healingsimply · 7 months
Chapter 3 ❤️
HI HI everyone ! This may be one of my last posts about my journey which , may be a bit long, but it is the one I was most passionate about writing and most excited to share with you amazing people. I hope you all enjoy !
So, there is this guy, who stole my heart from the very first day when we met, around 4 years ago. My love for him, is growing immensely each day. Although he is a bit irritating at times ( and doesn’t like to bathe ,and escapes ,and once “murdered” my neighbor's chicken ), I won’t trade him for anyone else. This guy, is the love of my life and the apple of my eyes. To my mom , he is a quite a pest , but to me, he’s just the best. My heart breaks just at the thought of loosing him one day. He, I say, is the light of my life. I have never felt so quickly attached to another soul. After loosing someone very dear to me , naturally , I experienced this unbearable feeling of emptiness. Then he came into my life and filled that void. Of course not! he is a not a replacement for the special one I lost. Loosing that special person shattered me to the core. That was around the most critical period of my education where I was preparing for my CXC examinations. Even the events before loosing my loved one, was definitely not an easy journey. The effects of it however, came to my awareness after my loved one’s death. I struggled with the overwhelming uncomfortable emotions. At times extreme rage triggered by some repressed memory ,overwhelming sadness, countless sleepless nights and even terrible anxiety. At times it felt difficult to be gentle. It was just a stage of grief, I guess. A few months after my csec examinations, this guy came into my life, after much begging to have him. The way I always speak about him, or show him off on my WhatsApp and Instagram stories, everyone knows now that I am definitely crazy about him. My friends and family know what kind of posts to send me or tag me in! I am not ignoring the fact that some of the most important people to me played an integral part in my healing, but this guy, I think his contribution is equally significant. I never realized that I can be so gentle, so compassionate or so calm. I never realized that I can smile or laugh so easily. He adds the amusement to my “boring” life. I grew up so much because of him. He taught me so much. He brings out my inner child that gives me a sense of comfort. I don't think I can ever love him as much as he loves me. When he's sad , I feel sad, when he is happy , I feel happy. Being with him , is an escape from reality. what would life be like without him? The best therapist has fur and four legs! And I say, he is one of God's best creation😊
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That's my goofy little guy ,his smile just wins my heart anytime🥰
"Dogs are a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is always love and joy to be found"
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His smile is so contagious
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How can I not feel happy when i see that face?
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Okay ,Ill stop here now 😂,I hope you guys enjoyed my posts and realize that all it takes is the simple things. Thank you for staying and engaging with me.
Yours' Truly,
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healingsimply · 7 months
Chapter 2 ❤️
Capturing nature through my love for art and photography.
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Hi you amazing people ! welcome back to my blog. This chapter is all about capturing nature through my love for art and photography ☺️ and the impact they have on my life. Although they are both simple things, they bring me so much joy and some sense of healing. The lowest phase of my life was such that I cannot describe, but I certainly can say , I felt lost about who I am and my sense of purpose. For sure I was most overwhelmed with negative emotions , anger being the dominant one. All it took were some small steps , to discovering something that I would enjoy and would gradually bring me peace. Although I always loved art and photography before the traumatic event, I never saw those as something that can be so therapeutic. I guess it was only realized when I needed it the most .
As I said ,I love photography, for now I am just a simple mobile photographer who aspires to possess my own professional camera one day. I would give most thanks to God for his beautiful creations that always tempt me to capture. I just love capturing those gorgeous sunsets, stormy nights, beautiful flowers and those little creatures that hover around in my yard. I always take time to adore and appreciate the beauty of life around me. Its true to say, that the best medicines come from nature 🌺 The sunsets are just so calming.
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The way I go crazy during those lightening shows😂 This shot was one of the best I ever captured around 2 years ago. When I capture such moments , I am just glad that I can cease it forever.
Earlier, I just took photos for fun, but eventually , just like that, I developed this profound liking for it. All I know is that, I feel at peace when hold a camera to capture those beautiful moments. There is some sort of unexplainable satisfaction I get when I see what I captured and I feel more confident as I can do something with this talent .
My love for drawing started at quite a young age. I think part of my identity is linked to art. My art pieces may not be liked by many as I noticed quite a number of teens especially are more attracted to anime art pieces. But guess what? It does not bother me at this point. I am more inclined to creating pieces of nature such as landscapes, the sea shores, waterfalls, animals or drawing mostly those board houses from back in the days. I just feel that art cures my soul. Seeing my pieces completed , helped eased my anxieties. Art has been one of the best distractions in my life. Its truly one of the best medicines for me🤗.
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That's it for this post guys, I hope you all enjoyed the read. Join me next Saturday for chapter three on my self healing journey.
Yours Truly,
Nal ❤️
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healingsimply · 7 months
Nalini's Self-Healing Journey❤️
November 11th 2023
Chapter 1
My self-Healing journey
Hi world! my name is Nalini, you can just call me Nal for short. It’s a name that was fondly given to me by my parents, that coincidently became one that everyone calls me without even knowing who called me that first. Anyways, I am 21 years young (unfortunately an adult). This is a bit of a personal blog, one that I have been quite hesitant to write about, but I truly feel that there are numerous people my age who can relate to my experiences. Although I grew up in a very loving and caring environment, I can’t deny, it has been equally stressful, especially during my teenage years, where I experienced one of the most traumatic events that will forever be etched in my memory. Unknowingly, I became affected by the stressors around me that built up during the years and of course I displayed a range of symptoms and till this day, the effects of it are still present. However, with time, as I matured a bit, I recognized those symptoms and started to take charge of myself. I began to explore my talents found different mechanisms to cope with the stressors. It may be a bit different from what people generally do to cope with their stress, but guess what, everyone reacts differently to stress and in the same way, we don’t all have the same coping methods. My ways of coping fall into the categories of art and photography, where I capture the simple things that bring me great joy, such as sunsets, my pets and other aspects of nature. I just want to share with you, that healing doesn’t require extravagance and that it can be found just by appreciating the simple things around you. Join me on the next few posts as I share with you my methods of coping and what about those simple things that bring me great joy, peace and healing.
Yours Truly,
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