harshadiamonds · 1 month
Harsha Diamond: Your Trusted HPHT Diamond Manufacturer and Dealer
Harsha Diamond is not just a manufacturer but also a trusted dealer of HPHT (High Pressure High Temperature) diamonds, known for our unwavering commitment to excellence, integrity, and customer satisfaction. With a deep-rooted passion for diamonds and a dedication to quality, we are your premier destination for superior Hpht diamond manufacture in paris, whether you need them for jewelry, industrial applications, or research purposes.
HPHT diamonds are created through a sophisticated process that simulates the intense pressure and high temperatures found deep within the Earth's mantle. The result is diamonds of exceptional clarity, color, and brilliance. As both a manufacturer and dealer of HPHT diamonds, Harsha Diamond ensures that each gemstone meets the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship.
At Harsha Diamond, we offer a diverse range of Hpht diamond manufacture in nepal to cater to the needs of various industries and applications. Whether you're looking for pristine white diamonds for fine jewelry or high-performance industrial diamonds for cutting tools, we have the expertise and resources to fulfill your requirements.
What sets Harsha Diamond apart is our unwavering commitment to excellence in both manufacturing and sourcing Hpht diamond manufacture in italy. We collaborate closely with reputable diamond manufacturers and laboratories to ensure that our diamonds are of the highest quality and authenticity. Each diamond undergoes rigorous inspection and certification to guarantee authenticity, quality, and compliance with industry standards.
In addition to our dedication to quality, Harsha Diamond prioritizes transparency and ethical sourcing practices. We adhere to strict ethical guidelines and advocate for responsible diamond cultivation methods, ensuring that our diamonds are produced responsibly and ethically.
Furthermore, Harsha Diamond offers personalized service, competitive pricing, and prompt delivery to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Whether you're a jewelry retailer, diamond wholesaler, or industrial manufacturer, we strive to exceed your expectations at every step of the process. Our experienced team is here to assist you in finding the perfect Hpht diamond manufacture in turkey for your specific requirements.
In conclusion, Harsha Diamond stands as your trusted partner for superior Hpht diamond manufacture in beirut, both as a manufacturer and dealer. With our unwavering commitment to excellence, integrity, and customer satisfaction, we set the standard for excellence in the diamond industry. Whether you're in search of exquisite gemstones for jewelry or high-quality diamonds for industrial applications, Harsha Diamond delivers the quality and reliability you can trust.
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harshadiamonds · 2 months
Unlocking the Brilliance: The Science Behind CVD Diamonds
In the world of gemstones, diamonds have always held a special allure. They are not just symbols of luxury and elegance but also repositories of scientific wonder. While traditionally mined diamonds have long been the standard, a new contender has emerged in recent years: CVD Diamonds Manufacture. In this blog post, we'll delve into the fascinating science behind CVD diamonds, unlocking their brilliance and shedding light on their growing importance in various industries.
What are CVD Diamonds?
CVD stands for Chemical Vapor Deposition, a process used to create synthetic diamonds in a controlled environment. Unlike natural diamonds formed over millions of years under immense pressure and heat deep within the Earth's crust, CVD Diamonds Supplier are grown in a laboratory setting. This process involves introducing a carbon-rich gas into a vacuum chamber, where it is heated to extreme temperatures, causing carbon atoms to settle and form diamond crystals layer by layer.
Key Advantages of CVD Diamonds:
Purity: CVD diamonds boast exceptional purity, often surpassing their mined counterparts.
Customization: They can be precisely engineered to possess specific characteristics, such as size, shape, and color.
Ethical Considerations: CVD diamonds are conflict-free, offering a sustainable alternative to traditionally mined diamonds.
Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial investment in CVD diamond production infrastructure is significant, the scalability of the process makes these diamonds more cost-effective in the long run.
The Science Behind the Brilliance
The brilliance of a diamond is determined by its optical properties, primarily its ability to refract and reflect light. In CVD Diamonds Supplier, this brilliance is achieved through a combination of factors, including:
Crystal Structure: CVD diamonds exhibit a well-defined crystal structure, allowing light to pass through and reflect with minimal dispersion.
