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يتحدث الدكتور إسماعيل إبراهيم في هذا الكتاب عن أهم الأمور التي تساعد الإنسان على قضاء عمله بسرعة وبأقل مجهود، وبتركه أثر حسن عنه.
بدايةً افتتح ال��اتب كتابه في الباب الأول عن نشأة وتطور العلاقات العامة، واستهله بمقولة لـ (ايفي لي) "إني أحاول أن أترجم الدولارات والسنتات والأسهم والأرباح إلى لغة إنسانية"، وهذه المقولة هي التي تصف جوهر العلاقات العامة، فهذه اللغة تأتي من الاهتمام بجوهر المؤسسة.
ينعكس هذا الاهتمام على العملاء والإنتاجية، فالكثير ممن يعتقد أن ساحة العمل تقتصر على تقديم منتج أو خدمة، ولكن تأثير العلاقات العامة على الإنتاجية ليس بالقليل، فهي فن يقتضي مهارة ولباقة وتجديد وابتكار مستمر مع الجمهور الداخلي أولاً ثم الخارجي، فالمستهلك هو سيد السوق، لذلك لابد من تحسين العلاقات في الداخل كي تنعكس على الخارج بأبهى حُلة.
العلاقات العامة تمثل جزء لا يتجزأ من المؤسسة، والتي يجب أن تكون الأقرب للجميع؛ لأنها تمثل صوت الجمهور الداخلي، والخارجي، والإعلام.
بعدها تطرق الكاتب لذكر صفات أخصائي العلاقات العامة، فعليه أن يؤمن إيمان تام بعمله، متيقظ لكل ما يدور حوله في المؤسسة؛ وذلك لتفادي كل العقبات ومعرفة السبل الصحيحة لحلها، حيث ختم الكاتب الباب الأول بأن العلاقات العامة نوع من العمل الإعلامي الذي يعتمد على مخاطبة الجمهور.
في الباب الثاني توجه الكاتب للعلاقات العامة، وترابطها مع التسويق، وإدارة السوشل ميديا، والأزمات، فالأشخاص تتفاعل مع محتوى السوشل ميديا بتغيرها السلوكي الذي لا يخلوا من المخاطر التي تتعلق
ببعض جوانب تكوين الرأي العام؛ لذلك طرح الكاتب بأنه لابد من دراسة السوق والجمهور فهي المفتاح لتحقيق أهداف المؤسسة.
ذكر الكاتب أيضاً عوائق التسويق الإلكتروني وكيفية التعامل معها مما يعطي الأخصائيين الخبرة الكافية، وبعدها طرح 7 مهارات لابد من تواجدها لاستخدام مثالي لوسائل الإعلام ، فليس كل من امتلك حساب على الإنستغرام بعدد كبير من المتابعين هو قد يمتلك المهارات في التأثير الاجتماعي لخلق هذا العدد، بل إنما قام بشراء المتابعين مثلاً، لذلك طرح هذه المهارات التي من خلالها يمكن اجادة استخدام قنوات الإعلام، فبوضع الاستراتيجيات الصحيحة لكل قناة إعلامية تتمكن المؤسسة من استهداف الجمهور الصحيح، إذًا لابد من صياغة محتوى خاص لكل قناة إعلامية، إن بعض القنوات تتيح نشر مقتطفات قصيرة من المعلومات، وأخرى تتيح نشر الصور، وغيرها تتيح نشر الفيديوهات، ولابد من إتقان هذه المهارة للتمكن من الوصول للجمهور المستهدف وبطريقةٍ صحيحة.
ذكر الكاتب في هذا الباب عشر قوانين بالإعلام الاجتماعي التي تساعد العلاقات العامة، وأهمها قانون النفوذ، والصبر، ففي قانون النفوذ يمكن من خلاله بناء العلاقات مع المؤثرين على الإنترنت حتى تتمكن المؤسسة من تحويل منافسيها إلى شركاء، وفي ختام الباب الثاني ذكر الكاتب فن التعامل مع الأزمات، على الأخصائي أن يعد خططه مسبقاً لتفادي المخاطر، والأزمات قبل حدوثها، وذلك ليكون فريق العمل مستعد، وقادر على التعامل الصحيح مع مختلف الأزمات.
أما في الباب الثالث تحدث الكاتب عن أهمية الرأي العام في تحديد شكل الرسالة الإعلامية، لإمكانية إحداث التأثير المطلوب.
