healingrevival · 3 years
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2016年,我突然出现了宫颈血崩的状况。当时因为每天都大量出血,我的血色素急降到2.6克。医生拿着检验报告说:“现在,你所有的器官都已经衰竭死亡,不能再活了!血色素一旦降到3克以下,病人会生命垂危,如果人晕过去可能就再也起不来了。” 我对医生喊救命,求他救我,可是医生却说:“没办法,医院止血的办法对你这种情况不管用。”
后来经过一系列检查,医生确诊我得了宫颈癌。当时,我难以接受这个结果,也不相信医生的报告,我只相信神的医治。祷告后,神给了我一个应许:“我在你生命中有一个完美的计划,当你做见证的时候,软弱的人要站起来!” 我相信这是神给我的医治的应许,我信的神一定有办法!
我就联系了王牧师,王牧师说:“你已经好了!” 我一边读王牧师回复我的信息,一边哭。接着,我就一遍又一遍地读王牧师的话。慢慢的,我的身上开始有了力量,我能自己起床了。我也更加相信:我已经好了!哈利路亚!感谢赞美神!
姓名  年龄 性别 所在地
病情 (医生诊断的病的名称,什么病)
病症 (病的症状有哪些,具体的身体反应)
状况 (目前身体的状况)
联系方式:[email protected]
玛拉基书 4:2 但向你们敬畏我名的人必有公义的日头出现,其光线(原文是翅膀)有医治之能,你们必出来跳跃如圈里的肥犊。
自2006年,神透过王圣风牧师开始服事各样的病人,医治各样的疾病。之后, 圣灵清楚指示王牧师创建【医治与复兴】事工,团队曾受邀在内蒙、重庆、浙江、上海、北京、四川,深圳等地举办特会。在特会中,神的天门被打开,人心被神触摸,疾病得医治,生命被翻转更新。每一场特会神都透过祂的仆人带领神的众儿女进入祂荣耀的领域,不仅带下属灵的丰盛,还带下属天人财物的祝福。
联系方式:[email protected]
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healingrevival · 3 years
神医治了我的胃病 肝病 心脏 血液病
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姓名  年龄 性别 所在地
病情 (医生诊断的病的名称,什么病)
病症 (病的症状有哪些,具体的身体反应)
状况 (目前身体的状况)
联系方式:[email protected]
玛拉基书 4:2 但向你们敬畏我名的人必有公义的日头出现,其光线(原文是翅膀)有医治之能,你们必出来跳跃如圈里的肥犊。
自2006年,神透过王圣风牧师开始服事各样的病人,医治各样的疾病。之后, 圣灵清楚指示王牧师创建【医治与复兴】事工,团队曾受邀在内蒙、重庆、浙江、上海、北京、四川,深圳等地举办特会。在特会中,神的天门被打开,人心被神触摸,疾病得医治,生命被翻转更新。每一场特会神都透过祂的仆人带领神的众儿女进入祂荣耀的领域,不仅带下属灵的丰盛,还带下属天人财物的祝福。
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healingrevival · 3 years
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姓名 性别 年龄 所在地
联系方式:[email protected]
医治与复兴事工【Rays Healing and Revival】
  玛拉基书 4:2 但向你们敬畏我名的人必有公义的日头出现,其光线(原文是翅膀)有医治之能,你们必出来跳跃如圈里的肥犊。
 自2006年,神透过王圣风牧师开始服事各样的病人,医治各样的疾病。之后, 圣灵清楚指示王牧师创建【医治与复兴】事工,团队曾受邀在内蒙、重庆、浙江、上海、北京、四川,深圳等地举办特会。在特会中,神的天门被打开,人心被神触摸,疾病得医治,生命被翻转更新。每一场特会神都透过祂的仆人带领神的众儿女进入祂荣耀的领域,不仅带下属灵的丰盛,还带下属天人财物的祝福。
联系方式:[email protected]
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healingrevival · 3 years
Bitten by Ants but Saved by God’s Grace
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I am sister Meng. I‘m 54 years old. Thank God for His grace that I can testify to His Glory.
I am a middle-aged woman who often see the doctors all the year round. In 1999, I had thyroid surgery. In 2015, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a total mastectomy of my left breast. The doctor said that I needed to take medicine for 10 years to basically control the disease. So far, I have taken the medicine for 5 years.
These two major operations debilitated me. My vision became blurred and I had to make the font size biggest in my mobile phone to see clearly; my hearing declined and I had to increase the volume to maximum on my phone to hear clearly; I had trouble to speak clearly; my memory became bad and my thinking slow; the quality of my sleep became poor. Worrying about my health and my family for many years, I was hoary-haired, like a woman in her 70s. When I went out with my husband, I was often mistaken for his mother, which made me sad and self-abased. Because of my poor health, I retired and in my free time I planted some vegetables and fed livestock in my backyard.
 One day, my sister-in-law preached the gospel to me, told me about Jesus, and shared testimonies of God’s healing happened through Pastor Wang Shengfeng(Wang Weidong)’s prayers. Whatever the disease was, as long as the patients were willing to believe, they would be healed from the diseases. Hearing this, I was very excited and I was willing to believe in Jesus, hoping God would heal all my diseases through Pastor Wang Shengfeng(Wang Weidong)’s prayer. I prayed and accepted Jesus as my personal savior. Then I began to followed the reading plan of the church to read Bible every day.
 On the afternoon of May 31, I worked in my backyard as usual. When I was burning withered grass, my left foot tingled and I found that I was bitten by ants. I often wore slippers as it was too hot outside so I was often bitten by ants in the backyard. They often crawled up my feet as they smelled the old and new bits on my feet, so I didn’t take it seriously. As usual, I went home and rubbed the Halometasone Cream into the wounds.
On June 1, the two bites were extremely itchy. I couldn't help but scratch them again. In the afternoon, the two bites began to turn red.
On the morning of June 2, when getting up, I found that my feet were red and swollen and two bites festered. When I stood up, my feet were painful and even more swollen that I couldn’t wear shoes. The lymph in my groin was also very painful. At noon, I began to feel chilly. By dinner time, I felt dizzy and my body was hot with fever. I was weak all over and had no strength so I sat on the chair. Seeing I was ill, my family wiped my feet with medicinal liquor and applied herbal medicated ointment to the red and swollen area, but these treatments didn’t work. Together with my family, I went to the hospital for examination with the body temperature of 39.2 ℃(102.56°F). The doctor diagnosed that I had a fever because of inflammation caused by ants biting, so he prescribed some medicine (including intravenous drip) for me.
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Thank God! My sister-in-law sent Pastor Wang the pictures of my swollen feet, telling him about my body condition, and asked him to pray for me. At 23:20 the evening, my sister-in-law received a message from Pastor Wang: "I will pray for Sister Meng. Please tell her to receive the supernatural healing anointing of God by faith, and her diseases and fever would be healed by God. Amen!”
 She showed me the message and tell me to receive the healing anointing that God had released for me through the pastor by faith at once. I obeyed to pray and proclaim according to Pastor Wang’s message and received the healing by faith.
 However, I didn't expect that just after my proclamation prayer, I suddenly had a high fever. I felt sick and pain in my head, my cervical spine and my back. I was scared and couldn't fall asleep, so I went to see my sister-in-law. Then she continued to lead me to pray and proclaim: "God has released healing anointing for me through Pastor Wang Shengfeng (Wang Weidong), and my diseases and fever have been completely healed by God." She also encouraged me: "At this very moment, you must have faith in God. The pastor has prayed for you. God is healing you. You are experiencing God's supernatural healing. Don’t worry. Don’t be scared. You will be fine tomorrow morning."
 After she left my room, I sat on the sofa alone, still feeling worried and afraid. Then I suddenly felt very sleepy and fell asleep quickly. I didn’t wake up until around 6 o’clock the next morning.
 When I woke up, I found that the high fever had subsided and my feet were not swollen nor painful. My skin and tissues in the wound began to repair and the lymph in my groin was not painful. And I didn’t feel dizzy any more. All the symptoms disappeared overnight. I felt relaxed and energetic, and my heart was full of joy, thank God!
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When my family came to ask about my condition, I told them how I was healed by God through the pastor’s prayer last night. They were all very amazed!
I have a lot of changes since I experienced the supernatural healing of God through the pastor’s prayer. In the past, I easily felt tired and painful all over when I was at work, but now I always feel energetic and not tired at all. In the past, thinking of my bad health and my family, I was often frustrated and depressed. I was trapped in the feeling inferiority and self-pity so I was always sulky when I was working. Now I feel very happy and joyful. In the past, I had blurred vision, but now I can see more and more clearly. In the past, I couldn't hear well, but now I can hear very clearly. In the past, I spoke ambiguously, but now I can speak clearly; I used to worry a lot. Every night I tossed and turned in the bed and just couldn't fall asleep, but now I fall asleep quickly, sleep through the night and get up with furious energy. Now I am very eager to read God's words which taste very sweet. In the past, I learned to read and then forgot a lot of words, but now I remember many words by persisting in reading the scriptures.
Thank you, God, for loving me. On June 3, 2020, I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you, God, for healing me. Through Pastor Wang Shengfeng (Wang Weidong)’ s prayer in the US, God healed my fever caused by infected ants bites, restored my strength, eyesight and hearing, and healed my speech and sleep problem. I now can enjoy a normal life!  
Thanks be to God! May God remember and bless Pastor Wang Shengfeng (Wang Weidong)! All praise and glory to God!
Rays Healing and Revival Ministries
[Malachi 4:2] But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.
Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng) is the founder of Rays Healing and Revival Ministries.
In 2003, Pastor Wang almost died from sudden heart failure, kidney failure, high blood pressure, dizziness and uremia, when he was sent to the ICU of Beijing Hospital. But he survived by calling on the name of Jesus Christ. He was then trained by God for three years, during which he was guided by the Holy Spirit to continuously confess his sins and repent. He became a vessel molded by God for healing mission.
