harukiirie · 6 years
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152K notes · View notes
harukiirie · 6 years
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7K notes · View notes
harukiirie · 6 years
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“we open at sunset.”
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harukiirie · 6 years
Don't kill yourself, please.
If you’re suffering from depression and are looking for a sign to not go through with ending your life, this is it. This is the sign. We care.
If you see this on your dash, reblog it. You could save a life.
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harukiirie · 6 years
Download: [x]
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harukiirie · 7 years
How long did it take for people to start noticing your artwork? I sometimes feel like mine is going nowhere, no matter how much better I get.
it probably wasn’t that long, but oh my god it felt like it took absolutely ages haha. i started posting under the name jax/clockbirds in ~2014 and it took about a year and a half or so before things ‘took off’. (i was going to post a big thing about my whole experience with art/social media/getting exposure but it got too rambly and long and i didn’t think anyone would want to read it lmao). BUT i have learnt a few things that i think are important, so i’ll share them~
consistency is KEY. i know what it feels like to post online with no audience, its like throwing your art into an abyss and it can feel awful. but don’t. stop. doing. it. especially if you have art or are still drawing everyday/very often. i know a few artists who draw A LOT. like damnit-friend-how-are-your-hands-not-broken-A-LOT. but they either don’t post it on social media or they do one of the worst things you can do and thats upload all their drawings in one giant batch every few months or so and then completely ignore the site after. it is really difficult to gain traction anywhere if potential followers don’t feel like you’re going to put the in effort there to engage with them.
i wish i could post a drawing everyday, that would be incredible!! right now with my schedule i can only settle for once a week and that’s totally alright too. basically: keep your account looking active, keep posting sketches/wips/whatever you’ve recently finished. even if it feels like you’re throwing your art into an abyss, you NEVER know who might eventually find it. 
spread your art everywhere. different social media play by different rules. tumblr and twitter have the reblogging/tweeting system. sites like deviantart have the newest/popular page and a hierarchically organised browsing system, instagram and youtube have weirdass algorithms. some sites (not limited to the ones listed) might work better for your work than others but it’s really hard to know until you actually give them all a try. if its not too much more effort for you to spend an additional minute uploading your image to more than one platform, do it! the chance of people finding your work increases and it may pay off! (and of course, remember to keep being consistent on that platform).
anyway i hope this didn’t sound too pretentious or preachy homfg. at the end of the day it all comes down to a bit of luck and A LOT of perseverance. so don’t give up!! you can do it!!
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harukiirie · 7 years
Am i too late for requesting Flippy and Flaky? I just realized they are my lost childhood, and im falling in love with 'em. If no thanks! Have a nice day
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OF COURSE FRIEND!!! have a great day too
641 notes · View notes
harukiirie · 7 years
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played heartbound demo yesterday and fell in love holy crap. So i ended up spending the entire afternoon/evening/night working on this. ^-^ 
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harukiirie · 7 years
I dont get doot doot :'(
every single person who reblogs this
will get “doot doot” in their ask box
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harukiirie · 7 years
Net Neutrality
For those of you who don’t know what net neutrality is:
“Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments regulating most of the Internet must treat all data on the Internet the same, and not discriminate or charge deferentially by user, content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or method of communication.” - Wikipedia. 
TL:DR It’s the internet’s deceleration of independence.
This git person of ill dispute:  
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Trump’s FCC chairman, Ajit Pai, wants to take Net Neutrality away from YOU by DECEMBER. once it’s gone it WILL NOT COME BACK. I should not have to explain to you why this has to be stopped. 
cr1tikal put it best: “You’ll basically be buying loot boxes from your ISP. The internet will have loot boxes where you pay more for certain websites and you’ll be buying packages that come with a random assortment of websites.”
That’s just the beginning. 
Without the internet many of us would have never had the opportunity to meet and express ideas. YOUR free speech is on the line here and if we cross that line I fear for our futures. Many of us only know our histories because of the internet, we must refuse to let ourselves be erased again. 
Simple. Do what y’all did to EA, the public outcry and rage against the lootbox and gambling systems had EA back peddling. Apply that to stopping the FCC and we wont loose Net Neutrality. Remember governments exist to serve the people, not the other way. Not banks, not corporations.
Verizons plan to break the internet. (link)
Net Neutrality Violations: A Brief History (link)
Call / tweet / facebook / write to your state representatives. 
Spread what Net Neutrality is so more people know what is on the line.
Utilise social media (@ajitpaiFCC)  
11K notes · View notes
harukiirie · 7 years
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13K notes · View notes
harukiirie · 7 years
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Gift for @rensaven thanks for the tutorials ^-^ i might have some more art . But im going to post it later
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harukiirie · 7 years
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harukiirie · 7 years
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family feud is a national treasure 
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harukiirie · 7 years
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103K notes · View notes
harukiirie · 7 years
i’ve finally found my drawing style
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371K notes · View notes
harukiirie · 7 years
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Reblog In 5 seconds for good luck
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