haydenc0904 · 28 days
Week 4 of RTE: Multimedia Performance
As I grow older I tend to analyze how things are made and performed. I love to see how the behind-the-scenes godown. With stuff like VTubing concerts, I can only think about the time and effort put into the coding, like how the performers use motion capture to record their music. They would typically put the performer in a motion capture suit while a model of the Vtuber is then tracking the motion of the performer behind it. It acts like a mask for the performer to protect their anonymity.
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haydenc0904 · 28 days
Week 3 of RTE: Scene
The scene in performing art plays a very crucial role in creating a story in a person's head. Say, for example, we want to tell someone the story takes place in the hustle and bustle of Kuala Lumpur, we must show things like a busy street, sidewalk and people moving around the place. The sound also helps to paint the scene and what is going on in said scene.
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haydenc0904 · 2 months
Week 2 of RTE
Perceptions was the talking topic about class this week. This made me think about how we perceive or how we think about things. Everyone of us as human, have different ways of thinking and how we process information.
As perceptions vary from person to person, I feel like it is crucial for us as designers t think about how our audience will percieve the product or artwork. As stated in class today "Perception is defined as the ability to mentally process and subconsciously notice particular things about a certain someone or something based on one or more senses." Why do i say it that way? It is because the message we want to send out will sometimes differ from what the message we are sending through our work which can leade to confusion and even conflict.
Since percepting things around us will alter according to how we react after one of our five different senses is stimulated, a study was conducted in the 19 century by psycholigist as they started practice something called psychophysics. Which aided them in understanding how the human brain percieves information through a series of psychological experiments and various techniques.
With that said, personally for me who grew up in a temple, I believe that it is crucial to be mindful and calculate how we need to percieve things around us.
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haydenc0904 · 2 months
Week 1 of Real-Time Expression
As a theatre nerd when I saw that I had to take this class I was very excited as I am a very expressive person learning how to create and share is my passion. As I sat in class and was ready for it, it opened up a new perspective for me on what I can expect from this class. From poetry to interactive art. I have so many ideas and things I want to do in this short amount of time. With that said please follow me as we discover more into this semester.
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