أما في الباب الرابع وهو الأخير تقدم الكاتب بتفصيل شامل عن كيفية إدارة العلاقات العامة للأزمات، فيوجه نصائح وخطط لتوخيها بطريقة صحيحة وأهم ما ذكره من تلك النصائح هي أنه على أخصائي العلاقات العامة دراسة البيئة الداخلية والخارجية حتى يتمكن من حصر مختلف الأزمات، حيث أنه ذكر أيضًا بالتفصيل كيفية الإعداد لإدارة الأزمات ومن أهم هذه الإعدادات هي تكوين علاقات وثيقة مع وسائل الإعلام في جميع الأوقات، لتكون أكثر تعاوناً مع المؤسسة، وبعدها قام بالتحدث عن عوامل نجاح إدارة الأزمات، ثم قدم تجارب حقيقية تحكي نموذجاً لحل المشكلة قبل الوقوع فيها، وبهذا ختم كتابه.
الرأي الشخصي:
إن هذا الكتاب بفصوله الأربعة، يقدم ذخيرة علمية ومعرفية حديثة، ومواكبة لكل الدارسين الذين يتطلعون إلى تعميق معارفهم وخبراتهم، فالإنسان لا يستطيع العيش في عزله تامة، فالحياة قصيرة جدًا، وأضحت عالم يُختصر بالعالم الرقمي، فلا بد من تعلم لباقة التعامل معها ومع من يحيطون بك؛ الكثير يضن أن بعد الجهد المبذول في الدراسة سيكون بعدها في دائرة بسيطة جداً مبتعداً عن ضجيج الحياة وما فيها من عُقد تقتضي مكابدة وفن للتعامل معها.
تحديد واستهداف الجمهور يأتي بنتائج إيجابية سريعة للمؤسسة.
بناء العلاقات هو واحد من أهم أجزاء مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي وعليه يعتمد نجاح التسويق.
مقولة لـ (ايفي لي) "إني أحاول أن أترجم الدولارات والسنتات والأسهم والأرباح إلى لغة إنسانية"
عن الكتاب:
الكتاب صُمم بطريقة إبداعية جميلة، مستخدمين النمط في الخلفية بشفافيته التي اضفت جمالية للغلاف، وباستخدام اللون الأسود في كتابة العنوان، وهو لون له دلالة مرتبطة بمحتوى الكتاب وهي الثقة بالنفس، كما نعرف أنه يجب على الإعلامي تعزيز الثقة بنفسه كي ينعكس على جميع الموظفين في المؤسسة، واستخدام الصورة التوضيحية في الغلاف تعطي فكرة بسيطة عن محتوى الكتاب أيضًا.
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قصة حِنكة أم
نبذة القصة:
في يوم ميلادها، قررت مريم أن تُقيم حفلةً صغيرة في منزلها الجميل. فقامت ببعض التجهيزات قبل وصول والدتها. وفي تلك الأثناء، وهي تعلق الزينة على أحدِ الجدران، كادت أن تسقط، فتشبثت بالمكتبة، ولكنها سقطت وأوقعت التحفة المحببة لوالدتها أرضاً فكُسِرت. خافت مريم من ردِ فعل أمها حين تصل، فماذا جرى بعدها يا ترى! كيف تصرفت مريم حينها؟
إشراف د. سماء الهاشمي
(fa224) مقرر فن الرسم الرقمي 
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They met throw the instagram ,they now each other since 6month ,
Jo is a disghner like cheyney, and she is specialize in square-space websites and also the digital collages (the more modern version of what realize a collage is , mash of different element to create a visual representation pf a theme ).
1- what inspires jo?
Any thing in design as inspires and the color full in collages like different pieces of art
2-what is your typical day like ?
Jo day start with her email and her admin and kick pff the day . And after that start the work and usually finish 4-5 pf her booked stuff and every Friday she hangout her lunch time debbind in the project the she’s working on .
3-what has ben your fave project?
Jo fave project is work in off and on the flexibility that she had
4-do you have any advice for a client?
If they asked for something do it and just think about what you want as well and how you’re going to five the best put pf the job , the design is creative so be a friendly with the designer’s so you will get the best thing you want.
4- any advice for newbie?
Get started ,don’t care what anyone else thinks and be like ....love that ,never mind how many you fail or how many people say no ,one person will always say yes .
5- where people can find you?
Jo website is : miplywhytedesighn.co.nz
Instagram ,facebook and pintrest:@simplywhytedesign
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Aug 4, 2019
Art Center Mosaic Workshop
First work shopping started on Saturday Art Center Held a workshop on'the art of mosaics' in.
Hosted by the Bahrain Cultural and Archaeological Bureau and collaborated with the Mirakke Center for the Arts.
Work has been undertaken to characterize participants of different ages for the different skills required to dominate and complete the mosaic painting industry. In addition, basic guidelines for choosing the type and color of ceramics, design, adhesives, and instruments used in this art were provided, so each participant in this workshop comes out with their own fine stamp. Mosaic.
