hauntedkniqht · 1 year
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rb shit
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hauntedkniqht · 1 year
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Another drawing of Scarecrow from last year. Inspired by The Long Halloween animated movie. Easily one of my fave DC animations. I've always preferred animation over live action when it comes to the Batman franchise.
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hauntedkniqht · 1 year
I love how all of the Batman villains are like “ah he’s not at the manor, it’s defenseless! and then alfred just racks an AK-47 and is like pull up bitch
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hauntedkniqht · 1 year
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hauntedkniqht · 1 year
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Batman: White Knight, Sean Murphy, 2017-2018
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hauntedkniqht · 2 years
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Love is true north. Love is salvation. Love is paradise. Head toward it. Head towards love. // Batman (2016) #48
We all loved him. We wanted him to love us. That’s… everything. […] I held him as the rain came and we laughed. […] He’s me, I’m him. Of course he wants peace, and I could give him that, and he’d love me. // Batman (2016) #49
How does he make himself that good? Good enough that we can’t live without him? // Batman (2016) #66
His blood is on my blade and then my hand and then my arm and then my face and then in my mouth, on my tongue. Selina, I taste him. I’m so wet and I’m so happy. // Batman/Catwoman (2020) #9
Aren’t you so special. Don’t you think I could #@%#% him? I bet I’d do it better. I bet he’d finally be satisfied. Stay in a few nights. // Batman/Catwoman (2020) #10
(Tom King, Mikel Janin, Jorge Fornes, Clay Mann)
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hauntedkniqht · 2 years
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🎶 What are little boys made of? What are little boys made of? 🎶
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hauntedkniqht · 2 years
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hauntedkniqht · 2 years
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batman confidential #26-28 living in my mind rent free at all times
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hauntedkniqht · 2 years
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Joker late to some villain meeting like, “Sorry, I got a little tied up with the Bat.”
“Like really tied up.”
“Like literally—”
“You realize this meeting is about trying to kill him??”
“… What are you getting at?”
(caption from the wonderful @fractualized <3)
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hauntedkniqht · 3 years
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Scarecrow & Batman 
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hauntedkniqht · 3 years
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arkham city was good
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hauntedkniqht · 3 years
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Scarecrow and Bane with their Fur Feather-baby, “West Craven”.
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hauntedkniqht · 3 years
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Local playboy gets drunk and kisses DA
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hauntedkniqht · 3 years
wowww okay unfollowing now! i was a huge fan of his cannibal dinner parties and artistic displays of his victim’s corpses, i had no idea he was dating one of his patients
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hauntedkniqht · 3 years
i’m starting to think that bruce wayne may have a couple unhealthy coping mechanisms :/
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hauntedkniqht · 3 years
i want to talk more seriously about the fact bruce wayne has been canonically diagnosed with ocd, and i want to make a huge masterpost pointing to actual comic panels and junk, but the stuff i actually end up thinking about with regards to the subject is something like this:
bruce probably has intrusive thoughts about the sudden death of his children, which is, uh, fucking scary to deal with to say the least, and one of his compulsions is simply to check in on them. y'know. to make sure they're alright. if he can see they're literally alive right in front of him, the thoughts lose their teeth and it just becomes a matter of countering it whenever it comes up.
so the kids get used to these seemingly random check-ins. maybe they understand it's because of the ocd or maybe they don't, i would hope that bruce would be open about that but we're talking about bruce after all. but anyway. when dick was old enough to start going out a lot on his own, the check-ins would take the form of texts.
it started with something like... "where are you?" which to bruce seemed like a perfectly innocent question, but being on the other side of a random "where are you?" message is uh. concerning! so dick had to explain to bruce that that was a surefire way to give somebody a panic attack about if they were supposed to be somewhere and forgot somehow... so, it became more like "you okay?" and it would go on like that for a while. it comes off as very... needy from the outside, probably, but that's okay.
bruce does these check-ins with all of his kids as they come into his life - it got particularly overbearing and frankly frustrating after jason died (you know, the exact thing he was afraid would happen...) but by the time of, like, cass joining the family, and then especially once jason turns out to be alive again, he's able to ease up on it. and technology evolves pretty rapidly, y'know? so...
bruce's check-in texts morphed into sending his kids absolute barrages of heart emojis, and the first time he decided to do this, it made everyone concerned that he was replaced by a martian somehow. but no. it's perfectly logical to bruce, he loves his kids, heart emojis express love... what is there to be confused about!
anyway, this has been my vision, thank you for listening to my ted talk.
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