harbiingvr · 5 years
2 years on & i still miss all of u guys like a dumb dumb. hope ur all doin gucci if u see this. ily.
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harbiingvr · 7 years
so i really miss rp’ing with all of you, and if anyone’s still around i’d love to put forward an idea me and my friend are doing atm !
basically, we want to open a super casual, super chill, supernatural multi-muse rp where we limit the amount of people involved ( we were thinking ten? ) but everyone’s allowed unlimited characters. i’ve already got nine planned out, and i think my friend possibly has even more. i’m posting this to you guys ( and i sent it to kori on skype ) bc ily and, if u can, i’d love for you to be involved bc i trust u guys and wanna’ rp with you again.
we’ll basically have a group chat on discord and we’re hoping to be a lil cute friendship group where we all send headcanons and plot ideas and wanted connections and all that good stuff. there won’t be a main, we’ll just make our chara accounts and deal w follows and plot drops and stuff in the discord. 
u won’t have to be active 24/7, but if you’re not very active ic it’d be nice if u could at least be active ooc in the chat, since u can get discord on ur mobile and it’d be nice to know ur still around and interested and, ofc, bonding w everybody ! like we ain’t gonna kick anybody out but if u haven’t posted in 2 weeks nd have been Silent™ in the group chat then .. .  we might ask u what’s up and if ur still interested ?
if you want in, just im me here or over at @kaldurs ! i’m obviously on my personal a lot more but i’ll log in from time to time to check here if u really don’t want to message me there. below the readmore are a list of fcs that are taken so far, but if they’re not bolded it means they might still be up for grabs if minds change !!!
phoebe tonkin.
matthew daddario.
alycia debnam-carey.
jeon jungkook.
charlie hunnam.
josefine pettersen.
kiowa gordon.
medalion rahimi.
paris berelc.
tom holland.
melissa benoist.
lindsey morgan.
becky g.
cierra ramirez.
miles teller.
jordan fisher.
selena gomez.
alex aiono.
ishihara satomi.
liz gillies.
poppy drayton.
maia mitchell.
sophia bush.
nick robinson.
evan peters.
calum hood.
dylan o’brien.
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harbiingvr · 7 years
hola to anyone who might still be around, i just wanted to drop this here real quick just to let ppl know i’m alive ! 
sorry for the huge lack of activity , i just ? really have no muse and , ofc , bc we’re all very busy it means nothing big has happened in a while & idk what i’m doing w my charas & bleh . i think i’m gonna be taking a break , like ik i’ve basically been on one already but ! this is me officially bein like , hey , i’m not gonna be actively rp’ing pals .
i’m still around and lurking tho if u guys wanna talk, i’ve got a personal tumblr, kik, discord, skype, etc and i’m super happy to give any of those to whoever wants them ! so , yeah ?  i hope this makes sense smh , i’m super exhausted as i type this so 4give me if it’s trash .
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harbiingvr · 7 years
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‘’ah come on, you can never lose something. it sticks wit’ ya. like… ah, i dunno. like– the puppy dog eyes. you always had the puppy dog eyes working for ya’, and ‘m sure you still do it now. so.. there.’’ javier shrugs, eyes remaining forward. he’s silent when hearing her speak about jackson, and he feels some part of her is right. but there’s the other part, that makes him doubt it and he lets out a small sigh. ‘’ –  life is too short to hold grudges. mm.’’ when hitting an intersection he stops, fingers tapping along the steering wheel. ‘’ i meant wit’ your personal life, mija.‘’
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          “ I’ll have you know I rarely use those these days... Well, I didn’t use them until I started having to convince Andi to eat that awful hospital food. ” She rests her head against the window, the cool surface providing a brief respite from the growing warmth of Rosewick, “ life’s too short to forget who family is. ” She moves to sit upright at the mention of her personal life, ocean hues widening slightly in surprise, “ me? Oh, not much. ” She plays it off, fiddling once again with her ring and shrugging slightly, still unwilling to share truly personal information ( not only about her fiancé but about her sister also ) with the man in front of her. “ It took a long time to get back on track after I came back but... Everything feels better now, optimistic. How about you? ”
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harbiingvr · 7 years
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‘’ i mean, i’ve gotten lost at one point with you before. so i know the feeling.’’ javier actually laughs, and he’s not able to fight the smile that comes across his features.  ‘’THEM being happy to see me ?? i don’t think so.’’ looking to her, he’s serious for a minute before his features soften. opening his mouth to say something, he immediately shuts it and turns forward once more.  talking about the past, it makes him almost miss it. but.. he knows what he’s here for, and he can’t get distracted. ‘’ what have i missed ?? ‘’
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          “ See! Terrible. I used to be much better when I was younger, but I think I just lost it. ” Gentle hues glance to look out of the window, the landscape of Rosewick passing them by piece by piece. “ Why? Because you’re Anarchy now? So was Jackson, and we were still happy to see him... If anything, his death has made everyone a little bit more forgiving. ” She turns back to look at him, absently clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, “ a lot, but I’m not the best person to fill you in. Laurel could probably do a good job! ”
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harbiingvr · 7 years
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dark eyes watch carefully as she gets into his car, his lips curling slightly. so since being away, he HAS been plotting his revenge– but it wouldn’t be now. it’d be later, much.. more down the road. snapping out of his thoughts, he turns to her a look of confusion flashing across his face briefly. ‘’– hm? oh– yeah. i do, i passed by it on my way here.’’ starting the car up, he starts driving down the street– eyes remaining forward.