These workshops are aimed at several arts, including blenders, charcoal, and acrylic leaves, and links to register for these workshops are established at www.culture.gov.bh.
This was one of the beautiful workshops that left more beautiful art stamps between participants
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World Art Gallery Dubai UAE
Art lovers await the start of the 7th edition of the World Art Fair Dubai, which will be held tomorrow at the Dubai World Trade Center. The exhibition continues for four days, exhibiting works by international artists and local creators at reasonable prices, and introduces various art events, interactive workshops, and outstanding activities.
The 7th edition of this exhibition is held under the slogan "discover a new perspective", and visitors have the opportunity to enjoy the work of an emerging and experienced artistic talent group. Artists and galleries are participating and participating in the exhibition of more than 2,000 works of art by next Saturday. It includes activities held in collaboration with art, art and workshops for children photography, as well as a special art collection for the many creators of the Dubai Police.
local artists are at the forefront of participants at the World Art Fair Dubai. Among them, [hat] Armand Sri of the artist Emmy Lati is participating again after the remarkable success he achieved since his first participation in the activities of the World Art Exhibition Dubai 2020. .
Al Mansoori is inspired by everyday details such as music, film, nature, and more, mixing different colors and her sophisticated abstract styles to create small art paintings. Visitors can see her work in person in a dedicated pavilion that is open through the 4 days of the exhibition.
The Emirati artist and mathematics expert Amal Mohamed displays an exclusive collection of her work, sparked by the sea, mythical creatures, and the energy of women. Amar's most famous work of art,'Whirlpool', expresses the beauty of colorful marine life inspired by the legend of Emirati. In the case of writer Sarah Harbali, she will be attending this exhibition for the first time as a group of unique works of art as the first artist to present the concept of spectrum in the expression of the spiritual art of sacred recitation Koran.
On this occasion, Trixie Luo Mirmand, Vice President of Exhibition and Event Management at the Dubai World Trade Center, said: "We expect to be able to welcome both permanent and new visitors after taking strict steps to ensure the safety of all.
The World Art Gallery Dubai Integrated and ideal artistic, while providing art lovers with the advice they need in this area, as well as having the first experience of winning works of art that evoke their admiration and collecting a collection of art. The variety of exhibited works guarantees the impression of visitors at all times according to the needs of companies and institutions such as art works suitable for personal use and hotels and restaurants. "
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F.A.M interviewwith graphic artist miz :
1-what sparked your intrest in art and design initially ?
Since i was taal black and i always remember just illustrating i was good on it , he grow up with his uncle and unts they have skills at art ,he was living in the environment of making stuff so it was easy transition for him to continue and upgrade that skills on him .
2-do you feel like theres different in terms of like more talent as i find out that a lot of artist that i com creoss dont necessarily show digital artists and people who we use like technology in the computer to create they dont feel that its an art not like if you will draw by your hand or paint ,what do you feel about that ?
He was totally disagreed by saying that alot of poeple fail to realize it whether your using a computer or brush on canvas ,what ever your using its a tool to creat the art , it doesn’t matter what your using if you creating art thats beautiful and matters than i dont care what he used to creat it
3-what is the term creative mean to you if you had to define in your own words ?
Creative to me it mean being able to come up with an idea an original idea and take that idea you know and make it reality
4-what is your favorite piece of art that you done thus far and why ?
Its just a moment captured in that time , i stopped looking at my work because i don’t have any favorite ,if i didn’t like and it doesn’t work i move on to the next one.
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The Bani Jamra NASEEJ
Committee held its first effectiveness on Sunday on 26 September 2016 in the Bani Jamra Cultural Club, where they revived 12 different arts of folk and literary arts (drawing, Arabic line, photography, art of writing, hair, film industry, sculpture, handicrafts,
For those over the age of 16 years, the idea was launched with the aim of encouraging artists to continue their talents and to strengthen their abilities. There were 220 creative artists and artists. There were also interactive sessions throughout the event with artists with extensive experience.
With the participation of many artists such as the artist Abdul Karim Mohammed Nasser, who started the line and drawing from the primary age and developed into a profession and a profession from which to gain his livelihood; the artist Shawqi Abdullah Ali, who participated in many exhibitions inside and outside Bahrain; and the artist Fatima Ibrahim . I never had my work to learn that I could offer what was better. I saw at the art NASEEJ exhibition an opportunity to regain my enthusiasm in the painting that I lost three years ago on the pretext of preoccupation with the university.”
The committee has thus shown great interest in artistic and cultural matters from discovering and reviving the talents and abilities of many young people in the village.