Since 2006, Pastor Wang has been serving people through curing their disease in various types. In 2011, he received a clear guidance from the Holy Spirit to establish a Healing and Revival ministry. His healing service has spread across many provinces and cities in China, such as Inner Mongolia, Zhejiang Province, Sichuan Province, Chongqing, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, etc. In the services, the gate of heaven was opened, people’s hearts were touched by God. Not only had their disease been healed, their lives were turned around and renewed.
During each service, people were led into the realm of God’s glory through His servant, Pastor Wang. They were blessed with not only spiritual abundance, but also good health and prosperity.
Over the past decade, God has used Pastor Wang to treat many critical illnesses, frequently-occurring diseases and congenital diseases, including AIDS, syphilis, drug addiction, leprosy, cancer, gigantism, leukemia, infertility, psoriasis, leg length inequality, deaf-mute, etc. In certain cases, the patients’ organs had already been dead or rotted; yet after being prayed, new organs grew miraculously at the lesion locations. Those witnessed God’s almighty healing nature.
Pastor Wang reiterated, “it’s all about God’s glory and mercy. The Lord's cross and blood have the power to break all chains of bondage manifested in sins, diseases and death! I'm just a servant, a vessel of Him! In any circumstance, the only thing I can do is to pray and surrender to the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to work according to His will! May all praise, glory and honor to our God through Jesus Christ! Amen!”
For any prayer request, connecting for God’s ministry, or sharing healing testimonies, please contact us at :[email protected]
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healingrevival · 4 years
COVID-19 was healed by God
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The witness: Sister Fanshen
I am Sister Fanshen. Thank God for healing my COVID-19. I am here to testify for the Lord!
During COVID-19, God kept telling us through Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng): Refrain from going out. No party and meeting. Wear a mask when going out. Take precautions and be alert.
In early June 2020, I prayed to God as I wanted to go back to my hometown in Hainan to visit my mother as well as my family and preached gospel to them. I didn't get a clear answer from God. I was worried that I would miss the chance if I delayed any more, so I went back to Hainan in a hurry. At that time, the pastor reminded me: it was not the time to go back, but I didn’t listen to him. As a result, I was strongly rejected by my family when I preached gospel to them and my elder brother even beat me. I was not alert. I angrily quarreled with my family and was kicked out of the house. I could not reconcile myself to this failure and I wanted to seek comfort and ease my mood by preaching the gospel, so I went to a class reunion party in Haikou. There were very a few cases reported in Haikou so I totally forgot Pastor Wang’s advice about the COVID-19. I didn't wear a mask when I checked into the hotel and attended the party in Haikou. I let my guard down and hugged my classmates with a state of slackness in my spirit.
Suddenly hit by COVID-19
On June 18, 2020, when I got up in the morning, my throat was very uncomfortable and I continuously wanted to cough. I sent Pastor Wang a message, asking him to pray for me. Pastor Wang replied: “Be careful during COVID-19.” Receiving his reply, I began to sweat and kept farting. His words convinced me that I let my guard down, but I didn’t know it was COVID-19 that I had. I wasn’t alert and didn’t repent.
In the afternoon, I felt more and more itchy in my throat. I began to cough and my throat was very dry. It was like a fire burning inside of my throat. I tried to swallow, but there was no saliva in my mouth. I drank a lot of water and became very full but I had no need to urinate. My dry throat is not relieved at all. I wish I could apply ice in my throat.
I began to feel nervous and scared as I wondered if I had COVID-19. I sent Pastor Wang another message to ask him to pray for me and got the reply: “You need to be alert and careful. You shall not tempt the Lord.” I was struck by the pastor’s words, realizing it was serious. Based on my previous experience of confess and repentance, I knew something was wrong with myself. I sinned against God. I began to pray for illumination of the Holy Spirit and to examined myself before God.
On June 19, 2020, when I got up in the morning, the symptom of the dry throat disappeared. I had new symptoms:  high fever of 101.3°F, lethargy, weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, a cough, neck pain, bone pain in my back, left knee pain, loss sense of taste or bitterness in my mouth, dark complexion, white and peeling lips, persistent diarrhea, distension and pain in my belly, blurred vision, confusion in thinking and declining memory. I was lying in bed with no strength, fearing that I was going to die at any time. An idea came into my mind: “I am not going to die like this. I have God! Call Pastor Wang”.
Confessing and repenting, seeking God’s healing
I immediately called Pastor Wang, telling him my symptoms. When I was on the phone with the pastor, my breath became much smoother. God told me through Pastor Wang: “You had COVID-19. The main reasons for getting sick are as follows.
First, God didn't give you the clear instruction to go back to Hannan. And I also reminded you it was not the time, but you didn’t obey God.
After Pastor Wang pointed out my problems, I then realized that I sinned against God and gave offence. I felt so sorry so I wept before God. Pastor Wang asked me on the phone: “Are you willing to confess your sins before God and repent?” I answered: “Yes.” Then I humbled myself in the light of the Holy Spirit, and I saw pride, disobedience, stubbornness and anger in my heart. Pastor Wang asked his wife to guide me to confess and repent before God, cleansing me from my sins which were revealed by God. Then Pastor Wang comforted me: “You have faith in God. Remember you had sudden deafness in 2016. You got healed by faith through the prayer. When your husband, Brother Lazarus, first came to the church, he was suffering from serious illness of his liver, kidney, heart and blood. And your son had all sorts of problems when he went to school in the United States. Through the prayer, you received the blessings by faith, so your husband got healed and your son’s problems got solved. And, Sister Dorcas also had COVID-19. She was more serious than you are as she was so sick that she was unconscious. I prayed for her before God and she was healed by receiving God’s healing by faith. And, Uncle Shen got COVID-19 when he came back to Beijing from Wuhan. He was in ICU with heart and lung failure. I prayed for him before God and he was healed the next day.
When Pastor Wang shared these testimonies again, I recollected these testimonies and my faith was activated. Pastor Wang told me to send the prayer request to him by faith and I obeyed. The pastor cried out for the mercy before God for me and released supernatural healing anointing. He asked me to receive it by faith. Thank God that He didn't treat me with my transgressions, but with love and mercy. My mind was clear from the disorder through Pastor Wang’s prayer and his service of confession and repentance.
After Pastor Wang and his wife’s service of confession and repentance, I recovered my strength. I immediately obeyed Pastor Wang’s instruction. I went to the pharmacy to buy articles for epidemic prevention, such as 84 disinfectant, alcohol, masks, disposable gloves and so on. I followed the pastor's instructions and disinfected the items and facilities in the room one by one.
God also told me through Pastor Wang to start eating spiritual food from the next day. He told me clearly what to eat, how to eat and how much to eat.
Removing doubts, strengthening faith
However, I still had a fever and persistent diarrhea. At noon, my body temperature reached 102.2°F. Seeing my temperature rose, I thought: “I was healed, wasn’t I?”. I sent Pastor Wang another message to ask him to pray for me. He replied: “I will pray for you. Receive by faith.” I received the healing by faith after getting the message. In the afternoon, I felt terrible as I still had a high fever. I fell into the state of confusion again. I was not alert and fell for the devil’s trick. I accepted the lies sent by the devil. A doubt sprang up in my mind: “Why did I receive the healing by faith, but my temperature rose? Wasn’t I healed?” I yielded to the devil, doubting God and distrusting Pastor Wang, so I questioned him in the text message: “I received the healing by faith, but why did the temperature rise today? What else should I do?”
The pastor replied: “You should receive it until you are healed.” I was still of little faith and he knew something wrong with my faith. God moved the heart of Pastor Wang to call me on the phone from United States. (It was 3 a.m. in the U.S.) He said: “It is normal that the temperature rises. One reason is that leukocytes are currently fighting inside your body. The other reason is your faith is insufficient. If you were of little faith or insufficient faith, you cannot fight the COVID-19 on your own, and you must go to the hospital immediately. Our God is the God who heals us. And seeing doctors can extend your life.” Pastor Wang asked me: “Did you get healing of your left knee, cervical spine and back bone? The symptoms of dizziness and shortness of breath had disappeared, right?” I answered: “Yes.” The pastor patiently comforted me by saying: “Don’t be afraid and worried. God has already healed your COVID-19. You can go to hospital and get tested so that your faith can be built. The doctor will diagnose you as acute enteritis. Go. Don’t delay.” I obeyed and went to hospital at once.  
In hospital the doctors were very nervous when hearing I had a fever. They took me directly to the fever department. Upon getting there, the doctor told me to scan the code to fill in my information, but I was too scared to do so. Again, I was not sure if I was healed by God. I called the coworker in the church. With her help, I calmed down. God made me to remember Pastor Wang’s words---"The doctor will diagnose you as acute enteritis.” I was woke up and thought that this time I should believe what Pastor Wang said and shouldn’t doubt anymore. When I turned my mind around, my heart was full of peace instead of fear. At the doctor's request, I was tested for the following items for 2019- nCov:
①Unenhanced CT of the thorax;
②Test of influenza B virus antigen;
③Measurement of high sensitivity C-reactive protein;
④Complete blood count.
After the test results came out, the doctor told me with a smile: “You are tested negative. You are ok. You just had acute enteritis. You can get well soon with a little bit of injection and medicine.” Wasn't that what God said to me through Pastor Wang when he asked me to come to the hospital?! Hallelujah! Thanks be to God as he fulfilled what his servant said.
When I told Pastor Wang about the test results on the phone, he was very delighted. He also pointed out that I listened to the lies of the devil this noon. I had sinned greatly against God as I doubt and distrust God’s servant. And I tried to put the blame on the pastor because of little faith. My eyes were opened to my sins and I was willing to confess them and repent before God.