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          “ Oh, good! Because I’m terrible with directions, I think I’ve gotten each of the Roses lost at least once. ” She maintains her bubbly, vapid persona, doing what she does when she’s usually out in the field, doing what she does when she’s with the enemy. “ Have you seen any of the others? They might be happy to see you, you know? It might be nice of you to say hello. ”
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harbiingvr · 7 years
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‘’ si, quite late– i know.’’ already, he’s making his way back to his car– getting into the driver’s side and making sure he’s.. all settled. trying to keep up his ‘nice’ act, he leans over and opens the door for her with a nod. ‘’ just figured i’d help ya’ get there, a little more quicker y’know. walking at a time like this in rosewick, apparently is BAD.’’ eyebrows raise in a dramatic effect as he lets out a laugh, an innocent smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
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          She doesn’t trust him, which is rare for someone of her optimistic outlook, but she’s well aware that those with bloodstained hands seldom live easy lives. Despite her unease she plasters a bright smile upon her lips, greeting Javier as if he were the same friend she’d had years ago, “ you’re right! No point putting myself in any unnecessary danger. ” Though she knows they’re both aware she can perfectly handle herself come rain or shine, the blonde slipping into the passenger seat and allowing the door to close with a much more menacing click that she would’ve liked. “ You know the way, right? ” She chirps, looking at him with bright eyes that refuse to reflect the dull ache she feels inside.
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harbiingvr · 7 years
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the mention of andi did cause the gang member to soften abit, and he let out a sigh. coming into town, he heard the news about it. the death of jackson. suicide attempt of andi. it was all a shit show. ‘’such a shame. about what happened with jackson.’’ in a way, he did grieve over the loss of his fellow gang member– who happened to be dating Andi before. ‘’ give andi my wishes when you see her next.’’ eyebrows raise in a questioning manner as javier looks her over, and he can’t help but nod. ‘’’ really ?? you seemed a little unsure when i pulled up and i saw you eyeing my gun. but come on, i’m doing patrols– just lemme give you a ride home. ‘s least i can do for an OLD FRIEND..’ 
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          “ Yeah... It was... Heartbreaking, to say the least. ” Admittedly, the blonde hadn’t had a chance to mourn her old friend; or, at least, hadn’t really allowed herself to in the midst of caring for everybody else. “ I’ll pass on your message, I’m sure she’ll appreciate the sentiment. ” Despite her gentle tone Dominique was still visibly tense, even more so once Javier proposed, once again, that he give her a ride. “ Okay, ” she stated, knowing immediately it was a naive decision though not wishing to upset him, “ but I’m not going home, I’m going to the library... Like I said, I was planning on working quite late. ” A lie. She’d planned on going home, running herself a bath, and holding her head underwater for as long as her lungs allowed, but that didn’t seem to be on the table anymore. 
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harbiingvr · 7 years
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‘’ patrols, y’know– all that fun gang stuff. question you should be answerin’ is what are you doin’ out here ?? ‘’  dark eyes watch her every movement in case if she had anything on her of that sort, and he had learned well enough to never fall for the ‘’innocent’’ act. ‘’ i’m not here to hurt you. trust me, if i wanted you dead.. you’d be dead. just wanted to know why you were walkin’ out here alone ?? maybe i can help give you a ride.’’ 
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          “ I just visited Andi, thought I’d get some fresh air on the way home. ” Absentmindedly she fiddled with her engagement ring, a new coping mechanism she seemed to have developed over the past few weeks, and one she was thankful for now. “ I didn’t... Think you were here to hurt me. I’m fine! Walking home, I mean. It’s not too–––– ––– ” She paused, wary to reveal the details of her home address to someone she knew, despite what he said, wouldn’t mind causing a little harm to her, “ I'll probably just work late. ”
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harbiingvr · 7 years
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he recognizes from miles away, and well– it’s hard not to recognize her. before things went to hell, anytime javier would look at her– he’d get.. giddy. giddy wasn’t a word to quite describe what he was feeling NOW, but he pushed his emotions down and kept that cold guard over his face as he drove up. eyebrows raised slowly, he studies the blonde the familiar blonde before  parking his car. he opens the door and gets out– slowly making his way toward her with one hand on his gun. ‘’ hello, dominique.’’ 