Clarity: The absence of impurities and defects in CVD diamonds contributes to their exceptional clarity, enhancing their brilliance.
Precision Growth: The controlled growth process enables manufacturers to produce diamonds with uniform properties, maximizing their optical performance.
Applications Across Industries
CVD diamonds find applications across a wide range of industries, thanks to their unique properties and versatility. Some notable applications include:
Jewelry: CVD diamonds are increasingly favored by designers and consumers alike for their purity, brilliance, and ethical sourcing.
Cutting and Polishing Tools: Their exceptional hardness and durability make CVD diamonds ideal for cutting and polishing tools used in industries such as mining and manufacturing.
Electronics: CVD Diamonds Supplier are used in various electronic applications, including high-performance semiconductors, thermal management solutions, and quantum computing.
Unlocking the Future
As technology continues to advance, the potential applications of CVD diamonds are only beginning to be realized. From revolutionizing the semiconductor industry to enabling breakthroughs in quantum computing, these synthetic gems hold the key to unlocking a future defined by innovation and sustainability.
In conclusion, the science behind CVD Diamonds Supplier unveils a world of possibilities, where brilliance meets precision and sustainability. As we embrace the potential of synthetic diamonds, we pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable future. Let's continue to unlock the brilliance of CVD diamonds and propel innovation across industries.
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harshadiamonds · 3 months
The Evolution of HPHT Diamond Production: From Laboratory to Market
In the realm of gemstones, diamonds stand as the epitome of elegance and endurance. Over the years, the production of diamonds has undergone a remarkable evolution, particularly in the realm of High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) diamond production. From its humble beginnings in laboratories to its prominence in the market, the journey of HPHT diamonds is a testament to human ingenuity and technological advancement.
Unveiling the Genesis: Laboratory Experimentation
The story of HPHT diamond production traces back to the mid-20th century when scientists embarked on a quest to replicate the natural conditions that give rise to diamonds deep within the Earth's mantle. High Pressure High Temperature (Hpht diamonds supplier in lebanon) technology emerged as a groundbreaking method, mimicking the extreme conditions required for diamond formation.
In laboratory settings, scientists subjected carbon materials to intense pressure and temperature, inducing crystallization and the formation of diamonds. Initially, these synthetic diamonds served primarily industrial purposes due to their exceptional hardness and thermal conductivity. However, as technology progressed, so did the quality and size of the synthesized diamonds, opening doors to new possibilities.
From Industrial Applications to Gemstone Glamour
The transition of HPHT diamonds from industrial applications to the realm of gemstones marked a significant turning point in the diamond industry. As manufacturing techniques improved and production costs decreased, HPHT diamonds began to exhibit qualities comparable to natural diamonds, both in appearance and composition.
One of the most notable characteristics of Hpht diamonds supplier in beirut is their exceptional clarity and color, making them highly desirable for use in jewelry. The ability to produce diamonds with specific characteristics, such as color and size, further fueled their integration into the consumer market.
The Rise of Market Acceptance
Despite initial skepticism, HPHT diamonds have gradually gained acceptance within the jewelry market. Consumers, drawn to their brilliance and affordability, have embraced HPHT diamonds as a viable alternative to natural stones. Moreover, advancements in detection technology have enabled jewelers and gemologists to distinguish between HPHT diamonds and their natural counterparts with greater accuracy, instilling confidence among buyers.
The affordability of Hpht diamonds supplier in turkey has also democratized access to diamond jewelry, making it more accessible to a wider audience. This democratization has challenged traditional notions of luxury and exclusivity, paving the way for a more inclusive diamond market.
Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
While the evolution of HPHT diamond production has been remarkable, challenges and opportunities lie ahead for the industry. One of the primary challenges is the need for continued innovation to enhance the quality and consistency of HPHT diamonds. As consumer expectations rise, manufacturers must strive to meet demand while maintaining ethical and sustainable practices throughout the production process.
Furthermore, education and transparency remain paramount in fostering trust and confidence among consumers. Providing accurate information about the origins and characteristics of Hpht diamonds supplier in italy enables consumers to make informed purchasing decisions and strengthens the integrity of the diamond industry as a whole.