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The idea of the advertisement: ‏
Shadow of Nazi symbolism on the grass, three children one of them holds the flag of America, another one is carrying a plane that appears to be a warplane and the girl setting on a rock while playing, also there is a text that saying "don't let the shadow touch them" in whit and " war bonds " in yellow color.
‏Text below the image, children are at the top of the picture, Nazi symbolism in the background behind the kids, where the pictures in the poster represent 30%, and the text represent 70%.
‏In the picture, each child's eye goes to the other side, where the eye of the viewer goes in every direction in the picture, like it takes care of any imminent danger.
‏. Making people contribute materially to support the war in order to protect their children and remove danger from them.
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‏Overall design What caught my attention first is the pupils of the eye , which is evidence that there is so much caffeine in the body , where the image is filled only with the open eye , and either the wide body is the center of the image , what appears in the front of the image is the open eye , and what appears in the back of it is the logo of the company , what the eye of the viewer is the eye , and ultimately on the logo of the company . The edges of the image were just a little bit blurry , but what's special about them is the sharply expanding pupils of the eye . This image is particularly marked in the foreground , where the vestibule has expanded significantly in evidence of more caffeine in the coffee
‏There's a lot of empty space , and it represents the skin of the person whose eye was photographed , and I think it's part of the picture that doesn't matter . For example , if a person can stay up after drinking caffeine , it itself will attract the attention of the viewer . The eye has come in a large and dominant way in the image in general . It's the only part that the viewer will be interested in just looking at this announcement . The image does not have clear and neatly drawn lines , but it can be imagined and drawn by having the eye in the center of the image , and how the eyebrows connect to the eyelashes with the eye itself , so the eye of the viewer can make a vertical line where the vertical lines that defy gravity indicate energy and activity , and that's what the image wants to deliver to the viewer .
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Art workshop at the Capital Mall "The Arab Line in Compound Art"
The capital complex organized an art workshop entitled "The Arab line in the formative art", which was presented by one of the professionals, Mohammad Reza. This workshop aimed to spread the formative culture and to increase attention to what the Arab line adds to the painting, about its tale and the meaning of its presence in the painting, where the Arab line adds an Arab and Islamic.
The workshop lasted three days of practical training, making it all impressed by attendance and participants, where many young artists attended, the religion, and performed very wonderful works.
At the end of the workshop, the attendees thanked the artist Mohammed Reza for presenting the most wonderful and offered him such important workshops. They also did not forget the management of the complex. They thanked them for their interest in this kind of arts. This contributes to raising awareness of the importance of the Arab line.
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The logo of Mercedes is three dimensional star and it for the three transport things in the earth(ground transport, air transport, sea transport )
The circle out side the logo is the symbol of the car tire and the star is for the air plane engine and the logo as it its the symbol for the Compass for the sea , so this mean Mercedes have ground transport and air transport and sea transport ,and the logo is very simple and unique you can know the company from the logo.
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Many poeple that designing logo for a company or website its easy thing ,just do circle and but inside the circle the name of company, but in the real life its not that easy , making a successful logo depend in many things that you have to do it to be a true designer.
In this logo the designer make his logo special with many things first of them is the color (he know which color for what and where) , he choose the color red and yellow and thats important ,this color give you the feel pf relxation and the worm thats why we sow this color in many resturant logos , the designer choose the right font and thats make the logo more beautiful amd unique from the hand and mustache so he make the logo unique and easy to know for what that logo.
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‏at this assignment we were asked to Students in groups of two have to research and present two assigned principles of design. For example, one group may research and present the principle of "Balance" and "Emphasis". Then, each group has to write and present the topic to the class .. Each group must find and present 3 existing examples that demonstrate each of the assigned principles. Each group must design and present 1 artwork that demonstrates each of the assigned principles. and my subject was about unity so this was my design and I follow up my task with font and design each the font is like the design
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‏Assignment 5
‏Principals of graphic design
‏At this task , i make upgrades for logo of Restaurant so i did the following
. Redraw the fuse
. Changing color
. The design balanced
. Changing font
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‏Assignment 4
‏Principals of graphic design
at thais task I toke a photo of the sky and as we know that we cant travel like the old days, so i draw a plane in the middle of the sky and I’m hopefully that the life will be like the old days and all the country’s open.
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‏Assignment 3
‏Principals of graphic design
In this task, I thought very carefully about the barcode and how to use it as part of something else. As long as I used brushes and colors in this specialty, I said, I had to make it more about my specialty, so I chose in one of my drawings to make the barcode look like an upper part of the drawing brush.
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‏Assignment 2
‏Principals of graphic design
In that task I was thinking in wich world I can make it in that way, and at the end i came up with world *glasses* and as you see I make the latter *S* to be the lenses and the rest latter will be out .
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