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Elon Musk bankruptcy arc, likes charge, reblogs cast.
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my main requirement in a partner is someone who's willing to "yes, and" me. if i say something completely insane i need them to just pick that up and run with it and commit to the bit until we wind up with a conversation that's funny to us but completely incoherent to everyone within earshot. actually now that i'm typing this out i've realised my ideal relationship might just be "shitty improv comedy duo"
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By top girl studio
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shout out to the literal fan fiction happening a few blocks from my apartment. there has been this halal meat market on the corner for like 19 years that the owner’s son just inherited and directly across the street this woman opened a kosher grocery store and since day one they’ve had this very friendly fake rivalry, playing it up for the customers, it’s always been super goofy and light hearted. so turns out last night she proposed in the middle of the afternoon rush in the meat market and he said YES and she’s moving her store to the adjacent empty storefront on the left so they can have a JOINT GROCERY STORE it is so fucking cute I wish them the happiest marriage ever
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fanfiction was such a good idea. like put those guys in situations
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Isn’t it funny how badly terfs wanna be pressed lmao? There’s one thing, ONE THING, on this whole post that’s wrong/inappropriate, and that was the highly s*xu@l remark made to a minor, which honestly sounded like it was a post written by a TERF, so it’s not even credible.
‘No one is forcing gay men or lesbians to date trans people if they don’t want to’ Masterpost
Social coercion and shame is a type of force. It’s shaming gay people for their sexuality, telling them that they are wrong and broken, and telling them that the only way they can be ’right’ or ’an ally’ is to date trans people.
Keep reading
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Credit: @juliehangart
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“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete”
— Buddha (via thoughtkick)
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Women in STEM (slut, transgender, egirl, milf)
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angels ⚧   :] 
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Ok so I remember reading this one story one time on ao3 that was a “humans are space orcs” type story. It was really awesome and followed a human who rescued their alien companion from a life of servitude in a hive-like situation thing. The alien was an avian-like creature, and eventually ended up having eggs that the human helped to raise. There were other stories in the same story (it was kinda a gathering of tumblr posts) but that was the story I remember the most. Has anyone heard of this story? I’m trying to find it again.
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"But... It's just a rock. Are you seriously threatening me over that piece of dirt?" Ba'dgo was honestly confused. Xe had gotten along with the human up until now, so of all the things that could have triggered her, why this? Xir eyes flickered between the human, Alex and her supervisor thereeni, Gyali, but the thereeni appeared nonplussed over the fact that the human was calmly holding a freaking neutron blaster to Ba'dgo's right head. Xe licked xir eyes.
"I am." Alex smiled, and Ba'dgo remembered that it can be a threat as much as a friendly gesture. Xe had no question as to which this one was. "And Pluto is a planet, goddamit. A planet that won't get destroyed just because you think that's the best route for your shiny new hyperstrada. Now, will you please redesign your plans, or do I need to pull this trigger?"
With one more eye lick, xe nodded his left head, and reached for the control panel. The gun was only lowered when xe withdrew the documents and signed their withdrawal.
"Happy now?" Xe screeched, and saw Gyali flinch. Good. Xe is going to report that thereeni for xir actions.
The human, on the other hand, seemed content.
She nodded, then grinned. "Don't ever disrespect Pluto again by calling it a piece of rock, or I'll be coming for you." She winked, then calmly strode out of the office with Gyali on her heels, as if nothing out of the ordinary happened.
Ba'dgo shuddered and methodically licked all of xir eyes. Xe never want to see that wink again.
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There’s a Humans are weird/space fae, Earth is Space AU post where aliens freak out over humans ability to throw.
An awesome post and yes sportsball would be great to show them but…
Frisbee, Juggling, Pizza dough throwing competitions, Bar acrobatic bottle juggling, Fish throwers at Pikes place Market.
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"What is that?!" Alex's excited whisper-shout makes Gyali stop in xir tracks, memory flashing trough xir mind.
They were making their way through Thereen's abandoned ruins, once a home to Gyali and xir nation, but left long ago in hopes of a more friendly planet.
Xir eyes followed where the human's finger was pointing, and xe sighed. It was a fully grown kyirchen, native to Gyali's planet. Nasty little creature by all means, and Alex's eyes were tinkling, which in Gyali's experience meant she either wanted to eat it, or pet it. Both options were a very bad idea.
"That? That is a kyirchen. We better steer clear, they are semi-sentient, wild and poisonous creatures, prone to bite anything that comes close to them." Xe explained in a rush, hoping that for once, she would listen.
Of course, she was already moving in the kyirchen's directon. It had also spotted them already, standing on its short hind legs, chirping warningly. Fully standing it was as tall as Gyali, though compared to the human, it was small, barely reaching to her abdomen.
"Alex, please refrain from touching the kyirchen." Xe warned urgently. "No, Alex! Don't pet it! It's..."
Alex was petting it. And the kyrichen let her.
"...dangerous. Oh." Xe finished the sentence lamely.
Alex beamed up at xir. "Look, it loves belly rubs!"
Now it's worse. It's the same glint in her eyes, but now she's looking at the President of Intergalactic Affairs.
"That is the President of Intergalactic Affairs." Gyali whispers back, cold dread spreading trough xir body. Xe needs all xir self control to keep xir scales in place and not draw attention to themselves. "I know xe is very small, but please don't pet Xir Majesty."
Alex looks disappointed, and then utterly mortified.
"Oh. I thought it... xe was some kind of delicacy. Why is he laying motionless on a table?!"
Self control be damned, Gyali's scales rise on their own accord in mortification, sensing where Alex was going with this.
"Oh my god, I wanted to eat the President of Intergalactic Affairs!"
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