Conclusion: A Shining Future
The evolution of HPHT diamond production from laboratory experimentation to market prominence underscores the dynamic nature of the diamond industry. Through innovation and perseverance, scientists and manufacturers have transformed a once-experimental technology into a cornerstone of the gemstone market.
As we gaze toward the future, the journey of Hpht diamonds supplier in nepal serves as a testament to human creativity and resilience. With continued dedication to quality, sustainability, and transparency, the allure of HPHT diamonds is set to shine brighter than ever before.
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harshadiamonds · 5 months
The Brilliant Allure of Synthetic Diamonds
Synthetic diamonds, also known as lab-created diamonds, provide an ethical and sustainable diamond alternative. Keep reading to learn why these man-made diamonds are equivalent to mined diamonds in every way, except their origin.
What are Synthetic Diamonds?
Synthetic diamonds are chemically identical to natural diamonds. They are produced in laboratory environments using cutting-edge technology to replicate the conditions under which diamonds form naturally. Advanced methods like CVD (chemical vapor deposition) and HPHT (high pressure, high temperature) are used to grow Synthetic Diamonds crystals.
Environmentally Friendly
Synthetic diamond production has negligible environmental impact compared to traditional mining practices. No large-scale excavation, deforestation or disruption of ecosystems is required. Choosing synthetics helps preserve the earth’s resources.
Conflict-Free Origin
Synthetic diamonds provide a conflict-free alternative. They are created ethically under regulated conditions, never using exploited labor. Consumers can be assured of their humane origins.
Exceptional Quality
Synthetic diamonds possess the same optical, chemical, and physical properties as mined diamonds. They exhibit the same hardness, brilliance, sparkle and fire. Synthetic diamonds receive the same GIA grading for the 4Cs as natural diamonds.
Great Value
Synthetic diamonds come at a fraction of the cost of mined diamonds. They make stunning diamonds more affordable and accessible. You don’t have to sacrifice sparkle for budget.
Identical Appearance
Even under a jeweler’s loupe, synthetic diamonds are indistinguishable from natural diamonds without advanced testing. They provide the same dazzling beauty and quality at far lower prices.
Synthetic diamonds are an eco-friendly, ethical alternative that look identical to real diamonds but cost much less. The future shines bright for these sparkling lab-created stones.
CVD Diamonds in Mumbai
CVD Diamonds in Delhi
CVD Diamonds in Shimla
CVD Diamonds in Mohali
CVD Diamonds in Surat
Lab Grown Diamond Manufacture in Surat
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harshadiamonds · 6 months
How Surat Became India’s Principal Hub for Globally Competitive HPHT Diamond Manufacturing
As cultured diamonds transform jewelry, Surat has rapidly developed into a global leader pioneering cutting-edge HPHT (high pressure high temperature) technology for producing premium lab-grown diamonds rivaling the world’s most precious natural stones. This article explores how Surat leveraged its preexisting diamond expertise to emerge as India's foremost HPHT diamond manufacturer flooding top-tier jewelry houses worldwide with scientifically engineered dazzling perfection.
Leveraging Surat’s Established Legacy as India’s Diamond Capital
For almost a century, Surat reigned supreme as the nucleus of India’s diamond cutting and polishing industry. Over 90% of the world’s diamonds are hand-finished by Surat’s 700,000+ artisans in the craft. This longstanding diamond trading infrastructure with integrated access to importers, inspectors, cutters, assorters and jewelry manufacturers primed Surat as the ideal location to introduce groundbreaking HPHT technology once techniques sufficiently perfected flawless, jewelry-grade diamond production.
In 2010, India witnessed its first homegrown HPHT diamond emerge from a Surat lab. This breakthrough sparked immense public and private investment into expanding Surat's domestic HPHT capabilities as engineers rapidly optimized reactor functionality to yield diamonds boasting color and clarity ratings exceeding 75% of natural diamond outputs. Surat now houses over twelve specialized HPHT facilities manned by experts across chemical engineering, optical sciences and physics.