Thanks be to God for encouraging me with His love through Pastor Wang, who guide me to confess and repent, remove my doubts and strengthen my faith! God’s mercy and love came to me and the miracle took place.
Completely healing of COVID-19
About two days later, my diarrhea was healed. Hallelujah! God healed my COVID-19 through Pastor Wang’s prayer. I now have the normal body temperature, a clear head with a good memory, a strong body and smooth breath. I haven’t cough anymore. The pain in my left knee, my cervical spine and my back bone has all disappeared. I don’t feel dizzy and short of breath anymore. I have a good appetite and I recovered the sense of taste. I have rosy face and lips and my peeling lips have been healed. And I recovered my sight. Glory to God!
Thank God for saving my life again and leading me through miraculous grace and healing! God didn’t treat me as my transgressions, but with His love, mercy and grace. My faith was developed and I got healthier than before.
Many people had COVID-19 and lost their lives forever; many families overwhelmed by the sorrows of parting and death because of COVID-19; many COVID-19 patients were treated but were unable to lead a normal life due to serious sequelae, but I've recovered so well!
God, who am I? You are so gracious to me and gave me the great love and grace. I am blessed indeed! I am willing to preach the gospel more and testify more for God to glorify God!
May God remember Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng)’s loyal service and bless him! Praise, honor, glory and power to the Lamb who sits on the throne forever and ever. Amen!
Rays Healing and Revival Ministries
[Malachi 4:2] But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.
Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng) is the founder of Rays Healing and Revival Ministries.
In 2003, Pastor Wang almost died from sudden heart failure, kidney failure, high blood pressure, dizziness and uremia, when he was sent to the ICU of Beijing Hospital. But he survived by calling on the name of Jesus Christ. He was then trained by God for three years, during which he was guided by the Holy Spirit to continuously confess his sins and repent. He became a vessel molded by God for healing mission.
Since 2006, Pastor Wang has been serving people through curing their disease in various types. In 2011, he received a clear guidance from the Holy Spirit to establish a Healing and Revival ministry. His healing service has spread across many provinces and cities in China, such as Inner Mongolia, Zhejiang Province, Sichuan Province, Chongqing, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, etc. In the services, the gate of heaven was opened, people’s hearts were touched by God. Not only had their disease been healed, their lives were turned around and renewed.
During each service, people were led into the realm of God’s glory through His servant, Pastor Wang. They were blessed with not only spiritual abundance, but also good health and prosperity.
Over the past decade, God has used Pastor Wang to treat many critical illnesses, frequently-occurring diseases and congenital diseases, including AIDS, syphilis, drug addiction, leprosy, cancer, gigantism, leukemia, infertility, psoriasis, leg length inequality, deaf-mute, etc. In certain cases, the patients’ organs had already been dead or rotted; yet after being prayed, new organs grew miraculously at the lesion locations. Those witnessed God’s almighty healing nature.
Pastor Wang reiterated, “it’s all about God’s glory and mercy. The Lord's cross and blood have the power to break all chains of bondage manifested in sins, diseases and death! I'm just a servant, a vessel of Him! In any circumstance, the only thing I can do is to pray and surrender to the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to work according to His will! May all praise, glory and honor to our God through Jesus Christ! Amen!”
For any prayer request, connecting for God’s ministry, or sharing healing testimonies, please contact us at :[email protected]
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healingrevival · 4 years
Trust, Obey, Repent and God Fulfilled the Promise
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I am Brother Wang. Thank God for giving me this opportunity to testify for Him. My testimony is that God helping me to get into graduate school through the prayer of his servant, Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng). Glory to God! I hope this testimony can often inspire you and me to trust and rely more on God.
 A Slim Hope
After communicating with Pastor Wang, I decided several schools I wanted to apply for. And I finally decided my target school in May, 2019. This graduate program had admitted only one undergraduate student from my current university in recent years, and someone pulled a few strings to get this student in there. Therefore, in others, it appeared that I had been so hard on myself, as the admission rate was so low and I didn’t have the “someone” to help me by the back door. In fact, I believe my God would help me and make a way for me.
A Tough Start
Currently the graduate entrance examination in China is divided into two stages: the first stage is a unified national examination and the second is a program interview of the department. The admission is determined according to the ranking of the total scores of both stages.
After deciding my target school, I confidently plunged myself into 10-month preparation of the unified national examination. Unexpectedly, “totally involved in the preparation” soon became an illusion. At that time, the scientific research tasks in our department were very heavy. These scientific researches occupied a lot of my preparation time for graduate entrance exam. I was very exhausted every day as I tried to do well in both the researches and the preparation. I was very irritable and often complained about our teacher with my classmates.
The heavy research tasks made me very worried about the graduate entrance exam. When my eyes began to focus on the environment, I felt more and more difficult to get good scores in the exam because the preparation time was not enough for me. I began to try in my own way - working hard every day and staying up a few hours later than others.
I thought God would be moved by my great efforts and would come to help me. However, God made me realize through Pastor Wang that I didn't really know our God. I mistakenly assumed that God would only change the results and I still needed to make great efforts all by myself during the preparation. But God told me He is the God who helps me from beginning to end. The result is in His hands, and the preparation is in His hands as well!
Soon, God confirmed through one thing that he always helps me. At that time, there were only two days left before the national exam. I didn't prepare well since I didn’t memorize all the knowledge points of politics part and English composition part. I was very anxious so I called my mother and told her I was under great pressure.
My mother told Pastor Wang about my worries at once. The pastor didn’t know that I studied until 1 o’clock every night, but God told him to ask my mother tell me: You relied too much on yourself. Rely more on God. Go to bed immediately and stop studying late. I am willing to follow the pastor’s advice all along. Since I was a kid, it has made much difference to me every time I obeyed the pastor. Therefore, I followed his words again and went to sleep.
Thank God! The next day, as expected, things turned for the better. After a long time without praying, I prayed to God before the review of the exam:” Dear God, I surely could not memorize all these by myself. God, I commit these to you. Please guide me.”
It was amazing that after I committed the learning tasks to God, I spent only less than two days in memorizing the knowledge points of Politics, which usually took half a month for others. Besides, in the national exam, I did not fill the exam sheets by copying referenced paragraphs on the test paper
as others did. Instead, I wrote the long essay by the memory and comprehension given by God. Glory to God!  
Thank God for telling me it was right to work hard, but I should work hard in God’s way. I used to rely on my own efforts. I tried my best, but I couldn't study efficiently. When I worked hard by relying on God and put it all in God's hands, it was relaxing and happier to study and I could study more efficiently. Thanks be to God!
A Happy Exam
At every critical juncture in my student life, I would communicate with Pastor Wang to ask for God’s words. The night before the national exam, I also called him and asked him to pray for me.
That night, the pastor prophesied that I would pass the exam. And he also told me the theme of our church this year: "You should ask me for grace that when you commit your whole life and everything to me, I will achieve your destiny and success in life". Pastor Wang also asked me to take chance to practice committing everything to God.
Thanks be to God. When I began to commit, God really helped me many times in the national exam:
1) Many questions in the exam were the same as those I just reviewed the night before or at noon.
2) The scientific research tasks that exhausted me not only filled a gap in my experimental experience of my undergraduate study, but helped me to answer a question beyond the syllabus in the exam.
3) The subject of the English composition was Habit. I could not remember how to spell the word “habit”. I must had been anxious before, but this time I thought of Pastor Wang's words so I put it into the Lord’s hands in a short prayer. Then when I was writing down my writing threads on the draft paper, I wrote out the word "habit" easily. I surprised myself when I saw the word I just written and then realized that it was the word "habit", which I just think hard about. Thank God and glory to God!
The Fantastic Scores
After the national exam, I continued to commit it to God while waiting for the results. I thought I did well in Math and Politics, but poorly in English and the academic part. So, I prayed to God every day: “God, I commit the scores of the academic part and English to you. I didn’t do well in these two parts, but everything is in your hands. God, please keep me."
I had prayed like this for several days, and God spoke to me: "Why don't you commit Math and Politics to me?" God also told me that the thing accomplished by God was not by how much I commit, but by how much I still retained for myself.
After that, I began to commit to God everything about the exam. The scores came out: the scores of Math and Politics were much lower than I expected, instead English and the academic part were a little higher. My mother told the pastor that I didn’t do well in Math and Politics. God told us through the pastor that I got lower scores in Math and Politics because of my pride. I examined myself and confessed my sins before God under my mother’s guide.
Through all this, I was inspired by God and understood that God tests our hearts. It was because of pride that I did not commit the scores of Math and Politics to God. When I committed them to God later, I was still pride deeply in my heart. God warned me by the scores to commit everything to Him with a humble heart. Thank God!
A Frustrated Interview
During my preparation for the interview, God said, through the pastor, that I was admitted, so I did not continue to pray for it and commit it to God, nor did I ask the pastor to pray for my interview. As a result, when the order of the interview was decided by drawing lots, I was scheduled for the interview on Sunday. This made me very unpeaceful for I knew Sunday belongs to the Lord. If my interview was arranged on Sunday, it must not be the will of God. I immediately contacted Pastor Wang. God told me through the pastor that I did not pray about my interview. God also warned me if I did not pray to God, I would take more than a half of the responsibility for everything.
When I knew that I had sinned against God, I was worried and depressed as I thought I definitely would not pass the interview. The day before the interview, the pastor asked me to confess my sins under my mother’s guide, that I did not pray and felt depressed. Pastor Wang also comforted me to attend the interview on Sunday without anxiety - everything was in the hands of God.
I thought that since I had sincerely confessed my sins and repented, God would definitely forgive me. Besides, the pastor had prayed for me, so I believed God would help me. However, during the interview, I learned that I should have contacted professors in advance. The interview questions were more difficult than I expected and the interviewers deliberately made the questions difficult for me.  