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          The voice shoots out from the dark unexpectedly, the blonde turning to face the last person she’d have expected to see. An old friend. An ally of the man she’d killed. Azure hues widen in surprise but she remains stoic, a cold sweat running along her spine as she notices the gun, “ Javier. ” The blonde had been lucky until now, her loved ones having forgiven her dark misdemeanour, but perhaps it was because they weren’t close to her victim... The man in front of her, on the other hand, was a dear friend of the dead man. And she was concerned her luck was running out. “ What... What are you doing here? It’s a bit late to be out, don’t you think? ”
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harbiingvr · 7 years
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          it killed her. every fucking time the blonde moved through the doors with worry lines taking over her face, it killed her. not because of devlin – hell that was the last thing on her damned mind at this rate, but because of the fact that she almost left her, that all this time, andi gave the blonde shit for leaving her after faking her death and then andi went and tried to do the exact same thing without the faking part. “ i’m fine with lime, ” she said quietly as she took it into her possession, taking a deep breath as she shook her head. “ i think i’m capable of opening the top. although hearing that story makes me a little worried about your second in command title, ” she teased with a small smile before it disappeared. “ dom —– i’m sorry, ” she finally muttered, her fingers playing with the tab to the jello top.
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          “ I may be a woman of grace and poise, but I can still elbow myself in the face every now and again. ” Perhaps Dominique knew she was working overtime, working as hard as she could to smile for both herself and Andi, hoping that her infectious optimism would start to catch. She reached out a hand, placing slender fingers atop the brunette’s, beaming grin shifting into a much more subtle, understanding smile. “ Don’t be sorry, ” she hushed, placing the jello cup down and using her newly freed hand to brush some hair from Andi’s face, “ I’m just happy you’re still here, with us, alive. ” She retracts her hands for a moment, taking a deep breath before she makes eye contact and speaks again, “ I want you to know... You’re never alone. I never want you to feel like... That’s your only option. I want you to know I’m here. Always. ” 
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harbiingvr · 7 years
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          it was actually shocking to most – how quickly the garcia woman managed to push herself out of the coma that doctors predicted could last weeks, maybe even months but it only took the woman nicknamed killer to pull herself out of the coma after only ten days of being under. she was on constant watch; although no one would admit to it being called suicide watch, she was more than aware as to why there were nurses constantly guarding her room. “ unless you have more jello, i’d like to be alone, ” she muttered before finally looking up to meet the others eyes.
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          “ It’s a good thing I brought some then. ” The blonde raised her hands, two cups of fluorescent green, hospital grade jello sitting in her palms as she shifted herself onto the edge of Andi’s bed. “ And if you don’t like lime, I snuck some strawberry and orange in too. ” The odds of Dominique leaving once she’d made herself comfortable were unlikely; she’d spent the better half of two weeks relentlessly worrying about her friend, and she wasn’t about to allow what little time they might’ve had to be taken away. “ You need help getting the top off? ” She began, handing a cup to the other, “ I always end up elbowing myself in the face. ”
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harbiingvr · 7 years
sorry for not being around guys, i’ve just been feeling super self conscious of my writing lately and, ofc, that kills my motivation completely. hopefully i can get out of this funk soon, but i’m about to go visit a friend for a few days so i won’t be around until at least thursday, possibly longer. i’ll get to any ims i have soon, so pls don’t think i’m ignoring u or anything i just .. . . feel like crap tbh. hope u’ve all had a lovely week so far. <3
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harbiingvr · 7 years
Those men think I’m purely decorative, and they’re fools for not knowing better.
Zelda Fitzgerald, in a letter to F. Scott Fitzgerald (via peterrpiper)
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harbiingvr · 7 years
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harbiingvr · 7 years
She had a way of seeing the beauty in others, even, and perhaps most especially, when that person couldn’t see it in themselves.
J.K. Rowling (via goodreadss)
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harbiingvr · 7 years
          @ethcrevl .
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          “ Céline?! Céline? ” The blonde’s voice was unusually loud as she ran throughout the hallways, knocking on doors and yelling her younger sister’s name until her voice was hoarse. She hadn’t seen her in the lobby, nor heard from her since the elevator and, despite her typically optimistic nature, expected the worst. “ Céline, are you here?! ” Her fears only grew as silence became her lone reply, stopping in frustration and furrowing her brow, mainly to stop from crying. What kind of sister was she? What kind of friend was she to have let this happen to those she loved? She couldn’t even keep Devlin safe, this entire event seeming to be a simple demonstration of how useless she proved to be, whatever the role. If A had hurt Céline... Dominique wasn’t sure what she would do, though she was certain it would be the final straw.
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