Within a Decade, Surat’s Manufacturers Achieved Global HPHT Dominance
In only ten years, continual upgrading of high-pressure equipment, streamlining of reactor protocols and expertise accrued from running processes 24/7 enabled manufacturers to scale immaculate diamond outputs beyond 100,000 carats annually. Integrating cutting-edge technologies like microwave plasma reactors and customized solutions, Surat’s facilities lead global productivity benchmarks while achieving coveted D-F color grades and IF clarities repeatedly verified by gemological institutions.
Surat’s Booming Production of Perfect HPHT Diamonds Redefines Luxury
Today Surat exports over $1.2 billion in polished HPHT diamonds worldwide yearly. With skyrocketing domestic demand from India’s flourishing designer bridal jewelry sector, Surat’s labs are predicted to catalyze $5 billion in HPHT diamond sales over coming years. Surat’s futuristic reactors churn out the world’s most optically pure chemistry HPHT goods annually, redefining diamond perfection and luxury appeal at substantial value advantages cementing its status as India's leading HPHT diamond manufacturer.
Conclusion Possessing robust competencies from mine to market, Surat has unequivocally established its dominance as India’s foremost Hpht Diamond Manufacturer in Surat. With unmatched production capabilities and supply chain integration powering remarkable flawless diamond outputs, Surat reigns supreme as the principal gateway supplying the 21st century’s most dazzling and sustainable diamond luxury – a competitive advantage forward-looking jewelers worldwide must leverage by partnering with Surat’s top HPHT labs.
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harshadiamonds · 7 months
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CVD Diamonds
This is of one many areas of professional services where our firm is well ahead competition.
Harsha Diamond brings you stunning Lab Grown Diamonds and CVD Diamonds Dealer cultivated in-house using advanced chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technology. Our engineers replicate the natural diamond creation process within a controlled lab environment to grow gorgeous, ethical gems rivaling mined diamonds in quality, beauty, and brilliance.
Inside our state-of-the-art facilities, gases deposit carbon onto diamond seed plates in vacuum chambers. The resulting raw diamond material is expertly cut and polished by our master artisans into dazzling diamonds.
Our proprietary CVD techniques allow strict control over the growing process to cultivate exceptional diamonds. They achieve colorless D-F grades, IF to VVS clarity, Ideal/Excellent cut grades, and the same light performance as natural diamonds.
Our Social Website:
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/theharshadiamond
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harshadiamonds/
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/harshadiamonds/
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harshadiamonds · 8 months
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harshadiamonds · 9 months
The Sparkling Revolution Lab-Grown Diamond Suppliers Transforming the Jewelry Industry
In recent years, the jewelry industry has witnessed a groundbreaking transformation thanks to the advent of Lab grown diamonds supplier lebanon. These exquisite gems, chemically identical to their mined counterparts, are revolutionizing the way we perceive and purchase diamonds. Among the key players in this burgeoning market are lab-grown diamond suppliers. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the world of lab-grown diamonds, exploring their origin, advantages, and the leading suppliers who are reshaping the industry.
The Genesis of Lab-Grown Diamonds
Lab-grown diamonds, also known as synthetic or cultured diamonds, are created through advanced technological processes that replicate the conditions under which natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth's mantle. These diamonds are composed of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure, rendering them visually and chemically indistinguishable from their mined counterparts.
The Advantages of Lab-Grown Diamonds
1. Ethical Sourcing
One of the primary reasons behind the surge in popularity of lab-grown diamonds is their ethical sourcing. Unlike traditional diamond mining, which often involves exploitative labor practices and environmental harm, Lab grown diamonds supplier beirut are produced in controlled environments with minimal impact on ecosystems and communities.
2. Cost-Efficiency
Lab-grown diamonds are typically more affordable than their natural counterparts. This cost-efficiency arises from reduced overheads, shorter supply chains, and the elimination of the mining process. As a result, consumers can enjoy high-quality diamonds without breaking the bank.
3. Customization
Lab-grown diamonds offer unparalleled opportunities for customization. Manufacturers can control the diamond's characteristics, such as size, cut, and color, to meet the specific preferences of customers. This level of personalization has been a significant selling point for many buyers.
