, each shade with it’s own effect. While Katie prefers to keep its armor solid, the colors can be mixed throughout, allowing a smaller mixed effect for the cost of lower defensive power. Keeping her locked in armor with the strength of diamonds, she is quite the fearsome opponent on the battlefield, something I hope to never see again.
Of course, for a simple power, a simple drawback.
In order to change the displayed face of her armor, she must take it off, dismissing it briefly and activating it once more in the new color a moment later, making her extremely venerable as it needs a few seconds to configure properly, the color filling in the gray pieces as it loads the ability.
A true beauty to behold.
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
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Faris Punk, Wonderwall
To look into the future is possible. As for looking into the past…
This was the second of the non combat stands belonging to The Coven. Faris Punk’s Wonderwall, being the other half of Su’s Talks to Angels, takes it’s job rather seriously. The ability to look in the past is usually more helpful than one would think. This stand is used almost exclusively for their shop, and occasionally in the home if someone bothers him enough.
To see where something you lost is, an image in the crack of a wall. Though some of those that are weaker in willpower will have to have a stand user look at it. Wonderwall, when given an item and it’s owner, is able to recall the last moment they saw the item. Faris must be touching their skin, the image projecting itself in any form of crack in something. A space where something used to be, but nothing lives there now. I like to think it’s somewhat poetic.
As for the drawbacks, there is only one as the ability is quite straightforward. It can only see where that person last placed the object. If it is later moved or stolen by an outside force, he will not be able to see where it has gone. It’s a good start to a stolen object case, though he cannot guarantee because of it. Usually, however, it is easily found.
Shaping up to be a rather short entry, though there is not much more I know about his stand.
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
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Su Spektor-Punk, Talks to Angels
Stands, while closely tied, should not be boiled down to simply ‘something made for fighting’. Plenty of other uses exist, even for the ones that seem more in that court, for most abilities. As for the other side of the coin, a stand with less combat ability than practical, a sort of balance can be found and established.
Stands like those usually have a better ability to rely on.
Talks to Angels is one of the best in this category, with a few more examples soon to be following. The ability, despite having it’s drawbacks, is probably what keeps all of us together and alive, a glimpse into the limitless future and what might inhabit it. The stand can channel easiest through a conventional divination tool such as tarot cards or pendulums, though it is possible, after time and complete concentration on her end, to foretell events without them.
The first group is a more general reading for the future, usually a longer period. This uses the divination tools, through the manipulation of her stand, to give a completely accurate reading. The second, however, is her meditating and concentrating harder on it, activating the ‘true’ ability. This reading is usually in the immediate future.
Talks to Angels can accurately determine the most likely outcome of an event, and often times a few of the less likely ones, depending on the length away. The stand can act on it’s own through the tools to show what is to come, or she can act through it’s eyes and assess it for herself. This is one of the big moneymakers at the Crystal Ball. The other stand users that run it rely on Su and her Husband’s abilities for good reasons.
There have been quite a few events to lead up to it, but the single rule she has is that she will not use it often for combat situations, so I am unable to assess her combat capabilities properly.
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
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Venera Lake, Semi Charmed Life
It will take me time to gather my thoughts and tame my emotions to unravel the tales of two of the most important stands I have met. This is simply my fate, twined with theirs. I apologize if this leads to a scattered thought process in these notes. Something that I am certain will happen, my only real wish being that it does not impair the ability to understand their workings.
There’s a sort of melancholic when thinking back on Semi Charmed Life and it’s user. For the sake of this being kept cohesive, I will focus exclusively on this stand as much as I can help it. Let it be known, however, that it no longer exists. A flower plucked far too early from this world, and this beautiful stand going with it. She is gone. She is gone. Its form, in most cases, was a simple umbrella. I cannot attest to if this would be more effective than, say, a pen, though it suited her. It was used to create symbols in the air, a trail of glowing light following it’s every move. She had them memorized, each one so unique. She’d spend some nights until dawn creating new ones, niche circumstances filling her mind. Each had a set ability, associated in some way through how it was created. Some were shaped like animals, others crafted from the letters in a word. 
There, of course, were quite a few drawbacks to something like this. First being that the range was quite short, due to certain standards. It is not a close range physical type stand, though it’s range could not have been more than say… 10 meters? A medium range, at best. The second being that the impossible can not be made possible. If there is no possibility of something, or a possibility so low it may as well be impossible, it will not be happening. A gust of wind can come to knock them back, though a tornado spawning with no warning is outside of her ability. The earth can crack beneath, but the chasm not as deep as one might expect.
The third is that it does did not work well in the rain, but in exchange is was stronger at night.
None of this matters.
She is gone.
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heartbreak-records · 5 years
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Crimson and Clover, Vulcan Crow
There is only one stand left in this world I like to think I know better than my own, in the very least by the things it can carry out. Vulcan Crow, being full of surprises himself, always finds a way to surprise me with this stand. There is something about it that seems rather powerful, despite the ways he tends to use it. To him, a stand is nothing more than a parlor trick, but given this one’s abilities, perhaps that assumption is rather… fitting in a way. There’s a certain elegance to Crimson and Clover. Hundreds of flowers swarming around the user, revealing themselves as his colony type stand. Spinning around him as a type of ‘shield’ in the head of combat, blazing crimson moving into a pale pink. A small stand who’s power should lie in numbers, for that’s how a colony stand gets by. Rather, it’s strength in numbers is a bit different. The main ability of Crimson and Clover is deception in the form of transformation, full of tricks this stand. A number, dependent on the item, will gather together, morphing into any object and gaining the properties of it aside from weight. This being said, this is only possible if the user understands the object. He cannot create a gun from his stand, for he does not know how a gun functions, though things like knives are more than possible. Another facet of this stand is it’s ability to mimic a person. It cannot replicate speech, as it is a peeping mass of a stand, though it is quite good with faces.  The most exciting part about this stand is that, when transformed properly, anyone is able to perceive it as ‘real’. It does not create ‘life’, though it may appear that way to some. It is more straightforward, I believe, than my own stand. Or perhaps just more simple to explain.  With this stand, much can be accomplished with a bit of effort on the users part, though I find myself much like a broken record on this front. Without it’s full potential, the beautiful things are good for slight of hand and the occasional bar fight.
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