After the interview, I told the pastor that my performance in the interview was very poor. The pastor comforted me again: "It's ok. The result has not been decided yet. All you have to do is to believe in God firmly, to confess and to repent."
Although the pastor comforted me, the result of the interview was as I expected: I failed with very low scores. Knowing this result, I began to make blind and disorderly conjectures. I thought that if I failed this year, I would take the exam again next year. Then I thought this might not be feasible, for this year many prospective students with high scores failed so next year it was difficult for me as well. Maybe I should change my target school next year. I even began to doubted that God had not let me go to graduate school, as I had sinned against God and God would not forgive me... I fell into a state of anxiety and depression. 
A Thrilling Reversal
I applied for the academic master's degree. Although I failed the interview, I still had the opportunity to be admitted to a professional master’s degree. (Editor’s note: This is called Graduate Adjusting, which is a step for Graduate Admission in China.) I knew this was the opportunity God had given me, but I totally suck into depression, thinking about how to give up.
Thank God for turning me around through the pastor’s prayer. Pastor Wang told me: "I have prayed for you, and God said: 'Your experience is the same as that of the Israelites. At that time, before the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, they were pursued by the enemies and in front of them was the Red Sea.' God will part the waters of the Red Sea for you, that is He will get you into the graduate school. It is good for you to go through all these. "
 Afterwards, I experienced "crossing the Red Sea".
I told my mother and the pastor that I still had the opportunity to be admitted to a professional master’s degree. The pastor said that it was ok to apply for professional master’s degree. God told me through the pastor: “God promised that the Israelites would leave Egypt and enter Canaan, but except for Joshua and Caleb, all others died in the wilderness. God’s promises can only be fulfilled if you obey and act accordingly. You will still have to bear certain consequences of sinning after the repentance, but as long as you return to God, God will surely bless you.”
Getting the consent, I was encouraged and started trying to contact professors/associate professors. In the previous interview, I did not know the competition for this program was so fierce that the candidates need to contact professors in advance. I thought the department would assign a professor to me, just like any other program. Now I started preparing for the next interview. I then found that because my faith was weak before, I had missed the best time to contact professors. I was busy during the day, and at night, when it was the time to fill in my preferred professor, I still didn’t get any reply from the professors I contacted. After praying with my mother, I fill in a professor at random.
Thank God for telling me again through the pastor:” Don’t worry. You can fill in any professor.” Pastor Wang also told me a scripture: [Proverbs 16:33] "The lottery is in my arms, and the decision is up to the Lord." He asked me to believe and rely on God. The day before the interview, I was unpeaceful and still had the idea of giving up this time and taking the exam next year. The anxiety kept disturbing me again and again.
Thank God for bringing me to Him to pray and to commit everything into His hands. I prayed to God at that time: "My Lord, I committed myself into your hands. No matter what the result is, I am willing to accept it. It’s definitely better in your hands than in my hands.” I kept praying until I felt peaceful in my heart then I went to bed.
The day of the exam, I got up and felt unpeaceful and a little depressed again, so I came back to God again to pray, saying the same words to Him until I felt peaceful. Then as long as I felt unpeaceful, I would pray until I had peace in my heart so I could continue to prepare for the interview. I had been like this and prayed about five or six times until my interview ended.
At 16:33 that afternoon, God fulfilled what He said through the pastor: [Prov. 16:33] "The lottery is in my arms, and the decision is up to the Lord." A school staff called me to ask if I would like to be assigned to a professor whose last name was Wang. I didn’t know this professor at all, so I had to answer: " If it is possible, I thought it is ok." Later I learned that my scores of the entrance examination were among the best in other programs, but at the bottom of the list of this program I applied for because of the fierce competition.
Because I repented, turned to God and committed myself to God every day, and because the pastor prayed for me, God made my interview score extremely high, ranking eighth among all 27 candidates.
Since my scores were high, I could had been assigned to the professor I had previously filled in randomly, but that professor was not admitted me. So, I was magically assigned to Professor Wang. After I checked Professor Wang’s resume, I understood God's good intentions and I thanked God very much.
It turned out that God did not arrange for the associate professor I previously chose, but He specially chose this young professor for me. Professor Wang was under 40 years old and he was one of the deputy directors of the best research group in my areas of expertise. There were six academicians in this research group. What’s more, God had created a new program in the department so that there were more places for this professor to enroll more candidates, including me. That was why his name suddenly appeared in the list of candidate professors after my second interview.
The pastor once prophesied that I would graduate not only as a master but as a PhD and I was going to continue to study. I was admitted by Professor Wang and I would be directly recommended for a doctorate by him after the master. Thanks be to God as He fulfilled His promise again. Glory to God!
Thank God for leading me to "cross the Red Sea". The pastor said everything I've been through before had gone smoothly as God was concerning that I was still a child. Plus, Pastor Wang often prayed for me, so my problems were easily solved by God.
This experience made me understand that I was not really thirsty for God. I contacted Pastor Wang when I needed help. I didn’t pray seriously and seek God earnestly when I was not in trouble. As a result, in the process of "crossing the Red Sea", I suddenly became weak in spirit, and it was very difficult for me to “cross”. God made me realize that I was below expected when walking this path of faith.
Thank God for having mercy on me. Through the pastor’s prayers, I had been strengthened so that I could go through and started a real relationship with God. Thank God for not treating me with my transgressions. I had been frustrated and disappointed, and even blamed God. However, because the pastor prayed for me and I turned to God by confessing and repenting, God fulfilled my wish and also His will.
Thank God for hiding His face from my transgressions in the matter of my graduate entrance examination.  God shew His power and gave me the opportunity to activate God’s promise in my life. Thank God! Through His servant’s guide, many times, God shaped me and renewed my mind during this period. I am willing to continue to confess my sins and repent and become a vessel of God.
Thank God for leading me to the Trinity Rich Church, the supernatural flow of God. Thank God for giving me abundant blessings through the channel, His servant Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng). Thank God for giving me this opportunity to be a witness of God’s glory. May God remember Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng)’s love and dedication! May God bless Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng)! All the glory be to God! Amen!
Rays Healing and Revival Ministries
[Malachi 4:2] But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.
Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng) is the founder of Rays Healing and Revival Ministries.
In 2003, Pastor Wang almost died from sudden heart failure, kidney failure, high blood pressure, dizziness and uremia, when he was sent to the ICU of Beijing Hospital. But he survived by calling on the name of Jesus Christ. He was then trained by God for three years, during which he was guided by the Holy Spirit to continuously confess his sins and repent. He became a vessel molded by God for healing mission.
Since 2006, Pastor Wang has been serving people through curing their disease in various types. In 2011, he received a clear guidance from the Holy Spirit to establish a Healing and Revival ministry. His healing service has spread across many provinces and cities in China, such as Inner Mongolia, Zhejiang Province, Sichuan Province, Chongqing, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, etc. In the services, the gate of heaven was opened, people’s hearts were touched by God. Not only had their disease been healed, their lives were turned around and renewed.
During each service, people were led into the realm of God’s glory through His servant, Pastor Wang. They were blessed with not only spiritual abundance, but also good health and prosperity.
Over the past decade, God has used Pastor Wang to treat many critical illnesses, frequently-occurring diseases and congenital diseases, including AIDS, syphilis, drug addiction, leprosy, cancer, gigantism, leukemia, infertility, psoriasis, leg length inequality, deaf-mute, etc. In certain cases, the patients’ organs had already been dead or rotted; yet after being prayed, new organs grew miraculously at the lesion locations. Those witnessed God’s almighty healing nature.
Pastor Wang reiterated, “it’s all about God’s glory and mercy. The Lord's cross and blood have the power to break all chains of bondage manifested in sins, diseases and death! I'm just a servant, a vessel of Him! In any circumstance, the only thing I can do is to pray and surrender to the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to work according to His will! May all praise, glory and honor to our God through Jesus Christ! Amen!”
For any prayer request, connecting for God’s ministry, or sharing healing testimonies, please contact us at [email protected]
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healingrevival · 4 years
癌症末期得神医治 — 腐烂器官被神医治长出婴儿般的器官
 在特会中,神透过祂的仆人王圣风牧师在现场释放了医治的恩膏。当时,王牧师说:“在我们中间有人回去会有一些反应,比如:有吐的、拉的、尿的,咳嗽的,打嗝的,放屁的,不能睡觉的突然能睡觉、不能吃饭的突然能吃饭,还有排泄..... 当有这些症状时,不要稀奇,因为神在医治你。这是超自然的,跟你平常理解不一样的事情发生,不要紧张,你只要信心领受,就会有事情发生。”
姓名  年龄 性别 所在地
病情 (医生诊断的病的名称,什么病)
病症 (病的症状有哪些,具体的身体反应)
状况 (目前身体的状况)
联系方式:[email protected]
玛拉基书 4:2 但向你们敬畏我名的人必有公义的日头出现,其光线(原文是翅膀)有医治之能,你们必出来跳跃如圈里的肥犊。
自2006年,神透过王圣风牧师开始服事各样的病人,医治各样的疾病。之后, 圣灵清楚指示王牧师创建【医治与复兴】事工,团队曾受邀在内蒙、重庆、浙江、上海、北京、四川,深圳等地举办特会。在特会中,神的天门被打开,人心被神触摸,疾病得医治,生命被翻转更新。每一场特会神都透过祂的仆人带领神的众儿女进入祂荣耀的领域,不仅带下属灵的丰盛,还带下属天人财物的祝福。
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healingrevival · 4 years
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在我学生生涯的每个重要关口我都会找牧师交通,询问神的意思。在这次考试的前一天晚上,同样我跟牧师通了电话,希望牧师为我祷告。 那天晚上,牧师发预言说这次考试我已经通过了,并且把今年教会的主题讲给我听“你当向我求一个恩典,将你的生命和你的一切向我来交托,我就为你成就生命中的命定和关乎你的事”,牧师也借此让我练习去向神交托我的一切。
感谢神透过牧师的代祷使我回转,牧师告诉我说:“我已经为你祷告过了,神说‘要使你经历以色列人过红海的样子,后有追兵前有红海’神要使红海分开,让学校收你,并且经历这些是对你有益处的。”接下来,我就经历了 “过红海”。
请按照以下要求写下您的代祷信息。王圣风牧师为你向神代求。 如果当事人心思意念是清醒的,务必请本人凭信心写邮件并发送或者凭信心找人代发。 如果当事人已经不能言语或神志不清了,那请身边最亲最爱他(她)的人,凭信心写邮件并发出。
请王圣风牧师祷告的说明 需要告知: 姓名  年龄 性别 所在地 病情 (医生诊断的病的名称,什么病) 病症 (病的症状有哪些,具体的身体反应) 状况 (目前身体的状况)
并且写上这句宣告: 如果是本人,请写:
如果是他人代写: 我***(姓名),相信神透过王圣风牧师所释放的超自然医治恩膏,使我的**(与代写人的关系+当事人的姓名)的(什么病)得神(什么程度)的医治!阿们!