Leading Lab-Grown Diamond Suppliers
As the demand for lab-grown diamonds continues to grow, several suppliers have emerged as industry leaders, ensuring the availability of these stunning gems to consumers worldwide.
1. Diamond Foundry
Diamond Foundry is renowned for its commitment to sustainability and innovation. Their diamonds are grown in a plasma reactor, replicating the extreme heat and pressure conditions found beneath the Earth's surface. The result is exceptional diamonds with minimal environmental impact.
2. Ada Diamonds
Ada Diamonds specializes in crafting bespoke Lab grown diamonds supplier turkey jewelry. They have gained recognition for their exquisite designs and attention to detail, allowing customers to create unique pieces that reflect their individual style.
3. MiaDonna
MiaDonna is a brand that not only offers stunning lab-grown diamonds but also actively supports Lab grown diamonds supplier nepal-mining communities. A portion of their proceeds goes towards funding education, agriculture, and clean water initiatives in these regions, making them a socially responsible choice.
4. Clean Origin
Clean Origin boasts a vast selection of lab-grown diamonds, catering to a wide range of budgets and preferences. With a strong focus on transparency and customer education, they empower buyers to make informed choices.
The rise of lab-grown diamonds is reshaping the jewelry industry, offering consumers a sustainable, cost-effective, and customizable alternative to mined Lab grown diamonds supplier italy. Leading lab-grown diamond suppliers like Diamond Foundry, Ada Diamonds, MiaDonna, and Clean Origin are at the forefront of this sparkling revolution, ensuring that the beauty of diamonds can be enjoyed without compromising on ethics or budget.
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harshadiamonds · 1 year
Manufacturing of HPHT Diamond in Surat - A Comprehensive Study
A comprehensive study on the manufacturing of HPHT Diamond in Surat has been undertaken by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Government of India. The study covers the entire value chain of HPHT diamond industry, from mining and processing to marketing and exports.
1. Overview of HPHT diamond manufacturing in Surat
The diamond industry is a major contributor to the Indian economy, and Surat is at the center of it. HPHT diamond manufacturing is a key part of the industry, and Surat is home to some of the world's leading HPHT diamond manufacturers. This chapter provides an overview of HPHT diamond manufacturing in Surat.
2. Challenges in HPHT diamond manufacturing
Hpht Diamond Supplier in Surat is a complex and challenging process, and there are a number of potential challenges that can arise during production. One of the biggest challenges is achieving the right level of heat and pressure during the manufacturing process. If the heat or pressure is too low, the diamonds will not be able to form properly, and if it is too high, the diamonds can be damaged or destroyed.
Another challenge is ensuring consistent quality across all of the diamonds in a batch. If even a single diamond is flawed, the entire batch can be ruined. This is why diamond manufacturers must have a rigorous quality control process in place to ensure that every diamond is of the highest quality.
Finally, the manufacturing process can be expensive and time-consuming, so it is important to make sure that the diamonds are manufactured efficiently and cost-effectively. This is another challenge that diamond manufacturers face on a daily basis.
3. Importance of HPHT diamond manufacturing in Surat
The diamond cutting and polishing industry is a crucial part of the Surat economy. The high-pressure, high-temperature (Hpht Diamond Manufacture in Surat) manufacturing process is used to create some of the most beautiful and durable diamonds in the world. Thanks to the skilled workforce and innovative businesses in Surat, the HPHT diamond industry is thriving.
4. Future of HPHT diamond manufacturing in Surat
The diamond industry is evolving at a fast pace and HPHT technology is becoming more and more popular among diamond manufacturers. HPHT technology allows for the production of high-quality diamonds in a shorter amount of time as compared to traditional diamond production methods.
The Surat-based diamond manufacturing industry is expected to benefit from the growth of HPHT technology. HPHT technology offers a number of advantages to diamond manufacturers, including:
1. Superior diamond quality: Hpht Diamond Manufacture in Surat technology produces high-quality diamonds that are comparable to those produced through traditional diamond production methods.