你自己要凭信心,领受神的超自然医治和反转! 联系方式:[email protected]
玛拉基书 4:2 但向你们敬畏我名的人必有公义的日头出现,其光线(原文是翅膀)有医治之能,你们必出来跳跃如圈里的肥犊。
自2006年,神透过王圣风牧师开始服事各样的病人,医治各样的疾病。之后, 圣灵清楚指示王牧师创建【医治与复兴】事工,团队曾受邀在内蒙、重庆、浙江、上海、北京、四川,深圳等地举办特会。在特会中,神的天门被打开,人心被神触摸,疾病得医治,生命被翻转更新。每一场特会神都透过祂的仆人带领神的众儿女进入祂荣耀的领域,不仅带下属灵的丰盛,还带下属天人财物的祝福。
如有需要代祷或事工连接,及祷告得医治后,请发见证荣耀神 联系方式:[email protected]  
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healingrevival · 4 years
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姓名  年龄 性别 所在地
病情 (医生诊断的病的名称,什么病)
病症 (病的症状有哪些,具体的身体反应)
状况 (目前身体的状况)
联系方式:[email protected]
 玛拉基书 4:2 但向你们敬畏我名的人必有公义的日头出现,其光线(原文是翅膀)有医治之能,你们必出来跳跃如圈里的肥犊。
自2006年,神透过王圣风牧师开始服事各样的病人,医治各样的疾病。之后, 圣灵清楚指示王牧师创建【医治与复兴】事工,团队曾受邀在内蒙、重庆、浙江、上海、北京、四川,深圳等地举办特会。在特会中,神的天门被打开,人心被神触摸,疾病得医治,生命被翻转更新。每一场特会神都透过祂的仆人带领神的众儿女进入祂荣耀的领域,不仅带下属灵的丰盛,还带下属天人财物的祝福。
联系方式:[email protected]
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healingrevival · 4 years
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第一次见面时,牧师说:“ 神爱你!” 他叫我打开圣经读约翰福音4:4~42节,读完圣经后,神就启示牧师说出我的一些事:“你有很多很多的忧虑,你身上还有很多的疾病,你的眼睛、肝脏、肾、肠胃、脑神经、睡眠都有问题、还有头痛……”牧师把我身上的疾病都一一说了出来;就如圣经里这位撒玛利亚的妇人在雅各井边打水遇到主耶稣一样的情形,我非常非常惊讶:我和牧师是初次见面,没有交流过一句话,他怎么知道我心里面这些隐忧和身上的疾病?!神当时开我的眼,使我看到牧师里面有耶稣,有神的同在!神赐给他有超自然的医治恩膏。我相信神透过祂的仆人要医治我身体上的各种疾病和我内心里的忧郁症。感谢神给我这样一个心志。2016年10月份我委身在三一丰盛教会。
我把去医院检查的诊断结果突发性耳聋(左)。”并附上检查的病例。发信息给牧师 。很快就收到牧师给我的信息,他安慰并鼓励我说:“不用担心,相信神就没有问题。阿门?”
姓名  年龄 性别 所在地
病情 (医生诊断的病的名称,什么病)
病症 (病的症状有哪些,具体的身体反应)
状况 (目前身体的状况)
联系方式:[email protected]
 玛拉基书 4:2 但向你们敬畏我名的人必有公义的日头出现,其光线(原文是翅膀)有医治之能,你们必出来跳跃如圈里的肥犊。
自2006年,神透过王圣风牧师开始服事各样的病人,医治各样的疾病。之后, 圣灵清楚指示王牧师创建【医治与复兴】事工,团队曾受邀在内蒙、重庆、浙江、上海、北京、四川,深圳等地举办特会。在特会中,神的天门被打开,人心被神触摸,疾病得医治,生命被翻转更新。每一场特会神都透过祂的仆人带领神的众儿女进入祂荣耀的领域,不仅带下属灵的丰盛,还带下属天人财物的祝福。
联系方式:[email protected]
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healingrevival · 4 years
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心理问题无法可解 神的拣选带来希望
姓名  年龄 性别 所在地
病情 (医生诊断的病的名称,什么病)
病症 (病的症状有哪些,具体的身体反应)
状况 (目前身体的状况)
联系方式:[email protected]
  玛拉基书 4:2 但向你们敬畏我名的人必有公义的日头出现,其光线(原文是翅膀)有医治之能,你们必出来跳跃如圈里的肥犊。
 自2006年,神透过王圣风牧师开始服事各样的病人,医治各样的疾病。之后, 圣灵清楚指示王牧师创建【医治与复兴】事工,团队曾受邀在内蒙、重庆、浙江、上海、北京、四川,深圳等地举办特会。在特会中,神的天门被打开,人心被神触摸,疾病得医治,生命被翻转更新。每一场特会神都透过祂的仆人带领神的众儿女进入祂荣耀的领域,不仅带下属灵的丰盛,还带下属天人财物的祝福。
联系方式:[email protected]
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healingrevival · 4 years
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姓名  年龄 性别 所在地
病情 (医生诊断的病的名称,什么病)
病症 (病的症状有哪些,具体的身体反应)
状况 (目前身体的状况)
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  玛拉基书 4:2 但向你们敬畏我名的人必有公义的日头出现,其光线(原文是翅膀)有医治之能,你们必出来跳跃如圈里的肥犊。
 自2006年,神透过王圣风牧师开始服事各样的病人,医治各样的疾病。之后, 圣灵清楚指示王牧师创建【医治与复兴】事工,团队曾受邀在内蒙、重庆、浙江、上海、北京、四川,深圳等地举办特会。在特会中,神的天门被打开,人心被神触摸,疾病得医治,生命被翻转更新。每一场特会神都透过祂的仆人带领神的众儿女进入祂荣耀的领域,不仅带下属灵的丰盛,还带下属天人财物的祝福。
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healingrevival · 4 years
“癌变组织”被咳出来----肺癌末期得神医治 My Malignant Tumor was Coughed out— My Terminal Lung Cancer Was Healed By God
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“就是凡称为我名下的人,是我为自己的荣耀创造的,是我所做成,所造作的。” (以赛亚书 43:7 和合本)
Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.”  (Isaiah 43:7 NIV)
We are witnesses to the glory of God.
Thank God! I am Sister Zhang from Inner Mongolia in China, and I am here to testify for the Lord. I was a patient with terminal lung cancer. I had lung disease and accompanied by cough for many years. I went to the municipal hospitals in Baotou and Hohhot for examinations and I was diagnosed as lung cancer. My families took my blood sample to famous hospitals in Beijing for further examination. After coming back from Beijing, they only told me to just seize the day and enjoy myself. I knew clearly that it was incurable and the doctors would not treat me. This indicated that I had terminal cancer and I would die of it!
Thank God for His mercy and grace. He sent His servant Pastor Wang Weidong(Wang Shengfeng) to hold the Healing and Revival Special Meeting in Baotou, Inner Mongolia from Nov. 16 to Nov.24 in 2014. Nearly 200 people were healed in the meeting. My terminal lung cancer was healed by God as well. In the meeting, when Pastor Wang gave an order to heal the diseases in the name of Jesus Christ, I felt pain in my chest and started to cough. My cough continued after I returned home. My chest was painful the whole night. The morning of Nov.21, I coughed out the malignant tumor. It looked like a clot of black thick sputum about the size of two five-cent coins.
That day, I managed to reach Pastor Wang. The Holy Spirit revealed to him that it was God who made His daughter cough out the tumor! The pastor also told me about my illness: "You had lung cancer." I immediately acknowledged that. The pastor asked me how I knew my illness. Then I told him about my body condition. The pastor asked me: "How are you feeling now?" I answered: "I feel very comfortable after I coughed out that tumor! Thank God for His healing!" Thank God for caring about me: Pastor Wang asked some sisters to send me messages to ask about my condition. I want to say here: Since being healed by God at the special meeting, I have not felt uncomfortable in my chest and I have not coughed anymore. And I have breathed easily! My terminal lung cancer was completely healed by God! Hallelujah! Thank God and praise God who is great, wonderful and compassionate! God made me coughed out my malignant tumor. There is really nothing impossible for God! Thank God for using Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng) as a miracle channel to bless us!
诸天述说 神的荣耀;穹苍传扬他的手段。(诗篇 19:1 和合本)
神的众子啊,你们要将荣耀、能力归给耶和华,归给耶和华!(诗篇 29:1 和合本)
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  (Psalms 19:1 NIV)
Ascribe to the Lord, you heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.  (Psalms 29:1 NIV)       
Rays Healing and Revival Ministries
[Malachi 4:2] But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.
Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng) is the founder of Rays Healing and Revival Ministries.
In 2003, Pastor Wang almost died from sudden heart failure, kidney failure, high blood pressure, dizziness and uremia, when he was sent to the ICU of Beijing Hospital. But he survived by calling on the name of Jesus Christ. He was then trained by God for three years, during which he was guided by the Holy Spirit to continuously confess his sins and repent. He became a vessel molded by God for healing mission.
Since 2006, Pastor Wang has been serving people through curing their disease in various types. In 2011, he received a clear guidance from the Holy Spirit to establish a Healing and Revival ministry. His healing service has spread across many provinces and cities in China, such as Inner Mongolia, Zhejiang Province, Sichuan Province, Chongqing, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, etc. In the services, the gate of heaven was opened, people’s hearts were touched by God. Not only had their disease been healed, their lives were turned around and renewed.
During each service, people were led into the realm of God’s glory through His servant, Pastor Wang. They were blessed with not only spiritual abundance, but also good health and prosperity.
Over the past decade, God has used Pastor Wang to treat many critical illnesses, frequently-occurring diseases and congenital diseases, including AIDS, syphilis, drug addiction, leprosy, cancer, gigantism, leukemia, infertility, psoriasis, leg length inequality, deaf-mute, etc. In certain cases, the patients’ organs had already been dead or rotted; yet after being prayed, new organs grew miraculously at the lesion locations. Those witnessed God’s almighty healing nature.
Pastor Wang reiterated, “it’s all about God’s glory and mercy. The Lord's cross and blood have the power to break all chains of bondage manifested in sins, diseases and death! I'm just a servant, a vessel of Him! In any circumstance, the only thing I can do is to pray and surrender to the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to work according to His will! May all praise, glory and honor to our God through Jesus Christ! Amen!”
For any prayer request, connecting for God’s ministry, or sharing healing testimonies, please contact us at : [email protected]
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healingrevival · 4 years
尿毒症和痔疮得神医治 God Healed My Uremia and Hemorrhoids
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I am Sister Zhong. Thank God for giving me this opportunity to testify for the glory of God.
I had suffered from severe hemorrhoids since the birth of my youngest son in 2002, and it had been 17 years.
 我所患的是内痔,大便的时候会凸出来很大,形状就像玫瑰花一样,会流血、流脓水,有异味。平时大便,蹲厕所,1个多小时都拉不出来,非常疼。即使用卫生巾垫着,还是会弄湿内裤和裤子。所以,我常年都穿黑色裤子,在外不敢坐凳子,因为起身后,凳子上会留下湿印子,有明显的痕迹。当别人问我为什么裤裆是湿的,我会很不好意思,不敢回答,怕别人会嫌弃我。 What I suffered from was the internal hemorrhoids. Every time I had the bowel movement, the hemorrhoid extended like a rose out of my anus, oozing blood and pus with awful stink. The hemorrhoids and great pain often made me spend more than 1 hour on toilet. Though I used sanitary napkins, the blood and pus often wet my underwear and pants. Therefore, I wore black pants all year round. I dared not to sit in a chair outside because I would stain it and the stains were obvious. Sometimes when people asked me why my crotch was stained, I was very embarrassed and dared not to answer, as I was afraid of being detested.
I went to see a doctor in the local hemorrhoid clinic. The doctor said my disease was so serious that he couldn’t cure me. He suggested I going to the People's Hospital of the city. The doctor of the People's Hospital told me: You need to have a surgery. However, the hemorrhoid came back two years after the surgery. Considering the great pain in the surgery, the high recurrence rate of hemorrhoid and my poor financial situation, I decided not to have another surgery. To relieve the pain, I turned to folk prescriptions and took some herbal medicines but they didn't work at all, so I had to endure the pain all the time.
 After believing in Jesus, I joined the Trinity Rich Church. When I accepted the service of confession and repentance and obeyed the teachings of the church, my hemorrhoids were getting better. Every time, however, I got better, I left God to work to earn money. I stopped reading the Bible, praying to God and attending church regularly. I didn’t even contact Sister Chen, who preached the gospel to me. One day, my hemorrhoids recurred and I bled so heavily that I could not sit down. I could not stand the great pain so I called Sister Chen.
 It was Sunday. She asked me to go to the church (I hadn’t attended church for a long time) and I obeyed her. It was Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng) who was giving the sermon. I had received the anointing released from God through Pastor Wang in the special healing meeting before. My ear discharge was healed by God and my hearing was restored in that special healing meeting. Therefore, I listened to him very carefully. Thank God! Pastor Wang released the healing anointing again in the sermon, and I immediately received it. After the sermon, I found my hemorrhoids stopped bleeding and I had a smooth bowel movement. My hemorrhoids didn’t completely disappear because I didn’t have enough faith.
 Thank Pastor Wang for the continuous prayer for me. He received from God that I had little faith. Then he told me: go to the hospital for surgery since your faith is insufficient. I thought that my hemorrhoids recurred after the previous surgery and I couldn’t afford the surgery. I refused to follow what God told me through Pastor Wang. Pastor Wang learned about my concerns and he encouraged me: "Don't worry. Just obey God.” However, I didn’t obey yet. Because of my little faith, my reluctant confession and repentance and my disobedience to God's words, the hemorrhoids recurred again and again and it became worse and worse.
 2019年8月,我被查出患有尿毒症和日渐严重的痔疮,使我身体每况愈下,无法排便,浑身无力,呕吐不止后住院治疗。在这期间,我请同工为我祷告并发信息请王牧师为我代祷,同时我顺服教会的教导,愿意认罪悔改。不断的呼求“耶稣救我!” 牧师透过同工告诉我:我已为钟姊妹祷告,让她凭信心领受。
In August 2019, I was diagnosed with uremia and serious hemorrhoids. I got worse and worse with the symptoms of no bowel movement, weakness all over and recurrent vomiting, and eventually I went to hospital for treatment. I asked the co-worker of the church to pray for me and to send messages to Pastor Wang, asking for his prayer. At the same time, I obeyed the teachings of the church and was willing to confess sins and repent. I kept crying out " Save me, Jesus!" The pastor told me through the co-worker: “I have prayed for Sister Zhong. Tell her to receive the healing by faith.”
Because of the high fever and coughing, I felt like I was dying. I didn’t want to eat anything and I only ate less than 100g rice a week. I had no urination and bowel movement, feeling weak all over. I knew doctors couldn’t save me and my family couldn't help me. I didn't put my hope on the doctors and my family anymore.
 但是我想活,感谢神使我想起教会领袖教我呼求耶稣救我,我仿佛抓到救命稻草一般整天就不断的呼求耶稣救我……耶稣救我!一个星期之后, 高烧退了,我突然想要排便,但我担心排便会很疼。
Nevertheless, I wanted to live! Thank God. I remembered the church leader taught me to call out to Jesus for help. I seemed to have caught at a straw so I kept crying out all day, ”Save me, Jesus! Save me, Jesus!......” A week later, my fever was gone and suddenly I wanted to go to the toilet. Yet I was afraid the bowel movement might be quite painful.
Finally, I went to the toilet and it turned out to be a very smooth bowel movement. When I wiped my butt with toilet tissue, I found my hemorrhoids were gone. Hallelujah! Thank God for answering the prayer of his servant, Pastor Wang, and healing my hemorrhoids. Glory to God!
 检查出尿毒症·雪上加霜 Diagnosed with uremia, adding insult to injury  
 In August 2019, I was diagnosed with uremia. The doctor said I must receive dialysis, or I would die. Despite the doctor’s diagnosis, I endured the pain and didn’t go to hospital because I couldn’t afford the medical bill and no one could take care of me if I was in hospital. But my body condition was getting worse and worse due to uremia and increasingly serious hemorrhoids. I developed the symptoms of weakness all over, loss of appetite, no bowel movement and recurrent vomiting. Then I contacted the co-worker of the church, asking her to send Pastor Wang messages to pray for me. As I didn't know about my sins, I did not get any better.
 当时家人和邻居看到我的脸色都以为我快不行了,赶紧把我送去医院做透析。在医院患有同样病症的人群中,我的症状是最严重的一个:浑身的皮肤都发黄,连指甲都是黄色的。后来才知道这个症状说明尿毒已经充满了全身。透析期间,透析插管引起炎症,导致我连续高烧7天、全身水肿,住院15天。病友看见我的脸色不好,对我说“你这么年轻就病得这么重,之前那些脸色、身体比你好的人,透析做着做着,就没命了。” 她的话让我很害怕,我不想死。我就联系教会带领人,请她把我的情况发给王圣风牧师,请牧师为我代祷。
At that time, my family and neighbors thought I was dying as I looked terrible, so they took me to the hospital for dialysis. My condition was the worst among the uremia patients in the hospital. My skin became yellow all over my body, even my nails were yellow too. Later, I knew the symptoms showed that the uremic toxins had been accumulated in my whole body. Due to the inflammation caused by intubation in dialysis, I had been in high fever for seven days and had edema all over. I was hospitalized for 15 days. Seeing my bad complexion, one of the wardmates told me: “It is a pity you are so seriously ill at such a young age. Some of the patients, whose condition were better than you, passed away in dialysis. “Her words scared me. I didn't want to die. I contacted the church leader and ask her to send a message to Pastor Wang to ask for his prayer.
好的。你需要向神认罪悔改。要不断的向神祷告,如果不知道怎么祷告,就呼求:耶稣救我。当时我的症状是:全身无力,呼吸困难,而且没有力气说话,没有任何的盼望。但是我想活,感谢神使我想起呼求“耶稣救我”,我就天天不断的呼求“耶稣救我……耶稣救我!”一个星期之后, 高烧退了。荣耀归给神!no strength to speak, with
The church leader told me:
OK. You need to confess sins before God. Keep praying to God. If you don't know how to pray, cry out to Jesus: Save me, Jesus.