2. Increased production efficiency: HPHT technology allows for the production of diamonds in a shorter amount of time.
3. Reduced production costs: HPHT technology is more cost-effective than traditional diamond production methods.
4. Increased diamond production: HPHT technology allows for the production of larger quantities of diamonds than traditional diamond production methods.
The Surat-based diamond manufacturing industry is expected to benefit from the growth of HPHT technology in the coming years. HPHT technology offers a number of advantages to diamond manufacturers, including superior diamond quality, increased production efficiency, reduced production costs, and increased diamond production.
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harshadiamonds · 2 years
Lab Grown Diamonds Supplier in Shimla - A Shining New Option
A new option for diamonds is now available in Shimla. CVD Diamonds Supplier is a new supplier of lab grown diamonds. These diamonds are created in a lab, not mined from the earth. They are identical to earth-mined diamonds in every way, including their quality, beauty, and durability. Shimla Diamonds offers a wide selection of lab grown diamonds, including engagement rings, wedding bands, and other jewelry.
1. Introducing Lab Grown Diamond Supplier in Shimla
Lab grown diamonds are a relatively new product in the jewelry industry. They are created in a laboratory, as opposed to being mined from the earth. This process results in a diamond that is identical to a natural diamond in every way, except for its origin.
Lab grown diamonds are a popular choice for engagement rings and other jewelry. They are often more affordable than natural diamonds, and they are available in a variety of colors.
There are a number of lab grown diamond suppliers in Shimla. One of the most popular is Diamonds by Me. They offer a wide selection of lab grown diamonds, and they are committed to providing the best customer service possible.
If you are looking for a lab grown diamond, Diamonds by Me is the place to go. They have a wide selection of diamonds in every color, and they are committed to providing the best customer service possible.
2. What are Lab Grown Diamonds?
Lab grown diamonds are diamonds that are grown in a laboratory setting as opposed to being mined from the earth. They are made of the same material as natural diamonds, and have the same physical and chemical properties. The only difference between lab grown and mined diamonds is their origin- one is created in a lab, and the other is found in the earth.
Lab grown diamonds are a relatively new invention, having been first created in the 1950s. They are created by placing a small diamond seed in a chamber filled with carbon gas. The gas coats the seed, and over time the diamond grows. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to grow a diamond in a lab.
Lab grown diamonds are a popular choice for engagement rings and other jewelry. They are often cheaper than natural diamonds, and some people prefer them because they are not associated with any negative environmental or human rights issues.
3. The Benefits of Lab Grown Diamonds
There are many benefits of lab grown diamonds, which is why they are becoming more and more popular. Some of the benefits include:
1. Lab grown diamonds are eco-friendly. They are created in a lab, so there is no damage to the environment.
2. Lab grown diamonds are conflict-free. They are not associated with any conflict or human rights abuses, like some mined diamonds are.
3. Lab grown diamonds are cheaper than mined diamonds.
4. Lab grown diamonds are just as beautiful as mined diamonds.
5. Lab grown diamonds are a sustainable choice. They can be recycled and reused, while mined diamonds cannot.
4. Shimla's Lab Grown Diamond Supplier
Shimla is a small town in the north of India that is home to a unique diamond supplier. Unlike most diamond suppliers, which get their diamonds from mines, Shimla's supplier grows their diamonds in a laboratory. This has made Shimla's supplier a popular choice for those looking for a conflict-free diamond. While the laboratory-grown diamonds are more expensive than those mined, many people believe that they are worth the extra cost.
5. How to Shop for Lab Grown Diamonds
When shopping for a lab grown diamond, it is important to keep in mind the four Cs: Carat, Cut, Color, and Clarity.
Carat weight is how a diamond is measured and is the size of the diamond. Cut is how well the diamond has been cut and includes the height, depth, angles, and other factors. It affects the diamond's symmetry, brightness, fire, and how sparkly the diamond appears. Color is judged on a scale from D (no color) to Z (a yellowish color). Clarity is how many blemishes or inclusions and is judged on a 6 point scale from included to flawless.
Lab grown diamonds are priced based on the four Cs, so it is important to know what you are looking for when shopping. Work with a qualified jeweler to find the best lab grown diamond for you.
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