At that time, I had the symptoms of weakness and breathlessness, and I even don’t have strength to speak. I was hopeless but I wanted to live. Thank God for reminding me of crying out “Save me. Jesus!”. I cried out every day.” Save me, Jesus! Save me, Jesus...” A week later, my fever disappeared. Glory to God!
Thank God! My complexion became better and better during dialysis. The doctor said: when you came in, your condition was very serious, but now your complexion was much better than other patients.
A nurse also said: At first, it was so terrible to see your condition, but now your body is much better than others.
When I was hospitalized, my creatinine was 2400, showing the kidney filtration was so low that uremic toxins had accumulated in my body. It dropped to a little more than 500 after my fever was gone, showing the kidney function was greatly improved. The yellow color on the skin and nails faded, the inflammation caused by intubation in dialysis subsided, and the edema disappeared.
Thank God for healing me again and again through His servant, Pastor Wang Weidong(Wang Shengfeng).
Pastor Wang told me that he was a patient suffering from heart failure, kidney failure and uremia before. However, Jesus healed him so he had never received dialysis. And he gave birth to two lovely children without any sequelae.
I am very grateful to Pastor Wang for sharing his testimony and encouraging me to persevere in confessing, repenting, trusting, obeying, and believing Jesus.
I believe that as long as I am willing to continue to believe God, confess and repent, I can also get fully recovery! Hallelujah!
Thank Jesus for loving me so much and saving my life. It's so good to have God in my life! My close family members can't help me and love me like this. People are not reliable, but God is. People don't completely accept me and love me, but God does. Thank Jesus for His unselfish love.
Now I deeply know that wherever I go, God cares for me. I'm not only alive, but also physically and mentally better than before with improved response ability and keener mind. Hallelujah! Thank God! God bless Pastor Wang Weidong(Wang Shengfeng)! Glory to God!
Rays Healing and Revival Ministries
[Malachi 4:2] But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.
Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng) is the founder of Rays Healing and Revival Ministries.
In 2003, Pastor Wang almost died from sudden heart failure, kidney failure, high blood pressure, dizziness and uremia, when he was sent to the ICU of Beijing Hospital. But he survived by calling on the name of Jesus Christ. He was then trained by God for three years, during which he was guided by the Holy Spirit to continuously confess his sins and repent. He became a vessel molded by God for healing mission.
Since 2006, Pastor Wang has been serving people through curing their disease in various types. In 2011, he received a clear guidance from the Holy Spirit to establish a Healing and Revival ministry. His healing service has spread across many provinces and cities in China, such as Inner Mongolia, Zhejiang Province, Sichuan Province, Chongqing, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, etc. In the services, the gate of heaven was opened, people’s hearts were touched by God. Not only had their disease been healed, their lives were turned around and renewed.
During each service, people were led into the realm of God’s glory through His servant, Pastor Wang. They were blessed with not only spiritual abundance, but also good health and prosperity.
Over the past decade, God has used Pastor Wang to treat many critical illnesses, frequently-occurring diseases and congenital diseases, including AIDS, syphilis, drug addiction, leprosy, cancer, gigantism, leukemia, infertility, psoriasis, leg length inequality, deaf-mute, etc. In certain cases, the patients’ organs had already been dead or rotted; yet after being prayed, new organs grew miraculously at the lesion locations. Those witnessed God’s almighty healing nature.
Pastor Wang reiterated, “it’s all about God’s glory and mercy. The Lord's cross and blood have the power to break all chains of bondage manifested in sins, diseases and death! I'm just a servant, a vessel of Him! In any circumstance, the only thing I can do is to pray and surrender to the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to work according to His will! May all praise, glory and honor to our God through Jesus Christ! Amen!”
For any prayer request, connecting for God’s ministry, or sharing healing testimonies, please contact us at [email protected]
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healingrevival · 4 years
The Healing Miracles
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God Healed my Ear Discharge  
I had ear discharge since I was about 10 years old. When the disease attacked, my ears ached and leaked pus, stinking. And I couldn't hear clearly. Because I had ear discharge for a long time, I could only wear long hair and dark clothes all the year round to cover my purulent ears. When I was sleeping, the pus leaked from my ears to the pillow, smelling bad; When I was working, I had to wiped off the pus from time to time. If I did not, the pus would leak to my hair and collar. Therefore, people often saw that my hair was knotted and not straight. I was afraid that people might know I had ear discharge and they might detest me so I tried my best to cover my ears. It was also difficult for me to communicate with others. I often gave irrelevant answers, because I couldn't hear clearly. When my colleagues asked me to pick up something, I often got the wrong one. I dared not to ask them to repeat for I was afraid they got annoyed and fired me. Then I got blamed but I couldn't hear the blame either and I could not react normally. I usually didn't call others, for fear of wasting their phone charges. I often dealt with Mandarin speakers, but I spoke Cantonese and couldn't speak Mandarin well. No matter what they asked me to do, I couldn't understand it and then totally forgot it later.
I couldn't afford the medical treatment, so I had never seen a doctor. I soaked my ears in medicines like “liumeisu”, ”toutengsan”and some folk herbal medicines to clean the pus. Sometimes I put cotton balls in my ears to stop the pus from leaking.
Thank God for leading me to Him and believe Him through my colleague Sister Chen. One day, Sister Chen told me that Pastor Wang Weidong(Wang Shengfeng) would hold the Healing and Revival Special Meeting in Shenzhen and she asked me to attend with her. At first, I didn’t want to go. First, I just became a Christian and didn’t know much about Christianity, not to say the special meeting. Second, I couldn’t afford this trip (expenses of transportation, accommodation, etc.). Then, Sister Chen told me that many people were healed by God in Pastor Wang’s special meetings when the pastor released the healing anointing. I felt amazed so I decided to attend the meeting with my seriously ill mother, hoping to get healed. Thank God for providing us the money, so we finally went to Shenzhen.
At the meeting, I didn’t quite know what Pastor Wang said because of my ear disease and bad understanding of Mandarin. However, I could hear the word“heal” every time he said. Though I didn’t know exactly what to do, I tried my best to imitate the brothers and sisters around me and opened my arms to receive the healing anointing. When Pastor Wang released the anointing, I saw many people fell down to the ground. I could not control my body. I felt I could not stand and I was going to fell down too. Then the coworkers told me: do not be afraid, and just follow the Holy Spirit. Then I let myself fall down. (I fell down every time I believe and receive the healing anointing.)
After the Healing and Revival Special Meeting in Shenzhen, Pastor Wang told me that ear discharge was dangerous for it may hurt the brain since the ears are connected to the brain. Thank God for healing my ear discharge completely by the healing anointing released by Pastor Wang. My ears don’t leak pus and ache anymore. I can hear clearly. I can hear people even when they are whispering. I can response quickly and my memory improves. I speak Mandarin better than before.
 God Healed My Irregular Periods
Thank God for taking me to the Healing and Revival Special Meeting in Shenzhen. He healed not only my ear discharge but also some other diseases.
I had irregular periods accompanied with headache. I also had menorrhagia with blood clots. In this special meeting, Pastor Wang released the healing anointing. I received it, and then my irregular period and menorrhagia were healed. Since then, my periods had been regular every month. The period blood had no bad smell and no blood clots with the color of bright red. I had normal menstrual bleeding with the period cycle for 3 to 4 days. The headache disappeared as well.
After a time, I turned away from God and did not attend church weekly. My periods were abnormal again. It was even more severe than before. The period blood was dark black with clots, and the bleeding was heavy. The period was irregular: sometimes I had two periods in one month and sometimes one in two months. Once the period blood was so heavy that I had to change the overnight pad every ten minutes.
God made me return to Him and then He released the healing anointing to me again through His servant, Pastor Wang. My irregular periods were healed by God again. Now my periods come back to normal again: bright red blood color, no bad smell, no blood clots, normal menstrual bleeding and period cycle for 3 to 4 days. Thank God for not treating me with my transgressions and healing my diseases again. Praise the Lord!
Experiencing this healing, I know I should not turn away from God anymore.
God Healed My Severe Cramps
My legs got cramped from time to time when I was pregnant 14 years ago. Then it happened frequently from then on. I usually had cramps in my feet and legs when I walked within 10 minutes. It was so painful that I had to stop and sit down on the ground, stamping my feet. Sometimes the spasms happened when I drove a motorcycle. Sometimes it got worse and I had cramped in my belly, and even all over my body. When I stopped the motorcycle and sat on the side of the road, people passing by thought I had an accident so they came to pull my legs to relieve the pain. Thank God for taking me to the Healing and Revival Special Meeting in Shenzhen at which Pastor Wang released the healing anointing. I received the anointing, and my severe cramps was completely healed. Now ever though I walk a long way or drive the motorcycle, I don’t get cramps anymore.
Thank God for His mercy, grace and healing of my diseases. Glory to God! May God remember and bless His servant Pastor Wang Weidong(Wang Shengfeng)! 
Rays Healing and Revival Ministries
[Malachi 4:2] But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.
Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng) is the founder of Rays Healing and Revival Ministries.
In 2003, Pastor Wang almost died from sudden heart failure, kidney failure, high blood pressure, dizziness and uremia, when he was sent to the ICU of Beijing Hospital. But he survived by calling on the name of Jesus Christ. He was then trained by God for three years, during which he was guided by the Holy Spirit to continuously confess his sins and repent. He became a vessel molded by God for healing mission.
Since 2006, Pastor Wang has been serving people through curing their disease in various types. In 2011, he received a clear guidance from the Holy Spirit to establish a Healing and Revival ministry. His healing service has spread across many provinces and cities in China, such as Inner Mongolia, Zhejiang Province, Sichuan Province, Chongqing, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, etc. In the services, the gate of heaven was opened, people’s hearts were touched by God. Not only had their disease been healed, their lives were turned around and renewed.
During each service, people were led into the realm of God’s glory through His servant, Pastor Wang. They were blessed with not only spiritual abundance, but also good health and prosperity.
Over the past decade, God has used Pastor Wang to treat many critical illnesses, frequently-occurring diseases and congenital diseases, including AIDS, syphilis, drug addiction, leprosy, cancer, gigantism, leukemia, infertility, psoriasis, leg length inequality, deaf-mute, etc. In certain cases, the patients’ organs had already been dead or rotted; yet after being prayed, new organs grew miraculously at the lesion locations. Those witnessed God’s almighty healing nature.
Pastor Wang reiterated, “it’s all about God’s glory and mercy. The Lord's cross and blood have the power to break all chains of bondage manifested in sins, diseases and death! I'm just a servant, a vessel of Him! In any circumstance, the only thing I can do is to pray and surrender to the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to work according to His will! May all praise, glory and honor to our God through Jesus Christ! Amen!”
For any prayer request, connecting for God’s ministry, or sharing healing testimonies, please contact us at   [email protected]
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healingrevival · 4 years
God healed my brain tumor
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I am Susanna Tang. Thank God for giving me opportunity to testify for His glory and His infinite grace!
On October 31, 2014, I was brought to Trinity Church by God, where I met with Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng). Since then, I began to experience God's healing of my body, mind and spirit through Pastor Wang. And God has blessed my life in various ways! I had been a Christian for five years before 2014 and as a fervent follower, I actively participated in various church activities. I was desiring to learn more about God and to receive the supernatural healing and blessings, just like that as written in the Bible.
I was in my 40s. I had suffered from severe migraine for more than 20 years. The pain was mainly in the left temple. When my head hurt, the severe neuralgia kept me from thinking. I had symptoms of weakness, shortness of breath, the runny nose and saliva, nausea and vomiting. When I was in pain, I couldn’t help beating my head with my fist. I could do nothing to alleviate the pain but endure it until it was over. Since the migraine was considered as a common symptom of a cold by doctors, I took the rhinitis medicine “Biyankang” for more than 20 years. (Now I know I was misdiagnosed.)
After believing in God, I prayed for the healing of the migraine but I was not healed. I had slumped into a state of torpor. When my head hurt, I lay in bed, hoping that death would free me from it, after all Christians would not go to hell. When my head didn't hurt, I was used to going out for a walk, thinking this was the way to have a good day. It was ridiculous! Now I understand, at that time, I was in disorder of spiritual life. How could I live a good life in such a state? Furthermore, I thought I had migraine because of the "sub-health state", so I did more exercise and change the diet to improve my health. How stupid I had ever been!
Thank God for loving me. God led me to the Trinity Rich Church on Oct.31, 2014 and here I Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng). When we first met, he pointed at me and said: “Something bad has been in your body for many years. It is a brain tumor. It is like there is a burning induction cooker in your head, and it probably explode at any time. Your eyes are bloodshot.” I was shocked by Pastor Wang’s prophetic words.
Although I didn't know what caused my migraine, I thought it was something bad too. To my surprise, it was the brain tumor that caused my migraine. Then, the pastor told me many testimonies of God’s supernatural healing here. When I heard the healing testimonies of the similar disease, I was very excited, and I wanted the healing as well. My heart was opened up by God so I determined to accept Pastor Wang’s prayer for me. Around 7 p.m. that day, Pastor Wang started to instruct me to confess my sins to God and pray for me. The first sentence the pastor said was the same as what God said in my dream three days before. My heart opened wider to God. I made a commitment to God: “If you heal my migraine through Pastor Wang, I will commit myself to this church.”
Thank God! As soon as Pastor Wang prayed for my healing, I was anointed by the Holy Spirit and lay own on the ground. I felt sick. I felt something inside my body running up into the left temple, stretching my nerve to extreme pain. I tried to stand up but I was too weak to do so. I could only lie on the ground for 2 hours, keeping vomiting and using a lot of facial tissue.
Thank God for His mercy and love! After the healing, I had a sound sleep that night. I hadn’t had such a good sleep for more than 20 years! I woke up in the morning with brighter eyesight and relaxed body. The migraine was gone. I was so relaxed that it was like the heavy shackle and burdens were taken off. Even more amazing was that I suddenly had menstruation with bright red blood (My menstruation was dark brown with blood clots before). What I’d experienced was the same as what the pastor said the day we first met. When he told me the testimonies, he said: “The people who are healed by God will enjoy good appetite, good sleeping, good excretion and good menstruation with bright red color".
I haven't been to the hospital since that day. My brain and nerves are no longer in pain. Thank God for using this miraculous vessel, Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng), to heal my brain tumor, restore my health and give me a happy life! This is so great! God told me through the pastor: “This is God’s gift for you!” Therefore, my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure. I will love God all my life. I will offer all my heart and all my soul to God as a sacrifice!
Rays Healing and Revival Ministries
[Malachi 4:2] But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.
Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng) is the founder of Rays Healing and Revival Ministries.
In 2003, Pastor Wang almost died from sudden heart failure, kidney failure, high blood pressure, dizziness and uremia, when he was sent to the ICU of Beijing Hospital. But he survived by calling on the name of Jesus Christ. He was then trained by God for three years, during which he was guided by the Holy Spirit to continuously confess his sins and repent. He became a vessel molded by God for healing mission.
Since 2006, Pastor Wang has been serving people through curing their disease in various types. In 2011, he received a clear guidance from the Holy Spirit to establish a Healing and Revival ministry. His healing service has spread across many provinces and cities in China, such as Inner Mongolia, Zhejiang Province, Sichuan Province, Chongqing, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, etc. In the services, the gate of heaven was opened, people’s hearts were touched by God. Not only had their disease been healed, their lives were turned around and renewed.
During each service, people were led into the realm of God’s glory through His servant, Pastor Wang. They were blessed with not only spiritual abundance, but also good health and prosperity.
Over the past decade, God has used Pastor Wang to treat many critical illnesses, frequently-occurring diseases and congenital diseases, including AIDS, syphilis, drug addiction, leprosy, cancer, gigantism, leukemia, infertility, psoriasis, leg length inequality, deaf-mute, etc. In certain cases, the patients’ organs had already been dead or rotted; yet after being prayed, new organs grew miraculously at the lesion locations. Those witnessed God’s almighty healing nature.
Pastor Wang reiterated, “it’s all about God’s glory and mercy. The Lord's cross and blood have the power to break all chains of bondage manifested in sins, diseases and death! I'm just a servant, a vessel of Him! In any circumstance, the only thing I can do is to pray and surrender to the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to work according to His will! May all praise, glory and honor to our God through Jesus Christ! Amen!”
For any prayer request, connecting for God’s ministry, or sharing healing testimonies, please contact us at   [email protected]
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healingrevival · 4 years
God saved my uncle from the flood
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The witness: Brother Chen
He had suffered from congenital deaf-mutism for 53 years, and couldn’t hear and speak since he was born. In the Healing and Revival Special Meeting hold in 2016, God opened Chen’s ears through His servant Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng), and Chen spoke at once. Then, Brother Chen not only can hear people's words, but also heard the voice of the Lord in the flood. He was saved from the flood and got ashore.
This testimony is elaborated by brother Chen, and written by her niece Sister Qingxin.
 Life hung by a thread · Heard the voice of the Lord
I’m Sister Qingxin. Thank God for giving me the opportunity to testify for His glory.
On August 18, 2019, my uncle, Brother Chen, rode a motorcycle to another town to visit my mum in the rain.
It rained more and more heavily on the road. When he was crossing the bridge, the water level, originally only reaching his knee, rose higher and higher rapidly. The river was in flood and the rain was more violent than ever. Suddenly my uncle was washed down into the river with his motorcycle.
He was wearing a raincoat which tied him to the motorcycle. He was dragged into the flood by the motorcycle. Suddenly, he heard a voice saying to him: Take off the raincoat now, or you will be strangled by it. You must hold your breath and swim as hard as you can. He obeyed the voice.
 Led by the Lord · Out of danger step by step
It was amazing that although he closed his eyes in swimming, he could see the road ahead and avoid the garbage blocking in the front in time. He kept swimming and after a while, that voice said: you can stop and get ashore.
He immediately obeyed and prepared to get ashore. He happened to arrive at the Litchi Hill so he climbed up. (The Litchi Hill is one of the common low hills developed by the local people to grow cash crops).
He was saved by God from the flood. He cried for his survival. I've never seen him crying like this.
Thank God for saving my uncle, Brother Chen. At that time, the flood got worse and there was no one else could help him at all. Even if there were people there, they couldn’t help him as they even couldn't protect themselves in such a bad situation. Only our great Lord was able to save.
After he was saved, his neighbors said: He was so lucky to come back home after being washed away since someone once was washed away and never came back.
Thank God. Jesus saved my uncle from a life-and-death situation. All the glory to God!
My mother and I · The channels of blessings in our family
Thank God for leading my mother and I to walk in the way of confession and repentance. God has blessed us through his servant, Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng): "As long as we keep walking in the way of confession and repentance, God will protect all the people around us and we all will enjoy the peace from God. " Thank God for saving my uncle, Brother Chen, from the flood and helping him get ashore.
Thank Pastor Wang and the co-workers for their teaching. Thank Pastor Wang, brothers and sisters for the prayer. May God bless Pastor Wang Weidong (Wang Shengfeng)'s family, brothers and sisters greatly. Amen!
My mother, Brother Chen's sister, said:" Even deaf mutes like my brother and sister can receive God’s grace. We, the normal people who can hear and speak, will owe God too much if we miss it.”
Rays Healing and Revival Ministries
[Malachi 4:2]
But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.
For any prayer request, connecting for God’s Ministry, or sharing healing testimonies, please contact us at [email protected]
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